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- On February 19, the Russian Ministry of Defense recorded 1 case of hostilities and ceasefire violations in the Idlib region in the past 24 hours;
- More than 5,800 people died as a result of the earthquake in northwestern Syria, according to Syrian officials;
- More than 40,600 people died as a result of the earthquake in southern Turkey, according to Turkish officials;
- On February 19, Israeli warplanes attacked Damascus city with several missiles. Five people were killed and at least 15 others were wounded.
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Je ozaj už najvyšší čas niečo urobiť pre to aby Sýria vyhnala okupantov z USA zo Sýrie!!! Turecko by sa konečne malo spamätať a pomôcť Sýrii v tomto boji s teroristami ktorých vyzbrojuje a cvičí darebácky štát USA. Veď tí istí a samí teroristi útočia aj v Turecku!!! Erdogan by si tým mohol polepšiť svoje preferencie ak by ukázal, že chráni civilistov pred Kurdskými teroristami.