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- Syrian Interim President Abu Muhammad al-Julani met with Cypriot Foreign Minister Kostantinos Kombos in Damascus;
- SDF arrested three ISIS suspects in city of Raqqa;
- SDF launched a campaign of arrests in Darnaj area;
- Seven civilians reportedly killed as a result of the explosion of war remnants east of the city of Idlib;
- Clashes between the SNA and SDF continued near Tishrin Dam;
- Clashes between the SNA and SDF continued near Qaraquzaq bridge.
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trump openly said to erdogan
1. stop talking shit about israel and i will give you rojova but u will be best friends with israel.
2. if you continue talking shit about israel, i will not let you and i will stop you on rojova way.
3. if u do not listen me as i am the president of usa , you will be fired from nato and i will make nato great again
trump will make nato great again
then nato would be the greatest if he bombed traitorous russia into the stone age. maybe in five years there will be one smart democrat in the white house who will do it.
bashar assad deserves to be cut into kebab by the turks.
i am having issues posting here. i will blame this on the khazars.
they do not like question marks
keep away from certain words. ‘ar – hole’ use ‘asshole’. anything to do with porno, even a funny, steer well clear of. there’s a complaints portal too. howlers will go there to shit on anything that upsets them 😢😢😭
usial column filler .. irrelevant.
the political situation in syria is relevant as it impact,s on the security of the middle east and keeps publicity centred on zionist endeavors to expand into a “greater israel ” playing it down plays into the hands of israel unless you are a zionist –are you ?
security? they sold out their allies for a few square kilometers of ukraine. secret deals and treason are the second and third names of russia.
has traitorous russia no shame?
not this kremlin crowd 🕎
why did it have to destroy the country if assad had to go anyway? to make them hate him even more? that 2/3 of the population is at risk from mines? that the country will need 50 years to recover economically? what was the goal? greater israel?
i didn’t order the mass, but in a church in croatia they will pray for the collapse of russia on sunday, it says on the church door. someone obviously paid for the black mass. i don’t go to church and i don’t believe in god. but since my family grave is next to the church doors, i see the inscriptions on the church doors. since i’m not on the best of terms with the priest, i won’t be attending mass, even though i’d like to.
(part one of a three-part series)
first published on april 10, 2011. outstanding analysis by dean henderson
the wall street journal reported on april 7 [2011] that the syrian government reversed a ban on women teachers wearing islamic face cover in the classroom. the concession to western-backed islamist protestors is instructive, since the secular socialist assad government is clearly in the crosshairs of city of london bankers attempting to redraw the political map of the middle east
as in libya and afghanistan, the banksters are counting on fundamentalists to carry out their counter-revolutionary agenda.
though western intelligence had earlier cavorted with islamists in attacking nationalist movements in iraq, indonesia and iran; it was in afghanistan where they unleashed the full force of their young frankensteins.
in april 1978 daoud was killed in a popular revolution led by socialist leader nor mohammed taraki, who became president and embarked on an ambitious land reform program to help poor afghan sharecroppers, who were traditionally forced to work land owned by the king and his cronies.
taraki built schools for women who were banned from education under the monarchy. he opened afghan universities to the poor and introduced free health care.
miki – the first person here who talks sense and knows history. can only conclude miki is not from uk, usa or australia! well said mate
when counter-revolutionary bandits began to burn down universities and girl’s schools, many afghan’s saw the hand of the cia. as the campaign of sabotage intensified, kabul revolutionaries called on soviet leader leonid brezynev to send troops to repel the bandits. brezynev refused.
in 1979 pro-taraki militants, convinced of a cia destabilization plot, assassinated cia kabul chief of station spike dubbs.
indeed, in april 1979, a full seven months before the much-ballyhooed soviet “invasion” of afghanistan occurred, us officials met with afghan warlords bent on overthrowing taraki. on july 3, 1979 president carter signed the first national security directive authorizing secret aid to afghan warlords. carter national security advisor zbigniew brzezinski said he convinced carter that in his “…opinion this aid was going to induce a soviet military intervention.
taraki appointed tabizullah amin as cabinet minister in charge of land reform. amin, who soviet kgb chief yuri andropov came to believe was a cia deep cover agent provocateur, launched a brutal campaign of terror against political opponents. this turned world opinion against the tariki government. andropov believes the cia had amin infiltrate the kabul government intent on discrediting the revolutionaries.
taraki traveled to moscow to consult with the soviets on a strategy to get rid of amin. the day he returned to kabul, amin had taraki executed and seized power. a few weeks later cia-backed warlords massacred dozens of afghan government officials in the western city of herat. the combination of these two events finally convinced brezynev to send troops into afghanistan.
in december 1979 soviet tanks rolled across the panshir valley, while kgb operatives stormed the royal palace in kabul. they assassinated tabizullah amin and installed babrak karmal as the new leader of afghanistan.
brzezinski now had the justification he’d been looking for to begin overtly arming counter-revolutionaries in afghanistan. though the afghan conflict killed two million people, brzezinski (image right0 later boasted, “that (carter’s secret directive) was an excellent idea. it had the effect of drawing the russians into the afghan trap.
cia agents streamed into peshawar in pakistan’s northwest frontier province. the city lay at the foot of khyber pass, the gateway to afghanistan. tens of thousands of afghan refugees had flooded into peshawar to escape the looming war. with help from isi, the cia scoured the refugee camps looking for modern-day islamic fundamentalist assassins who were prepared to intensify the guerrilla war on kabul’s socialist government and now, to repel the soviets from afghanistan.
the company found what it needed in hezbi-i isbmi, a force of feudal-minded islamist fighters assembled and trained by the pakistani military with cia oversight. their leader was gulbuddin hekmatyar, a fanatic who in the early 1970’s had ordered his followers to throw acid into the faces of afghan women who refused to wear their burkhas. in 1972 hezbi-i isbmi murdered hundreds of left-wing students in afghanistan then fled to peshaw
rather than a mass, pay a bunch of tajiks to find and slaughter assad. it will take the country 50 years to recover from a war that he ultimately lost. if he had won, i wouldn’t hate him now. so i wish him all the worst in the world and genocide against the alawite religious community too. but i used to admire him… now i just hope some tajiks come and douse him with gasoline somewhere and set him on fire.
there was a time when there was a journalist named leith abou zaid fadel. i liked sf at that time. after last december, i only want one thing. that isil would throw assad into a machine for the production of beef feed. then, like bone meal infected with mad cow disease, we would feed he to cows and bulls.
so when will elections be held?
to the jewish owned media : just call syria greater israel , you know you want too !