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- On February 8, the Russian Ministry of Defense recorded no cases of hostilities and ceasefire violations in the Latakia region in the past 24 hours;
- More than 2,600 people were killed and more than 3,500 were injured as a result of the earthquake in northwestern Syria, according to Syrian officials;
- More than 9,000 people were killed and more than 11,000 were injured as a result of the earthquake in southern Turkey, according to Turkish officials.
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Russia must launch everything while they have electricity and communications. Launch now. Reverend king mlk warned that the tyrants would come a killing and they have announced their intention. Strike First.
MLK was a faghot, not a king, imbred shitskin
1. kikerael is the dragon in Revelation
2. brit-am is the beast in Revelation
The People: “Who is your God?”
the kikes: “we are your god, elohim”
brit-am: vaxx time for everyone, get your mark of the beast
Estonian Spy Agency: poo tin is playing for time.
Me: poo tin should play for time by addressing 1. financial flows with BRICS, 2. Military.
1. Finances – Leverage BRICS, use less poo tin and pavlovs lavrov because it repels Investors. Use Germany instead.
2. Arms Production & Supplies – Find The Strongest Ground Forces in The World, plus The Highest SQs in The World.
This will give more time, and anything done in haste will be another disaster.
brit-am kikerael has already lost, it clearly states in KJV and is corroborated in Al-Quran.
Strategically, inability to leverage Al-Qaeda and National Socialism, and True Kamikaze is not a good path to walk on.
1. Read the Takenouchi Documents
2. Start using AI to map Paternal Bloodline YDNA Haplos to Biblical Geneaology