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Military Situation In Syria On January 19, 2018 (Map Update)

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This map provides a general look at the military situation in Syria on January 19, 2018:

Military Situation In Syria On January 19, 2018 (Map Update)

Click to see the full-size map

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MD Ranix

with these zio morons eliminating one another, will make the superheroes syrian coalition’s work lighter and victorious

Weldon Cheek

Just realized that the syrians only have control of one major water source!that cant be good?

Rüdiger Preiss

?? what are you talking about? There’s plenty of water, especially at this time of the year. As long as the terrorists don’t poor diesel or other nasty stuff into it.

Weldon Cheek

This map shows only 3 water sorces,probably dams?i saw a video about latakia though that has loads of water so must be wrong.

Rüdiger Preiss

Hama, Lake Qattinah & Orontes river in Homs, Safita Lake and lots of water around Tartus, Lattakia, Barada Valley, Anti Lebanon, Zarzar Lake and the valley into Serghaja, As Suweidah has several dams, the Northern / Mt Hermon part of Golan Heights (Arne valley etc.) and not to mention vast parts of the Euphrates and lake Assad itself. These are just the few that come to my mind :)

Weldon Cheek

Well done,i could only see 4 on the above map,now i know im not going to worry about it no more!


Clearing the Idlib pocket is going a lot better than many people expected. The eastern area is already sectioned off by the government having fire control over the bottle neck. They may be leaving it open on purpose to empty out the remaining fighters. Once it’s cleared they can push to the Turkish border and let the Turks deal with the retreating terrorists. At that point the war in western Syria will be almost over. With surplus forces available to overwhelm what’s left in the smaller contained areas.

It’s interesting that the SDF has made almost no gains east of the river since the government backed off on their offensive in eastern Syria. And it looks like the Isis pocket south of the highway west of the river has been shrinking.


Well, eastern Idlib area is not cut-off but de-facto cut off or literally cut off which means pretty nothing.

Bill Wilson

I’m still amazed that ISIS managed to get re-established there after supposedly destroyed by the SAA. Guess they snuck thru and hid in the ruins to avoid detection.


I would think that the US needs to keep her ISIS proxies East of the Euphrates for two reasons, an excuse to stay in Syria and to put pressure on the Iraqi and Syrian forces that could be deployed elsewhere .


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You can call me Al

Agreed; but I have a feeling, a gut feeling, that the US are going to be very disappointed.


That will be a day of celebration for me Al.

You can call me Al

and me – we should have a party !!


We certainly will.

Ryan Glantz

The Turkish boarder is hemorrhaging supplies and personnel right into the shadow government’s proxy terrorist armies. Sealing off the Deep State Turkish caliphate scum boarder needs to be SAA’s #1 long term goal.

Graeme Rymill

“It’s interesting that the SDF has made almost no gains east of the river”

Perhaps because ISIS are fighting back hard? “At the present time, heavy clashes between Coalition-led forces and Islamic State militant continue to take place across a stretch of the eastern Euphrates shore running between the towns of Gharanij and Haijin.”


You can call me Al

Take that pocket South of Khanasser …. but little by little. #

What does irritate me is the big black ISIS blob near DZ – drop a Father of all bombs on that and job done.

Bill Wilson

Drop a bomb on what? There’s nothing out there except one main road and a smattering of tiny villages. Same with the two areas next to the Iraqi border that ISIS fighters fled into. Best thing the SAA and SDF can do is to slip in and poison any known water wells in those regions then let the local tribes know about it.

You can call me Al

Exactly, with the exception of poisoning the water, which I would never condone…….. food, air is another thing though.


de-facto cut off doesn’t sound much authentically or convincing…


De facto, nor does your lame argument :)

Ryan Glantz

Well would you look at that, the only growing ISIL pocket is connected to Turkey.. hmmmmm… The SAA needs to prioritize sealing the boarder with Turkey asap or face the militants and Daesh getting resupplied with personnel and equipment.


green and black color don’t matter. In reality they are the same color.

Ryan Glantz

Either way, Turkey is the only nation that’s openly aiding the raping headchoppers right now. It’s obvious.


The Syrians need to continue their patient, methodical siege warfare against the US head-chopping, heart-eating rapers, not give pretexts to the Sultan or the zio-fascists or their Caesar.

Ryan Glantz

Your sentence is confusing. Can you clarify please?

Bill Wilson

Jesus Christ, can’t you come up with anything better than that drivel?


The US has waged this six year war on Syria using proxy armies , Al Qaeda and ISIS . Now Turkey is “unofficially” attacking Syria in Afrin , using their FSA . Its now time that Syria created its own proxy army , in order to drive the US out. Plausible deniability . Turkey attacks the new “Kurdistan” , and Syria reclaims its oil fields from the Yanky thieves .

Ryan Glantz


Astar Roth

Seven years.

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