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Military Situation In Syria On July 10, 2017 (Map Update)

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Syrian government forces are pressuring on ISIS terrorists in the areas east of Hama and southeast of Palmyra. The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are sotrming the ISIS-held city of Raqqah. The situation in southern Syria remains relatively calm following the announcement of the US and Russia-backed ceasefire in the area on Sunday.

Military Situation In Syria On July 10, 2017 (Map Update)

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Trustin Judeau

Now allegedly SAA will begin some battle for the desert and I suppose it will be from Humaymah area towards Bukamal . Here is one source that reported this https://twitter.com/IvanSidorenko1/status/884229091834163200


Morning , your source got blanked out …. Thought they had taken T2 ?


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Is the USJewSaudi endgame to cutoff the Syria-Iraq border completely, thus severing Damascus and Hezbollah from their Iranian allies?

If so, they’re already halfway there. USFSA units are already entrenched at Al-Tanf and not going anywhere. There’s no way to get them out of there without Russia striking US forces and starting WW3.

So, with the southern route between Syria and Iran cutoff, only the northern route remains (highway 4 along the Euphrates). But this area is currently controlled by ISIS. If the USFSA get there first, wouldn’t this permanently cut the land link between Syria and Iran? Very dangerous situation for Syria now…

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