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Military Situation In Syria On June 21, 2017 (Map Update)

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This map provides a general look at the military situation in Syria on June 21, 2017. The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are storming the ISIS-held city of Raqqah. The Syrian army and its allies are attempting to advance near Palmyra amid intense clashes with ISIS.

Military Situation In Syria On June 21, 2017 (Map Update)

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SAA needs to find a solution for Homs-Hama border region quick and get to DeZ, idlib terrorists can start fighting at anytime. PMU has to clear the border region very soon and have SAA (or allies) enter Iraq to attack ISIS from the rear. Either as soldiers or ‘advisers’ as the NATO bloc like to call them.

Wahid Algiers

Right, when the Idleb traitors will awake again, well supplied by the Turks, it will be very hard to keep all fronts successfully. Through a Homs and Hama purge the frontline would be shortened and well prepared for taking Deir Ezzor province and southern Raqqa parts of Euphrate River. These steps would assure that none will fall in the rear and supply lines. A rear attack on ISIS positions eastern of Deir Ezzor city is a goog idea simultaneously with the expected attacks from the “Palmyra units”. All energy fields then would be taken.

Solomon Krupacek

the turks, the bestial turks are already moving:

in north


and in south


already the saa nad russians sleep. as always.


True, Have as many fronts with ISIS that they don’t know where the real attack comes from :)


I’m not a military man and admittedly I have trouble understanding which game the loyalists are playing. These “de-escalation” deals seem to imply that you are not going to contest at all the re-arming and re-grouping of your enemy. As if SAA and Russia take some perverse pleasure in fighting the same goons again and again. These are largely the “moderates” which refused an amnesty deal for capitulation, right? Is there really a better solution for them than just killing them all off?

If you want to chase them away then it must be back home, to NATO territory. Send them elsewhere in Syria, and they’ll come back to shoot at you after some R&R.


They need to get to sukhnah already I dont get what’s the holdup?


It will be another d-day if they just pushed into it Sukhnah. It has many hills. Hence they had to chose the American road in At-tanf and clashed with them their instead and again chose to take another road which is Raqqah’s blocked road and then again clashed with US allies

Wahid Algiers

Turkish troops arrive at northern Aleppo to fight Kurds. Look at al Masdar news.


So perhaps the pincer maneuver will be better


Its heavily defended and to take it, you need the mountains as well, SAA don’t want to go to far and gent attacked from the rear.


Ah I did not know this. Perhaps a good couple solid hours of aerial bombardment will soften up their defenses :)))

Dustil schmit

Busy playing games in Darra and other front lines instead of deir ezzor


Lol yea well hopefully they can do all this and have enough troops to get to dez simultaneously!


T2 should be retaken already , as you say this window of time will not last long . The border must be closed , the PMU’s seem to be bogged down as well . 50 degree heat does not help . But lads get on it .


It’s their land so their bodies are conditioned to it. I think the problem is a logistical issue, unable to move troops and supplies as frequent and consistent as they would like. Iran is the key here.

Solomon Krupacek

already 2 months is running the big offensive to free DEZ. and stiil no remarkable changes on map between palymar and DEZ. hurry, hurry, saa and russians! uncle sam will take the city :(

Wahid Algiers

Right Solomon, but be aware that they first had to cut off the southern access from at Tanf AND to clear the nearby routes to secure the main push. It is a mountainous region left-handed of the route and ISIL rats were “housing” there everywhere same as right-sided of the route strongly defended by these fanatics (e. g. T3). But now I am wondering what the push against Souknah is waiting for? All fighting and supply units had jammed the streets of Palmyra the last two week. What is going on there?

Solomon Krupacek

look, the army is motorized and does not need only roads. tanks, bmps, jeeps are ablo to forward everywhere. i am only afreid, that they will lose dez. and this woild be the most unhonestly for heroic defenders.

Wahid Algiers

Absolutely right Solomon. These heroic defenders mainly of Rep. Guard and Hezbollah now need a sign. A clear sign that they will soon drink a fine tea with the connectors to them.


my worry….ISIS is not stupid, they have to do more


I am wondering this too, maybe they are trying to come up with a good battle plan or more intel


Souknah should be surrounded and seiged , with the main corp moving on , to Ezzor

Brad Isherwood

Yes. …where are the Helicopters. IMO,…this is the one key asset which has not be used effectively and of low numeric. Imagine 80 Attack Helicopters with jammers and thermal imaging/night targeting.

Next is Airborne divisions/Special forces air operations. Russia could have secured several key areas ….IE. ..No 2nd Fall of Palmyra. Small airports such as T2….you recon and estimate what ISUS could immediately Respond. …have counter strike/defence planning and air logistics plan for that. Maybe you grab T2 and nothing happens….there were no ISUS around to contest, US could not move ISUS fast enough. I’m thinking the ISUS/FSA numeric is low vs the area they supposedly control. SAA operations build up slow…US Sat coverage has a high %perspective where they are going. ISUS set up ATGM lines in layers. …SAA just roll into a kill zone. Air mobility would change the tempo of this war and create more encirclements

I give Russia a C- for its area battle management plans in Syria.

Bill Wilson

The US has been in control of T2 for quite some time. ISIS was using the abandoned airbase as a munition depot until the US/FSA chased them away. The SAA is too inept and chicken shit to advance on their own so their generals refuse to do anything unless the Tiger Forces or others are leading the charge. I’m sure that the defenders of Deir Azzor have a low opinion of the SAA in general and would be perfectly delighted to see the SDF ladies militias come rolling in from the north kicking ISIS ass along the way.

Brad Isherwood

Syrians totally screwed themselves over by the Color revolution run on them By Empire. Over the years…Regional tribes would only fight on their Turf. They were as trickster as the F’ing Kurds who kneel to perform for Uncle Shlomo. Syria of today has organized resistance which if directed properly, Can overrun ISUS and FSA/ARVN Russia and Iran need to step up their participation and support. The tempo is to slow. ….ISUS /FSA are low numeric… Just drive over them.


U know, u have a very negative attitude about this war. Always pessimistic about SAA and optimistic of the enemy. This is not what a good general or commander uses to win

Solomon Krupacek

no, iwas optimisic in the beginning. but now i am sceptic (not pessimistic). i see so, that saa is an impossible group, russians fight with half-heart (excellent beginning, then stop) and allowed americans to enter syria. so, today left no chance to win. division of syria is no win for me.


I agree with you partly. The SAA has a problem and that problem is that they lose momentum quickly when they are on a roll. When they liberated palmyra, it took many weeks to even clear the city, this made them lose momentum and allowed Isis to regroup. Also, when they advanced in the Al-Tanf province, they did not kept on going and they stayed there, settling with what they have gained. Opportunities such as these only come around numerous times during a war and the SAA hasn’t been able to manage that.

northerntruthseeker .

I agree, but the reality is that they had to secure the area around Palmyra while there was still a large amount of US-ISIS forces operating in the area…


You’re using a manoeuvre warfare paradigm in a war of attrition. Advance, consolidate, repulse counter-attack until the US head-chopping, heart-eating rapers are too feeble to resist and only then begin rapid manoeuvres.


Its not over till I say its over!!! Lol


You just got promoted !


:)))) many thanks!!


Yeah the more success Russia has with its allies, the more timid they seem to become–what’s with that? The most cynical theory I’ve heard is that a unified Syria would give Iran pipeline access to the Med, and they don’t want that energy competition. If so, then they’re thinking big and yet not big enough. Iran is no existential threat to Russia; US aggression is.


And what you are doing ?

northerntruthseeker .

It has taken this long to secure the Palmyra area and to have the Tiger forces prepped for theri advancement towards Deir also from the north… Patience, for that attack is coming now that the SAA at Palmyra has been heavily reinforced with Hezbollah and other allied forces…


I think once Sukhna is retaken, things shall be easier, the problem is that SAA isn’t capable of having the same strength across all fronts, Russia can and reaching the border helps in having other militias to put extra pressure in the desert. Palmyra – Dez road is heavily defended and has to move slow, other fronts aren’t as defended.

Bill Wilson

Haven’t you realized yet that most of the SAA is inept and cowardly? They’re unable to advance unless someone else is leading the charge and taking the hits.


The whole world is unhappy about US led coalition terrorism.

There is no fight between FSA, SDF, YPG, HTS and ISIS because they are US proxies. The real fight is between SAA and US proxies.

When distance between SAA and Deir Ezzor City reduced to 20 Km then world will see all FSA, SDF, YPG, HTS and ISIS along with US led Coalition forces will be present there surrounding Deir Ezzor City.

northerntruthseeker .

The entire “coalition” is a fraud to begin with… They are the real terrorists….. The entire premise is no longer for regime change in Damascus, but to break up Syria into smaller “nations” including a Kurdish one…

Bill Wilson

The whole world could give a rat’s ass about Syria anymore.


Is it possible for the SAA to reach Raqqa and liberate it before the Kurds?

northerntruthseeker .

Not realistic.. The Kurds are already in Raqqa…

BUT.. The SAA should proceed eastward towards the Euphrates to cut off the SDF’s attempts to go further south towards Deir Ez-Zor… The SAA Tiger forces should also move southward and link with forces proceeding north from Palmyra and thus cut off a large amount of fraud US-ISIS forces still operating in the far western side of Homs Province…

Dustil schmit

How in reality will they get cut off be serious here they can launch an airborne mission or boat op and cross Euphrates and block SAA.

Bill Wilson

The SAA ain’t gonna do shit except sit on their ass where it’s safe.

Bill Wilson

The Sissy Arab Army doesn’t have any balls so won’t advance until their adversaries have already withdrawn.

Wahid Algiers

No, Raqqa is surrounded by the kurds for many weeks and nearly taken.


Not unless the US head-chopping, heart-eating rapers do a deal; highly unlikely.


No , unless you have 20,000 troops to throw in . Tiger Forces will advance on Deir Ezzor from the north .

Sylvain Jeuland

Can’t wait the Ithriya-Resafa highway taken back by SAA, then that frontline shortened. Then a Ithriya-Palmyra frontline, then a North-South Resafa-Palmyra frontline. Sure that will be difficult to implement.

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