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Military Situation In Syria On November 23, 2017 (Map Update)

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This map provides a general look at the military situation in Syria on November 23, 2017:

Military Situation In Syria On November 23, 2017 (Map Update)

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to fight and resist the evil zionists ,the evil zionists rothschild’s evil israHell and and the evil crypto jews house of saud in saudi arabia wahhabia ( who’s king even adressed all the UN and arab countries and requested from them to recognise and accept israHell as a country) and their allies’s control/occupation of governments and the arab land of palestine and its neighbouring arab countries, to fight and resist those jews is to fight to remove them from governments and economic power without removing them out from these positions wars will continue and their scheme to establish a one global government control would be all set . they (by us who are fighting them and only by us ) must be removed from these positons in order to get international peace progress prosperity and a good better and more positive dialogue between all countries and their peoples who their own peoples will lead and decide (israHell saudi arabia and pkk-rojava-peshmerga-kurdistan could be excluded for their evil role of their tyranny and the logic of them even being recognised as countries) what to do by and for themselves. manage what their internal and foreign affairs to other countries and people’s would be and not led by some private jews’s monopoly organisation who wages wars on whoever they want and whoever bans rothschild influence and rothschild’s-controlled banks into their country! History wasn’t written in ink It was written in blood. Reporting The Truth http://www.smoloko.com

John Brown

You haven’t got a clue. You have to get ride of the federal reserve Jewish dollar as the petro dollar and the global reserve currency to collapse the racist supremacist global Jewish slave empire which the Russians and Chinese finally understand and are working on right now. When this happens the USSA will go into a severe depression and it’s military will collapse faster the that of the Soviet Union did and they won’t even be able to pay for food for their solders especially in military bases outside the USSA. It won’t be long now.


Oh FFS! The zionists are evil but they aren’t Jewish, they’re secular, fascist antisemites; only zionist trolls are still maintaining the pretence.


The Jewish religion used to believe in monotheism. But now, their descendants worship the nation of Israel. The new golden calf. This golden calf kills monotheists.


Oh dear, there can be a world of difference between what people say and what they do. Quite a few people who call themselves Jews are liars who use the style and dignity of religious profession as a fig-leaf to disguise their crimes against humanity, crimes against peace and war crimes. Please don’t fall for zionist lies about religion.


How is it possible that Tiger forces coming form Al Mayadin has not be able to reach Al Bukaman ? Whatever ISIS forces are in their way, I do not see any justification at all.

Eskandar Black

There are many villages along the way. The villages are fortified, there are land mines, tow missiles, snipers, suicide vehicles, and ISIS artillery. It not as simple as it may seem. Also, the road between al mayadin and al bukamal if captured would trap 500+/- ISIS fighters in a pocket south of the river, so ISIS will fight hard to slow the SAA advance.


I understand you try to find a justification. However, I can’t find as a justification. There must be something else not related with fighting-weapons-army since Russia support can be as strong as they want to, and Russia can pulverize any ISIS resistance in the way.


A cautious tactic would be to liquidate by-passed areas first.

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