- HTS and Turkish-backed militants advanced on the western outskirts of Aleppo and cut the M5 highway;
- Iran’s IRGC announced that one its General was martyred in the western Aleppo city;
- The US illegal base in CONOCO facility was targeted by a rocket attack;
- Syria president Bashar Asad met with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Moscow.
never trust the turks
this is the second kursk offensive simply to distract russia, russia’s opponent is running the operation behind closed doors.
but what will putin do? more parades and rocket tests or will he actually use the weapons appropriately to destroy the enemy?
putin is a showmaster russian idiots, king of bla bla bla, nothing else. he sunk to the bottom, even totally fucked up nk have to help him out. the world is laughing to him
lwow english tuition classes no frucken good for right sektor juniors i see. vanya is laughing to you . . . . . , and me. 😄😄💣
do not fall into devil trap, unite and fight for liberation of palestine and jerusalem. don’t let trader turks or white boy club use you. have some dignity and honor you brainless apes.
this decade will be their demise.
so thats where the “turkey wants to restore relationships with syria” stuff went to i guess. turkey is back to supporting and using al quaida as their military.