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- On April 25, the building of the State Security Ministry of Transnistria in Tiraspol was shelled with rocket-propelled grenades;
- On April 26, two explosions rocked a broadcasting center in the village of Mayak. Two largest antennas were disabled due to attack.;
- On April 27, shelling of an ammunition depot in Kolbasna;
- Large-scale movement of military equipment in Romania towards Moldova was reported. The total contingent is estimated at up to 8,000 servicemen.
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Video of one of the attacks
Funker 530 is a CIA directed propaganda outfit that aims at keeping happy active and former US Military Personnel
“building of the State Security Ministry of Transnistria in Tiraspol was shelled with rocket-propelled grenades;” Oooooh, HUuge!
Transinistria is part of moldova, time to kick out russian occupiers.
Fuck heraus hans raus.
*hans anus
Rump Ukraine – has a nice ring to it… what will the poles leave Zelensky?
Go eat a dead Ukro-Nazi cooked in a T-62 Tank !!
Moldova is part of Romania, time to kick out German occupiers. So are West Crisana, Northern Bucovina, the Izmail, the Herta, the historical Maramures and Snake Island, BTW. So, time to kick out the Hungarians and Ukrofascists as well.
Kind of fractal like. Transnista is a breakaway within a breakaway.And maybe in some loose sense Romania is a breakaway of the Roman empire.
And when you think about it, Roman empire is kind of a breakaway from Remulus (who was killed in the founding of rome), and those two brothers are kind of a break away from their parents who abandoned them
You’re the one who should be fired from wherever you’re trolling, motherfucker!
It’s joint peacekeeping by various troops, moldovan, RU, Ukr, and trans under OSCE mission. I thought people in Tel Aviv would know this.
You will eat your own words hoholnazitrash.
It seems like Tiraspol started a general mobilization on April 21, I guess the local population didn’t like that and that may be why some of the grenade attacks happened. Local unrest over a draft and unwillingness to fight for a cause they don’t believe in.
Also very nice interview with Albania’s pioneering LGBT activist Xheni Karaj, one of the first LGBT activists in Albania and winner of a recent award by Civil Rights Defenders.
I knew you were a leftist cunt, too focused on trannies and rainbow flags. I bet your PC has rgbtq lights too
It came from Ukraine cunt
Keep your crusty ass bitches and gtfo, we’re here for warfare information
I earn way more than that by just sitting on my ass reading about the Ukraine war, gtfo
So how many hypersonic thermobaric missiles will it take to exterminate the entire Romanian Polish force?
I highly doubt that Romanian force will march on anything other than the Romanian presidential palace. Speaking as a Romanian war veteran with a lot of friends still in the military, I can say that nobody in the Romanian Armed Forces likes NATO or the EU. There almost was a coup two years ago, when the libtards suspended the constitution on the pretext of covid and since then, the libtard government has been heavily defunding the military. This is likely some diversionary move to disperse troops away from the capital, as the Romanian military is extremely unhappy with the EU and NATO support for Ukraine, which is committing genocide against Romania in North Bucovina and Izmail, Romainian territories occupied by Ukraine since 1992.
Romania is far more likely to invade Ukraine than Transnistria, likely under the guise of a “peacekeeping” operation, but once that happens, I wouldn’t be surprised if Ukrainian officials start getting assassinated, or intel gets “accidentally” leaked to the Russian forces. If we do take Moldova, it will be against the wishes of the EU, which wants to fragment us even further, as they threatened to turn us into the next Yugoslavia if we refused to join NATO and the EU.
Recent statements from Moldova have aggressively rejected any cooperation with Ukraine in regards to invading Transnistria, stating that the only acceptable solution for the Transnistrian conflict is a peaceful, diplomatic one. And Moldova is very heavily influenced by Romania.
This could be either a sign of the libtard government caving to the military and preparing to invade Ukraine itself, leading to a possible unofficial alliance with Russia, or a move to disperse troops away from Bucharest.
This is what I said from the very beginning. The situation you describe is the same in most european countries.
The governments are not of the people. And if you look closer at them, then you’ll see who they truely are. They are of jews. These jews are at the highest positions in all european governments, and their economies, justice systems, medias etc. Beneath them are some local traitors and collaborateurs. That’s why the gigantic covid-scam and massive poison-injection project was able to be executed in whole europe in the first place.
And that is the dire highly complicated situation we’re facing today.
On the western side, governments hated by the people and controlled by the jews and managed by collaborateurs and traitors of the people.
And on the other side the russki invaders, with russia too being controlled by jews, managed by collaborateurs and traitors of the russian people. And russia controlled by jews and the people their oppressed and brainwashed into believing that jewish UDSSR has anything to do with russian way of life, or russian honour. Already since 1917 russia is under jewish occupation. So in fact it is not “De-nazification” and “De-militarization” that the world needs, but it is simply a final and full “De-Judarization” (Entjudung) of the entire world, west and east, north and south !
We need to De-Jewdify the world for the sake of mankind and its survival ! It’s that simply. These parasites – they are “the real virus” destroying mankind and planet earth making us all sick with their lies, corruption, money-fraud-systems, poison, stupid-wars, greedy satanic politics, and JWO/NWO world-domination ambitions! These creatures are the enemies of God !
We need to De-Jewdify the world ! That is the only thing that will bring peace, freedom, humanity and prosperity back to the people all around the world.
It sounds to me that Romania needs to make a deal with Russia, something that may result in Moldova returning to the Motherland. But from what I can gather from your comment, you first need to take care of business in Bucharest. The problem you have with your own(ed) government reminds me of the problems the Ukrainian people have (most without even knowing about it) with the junta in Kiev.
6, nuke tipped.
This could be Russian doing it to themselves. Lukashenko let it out of the bag when he had Moldova on the war map. There are at least 15,000 Russian Troops there now and now they have called for mobilization. They have helicopters, tanks. This will be no walk over for either Romania, or Ukraine.
I just don’t know what Russia’s intent might be. Do they wish to attack Odessa from two fronts? Three fronts if they also tried a naval landing. Do they want to occupy more of the Coastal regions along the black sea taking a bigger piece away from Moldova?
I don’t believe this nonsense about Romania amassing troops along the border. I just don’t believe it. Romania has done everything it can to stay out of this conflict and now all of sudden they are openly going to invade Transnistria? With only 8,000 troops? This would certainly lead to war with Russia. Why would they do such a thing?
Russia could send a message to the West for its provocations, that couldn’t be used for propaganda, by targeting its terrorist groups working in Africa. The terrorist attack at night where they can be tracked by light and heat detecting cameras. You assume that it’s not civilians traveling in the dark.
There’s an ammunition depot there correct? Arm an all Russian peoples defense force of locals that can at least try and defend themselves until the slow crawl from the DPR arrive. WTF, or are they just going to allow themselves to be steamrolled.
You communist loving scum. You should try some years in wakuta lead mine, or some stalinist gulag before praising these jewish scumbags and their dumb as shit collaborateur forces. The steamrolling which already occured was that which the satanic judeo-bolshewic propaganda obviously did to your brain ! It was russia that invaded ukraine, and by this kicked loose all the shit that is now coming avalanching on you, and sadly also the rest of the world. Lots of governments tried to stop this madness, and warned, but most people are much too stupid to understand that it is jews on both sides pushing the christian nations into senseless war. Also the slovakian president, telling the truth in the one way (see here: ), but again not adressing that the hypocrite USA and EU as well as RU and communist China are ruled by cryto-communist (west/wallstreet etc.) and openly communist (RU & CN) jews and their collaborateurs and traitors of the native people.
you nazis are getting totally fucking steamrolled in Ukraine. Have fun meeting hitler in the afterworld. Tell him I piss on his grave
Worst case is they can flood europe with 2+ million Trans refugees and RU can blow the stockpiles. Soldiers of the OSCE peacekeeping should be able to leave westward under protection of Moldova and get returned to their respective nations.
After the Ukrainian junta collapses things can be returned to the normal order again.
America’s Ukrainian proxy war against Russia is just one more example of the decay and decline of the American and of the corrupt cabal controlling the U.S. regime.
Time to nuke Romania and Pooland.