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MARCH 2025

Military Situation In Ukraine On April 10, 2022 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Ukraine On April 10, 2022 (Map Update)

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  • Russia attacked the headquarters and base of Dnepr nationalist battalion in Zvonetskoe with a high-precision sea-launched missile;
  • Russia attacked UAF positions near Starobogdanovka with a high-precision air-launched missile;
  • Russia attacked Chuguev military airfield with a high-precision air-launched missile.


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Hey Zelensky here. I come to to you at a most dire time. Almost our entire mechanized force is completely destroyed. We are losing dozens, sometimes hundreds of vehicles in a single day. Online trolls hardly make up for the fact that we don’t have any equipment left, please, it’s time for the USA to send in it’s main army into Ukraine because we aren’t going to last over here….

Last edited 2 years ago by Zelensky

We have a rainbow haired army and a skinny jeans army. Which one you want


We’ll take the female activists with 2 mothers please. That way we can put the propaganda spin on the entire conflict of how Californian Lesbians are single handedly destroying 25 Russian jets per day together with the Ghost of Kiev.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zelensky

Russia lost the north-east portion of the territories they failed to conquer. Just wow.

Not many people realize the US and Europe try to destroy white people, they want to genocide every race and have a priority list of who they wish to kill in a particular order.

The tranny shit is a method used in the jew’s genocidal agenda. They want a world with a population less than 500 million people.

For example:

Revelation 7 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation%207&version=NIV

Georgia Guidestones https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDnmSK185Uo

Some else’s audio recording: https://t.me/TheLittle_Things/197


Last edited 2 years ago by Gunth3r
Arzt Injektion

All the Ruling Class in Ukraine is Jewish, as is much of the Russian including Putin himself by some accounts. What do we see going on? Christian Slav killing Christian Slav. Both sides seemed determined to drag this on as long as possible. Too bad people would not get wise and point their guns in the right direction.


Russkiy Mir

I’ve wondered for a while now how all this bat shit crazy Russian propaganda can be believed by anyone. then I heard about Rusky Mir or Russian peace/world this is a political ideology that Putin has coopted. it claims Russian supremacy much like the Nazis Arian Supremacy (so all you non Russian, Russophiles if Russia takes over the world you’ll be fucked) anyone who disagrees with this Fascist world view is labeled a Nazi (which is why they say Ukraine is full of Nazis, not the Nazis we think of in the west, but to Russians Nazis are people who disagree with the Rusky Mir ideology )

The idea of Russian supremacy is why they cant admit that Russians could ever make a mistake as the master race would never make a mistake. and even if they did it doesn’t matter because all us non Russians are mere plebeians compared to our Russian superiors. This seems like a dangerous ideology much akin to Hitler’s Fascist ideas of Arian supremacy. and look what that led too.

Here is a short write up on this evil and miss guided ideology from wiki

Putin era Eventually, the idea of the Russian world was adopted by the Russian administration, and Vladimir Putin decreed the establishment of the government-sponsored Russkiy Mir Foundation in 2007.

A number of observers consider the promotion of the Russian world concept an element of the revanchist idea of the restoration of Russia or its influence back to the borders of the Soviet Union and the Russian Empire.[9][10][11]

Other observers described the concept as an instrument for projecting Russian soft power.[1] In Ukraine, the promotion of the Russian world has become strongly associated with the Russian military intervention in Ukraine.[12][13] According to assistant editor Pavel Tikhomirov of Russkaya Liniya [ru], the Russian world for politicized Ukrainians, whose number constantly increases, nowadays is “simply ‘neo-Sovietism’ masked by new names”. He reconciled that with the conflation of the Russian world and the Soviet Union within Russian society itself.[14]

Politicization Russia’s president Vladimir Putin visited the Arkaim site of the Sintashta culture in 2005, meeting in person with the chief archaeologist Gennady Zdanovich.[15] The visit received much attention from Russian media. They presented Arkaim as the “homeland of the majority of contemporary people in Asia, and, partly, Europe”. Nationalists called Arkaim the “city of Russian glory” and the “most ancient Slavic-Aryan town”. Zdanovich reportedly presented Arkaim to the president as a possible “national idea of Russia”,[16] a new idea of civilisation which Victor Schnirelmann calls the “Russian idea”.[17]

Russian Orthodox Church On 3 November 2009, at the Third Russian World Assembly, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow defined the Russian world as “the common civilisational space founded on three pillars: Eastern Orthodoxy, Russian culture and especially the language and the common historical memory and connected with its common vision on the further social development”.[18][19]

Russkiy Mir is an ideology promoted by many in the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church.[20] Patriarch Kiril of Moscow also shares this ideology; for the Russian Orthodox Church, the Russkiy Mir is also “a spiritual concept, a reminder that through the baptism of Rus, God consecrated these people to the task of building a Holy Rus.”[21]

Reception Around 500 Eastern Orthodox scholars signed Declaration on the ‘Russian World’ Teaching on 13 March 2022, calling it an “ideology”, “a heresy” and “a form of religious fundamentalism” that is “totalitarian in character.”[22] They condemned six “pseudo theological facets”. Those condemnations concern: replacing the Kingdom of God with an earthly kingdom; deification of the state through a theocracy and caesaropapism which deprives the Church of its freedom to stand against injustice; divinization of a culture; Manichaen demonization of the West and elevation of Eastern culture; refusal to speak the truth and non-acknowledgement of “murderous intent and culpability” of one party.[23]

The Economist states that the Russian world concept has become the basis of a crusade against the West’s liberal culture and this has resulted into a “new Russian cult of war.” It says that Putin’s regime has particularly debased the Russian world concept with a mixture of obscurantism, Orthodox dogma, anti-West sentiment, nationalism, conspiracy theory and security-state Stalinism. It based this analysis on Putin’s first public speech after the war started where he praised the Russian army, using Jesus’ words on love as a laying down of one’s life. He also referenced Fyodor Ushakov, an admiral who is the Orthodox patron saint of nuclear-armed long-distance bombers. Putin recalled Ushakov’s words: “the storms of war would glorify Russia.” The Economist also pointed to Patriarch Kirill’s declaration of the godliness of the war and its role in keeping out the West’s alleged decadent gay culture, and to the priest Elizbar Orlov who said that the Russian special military operation in Ukraine is cleansing the world of “a diabolic infection

Last edited 2 years ago by Simon

sounds FUcked. I wonder how many Russians have been brainwashed in the last 20 years? I guess this is why Putin is trying so hard to wipe out the history that says a Scandinavian united the slavic tribes and founded the Russ. how degrading id that to have a subhuman nordic person as a founder of your nation!

The Chronicles

Rurik left God forsaken Scandinavia after they started letting boys wear dresses and call themselves Birgitta.


Lmao this is rich. Every single newscaster in every country in the western sphere of influence is reading off the same teleprompter with claims that get debunked in under 24 hours, but now paid trolls are now trying to spin it as if Russia are the propagandists. Get the fuck outta here nobody is buying your crap. Perhaps you would have had a bit more credibility if you didn’t come up with wild claims like Ghost of Kiev on a daily basis. Sorry but you shot yourself in the foot when it became obvious just about 0% of the info that comes out of kiev is reliable.


Aryan and Arian [Christianity] are not one in the same. Alani by the way is an Iranian dialectal equivalent of Arya.

“Nearly all the Alani (Sarmatians) are men of great stature and beauty, their hair is somewhat yellow, their eyes are frighteningly fierce.” — Ammianus Marcellinus

“Celts, Scythians, Thracians; all these people are described, in sharp contrast to the ‘civilized’ Greeks, as being much taller, their skin lighter and with straight light-coloured hair and blue eyes.” — Oltean, Ioana Adina (2007)

Threads started by Jan Lamprecht. A video of Jan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IFQ1OlQL5A&t=5s Jan’s website: http://historyreviewed.best

Did Hitler consider Slavs / Eastern Europeans to be “Subhuman” or racially inferior? https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=12690&hilit=nuremberg+laws

In the meantime, some related threads:

“Master Race” / Herrenrasse / Herrenvolk – a deliberate mistranslation https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?t=12400

Black people / Africans in the “Holocaust” / Rhineland Bastards https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?t=12342

Myths about Generalplan Ost and Lebensraum https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?t=12639

Were Americans more anti-Semitic than anti-German during WWII? https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?t=12464

Last edited 2 years ago by Gunth3r
Boxing Day

You really need some help, dude. Do they still have mental health facilities where you are, because in America, we just give them five bucks and a bus token and point them to the nearest cardboard box.


eat shit


Take your meds or get a real job and your Russkij Mir obsession will go away. Or perhaps you should start a Ucranium counterpart to your fantasy. O wait! That describes all existing Ucrapian mass media. What is the Ghost Of Kiev bullshit alone worth!?


Fortunatly, Rrussians dont live in your sick mythomniac head….



Last edited 2 years ago by Gunth3r
Antoine Bigou

Berg ere pas de tenation que poussin teniers gar dent la clef pax DCLXXI par las croix et ce cheval de dieu j’acheve ce daemon de gardien a midi pom mes bleues


Aside from your preoccupation with bombing your own civilian population and using them as human shields, Joe Biden, Tony Blinken, Boris Johnson and the rest of the faggots running the West really want to know if you’re going to do that homo dance in a skin tight body suit and stripper heels again in Brussels after it’s all over.

What say ye, Mr Zelensky?

Last edited 2 years ago by WillieBrennan
Disco Dance Fever

With that nifty new green T, his best bet is to start up a new Village People band and sing and play the piano about the groovy happenings in the YMCA locker room.


The Pretzeldent of Ukrainia then ended his speech with: “Hey! Who likes my ctotch and high heels? Lets Daaaance!” Or, some heard him say instead: “He who does not like to dance with my crotch is a Moskal.” He spoke truer than he knew.


Chemical Weapons Attack spotted: 19:42 9.04.2022. #Rubischne fr.de/panorama/soldaten-news-ukraine-krieg-ostukraine-donezk-luhansk-mariupol-russland-angriff-donbass-militaer-zr-91462179.html#id-pageApi-chemieunfall


These Ukro lunatics are really going to repeat Syria-style false flag ”chemical attack” .


And this time without using the fake white helmets.

All Bets are On

I think any Brits trapped in Azovstal are thinking hard about emulating that Brit white helmet organizer and throwing themselves off a smelting tower.


Would that make Pig Iron?

Arzt Injektion

Yes, “Maniac here, coming for you.”

The Grim Reaper is knocking on Azov's door

Maniac kaput. Tried sleeping with the fishes but the fishes threw him back out. They have standards.

The Grim Reaper is knocking on Azov's door

Why not? They’ve already accused Russians of decapitating Russian POWs.

All Bets are On

That didn’t make any sense. Oh, you’re talking about Ukrainian press releases. OK, now I get it.


Gullible airhead.

Last edited 2 years ago by ¥_¥

Your destiny….


A Fellow

Well, I guess that confirms the Dnipro chapter of Azov. So with that, and the Kyiv chapter, Mariupol won’t be the end of them. “Disarming and denazifying” has been shelved.

The Grim Reaper is knocking on Azov's door

It’s a tough job but somebody has to do it.


(INFO) news.google.com/search?q=Chemieunfall%20when%3A1d&hl=de&gl=DE&ceid=DE%3Ade


Spamming stupid shit won’t make it true, no matter how hard you or the western media try.


bravo russia ;-( die stärkste armee der welt versagt gegen die ukraine u. muss sich schmachvoll zurückziehen..


Wenn die offensive in der ost ukraine startet wird von rückzug keine rede mehr sein


Zu wenig Mann. Die russische Armee hat weniger Mannstärke als die ukrainischen Kräfte vor Ort. Entweder man ändert das (Reservisten, Wehrdienstpflichtige) oder man macht Schluss.


Die Ukr armee ist ein sehr gutes bischen demilitaziert. Keine flieger horste, kaum flieger, hubschrauber, und SAMs. Panzer flotte fast total schrott. Es ist reduziert das est jetzt infantrie mit artillerie gegen eine moderne kampf kraft ist. Mannstaerke hilft hier nicht so viel; die meiste werden cannon-fodder.

SS Galizien SBU

Can’t you guys help an admirer of all things German? I’m running on empty here.


The best news in a while: a new commander of Russian forces.

Hopefully now we will fix the Big Three problems:

#1 not enough men for the plan, even a simple defeat of Ukraine in the south requires 400,000 men. Other ambitions will require more.

#2 Not destroying the infrastructure: Ukrainians should not be able to watch Netflix and play Elden Ring. The power needs to be shut off. Also destroy the government, but spare Zelensky. A real man would have already defeated Russia, they don’t want to replace the actor with a real man.

# stupid objectives: the objective of this war should be attaching predominantly Russian areas to Russia, not vague psychological objectives like denazification and neutrality.

It’s amazing how stupid Putin has been: blinded by his romanticism and Christianity: If you don’t want to hurt and anger people, don’t start a war. If you start a war fight to win with everything you have.


not amazing how stoopid you are—-ameerikan obviously


You don’t understand this operation at all, probably a life time of glorying western military fighting goat herders and men with sharp sticks, relying on pure destructive bombardments to “win” has left you brain dead and unable to accept reality anymore.

Hey how’s Afghanistan these days….left much behind?

FYI I do not hate the American people, some of them still try to fight the good fight and show and prove that you shouldn’t judge a nation by their leaders or the actions of other people that call them selfs Americans, such as that slithering shite Mitt Romney and others.

I’ll copy and paste a much better post to shut stupid asshole like you up…gimme a min to find it.

Haha what are the chances, it’s a reply to you in another article…

Original credit goes to -Z-

“Good morning sunshine, here have a cup of coffee…

This is a game, to change the shift in power to the east, while highlighting and exposing the US regime and their absolute disrespect and use of all NATO nations for their own survival, to prove to certain countries/nations, what the US regime is really like and how deep their conquered proxy countries within the EU are. Every NATO country has an installed slave leaders and accomplices, with double citizenship and more. Look it up, some evidence is even found in the Western news. Even as recent as today haha. Go check it.

Seeing is believing, no amount of data/information is as good as watching this unfold live , before your own eyes and those of your people; for nations that aren’t under installed governments. The few that remain.

Watch US buy all the oil it makes the EU NATO sanction off, watch the EU-nato cripple itself on behest of the survival of the US and it’s crumbling economy, the masters must survive: that is the agenda.

Watch Ukraine cripple itself while the blind western civilians cheer it on, its like watching a crowd cheer a man on while he grates his own flesh off to cook it and eat it, until there is nothing left of him.

THis is a game, to change the global power over to the eastern nations, those with resources and more, slowly and slowly…Putin…mother fucking genius master mind…is changing the game with Russian allies a like.

So…none of this could of been achieved without Ukraine unable to post its bullshit, which in turn fuelled the western MSM and their wicked actions. The western Masters and its MSM thinks it’s hitting home runs….haha…it’s scoring own goals too busy admiring their propaganda machine….too busy not analysing how it back fired like fuck. Without any of this, the eastern countries wouldn’t have gotten a wake up call…. without power and internet etc (I.e.playing Elden ring and watching Netflix) this wouldn’t have hit as hard as it did to wake the world up. There wouldn’t be a narrative for Russia to do what it does best…win!


Achieving Neutrality of Ukraine was never the aim, the game was…and well fucking played.

NATO member countries are a lie, they aren’t countries, they aren’t nations, they have no leaders that govern a sovereign nation…they are an illusion, they are slaves to the US. Expendable assets to be called in and used when ever the true ruler comes calling.

There is so much more to cover…

What is lost so far is irrelevant and incomprehensible in the bigger view of the future and what this has done to permanently shift the power. Countless of life’s will be saved due to this.”

Last edited 2 years ago by ¥_¥

I’d take literally everything we hear at this point in time with a grain of salt. We don’t really know whether the commander who’s in charge of the Syria operation has been appointed to Ukraine. But I do agree with you that Ukraine should have gone medieval on day #1. Power should have been cut to the entire country. The war would have quite literally been done in a week tops.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sunny

Every point you make is irrelevant.

You claim that Russia should Spare Zellerboy because Russia doesn’t want a real leader yet you call him an actor? How can an actor do any leading? What will removing him or sparing him do exactly if he ain’t running shit?

Confused much? I think so.

Who let the rookies from the CIA’s retard division out of their padded rooms?

What the fuck?

Where are you from?

Last edited 2 years ago by WhosHidingAtTheAzovPlant

mostly nonsense.

they could use more troops.

As far as expansion beyond Donbass, a strip between Donbass and Dnieper needs to be a buffer zone. Either it does not come with any security guarantees, or it fully goes into Russian control until Russia has deemed the nationalist extremist groups in Ukr no longer a threat and no longer supported by the Ukr government. When this happens it can be returned.

Odessa and points west may need to be taken, as these areas have been pouring through weapons shipments from proxy war participants. It would also be very useful as a highly valued bargaining chip, as it’s the only area that would keep Ukr from being land locked.

Could'a Would'a Should'a

If he’d known how deviant and deceitful the west was, he’d have closed the book on Ukraine’s little fascist fanfare 8 years ago.


That may be a fair charge.


Of course more soldiers are needed in the South, and more will, from what I can gather, soon be deployed there. How many is anyones guess at the moment? Putin is a master tactician and can play the long game if he has to. Patience is a virtue, something we need to remember. Also keep in mind what Kadyrov said about Putin, that he has already planned 100 years ahead regarding the future of his beloved homeland. An amazing fact. Everything comes to he who waits.

The Ukraine is destined to return to the Motherland one way or another, of that we can be sure. The stats don’t lie. Russia has vast resources and powerful allies. China knows full well that if Russia were to fall to the Evil Empire of NATO and its underlings, they will be next. The way things stand right now, Russia does have a great advantage, they can inject new troops from anywhere along the border and soon also from the Black Sea.

I feel confident that the objective of this military operation soon will reach the correct conclusion, resulting in a complete victory for the noble Russian nation and its brave soldiers with a restored Novorossiya and peace for all the people of ancient Rus.


Almost thirty years ago I said to a party of Liberals and Jews drinking a toast to newly independent Ukraine: “Too early. Ukraine will come crawling back.” How right I was and how lucky that they shunned me from then on, making the air cleaner and my thinking straighter.

Suck it up now assholes! You know who you are. I hope you are there on the frontlines fighting now for what you wished for and welcomed then.


Armchair quarterback!


the nazi hillbillies in Oregon trailer parks experts at failures…your comments delight me


Russians are dying like rats. The great pathetic leader does not care about the lives of his men. They are all expendable. Of course Ukraine is doing its best fighting this war defensively and inflicting asymmetric casualties to the invading hordes. Russia is superior in terms of fighting technique, but the stupidity of its army compensates for that superiority. As a brave Ukrainian warrior has mentioned, they are getting tired of killing Russians


Hey, Zelensky here. The copium in this post is pretty obvious, please post higher quality disinfo or I’ll have you fired. Thanks.

Don Scrotus

Purposeful median of sunset makes number two wash for contact. Do not commodity for seashore in the exine masses. Sweaty balls in face for life.


Hey zelenksy can you please fire him so he can get a life


If killing the enemy is tiring, then the Russians must be just exhausted, because they have been ripping the Banderpites up for six weeks. Still no counter-attack of any kind from the Ukrotard army, the third largest in Europe with significant conventional forces prior to the Russian operation. Seven weeks ago the failed Ukrainian CIA project was trying to get into NATO, regain control of Donbas, take Crimea and advance their kooky atavistic ultra-nationalist ideological program. All gone bye-bye.


That’s why they should use airpower while the troops are in transit. It’s less tiresome if you do it from the air and at 300 mph, and while they are in transit.

Could'a Would'a Should'a

That’s why US troops never break a sweat. They just bomb anything that moves or might move or even thinks of moving from the air, including kids loading groceries to deliver to invalids, then roll in on Winnibagos.

Oh, I’m sorry. Was that a whataboutism moment? Please censor me.

Arzt Injektion

Not quite true. There have been several attempted counter strikes on Kherson but they have all ended badly. My personal opinion? I think Zelensky and Putin have an agreement whereby the nationalist forces will all be eliminated. Zelensky has very little control over the armed forces. They do not obey his orders at all.

Could'a Would'a Should'a

Even Klitchko admitted he has no control over them in Kiev. It’s like those nazi freakoids have turned Ukraine into Mad Max land.

PS: I tried writing Kyiv but my keyboard bit me. Ouch! There it went again.


I believe the last Nazis in Stalingrad died in a steel factory too. History repeats itself.


Your faggot leader even twerps like a useless faggot.

Muhammad your Prophet

They attack UFA positions and the UFA shots down the Sukhoi Su-34 Russian jets. The Putin cockroaches can’t do anything other than launch high precision missiles. The S-300s can afford to take the hit while they decimate the Russian jets. https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3453824-ukraine-army-shoots-down-russian-su34-fighter-jet-near-mykolaiv.html


Say hello to the Ghost of Khuyev.

Joao M...


Lesco Brandon

Russian precision weapons have been the only real success for Russia in this war. Despite having very sophisticated SAM systems Ukraine has not been able to stop these strikes. Hopefully this is sufficient deterrent factor that keeps the Nato Nazis from getting involved directly in the war i.e. Russia can reach out and touch you anywhere in the world and there is nothing you can do about it.

Having said that, Russian ground operations have been absolutely pathetic. I’ve written enough about this on SF already.


moron feminized hillbilly in oregun sodomized by taliban envious of big bad Russian

Arzt Injektion

Funny how Zelensky said he wanted to turn Ukraine into a “Greater Israel.” Actually there is a historical precedence for this. Perhaps he seeks to restore the Khazaria of old? I have been following this war since the beginning, and all the national battalions are being abandoned and slaughtered to a man. Not just in Mariupol, it is happening all over Ukraine.

How stupid can these Astro Turf Nazis be? How stupid can they be? Do they not see how they are being set up?

We have to come up with a better name to, because anyone that has studied German National Socialism understood that there number one enemy is was Jewry. So how do these “Nazis” reconcile do the bidding of Jews? Not just Zelensky. Poroshenko, Kholomosky, Tymoshenko, they are all Jews. It gets even more comical because the Germans also considered Slavs to be Untermenschlich, “Sub Human.”

I am really trying to understand the underlying ideology. It seems to me that they only thing these groups share is a hatred of Russians.

Neonazis fed by former Trotskyites. Good grief.

Little does Zelensky know that the totally anti-semitic neo-nazi freakoids are only tolerating him for good PR with the West and most of all the 80% semite neocons that feed them weapons. Once that’s over, his goose is cooked. Miami, better roll out the gefelta fish buffets. You have guests coming.

I’ve heard Tyahnybok rant about the Jews. Biletsky too. Zelensky’s living on borrowed time.

Oh, sure. They might tolerate Kolomoisky longer, mostly because he’s one of them in mindset and knows how to sucker the IMF for billions and spread the loot around a bit to the neanderthals.

Last edited 2 years ago by Neonazis fed by former Trotskyites. Good grief.

Russians are getting pretty good at finding stuff and blowing things up.

That donated S-300 didn’t last very long. https://t.me/asbmil/1009 They went czecked it out and it done gone for good.

Neonazis fed by former Trotskyites. Good grief.

That quick, huh? Kudos

hans raus

fake news from ruusian propaganda telegran chanell, dream on russobot. desperation level from russians is high…that means that ukraine doing well

Arzt Injektion

The enemy is not the Russian, nor the Ukrainian. The enemy is the one who manipulates events to get each side to kill each other: https://www.bitchute.com/video/9BwlPcotX7ec/

All Bets are On

Gee, I wonder who that could be.

Arzt Injektion

Russian Tank Shell meets Volksstrum point blank range: https://t.me/anna_news/27881


taco meat for dogs

Arzt Injektion

The SF map is not accurate. The force around Izium has much considerably further South past Kalmanya and approaching Dolyna.

Arzt Injektion

I think the “battle for Donbas” is going to be anti-climatic. I have seen a lot of videos of surrendering Ukrainian troops and they look to be in really bad shape, starvation levels of bad shape. The Russian MOD is playing up a recent “Battle” near Topolskoe, Kharkov region but there was no real battle at all. The Ukrainian troops saw the approaching Russian tanks and surrendered.

I think you are going to see a lot of mass surrenders. Sorry to disappoint those looking for the “biggest battle since WWII.” It isn’t going to be that at all.

All Bets are On

I’ll just bet that Zelboy tries to pull a Porko and negotiate a Minsk III at the last minute. Borrell will ‘guarantee it’ too, I’ll bet. LOL

I’ll bet even more that Russia will never fall for that hollow gambit again.


250 ukrobots went to bandera a few hours ago. Again… More to follow. May they rest in pieces…

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

An Islander a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Russia is gaining ukrobots are draining 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺


Full military power of Russia+co has been on Mariupol and it still has not fallen. Cyborgs.


sodomized by taliban u think like all amerikan lgbt


Russia—150,000 soldiers vs 600,000 ukrops and their anglo nazi mercs lost 1/3 of its territory to Russia—no truce until economy dead—predicted to decline by 45% 2022 world bank and thoroughly denazified….nazis in alabamy cry seek lgbt therapist to address trauma due to overwhelming Russian dominance

Last edited 2 years ago by Yuri

Blow all bridges on Dnieper and target all RR locomotives to force crops to be sold through Russia is something to consider.

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