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- On April 12, Russian artillery units fired on six strongholds of the 24th Ukrainian separate mechanized brigade near Popasnaya. As a result of the strikes, more than 120 personnel, 11 armored vehicles and 14 vehicles were destroyed, according to the Russian MoD;
- On April 12, the Russian Aerospace Forces hit 38 military facilities of Ukraine, including the Toshkovka ammunition depot in the Luhansk region, as well as 8 areas of concentration of Ukrainian military equipment in the villages of Glazunovka, Pyatigorsk and Prishib in the Kharkiv region;
- The Ukrainian Buk-M1 anti–aircraft missile system was destroyed near Novomikhailovka;
- The illumination and guidance radar of the Ukrainian S-300 anti-aircraft missile system were destroyed near Zolotarevka;
- According to the Russian MoD, two UAVs were shot down near Ochakov and Nikolaev;
- DPR forces claimed control over the seaport in Mariupol;
- On April 11, about 100 remnants of the UAF surrounded on the territory of the Illyicha plant attempted to break out of Mariupol. Air and artillery strikes foiled the attempt;
- Fierce clashes continue near the town of Mariinka and north of Avdiivka;
- The AFU repelled another assault of the LPR units on the city of Severodonetsk;
- Russian forces foiled an attempt of the AFU to counter-attack in the area of Izum;
- Members of one of the territorial defense units stopped a column of civilian vehicles near the village of Zdvyzhivka in the Kyiv countryside. At least one of the vehicles was targeted by fire. 5 civilians, including a child, were killed;
- On April 12, Russian cruise missiles destroyed an ammunition depot and a hangar with Ukrainian aviation equipment at the Starokonstantinov military airfield in the Khmelnytsky region;
- On April 12, Russian cruise missiles destroyed an ammunition depot near Gavrilovka, Kiev region;
- According to the Russian MoD, two UAVs were shot down near Berdyansk and Melitopol.
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This is missing the counter attacks that have been launched on Belgorod. Seems relevant to the RF logistics.
When doves cry?
Also missing the counter attack on Kherson. Or… have those still not happened after an entire month of reassurances?
Dear chap Ukraine is finished and as President Putin correctly said, Russia will continue its noble mission.
Sad, you one dimensional paid trolls from UK and US troll farms have been posting quite pathetic and desperate trolling one liners for a while now, it is sad that no one takes you trolls or the Ukrainian racist Nazis seriously. Ukraine is Russian land and Russia is asserting its legitimate noble cause. No one in the world now really cares about Ukrainian lies and total fabrications after their war crimes were exposed.
Millions of people around the world demonstrated against the genocidal US and NATO war on Iraq, not a single person in India or even a dozen people in the west even came out to support Ukraine. You trolls also need to take a break. Russia will win. JAI RUS!
Slowly but surely the war will be won. There is absolutely no doubt about that. For this war is just and not evil. Unfortunately the most evil beast of this world, Nato, is getting more and more involved in something that is of no concern of theirs. This evil organisation has outlived its purpose and must be destroyed for the sake of humanity. This will also be achieved before too long. Then when this demonic entity has been eliminated once and for all, the world can start living in peace again. Glory to Russia and its noble leader Vladimir Putin…
hahahaahahahha map looks like 2014, no big change to be honest. Still waiting for killing zelynsky and capture kiev ^^
russobots, no cope please… dont try to convince people that there was no plan to capture kiev and instal own pro-russian puppet. Its time to admit that special operation aka rape and killing civilians is big fail
Putin never wanted the welfare state of Western Ukraine. He is OK letting the west care for those who can’t care for themselves (Western Ukraine). Putin’s forces surrounded cities then just sat there keeping the UAF busy while Putin’s forces secured eastern Ukraine then pulled the “head-fake” forces back from Kiev. What the F would Putin want Kiev for? Why would he want to kill Zelinski and make him a martyr? Ukraine has the Soros\Biden Crime family stench all over it.
Well, 35 russian combat battalions has been destroyed since 24.02. Dont try to sell me cheap russian propaganda and its narrative that it was russian plan and everything is under control. Russian invasion is failture and its time to face facts.
elensky told you that? He’s worse than Jussi Smollet
nope, its claim from pro russian propagandist igor girkin.
nope its not his claim. btw Girkin is anti-Putin propagandist and schizophrenic
Now you dont like girking coz he is telling truth that is not good for ruskiye?
Yep, according to Girkin Ukrops had taken Donetsk before the end of summer 2014 and then succefully invaded Crimea. Again, i said stop using this schizophrenic’s name to prop up your own delusional claims.
He is a mental patient. Just like you.
All NATO and Pentagone are in Ukraine with the Hollywood army making a bad movie killing women and babies. Zelensky said :Ukrain is Israël of Europe and worse. But he will fail and Russia win and Europe will collapse. Then, the benefit is for USA, China and indeed for Israël. Russia will grow too, people in Europe will différents too much. Europe is playing a bad game with his intervention in ukrain by delivering munitions, missiles and thanks to zelensky the puppet of the sénile Biden
no nato in ukraine, its just russian poor propaganda to convince audience that they suffer heavy loses coz nato ^^. Nato just provide 24/7 inteligence, thats it. If nato troops are in ukraine then ruskiye are finished in 2-3 weeks.
They will never dare to go there. They know very well that would be the end of NATO. Ukrainian forces are on the brink of total collapse anyway. We will see more of them surrendering soon.
NATO has been in Ukraine for many years. In fact, they took total control of the government in 2014.
Well there is the huge difference between your delusions, braindead, and actual reality where 20k Ukrainian troops have been eliminated only in Mariupol alone. You see, braindead, delusional fantasy ukro reality wont help you to gain or hold any land. Thats the problem, looney. So sad.
Boy, it seems you are having the usual meltdown again. Denial is just one stage of many. BTW, you are way past your bedtime.
Well germans are famos in losing war let show the ukraines how germany lost half of teritorium in poland ,half of Polen was germany
In your dream, Hans! “Special Military Operation is proceeding according to plan, a sweeping meticulous tactic, with low civilian casualties.
The front lines are starting to freeze. This is becoming more and more of a stationary war. Just look at the map if you don’t believe me. This is essentially the same map as a week ago.
With the russkies abandoning Kiev, the ukros can reinforce the Donbas. More and more men will pour in from both sides. This is looking to be a bloodbath, WW1 style, where “victories” counted as advancing a mile or two per week.
sure, Mariupol will be occupied, but the question is, when. If the russkies take much more time to finish it, ukro reinforcements from kiev will arrive sooner than them to Donbas.
Time is of the essence, and the russkies are running out of it.
I dont agree. Rusa is moving forces thru secured land. Ukrainians not so much, during transportation they are exposed. We have to waut another weak for show to get started.
I don’t think Russia had any idea the amount of foreign soldiers and their crap, they to waddle though to get to the core of the issue. Heck – Mariupol turned out the be like a NATO summit. Now the Ukis are pretty much left on their own, while western leaders are begging for Putins favour. The real freeze will come in due time.
That is why it is crucial that Russia stops the Nazis from reinforcing their eastern armies.
Mariopoul is free , nazis are hidden in the plant. 25km2.They are afraid to go out, the tchétchènes are waiting them for the festival de Woodstock
Only a total moron would be measuring the success of a military objective by looking at a map. You guys are clearly running out of ideas trying to hide the colossal loses of the Ukrainian forces.
You talk about 35 russian combat battalions that has been destroyed since 24.02 ? Ukr destroyed many elite russian units and time is runing out for ruskyie. No need to cope, just face truth and facts.
you have no idea what ‘battalion’ even means you pathetic brainless monkey spam-bot.
Yeah, that’s why Zelensky has been constantly begging for help the last 6 weeks, because his army of conscripts is such a success. No-one came to save his nazi-ass, no-one ever will. He’s finished and he knows it. He missed his chance for negotiations now he will surrender after the rest of his army is diminished to almost nothing. Your lies are worthless. You are just a sad example of a bad looser, nothing else. The more it is clear that Ukrainian forces are finished the more you will be humiliated by your own lies and finally you will end your desperate propaganda.
Son, you listen to much CNN and other assorted left wing rags, If you actually believe that nonsense, then you will be a naïve fool the rest of your pathetic life.
One small problem with your analysis: the naszis-Ukros have no air cover. So Donbass will not look like WW1. It will look like WW2: i.e.. the Falaise Pocket.
Wait until mariupol is cleared. And the new supreme comander formulates a plan
all together with their equipment in one place..
No rush….
The US announced that they will sent UKR another 750 million $ military aid
Russia jusr give up 😂 you dont stand a chance
The US has always had more money than brains.
The US has been able to create money out of thin air in a way that no other nation could for the last fifty years.
The paper tiger , I mean dollar is dying.
That’s because you only have to write the amount and press enter to get moar dollahs. To get more brain-cells, you have to use them.
And Russians have no brain at all.
They have enough brains to tell the “exceptional” and “indispensable” nation to take all their sanctions, rules, and threats, and shove them.
So the US is going to pay for more antiques to be shipped to the Ukraine for dismantling by missile strikes?
So far US has done nothing that could help Zelensky. US spending more money is exactly what they don’t need right now. It seems everything is backfirering on them. Higher energy prices, higher inflation and Ukraine loosing faster then they wished for.
The leeches are kicking the can down a little further. Ukr gov is essentially practically insolvent. Without corrupt politicians leeching off the EU and US middle class Ukr regime would already be insolvent, and no lender in a free market would give them a loan.
Noice! They can burn that cash for heat in the evenings.
There are reports of around 1000 Nazis having surrendered in Mariupol. Some sketchy videos but doesn’t look like a full formation of that many. Apparently Kadyrov has confirmed this. If this is true then this is BIG.
Anyone know anything more?
Ask justina treaudeau she knows everything about her nazi friends !!! she runs like a nazi !!! and cry like a prostitute parasitic
Let’s wait and see. Today was the beginning of the plan to flood the tunneling. Maybe this was a good time to give up.
You are just a fucking bolshevik!
On Telegram, Intel Slava Z you may find more info on that.
Bankrupt British system is hellbound determined to destroy humanity rather than submit to their own collapse. If they can’t take control of the entire planet once again with their Great Reset in the name of Global Britain they will destroy everything.
why is there still such a strong resistance on all fronts?
It is easy to defend dug in defensive positions than attack them. Mariupol for example.
they should be using a lot more FABs. and small drones for low altitude recon.
How many women did these Russian motherfuckers rape? Should be part of that military report as well.
You named after Nazi tank commander.
How much evidence do you have to support your allegation? Rambling is easy, just look at Biden, proving things is another thing though
The same as the number of babies that were ripped out of their beds by the Iraq military and thrown on the cold floor to die, moron.
Will Russia be able to liberate the so called ‘free world’?
i think the free word needs to make internal progress first.
Direct hit. Vote of no confidence from the animals:
The Ukraine military is losing around a battalion strength every day, give or take, not including those surrendering en masse. It’s difficult to see them holding for long in Donbass, but if they don’t surrender it will take a few weeks of focused work to break them up.
It seems that the Russians are getting drunk with their own propaganda. Ukrainians are motivated to fight and die to the last man. How many Russians is putin willing to sacrifice into this war? How many young men will lose their arms and legs for the ambition of the man at the top? The psychological crash of the catastrophic losses the Russian armed forces are taking is going to come like a storm. Just as the northern front will collapse, the southern front will follow. The Russian defenses around Kherson are eroded every day. Ukrainians have informers everywhere and know every move of the Russians. They will not hesitate to eliminate anyone who is left behind once the Kherson retreat begins, so you better do it quickly. Putin and his junta don’t know what’s going on on the ground, they’re being lied by their own generals. The reality is that the Russian offensive is hanging on a thread. Russian forces are being harassed daily. They are being bombed and sniped from every direction. There is no safe heaven for Russian armed forces in Ukraine, just death and destruction
Ukrainians are clearly not motivated to fight and die to the last man, as the surrenders in Mariupol prove. The Ukrotards are almost entirely reduced to hiding in fortifications and retreating from one position to the next. While the Ukrotards have proven to have significant numbers of sub-human savage maniacs in their ranks, most Ukrainians are like any other human beings and are not about to die so that their country can be used as a US weapon against Russia.
I doubt they have surrendered in the numbers presented by the Kremlin propaganda, they haven’t shown any video of the group so it’s likely a made up story. Nobody believes what comes out of Moscow anyway. The ones that do surrender are most likely out of bullets but they have put a sufficiently long enough resistance for Kyiv to rearm and recruit more servicemen. The azovites habe done their job very well
At this point, after everything we have seen from Ukrotard propaganda, you still want to pretend that it’s Moscow with a credibility problem. There really is no hope for you idiots. Why did KIev have to re-arm? Did they suffer significant losses? Why couldn’t the 250 000 regular troops, with their eight years of NATO training and thousands of NATO missiles, eliminate the Russians anywhere? They simply drove off from Kiev after a month. The Azovites turned Mariupol into a wasteland. Was that their job?
When are u going to send in John Rambo and col trautman
BangderaSteponPutin, get your facts right. Go to YouTube and watch some videos from local residents of Melitopol/Kherson (in Russian/Ukrainian). These people are happy that they did not as Mariupol. Zelinsky is loosing support/popularity every day. Russian are in patriotic war mode. Putin’s support is getting only stronger. How many more Ukrainians (regular army) are willing to die for Zelensky’s lies?
USA need to send in John j Rambo
Lots of people in here really mad that UkroNazis are getting their shit kicked in by Ivan.
Kill more Nazis.
Support from America
Ukronazisis killing more Ukrainians than Russians. Slow clap.
When that false flag comes makes sure the mayors of Kiev and Odessa get KO’d.