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- Russia attacked Ukrainian military facilities in Barvenkovo with a high-precision air-launched missile;
- Russia attacked Ukrainian military facilities in Gulyai-Pole with a high-precision air-launched missile;
- Russia attacked Ukrainian military facilities in Kamyshevakha with a high-precision air-launched missile;
- Russia attacked Ukrainian military facilities in Zelenoye Pole with a high-precision air-launched missile;
- Russia attacked Ukrainian military facilities in Nikolaev with a high-precision air-launched missile;
- Russia attacked Ukrainian military facilities in Velikomikhailovka with a high-precision air-launched missile.
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Where it says Russia attacked with high precision missiles it really means that Russia just targeted a residential building and murdered any civilians that were inside.The main objective being to murder as many civilians as they can through terror tactics and remove the infrastructure.
that is not entirely true, you know perfectly well Azovs, Krakens and Tornados are pigs
Please send this guy some malware so we stop reading this spam messages.
Konju glupi
Yes, that makes sense. To use expensive equipment to randomly slaughter people.
It would perfect sense if you’re losing the war.
It makes perfect sense if you are an uneducated Muslim or a drug addict. To anyone with intelligence, not so much.
The Ukro-Nazis are losing the war, otherwise you wouldn’t be telling lies here.
muhammad molested you as a child .. or did he fucked your mom ral good untul you carry his name till now …
He did. He molested many children. Muslims are child molesters. Not all muslims. All arabs are…
You are safe in your cave, so don’t worry.
Russia has a missile for you too. And they know where you are couchfarting right now on your laptop.
Another Putin cockroach with another moronic death threat. I lost count of those.
I didn’t know moslems could count
Muslims invested the number 0. Didn’t you know that? It represents your value on Earth.
It was an Indian who invented the numeral zero, but only after being introduced to the concept of the null value, which was Sumerian, some 5000 years ago.
Given that the original Sumerian language was merged with Aramaic, a Semitic language sometime after, you could argue that your ancestors merged with the people and culture that invented the concept, but that doesn’t mean that Arabs invented it, let alone Muslims.
You are a fool.
Despite this, all numbers are taken from Arabic. Or do you still use the Roman numerals or a Chinese abacus?
Agree with you, is a moron and a fool who only come to this site to taunt
Learn how to spell, child molester
fuck u cunt
According to the UN, so far, the civilian death in this war has been less than 2000, I would say much less than Iraq war carpet bombing for the first six week. I am an American, and I do not claim that I have a moral ground to criticize Russia when my own countries bombed so many countries for much less credible excuses. War is only glory for the elites, never good for citizens which ever side they are in.
Before hating Russia, do some research first.
Since when can you impersonate The Prophet (pboh)? I’d say you have just committed a serious crime under Islamic Law? Besides your narrative is full of lies and misinformation. I thought the Prophet (pboh) lauded those who told the truth before Allah and not Western (Zionist) fiction?
You should not misus a name or an religion for your comments, futhermore you comment do not make sens you know nothing like whe, whe are waiting for the end of this war !
Have we won yet? And why not?
Yes, Russian city of Mariupol is now liberated.
True, the Ukrainian city of Mariupol was demolished and occupied, but quite a few were left for the final victory. Has dictator Putin already drawn up a plan for when the residents of Kyiv will be killed and liberated?
What a beautiful weather map. The sun is shining across the jewkraine.
How so? Don’t you realize that the majority of the Kremlin oligarchs are jews?
is ignorance innate or learned? tell me baby
As soon as these territories are consolidated we might see a massive fast russian incursion. They can certainly not allow NATO the time needed (6 months minimum) to rearm Ukraine.
Russia’s plan seems to be to complete the special operation and then try to negotiate while they use the whole of Ukraine as a military range for ‘testing’ missiles and ‘training’ aircrews. The logistical challenge is with NATO. To get weapons over the boarder and then a very long way across the country – all in the open for target practice. However, you are right, NATO will continually work to make the military range ineffective, so there is sort of a time and technology race going on here, based on that strategy. BTW it’s not the strategy I would adopt. Instead I would go west young man, and take the leaky borders under control while erecting gallows for the Ukrainian Nazis who started this whole problem.
I think Russia has been very successful in destroying arms supplies in depots. My contacts tell me they know every cargo load description, travel route and destination. In scanning the Ukrainian Telegram channels, I hear the same complaint. Lack of ammunition, fuel and weapons.
Still, I think taking out the supply convoys has to be done. You have given ample warning. At least four by my count.
They have been holding back the majority of their forces in anticipation of a NATO intervention. My question, is there not a single Patriot in all of Ukraine that will remove Zelensky and save the army of Ukraine? Must they all be destroyed?
There is certainly an element with Russia of holding back certain weaponry, or at least not to expose it ‘in use’. Part of that is I agree to keep the powder try to counter and take on a direct NATO intervention..
Zelensky is a jew he only cares after jews not poor ukris
Puppet or no Puppet, I want that Jew Bastard Zelensky to be put on Trial. I really hope he is in Kiev and stays there.
Vladimir Putin and the Russian leadership should read the Qur’an if they have no idea how to conduct themselves in a war. The Qur’an says instill fear in the enemy’s heart with your strength and might (paraphrased). Never do you go into any kind of war soft, you give the enemy an advantage, like they did with Zelensky.
I agree with you, the soft approach has caused a lot of problems. Here is the latest from Paul Craig Roberts.
Thats why i always say Islam religion is a weapon and belongs to dark age.
Stop hallucinating and cool down your head in Zelensky’s toilet
Russia has certainly turned up the tempo, taking out infrastructure and wiping out NATO weapons deliveries. Certainly a far better effort. The east is theirs for the taking and they are just biting more and more off. We see Ukrainian forces having to fall back in cities as Russia correctly goes after objectives now with overwhelming coordinated force, Finally it seems that communication and planning across air, land, naval and missile forces is in place!
The true situation on the ground is that in less than two months four cantons of the Ukraine are now defacto people’s republics. Meaning they’re no longer governed by Kiev. Kherson. Zaporizhzhya. Donets’k. Luhans’k. I wonder what the next four will be.
No one believes your propaganda anymore. All it takes is one look at the present american president. Who are you going to believe, an internet troll or your own eyes?
worthless moronic gibberish by a worthless moronic troll in delirium ^
Go swallow Joe Biden’s 2-inch limp dick instead of spamming retarded garbage here 24/7 you mentally diseased imbecile.
You think you are helping the world but all you are doing is making it worse.
Since SF seems to be behind the curve as to the events that are happening, I shall fill in you. The Battle for Donbass got underway on April 17th. The Russians have seized Novaya Dmitrovka, which is just 9 kilometers from Barvenkovo.
Battles presently going on in and around Lyman. No less interesting events are taking place in the south of Donbass near Gulyai-Pole. There, the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine agreed in advance with the Russian command and surrendered before the battle ( A wise choice. Expect to see a lot more of this in the coming days and weeks). Kremennaya was taken by the RF Forces.
There is a lot more that I can report, but I refrain to do so until I either receive video evidence or confirmation from Ukrainian sources.
It is going to be anti-climatic folks. There is no fight left in the Ukrainian forces. Propaganda only goes so far. Ukraine is going to be slowly ground down to little bits. RF make slow methodical advances and saturates everything with artillery before taking a position.
Very good, now the ukrop nazis are going to lose the battle, the similar way they lost in Mariupol. They must surrender or they will die. Idemo Rusi. Rusi i Srbi – braća zauvek !
I quote you: six times: Russia attack with high-precision air-launched missiles !?! What a joke! You would like to make it looking clean and surgical. I have family from my wife side, from both sides of Donbass. Everyone before 24th of February where mostly pro-russian, including myself. But from the field I quickly learned the crude reality: Marioupol 90%destroyed, the Severodonestk area 70% destroyed…here no surgical strikes, buildings, schools, stores, hospitals destroyed. You betrayed your supports, you betrayed your brothers, you betrayed your friends. I honestly tell you that: people from the Donbass are right now more Ukrainian than any Ukrainians. Kids separated fom their parents, they never may see them again, uelderly people alone with no food and nowhere to go. Dogs, cows, chickens, cats, abandoned…with no care and food. Sure there are all the arrogants and violent comments on SF, people hiding behind their VPNs, smartphones and laptops. Maybe soon, it’s the end of the world and probably it’s much better like that. But be sure, some will roast in HELL FOREVER…KARMA IS A BITCH!!!
Testimonies from Mariupol:
He’s a very embedded, high-ranked pro-Kremlin supporter – parasiting massive in the west – with hardly 1 million views per video. I would call him a hypocrite.
“high ranked” by whom, you moronic fascist coprophile? What precisely is “parasiting in the west”? How does reporting on the criminal activities of the failed Ukrainian CIA project constitute hypocrisy, you worthless fuckpile?
Seems like you have some troubles with basic reading comprehension and the aspect of irony. But yeah, you were born as stûpid as fûck, not your fault, so cry less and play more with your dolls, pathetic kiddie.
Yea !! But the war was won and that is why you are telling tales….
Hey, where are you? I want to make sweet love to your asshole Hey.
This is another Vietnam for Washington, they shall realise the economic costs involved in propping up of whatever is left of Ukraine and it’s govt (South Vietnam Redux) once Russia creates ‘Novorossiya’ from the Southern Steppe, is far too great for them and pass the buck to Brussels, thereby bankrupting the Eu.
Northern Ukraine (Banderastan) wedged between Belarus and Novorossiya shall become an economically unsustainable collapsed state and subject to periodic policing actions (special operations) by the Belarus and Russian aerospace forces to Mow the Lawn of Banderites and other Neo-Nazi bandits.
Once Battle of Donbass is over I’d expect a rapid advance to take Nikolaev and with the taking of that city, the war for Ukraine to be a near total defeat for them, completed by the linking of Transnistria to Novorossiya. At which point Putin can declare victory whether U.S./UK/Eu and Zelenskyy wishes to acknowledge it and admit it or not.
Looks easy in plans and making that deploy sucessfully what you say. USA would try to infringe the greatest damage they can to Russia so dont expect and easy way on Ukraine. Also NATO is creating the Iron Curtain v2.0 before USA pivoting to Asia to deal with China. Its a shame diplomacy wouldnot work to try to use peace and advance all together, goverments are cannibals devouring everything they can in order to survive and have the high hand on deals.
Russia is already over 66% of the way to achieving the goal I have outlined. Just remember 6 months from now the economic shocks to the Eu then the USA shall be severe. Russia does not need USD to oil it’s economy, neither does it need Chanel to fragrance it’s wash rooms either.