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- Russia attacked areas of concentration of Ukrainian manpower and military equipment near Shnurki;
- Russia attacked areas of concentration of Ukrainian manpower and military equipment near Novonikolaevka;
- Russia attacked areas of concentration of Ukrainian manpower and military equipment near Aleksandrovka;
- Russia attacked military assets of the AFU in Andreevka with a high-precision air-launched missile;
- Russia attacked military assets of the AFU in Yazykovo with a high-precision air-launched missile;
- Russia attacked military assets of the AFU in Kramatorsk with a high-precision air-launched missile;
- Russia attacked military assets of the AFU in Shevchenko with a high-precision air-launched missile.
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dude, get a life
;)) Beautiful girls are waiting for you on —
It’s hard to get a life when your a transsexual midget sporting a hitler moustache with a collapsed rectum and an IQ of a peanut..Hans raus in German means back passage ..
Try pussy for a change.
It seems he obviously likes it that way. But you made me fall of my chair with that comment :-)
Hans Raus is that you?
You are doing assholes, so you know, coz you’re doing assholes.
Please keep your disgusting fantasies for yourself
Well his name is an anagram of ‘anus rash’, so we should not be surprised, sounds painful.
Hans again in full retard mode. He is coping very badly with realities these days. I told you many times and I say it again, the truth will crush you. You cannot live a lie.
You’ve sucked a few in your time hans. Probably all tattooed with NATO swastikas.
I have Zelensky mobile, give him a call, I’m sure if you can weaponize your anal passage for the cause, he’ll be very interested. If you have a flick knife or any weapon bring that along too.
Azov troops destroying russian invaders in dnipro region
Hans! When will you make sweet love to my asshole?!
It’s done moskals you’ve lost Ukraine and you’ve lost Europe. NATO didn’t fire a single shot. The massive industrial and agricultural powerhouse of Ukraine will be a nice addition to the EU. Belarus will follow in a few years. Can’t wait to travel from Paris to Kyiv in high speed train. Putin can go kill himself now he was a nice American tool. He was literally holding the table today in fear not to shake. Hahahahahahahajahahhaha
Dream on dude. Seems to me that Ukrainian Nazi-army is getting crushed very badly when their NATO fanboys rush to save them with their BS propaganda :-) You guys are not only very bad at this but also very obvious :-)
The failed Ukrainian CIA project is all finished. The only communication between the failing European vassals and the Kiev Klown Kabal will be the collection of the payments to the IMF as Banderpistan deteriorates to complete third world status.
The EU couldn’t take them when they had twice the agriculture and landmass as they’ll have after the dust has settled, not to mention the new Ukraine is going to be entirely landlocked. You are living in a dream world. At least the western powers can replenish Lockheed-Martin’s bank accounts now though, and the oligarchs in Kiev can continue making themselves rich off the misery of the average Western Ukrainian as they sell all those Javin’s off on the black market. So I guess there will be some winners in the new Ukraine at least.
Ukraine are losing more than a batalion strength of manpower in Donbas per day. It’s difficult to see how a defence can realistically continue past a few weeks, and the stage 2 hasn’t properly begun yet.
It’s like Zelensky said it before, this will be the last fight. He has nothing left now, beside his BS propaganda, which he has plenty BTW. I hope most of the remaining Ukrainian army will surrender now. Donbass needs them to rebuild what they have destroyed.
My entire existence is a fraud… Mariupol was NEVER 100% liberated! Will it ever?
It’s liberated and the ukros are un the azovstal prison 🤘😁🇷🇺
The nazis are in jail underground, with non light no sun, no water. Putin said let them enjoy a good life underground. Nazis have nice holidays now.
the remaining people in the catacombs will start killing each other. It must killing their minds, being there for a longer time. Its an absolute wise move, not to go down there. There are 1000 traps.
Putin is Zelensky’s slut – got cha
Destroyed russian column by ukrainian forces, recently in donetsk region
It’s interesting the USA and NATOSTAN think they are bleeding Ussia dry, however, Russia, China, Bricks and decline af the US dollar with and inflation. Could it be the reversal, seeing Russians can weather storms Natostan and US, just aren’t?
In Tel Aviv we have a saying, if you cook the pudding, you are in charge if it tastes shit. This map like Russian invasion is a shitshow. Israel is taking notes.
Your a shitshow yourself.
Your no better than the azov nazis.
Your time is coming bitch.
Zelenskyy and his get rich quick scheme to sell Ukrainian land off (that is not his give in the first place) to the Globalist Fourth Reich (western corporate oligarchy) is under extreme jeopardy now.
russia has proved that its army is a JOKE…USA is looking forward to destroying the russian ‘army’…heheheh…
So funny as the last vestiges of the failed Ukraian CIA project collapse.
Russia has proven that it prefers not killing too many civillians unlike the NATO does when its bombing cities. From a humanity point of view, the Russian army is the opposite of a joke. Past month in military map.
RU informed: 13 000 dead RU soldiers, 7000 missing. Ooops!
its a war afterall. Soldiers will die. Tanks and equipment will be destroyed. And Russia will achieve its goals in the end.
Nope. Russia is moving their goal all the time as they continue failing.
Perhaps their next goal is to retreat to Moscow?? Source.