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Military Situation In Ukraine On April 23, 2022 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Ukraine On April 23, 2022 (Map Update)

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  • Russian artillery shelled Ukrainian border guards at Senkivka village of Chernihiv region with grenade launchers;
  • The AFU claimed control of Bezruky, Slatyne, Prudianka north of Kharkiv city;
  • Russian artillery shelled UAF positions in Avdiivka with MLRS;
  • Russian artillery shelled UAF positions in Lyman village;
  • As a result of fire at Moskva cruiser 1 sailor died, 27 are missed and 396 were evacuated, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense;
  • Russia attacked military assets of the AFU in Alexandrovka with a high-precision missile;
  • Russia attacked military assets of the AFU in Bogatyr with a high-precision missile;
  • Russia attacked military assets of the AFU in Komar with a high-precision missile.


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23.02 Ukrainians will send flowers to our solders and eastern ukrainians join us in our march against nazis

25.02 Chechens will storm kiev and kill zelensky

25.02 Zelensky fled to Poland

26.02 We have total air supremacy

26.02 that Milerovo russian air base destroyed itself

28.02 We are not storming kiev but going to encircle it

30.02 china is with us and will attack Taiwan

01.03 Mariupol was 100% liberated

03.03 the Saga of the 100 miles long convoy that missed kiev and went to Paris instead

05.03 Chernihiv sumy Karkhov and Kiev are about to fall

06.03 Mariupol was 100% liberated

08.03 Odessa will be encircle and an amphibious landing is eminent

10.03 we will not stop in ukraine but go to the baltics also Poland and close the Suwalki corridor

11.03 Mariupol was 100% liberated

13.03 those dead wagner guys do not exist

15.03 UAF is pinned in the cities and unable to move completely cut off, west can not supply arms

18 03 no more Oil depots for UAF army its over

24.03 that ships in berdyansk sank themselves

27.03 we are making loads of progress

28.03 that ammo depot in Belgorod exploded themselves

29.03 SHoigu says hello

30.03 that oil depot in belgorod exploded themselves

01.04 what a fools we were just kidding we never wanted kiev


02.04 phase two phase two! We are so smart we will pull of north ukraine and attack donbas while UAF has interior lines to get there 3 times faster and now with help of open corridors to resupply from the west

03.04 Mariupol was 100% liberated

04.04 Mariupol was 100% liberated

05.04 Mariupol was 100% liberated

06.04 Mariupol was 100% liberated

07.04 Mariupol was 100% liberated

08.04 NATO general is trapped and will be caught in Mariupol

09.04 Boris johnson and zelensky are making hollywood special effects movies for the new star wars in Poland pretending to be Kiev

10.04 We never wanted to demilitarize we never wanted to denazify ukrainian government, we always wanted Finland to join NATO and have armies in our borders

11.04 china please please do something

12.04 Mariupol was 100% liberated and we found a biolab in azovstal

13.04 We are winning, we are winning, we are winning, we are winning, please…


14.04 Moskova sank himself by instant self combustion in a very special operation to the bottom of the black sea. Fishes derping boom boom goes the kalibr

15.04 Moskva did not sank had a minor fire from an accidental cigarette In a bottle of vodka but is being towed away to sevastopol and the crew evacuated just in case

16.04 Those 40K syrian fighters that left to join denazify ukraine did not arrive yet after a month of travel but are coming very xoon

16.04 fake news fake news nothing hit Moskva it is just taking longer because there is a huge storm and a tsunami and meteorite attack from Mars

17.04 it sank… And that vídeo that shows it in a calm sra is fake news. And all those wives and mothers desperate for news of their sailors in social média is also fake news

17.04 PHASE TWO PHASE TWO! But how da fuck did the ukros reinforce and rearm the east? Phase One was a success right? 8d chess?

18.04 ULTIMATUM: mariupol is 99.9% liberated and the rest hás 6 hours to surrender or else

19.04 ULTIMATUM: now it’s for real! You have 6 hours to surrender or else!!!!

19.04 Putin: FAKE NEWS we NEVER wanted to DENAZIFY Ukraine Government. ZELENSKY is like HITLER but I LIKE HITLER

20.04 ULTIMATUM: please please surrender or else… Please?

21.04 Putin tells shoigu those nazis in mariupol are not so bad afterall and can keep their factory for themselves

22.04 NEW GOALS NEW GOALS: phase two se are getting not ONLY east buth South ukraine from kharkiv till transnitstria! Hoorray, slava rossya!

Vlad butcha orc

I’m told that there is another red blip in the map.

Yes, we are advancing!



More emojis will make that map of the failed Ukrainian CIA project look like it did in 2013! But meanwhile, thousands of square km of the former Ukrainian state are gone, gone, gone! But you’re winning, Ukrotard, in the comment section of SF, where it really counts!


How’s your Azov Nazis homosexuals doing in Mariupol these days? 😂


stop impersonating people; and stop lying, you talentless psychopathic scheister

Death to the ukraine

take your meds NATO jew gay faggot pedophile


Zelensky did flee to Poland. Certain western politicians that went to ‘Kiev’ know this. Alternate ‘Kiev’ is a NATO base, but they are not at liberty to report this freely. He is still not back in Ukraine.

NATO is laughing at you



A cockroach like Zelensky has trouble manning up; so yeah.


Russia better keeps bombing poorly armed and poorly trained civilians and soldiers in Syria, Georgia or other places, Russia is too incompetent and corrupt to fight a real armed force.

Hugo Furst

When Russian front lines expand toward Ukraine forces, does that mean they are gaining ground or losing ground?

Vlad butcha orc

That’s the right question, when. When will Russian Orcs advance, maybe faster than a snail?



I find it endlessly amusing that Ukrotard success is measured in how slowly the Russians roll up their territory. Only in Ukrotardistan could that be a win.


I remember early in the war when Ukraine declared bombing their own forests as a victory.


The best thing is, the Ucraps loosing entire battalions every night, but they do as if there were nothing to worry. At some point their whole resistance will crumble.


I don’t think the Russians need to hurry. Air strikes and artillery will make and kill over 1000 AFU personnel. And disable or destroy 200 plus pieces of military hardware today, tomorrow and every day until this war ends. With no air cover, nothing will change, but from bad worse.


No. It’s a huge area. I take it you’ve never been in a war.

NATO is laughing at you



What’s the rush? Lots of money in the oil / gas business, Russian ammo factories are humming. It’s not like Ukraine forces are going anywhere. Russia can keep raining hell on them until their brains run out their ears then send in a battalion of Babushka’s to sweep up.

I got nothing against Ukrainians … I blame the USA for this war not Uklrainians. even the most optimistic Ukrainian supporter has to see Russia has strategic control of this war and they have escalation dominance. Ukraine no longer has the reach to strike Russian forces 5 Km away but Russia can attack all of ukraine whenever it pleases.


They are fighting for Kolomoisky, Nuland and Chrystia Freeland/Chomiak.


Hey gimp the 6th gen s-70 worked a treat,now go back to your lice infested gaybar n crappa talk there!


It is all headed to the DNIPRO junction area. Follow the roads and terrain.


Its coming


Last edited 2 years ago by Clyde

Have to work Faster



How many Ukrainian servicemen turned into worm food since the launch of the ethnic cleansing operation in Donbas by the failed Ukrainian CIA project?

Je suis rosebeef modéré

Moi, j’ai autre question : combien des militaires ukrainiens et azovistes que se transforment en femme pour échapper aux zones de combats ?


80% approve Putin 19% hard line communist and 1% are irrelevant wokey dumb kunts like you!


You posted these yesterday already, Clyde. Your pay will be docked accordingly.


Creete ese carton de Disney

Last edited 2 years ago by Torquemada

Ukranian tanks and they will be delivered to dpr/lpr too!

Death to the ukraine

Glorious true aryan democratic-anal forces of azov have killed over 600 gorillion russians KEEV forces are about to siege moscow!!! Long live jew anal democracy and our the values!


Ukrotards just raging! How many square km in total lost to the failed Ukrainian CIA project since 2013, with more gone every day? Total disaster for Banderpistan.

Pamfil Military Academy

You can see indirectly what kind of stupid drug addict those Zefag banderiputas idiots are by seeing they are in full troll stance even in the Easter eve ! Why ? Because they are not orthodox, maybe they even aren’t christians at all. Eh, taking consideration of theirs LGBTQ homo neo-liberal empty brain shell, that’s the norm…meanwhile, the liberated territories in Zaporodjie call for referendum to form with Krimeea the historical FEDERATION of TAURIDE thus giving a hard blowjob down to the ukrop banderist nazi throat. This is the next pattern for the incoming ALL south Ukropistan eliberated lands, including the Moldavian Transnistria. Those imbecile biological junk behave like rabid dogs cough on net.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy

Another example of the falsehood of Democracy:

Scenario 1: Everyday Ukrainians voted for poking the bear – failure of democracy

Scenario 2: Everyday Ukrainians never wanted to poke the bear – failure of democracy

Scenario 3: Everyday Ukrainians want to go back to the Minsk Accords but government is controlled by foreigners – failure of democracy

Scenario 4: Everyday Ukrainians wouldn’t trade what they have now for the Minsk accords – failure of democracy

The false god has died.

The only way forward is multipolarity, self-determination for all, and demilitarization. Democracy won’t get us there.

Pamfil Military Academy

That US deep state khazarian fake jew is not DEMOCRACY at all, it is DEMONOCRACY.

Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

Where are they though? I need those tears for my daily fix. Southfront is not their safespace anymore? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Today turned out to be the day that the failed Ukrainian CIA project regained Donbas and Crimea, and got into NATO and the EU! So much winning!

Mariupol was 100% liberated

Phase two already Started?

Mariupol was 100% liberated

Why we don t want to denazify anymore, was it not our main goal to start the SMO?

Mariupol was 100% liberated

How can UAF reorganize and resuply their army? Did we not pinned it and destroy them In phase One?

Mariupol was 100% liberated

When/if we finally win and secure donbas are we going to keep 200k troops there Forever? With zelensky and Kiev safe Will not mato keep sending more and better weapons to finish the job?

Mariupol was 100% liberated

How do UAF still have planes flying? We didn t manager air Supremacy in two months? What about those western weapons how come they keeping flooding, are losing a Race against time?

Mariupol was 100% liberated

Why are we still Sending gas to europe? Nobody is paying rubles… They are now procuring other sources and Will be able to cut off 100% by the end of the year, why are we giving them time? What are we going to do then?

Mariupol was 100% liberated

Why the fuck are Chinese not helping US? Not even diplomátic support… Esse thís not the Battle for a multipolar world? Are they using US as sacrifying Lamb and then explore our resources for free when we Will be begging them like a whore?

Mariupol was 100% liberated

How come out army is só weak we can not defeat our “little brother” with soviet not upgraded weapons and the poorest country in europe? Didn t we modernize our army? Are our generals incompetent? Are our Intelligence officers dumb? Are our polítical leaders stooges?

Mariupol was 100% liberated

How come the ukros were able to sunk the Moskva? It had air defences and now the whole fleet was defeated and pushed away no blockade to Odessa anymore… Why did we live about the fire and the storm? How many casuslties are there really? Social media is full of mothers and wives asking about their sailors

Mariupol was 100% liberated

What are our real casualties? Is it still 1500? Why we keep lying and spinning bad news and defeats? Its obvious propaganda the world os laughibg at US and even my nationalists friends and neighbours know it is a failure and we are losing!

Mariupol was 100% liberated

How come now finland and sweden are joining nato? Instead of pushing NATO away we are drawing it closer to out borders? We are even losing Germany and west is now fully United and europe ready to rearm itself. Was thís a strategic failure? Souls we Blame Putin? Will we ever revert thís or are we going to be a pariah Forever?


You need to go back to your mental asylum poor,dumb,assflogged cia gimp!


The west is fully united? The United States isn’t even united!


You ain’t real bright, apparently. You see those ‘COVID lockdowns’ they got in Shanghai? You think that is about stopping the spread, or hurting America’s supply chains?


How’s the Joint Forces Operation going today? Did you get the separatists out of Donbas and smash the Russians?

Mariupol was 100% liberated

Do we want to win?


Poor Ukrotards. It is as if they had no capacity whatsoever to imagine a Russian response to the eight years of US weaponization of the Ukraine. Could the Ukrotards have been stupid enough to believe that implementing the kooky Banderpite cult in Donbas, while attacking the population with heavy weapons, and writing an obligation to join NATO into the constitution and integrating NATO forces and weapons into their military would not provoke a military response from Russia? What were you people thinking?


thinking?? way too busy for thinking whilst sniffing up all the cocaine in da ukraine. or, in the case of a thinking impaired hohol too busy sucking up the Zelensky ministry of propaganda’s cool aid.

Muhammad your Prophet

Any attacks anywhere near Kiev is just further proof that Vladimir Putin’s intention is to destroy random infrastructure and murder more civilians. Kiev is already gone. The Putin cockroaches were defeated there.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

How is that Ukrainian Joint Forces Operation going today, anyhow?


Don’t you have a goat to fuck or something?

Zee-sky the Dick player

or a 8years old fatima?


Looking at the map,looks like descisive victory to putin,not that you know anything about strategy,drrr

Muhammad your Prophet

The map looks like a decisive victory with no Putin cockroaches in Kiev decisively.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
Je suis rosebeef modéré

Tu es le prophète de ki idiote?


Does the stink coming off those unshowered Poles count as a Chemical weapon ?


Definitely a biological weapon


The Banderpites launched a major trolling offensive in the comment section of SF, but failed to conduct any kinetic military operations again. Maybe it was a language barrier that led to the total failure of the NATO program in the failed Ukrainian CIA project.

General (Posthumous) M'quve

Moderately good news about the “Moskva”, roughly consistent with expectations and previously available data. Nevertheless, a few details are still problematic.

1. The sum of casualties and evacuated sailors is still short of the commonly accepted values about the crew complement (>500).

2. Considering that, as it seems, the sinking (or perhaps scuttling) happened under controlled conditions, why are the casualties listed as “missing”? Why were their remains not retrievable?

3. Can we assume that a rapid and highly destructive phenomenon occurred, which made large part of the ship not accessible even in the following hours? Is that consistent with a mere fire onboard?

Last edited 2 years ago by General (Posthumous) M'quve

The Moskva is a 40 plus year old guided missile cruiser. China commissioned 8 brand new, state of the art guided missile cruisers in 2021. I’m sure Russia could buy one of them, tomorrow.

General (Posthumous) M'quve

No one disputes the irrelevance of the incident in purely military terms. The ship was a mere command post and the significance of a “Carrier Strike Group Killer”, within the limited theatre defined by the Black Sea, was questionable in the first place.

I just care about the human losses, especially if it turns out they were at least partly avoidable, preventable etc.

Last edited 2 years ago by General (Posthumous) M'quve

Nuclear war is now a certainty. I really can’t see any scenario where there won’t be a nuclear war. Stock up with food and prepare.


Please elaborate. I too worry about it, but I cant say for sure it is a certainty.


77.37 ruble per dolla,see when it comes to productivety including wasting bio lab for mankind, winning isn’t everything for Russia but rather its the only thing they know these days (period)


The time of the dollar is ending. Do not price your oil, gold OR RUBLES, in dollars. This is actually one of the main things that American conservatives discuss. Rapid inflation that is currently happening, aka dollar devaluation.

hans raus

Russian army is joke, nobody take them serious now. Time for nato to move on and finish russian shithole…..hooah

glory to nato and ukraine


says the talentless hack in Tel Aviv.


hans raus is a joke


was glaubt volldepp hans was passieren würde wenn russland seine 2 millionen reservisten +20 millionen bei generalmobilmachung richtung westen schickt und seine 6000 atomsprengköpfe scharf macht? ganz schön grosse fresse der hans, aus seinem vollgepfurzten warmen sessel heraus. husch husch, geh doch ganz schnell nach kiew, die brauchen ganz dringend freiwillige, nachdem ihnen die russen jeden tag viel mehr mehr wegschiessen als nachkommen.


I saw in reddit post that 3 Russian generals have killed today.Is this confirmed by Russia? If this is true then Ukrainians have killed nearly 15 generals. I’m just curious how Ukrainians able kill this many generals? Are spy in Russian army provide details to Ukraine? Can someone have any idea?

Another question is I haven’t see any deaths of Ukrainian generals. I’m not Russia bot or Ukraine bot. Just curious about this war and like to have idea about these deaths of generals.

Dick Von D'Astard

Ukrainians claim an awful lot, probably has something to do with the white powder on Zelenskyy desk in Skype sessions.


Azov Nazis kill Ukrainian Generals

Dick Von D'Astard

Looks like Romania is going to have Confederate Russia (Novorossiya) as a bordering neighbour by Christmas.


Putin queria conquistar a Ucrânia 2 dias, hoje faz 2 meses e nada os ucranianos são corajosos, valentes, mesmo sem proteção aérea , os soldados russos estão todos com medo de morrer na Ucrânia. Putin com 3 dias de guerra entrou em desespero, queria usar armas venenosas. O velho Putin não tem coragem de encarar um debate com Zelensky, ele pode ficar nervoso e sofre um ataque cardíaco. Zelensky é muito habilidoso. Putin durante 3 dias de guerra fez os russos ser inimigos do mundo.


No es cierto! Mentiras, propaganda nada mas lo que dices. Ucranios son criminales.

Putin’s Bane

3 high precision missiles fired at village schools.


Boring, Ucraps shell schools all the time, since 8 years


Never. (Unless there is artillery at the school yard)


Should Ukraine take Rostov area? 😜


kharkiv-dnipro-mykolaiv-odessa-transnistria, all east and south of that novorussia. that should be the final goal. still dont understand why russia dont send in their 2 million reservists to finish this all off in 2 weeks. and still the rus army acting with applied handbrake, instead of using its full firepower.


Because unlike Ukraine junta, they don’t like to use their men as cannon fodder. A battlefield of this size isn’t simply marched into and taken in two weeks. Faulty expectations multiplied by a such a large deployment doesn’t make it right. Some argue that you simply overwhelm the enemy’s ability to handle such a pace.There is maybe a little bit of truth to this in some cases. But in a battlefield of this size and type of terrain (this is not the deserts of Iraq–and even that took far far longer than two weeks), I think it’s unlikely.

Last edited 2 years ago by B A

ok, if i dont want to risk more troops, than why the rus army dont unse more firepower like more thermobaric tos1, terminator tanks, also their bomber fleet do nearly nothing and why dont send in much more of the latest t90 version tanks. this war also shows, russia must urgend place a big order for 3.000 t14 armata and 5.000 t15 armata and also boost their drone production.

Last edited 2 years ago by TomB.

https://twitter.com/hippke/status/1518127900393943041?t=snuQLfIrKI-4SevI16Xpwg&s=19 Severe losses.

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