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- Two radio transmitters were destroyed as a result of explosions near Mayak village in Transnistria;
- Russia attacked military assets of the AFU in Kurulka with a high-precision missile;
- Russia attacked military assets of the AFU in Novaya Dmitrovka with a high-precision missile;
- Russia attacked military assets of the AFU in Barvenkovo with a high-precision missile;
- Russia attacked military assets of the AFU in Zdolbunov with a high-precision missile;
- Russia attacked military assets of the AFU in Zhmerinka with a high-precision missile;
- Russia attacked military assets of the AFU in Berdichiv with a high-precision missile
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Those Nazis at Mariupol surrendered yet? I was getting a little worried they might come back to Kiev…
They are not going anywhere, except in hell… slowly rotting in their sewer basement, just as you dumb twat.
Looks like some more Russian soldiers will need to get their knees shot out for their crimes.
Looks like hoholtrash losing 1000tropps now a day.
You are only taff with defenseless people. Russia is destroying you on the battlefield. Thats the main difference hoholnazi.
Looks like some more Charlie Hebdo-style operations will need to be carried out in support of free press in Europe…
Phase two already Started?
Their happy being mushrooms.
So just some missile strikes for the past few days… sounds like they are at a stalemate. I guess it is a question of how bad the losses are as Russia tries to advance a few meters per day in the Donbas.
And how long they can last before they run out and have to start full mobilisation. They’re already running out of adult males in the Donbas area to forcibly conscript.
Last man stading might be a women or child
Indeed. Ukropnazis are toast.
It se the same. The Ukras defend themself hard and retreats in meters only.
Historically, Russian troops were always cannon fodder. Just look at WW2 or the Winter War in Finland. Russian casualties were always 10x higher than the enemy’s.
Finland had a LOT of snow and those from the Southern Soviet states could not cope with it.
The tactics were the main issue in Finland, everything else showed up as excuses to cover up the massive fail.
Interesting enough, it was very similar to the current war. At least Russia is not losing as bad as it did for the first weeks now. Another similarity.
According to Disney news network.
When you are advancing as russia did instead of defending it is a lot harder and risky since you are not familiar with the enviroment around you and they (finland) had built a lot of positions. And had terroritory advantage and a lot of snipers were the main deaths.
WW2 they were going against the best army at the time and majority of the deaths were civilianz that were starved. Try again.
Advancing a few meters per day still means the Ukrainian army is losing a few meters per day. Glass half full is better than half empty
Snail contest. 🐌
Russia will run out of cannon fodder before it achieved anything.
Looks like you are talking BS.
the small red jagged explosion icons that seem to be all over the map are they skirmishes between rf and afu or are they rocket attacks ? or maybe they are also rf missile attacks on ukrainian war making capability or western weapons shipments that the russians seem to be continually targetting ? i figured after the russians pulled back from kiev that they were just in the eastern and south regions ?
Look like areas of Russian missile strikes using cruise missiles and/or tactical ballistic missiles against Ukrainian objects.
Its registrated missiles. I must be.
Infrastruture or not is very important.
Its weather forecast. Sunny all over Ukropistan.
Cobasna ammunition depot is going to go boom by X-101, if the Kyiv-Nato Axis starts any funny business around Transnistria would be a good bet.
You think Russia would blow that up? Seems like more of a target for the Ukrainians. Set off a big old fireworks show there. I doubt they will though b/c Ukraine seems to respect the territorial integrity of their neighbor Moldova, unlike Russia.
If Russia wants to blow it up why de it with an expensive missile instead of just wiring it up with some explosives and setting it off?
Never go full tard. Its counterproductive hoholtrash.
What happened to all the orange (Russian) territory to the north, by Kiev?
Russian cockoaches fled from it.
I thought I read somewhere that the Russians had retreated from some location, but I had no idea it was that extensive. On the map posted by South Front a couple weeks ago, Kiev was completely surrounded and a lot of the territory to the East was under Russian control. Now there is nothing there, obviously. Was the Russian retreat covered by South Front?
Bloop the Poop
It was a faint maneuver to tie down ukronazisis troops. You guys are all noobs.
You still faint? 😂😂😂
They didn’t flee it was a faint. You hoholtrash.
Your butthurt is strong 😂 this map is as pathetic as your entire existence.
A faint losing more than 20% of the forces?
Who was that orc planning this feint, he should receive a medal from the Ukraine! 😂😂😂
Historically, Russian troops were always cannon fodder. Just look at WW2 or the Winter War in Finland. Russian casualties were always 10x higher than the enemy’s.
Those Russian soldiers are fighting to protect their country and their coethnics in Ukraine from the criminal Nazi regime of the U.S. puppet Zelensky, you piece of shit CIA cockroach… You know who was the REAL “cannon fodder”? Those stupid American punks who died and were maimed in Iraq in a war based on lies, started by the war criminal George Bush and his neocon scumbags.
Historically they have won the wars in the end and you’re a fucking Dildo!
According to hoholnazi news network.
Stage 2 hasn’t yet begun, but the Russian ‘reconnaissance in force’ operations, supported by heavy rocket artillery, have resulted in almost a batallion strength loss per day for Ukraine.
Does Zelensky and his western controllers believe that the ‘heavy weapons from the west’ unicorns will save them? Will be a bit tricky without a functioning rail link, maybe they’ll be flown in on Turkish magic carpet drones.
Like in Mariupol, help is not coming. There are no unicorns coming to rescue the AFU in Donbas. Russia doesn’t want to kill these guys, but it will continue while the criminal Zelensky regime refuses to allow retreat or surrender.
They can come out shooting and get shot in the leg and captured. Then they will be captured heroes, without reprisals. Russia could even allow them to shoot themselves in the legs if they surrender. The legs are one of the least bad places to get shot?
Actually no, the legs are one of the worst places to get shot
Get them out quicker by packing the vent shafts with dry ice. Put aluminium bubble wrap over them so the air is blocked. It is cold, it is smokey, it is eerie, it is visible and it will make them short of breath and scared. They will come out. It is NOT a chemical WEAPON and is nowhere near as bad as tear gas down there. They could also stick a few stink bombs down there to make them worry even more.
Dry ice is a solid form of carbon dioxide and if it is released in an area without proper ventilation, it can cause people to inhale dangerous amounts of the gas. Have you heard of those kids that filled their pool with dry ice so it got all nice and smokey so they got cool pictures for Instagram? They jumped in the pool and almost every single one that jumped in either died or suffered serious respiratory system damage
russian t72 hit by uk made NLAW
Man, that song is just awful.
So what. Ukrotards dying by the Thousands. You’re still losing.
what about dragons and reptilians ? source? trust me bro?
1000 hoholnazi trash dies every day now. Enjoy…
Another russian Su-34 is down.
russobots aka little commie still believe that ukrainian air-defence is 200% destroyed ? hahahahahahaha
For every Russian jet glorious ukronazisisbanderistan is losing 10jets and helos and a dozen SAMs. Yes its pretty much destroyed when Russia can fly 100+sorties a day and only losing g 1jet per week.
So? How was it taken down? Air defense? Manpad? Engine failure? You don’t provide any context whatsoever and expect people to just take your word for it? If the air defense of Ukraine was still fully operational, why do the Kalibr and khinzal missiles fly freely wreaking havoc on most AFU positions?
A possible explainer as to why we’ve seen so many downed Russian Orlan-10s with little physical damage.
russobots will cry ^^
You are scraping the bottom of the barrel hoholtrash.
Russia lost 30 drones sofar. Glorious ukronazisistan lost 600. Ouch…
Meanwhile glorious zellerboy forces glorious ukronazisisbanderistan azovtrash to rot alive to death below Azovstal. So much glory…
Gotta say I’m perplexed by Russia’s leisurely tactics. I’m rootin’ for Putin but going in slo-mo isn’t the way you win a war.
Actually, it is. Maskirovka. You know the joke about the old bull and the young bull standing on the hilltop? The young bull sees a bunch of heifers and says, “let’s run down and fuck one of those cows!” And the old bull says, “No, let’s walk down there and fuck all those cows.”
It worked in Syria.
There is no war in Syria anymore? Lol.
Ukrotrash are going to bandera at Warp speed.
Ukrainian loses:
Numbers seems to be lower that Russian DoD claims, but it looks like that 1/4 manpower is gone. At least 1/4 of ground forces. Most of the Air force/defence gone.
Not sure how Ukraine could possibly push Russia out. To create successful offensive/counteroffensive the force must be at least 3 times larger than defenders. Not necessary manpower but firepower
Alexander the Great had about 40,000 troops at the battle of Guagamela against the persians 1 million troops, and Alexander won. The 1st crusade at the siege of Jerusalem had about 13500 troops against 60000 defenders in the city, and the crusaders won.
While it seems logical that you must have more troops than the other side, never discount an excellent leader and the impact of morale.
Still, I’m betting on the Russians winning this one.
Because of their excellent lead? 😳🤷
A resident of Mariupol said that those Azov scum were coming out when no one is looking and sabotaging things. What’s going on?
Proudly attacking humanitarian convoys:
“Slave Ukraine”
Explosions were heard overnight in Belgorod, Russia, less than 20 miles from the Ukrainian border, the regional governor said on Telegram. An ammunition depot was on fire, but no homes had been hit and there were no civilian casualties,
Another Russian soldier on a cigarette break.
so special russian anti-air defence ^^
where is this leading
die Freiwillige Feuerwehr kann diese Bunkeranlage mit Wasser fluten um die Ratten ans Licht zu bringen!