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- Russian troops were completely withdrawn from the Kiev and Chernihiv regions;
- Clashes between Russian and Ukrainian forces continue on the administrative borders of Kherson and Mykolaiv regions;
- Clashes between Russian and Ukrainian forces continue south of Kryvyi Rih on the administrative borders of the Kherson region;
- The Russian Army attacked large fuel bases in Synel’nykove and Novomoskovsk;
- On the morning of April 6, high-precision air- and ground-based missiles destroyed 5 fuel storage bases near Radekhov, Kazatin, Prosyanaya, Nikolaev and Novomoskovsk;
- On April 5, strikes of high-precision air-based missiles destroyed the command post of territorial defence unit, fuel depot and armoured vehicle repair plant near Zolochev and Chuguev.
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Everything is going according to the Zionists’ plan.
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Kherson looks like it is being besieged
1) Russia clearly lacked the manpower to hold Northern Ukraine. Otherwise, they could have just kept the troops there, pressuring the ukro leadership. Giving up territory is a loss. Whether it is short term or long term, we shall see.
2) Now, Kiev is free to send troops to the Donbas region, strengthening the positions there.
3) The war will be fought until Kiev falls. This prospect just got farther.
4) The West may get emboldened, seeing this and the alleged warcrimes and send more weapons and volunteers into ukraine. The western borders are wide open. The port of Odessa is also open.
5) The more war, any war, drags on, the more damage it causes. militarily, economically, politically. Russia needs to finish this relatively fast. the signs are not really encuraging. They have been siegeing Mariupol for like a month now, and it still hasn’t fallen. Will every city take such a long time to take?
6) what is Russia’s plan in ukraine? reducing every major city to rubble? What is the Russian vision for ukraine? If Donbas is the example to follow, then forget about it. if Crimea, it has been stagnating since 2014.
I fail to see how a somewhat greater Russia with ukrainian territories could be much different from the Russia we see today. The systemic problems plaguing Russia will remain: low Russian (and high muslim) birth rate, alcoholism, economy based on exporting raw materials, international isolation, corruption, huge differences between rich and poor, etc.
Yes. Troops go to danbas, leaving the capitol. I note leaving the capitol. They get fried in donbas, then Russia advances on Kiev again , then what. Good luck getting to Odessa. Good luck with EU crippling there own economies. And depleting there weapon reserves. Good luck Good luck Good luck
Funny, funny stuff. The US weaponized the Ukraine as part of their ongoing hynbrid war against Russia. The Ukraine can now never join NATO, and can never have nuclear weapons. The Ukrainian ethnic cleansing operation in Donbas has been stopped by the Russians. The capacity to project US power through the Ukrainian puppet military is being eliminated. The Nazi element in the Ukrainian state apparatus is being eliminated. Do you see now?
Kiev Bob Clyde is back. Another ten rubels to you son. You deserve it
You deserve your ministerial position, that was some really dumb propaganda. Pity your generals aren’t as good at their job.
Those handsome Russian men should be marrying and having children instead of emptying vodka bottles.
1. And they still don’t have enough manpower for Plan B!
2. Yes, no Grand Encirclement is happening or will happen.
3. No, until Putin and “authoritarianism” falls. Putin misunderstands that The West is dead, it has been engulfed by the New Religion. Either you submit to them, or die.
4. “The West” is emboldened by Putin’s repeated misunderstanding of the Will to Power. The see him as a soon to be senile or dead Romantic.
5. Yes and No. There is a way for Russia to become stronger economically as part of Eurasia. They can steal all of the IP and tech of “the West” and get their industry and military on par within one generation, with China as a partner. Piracy is the Achilles Heel of “the West”.
Mariupol is irrelevant. It has been encircled and it is only a matter of time.
6. Russia’s plan for Ukraine was for it to be either friendly or neutral. That is a fundamental misunderstanding of the situation. The Western half of the Ukraine truly is Western. They will fight to the death to join the West. The Ukraine had to be split up. Had Putin set out to add Russian speaking areas to Russia and used enough men, he would have won. But he is an aging spy, not a warrior. Kadyrov should be Russia’s next leader.
Unless something happens to Putin, Russia will be eliminated to save Europe.
The whole war was senseless and futile.
Was democratic Ukraine a threat vs RU dictatorship? Was developing Ukraine threat to more stagnant and corrupt Russia?
Still a futile and illegal war. Russians will pay for it for next 100years.
1. The operation against kiev is over. The job is done … Ukrainian army is fixed in place without the fuel, supplies, vehicles and kiev has lost unified command and control of their forces.
2. How will Kiev send troops to Donbass without fuel, vehicles and with holding all the roads into the Donbass under fire control?
3. The war will be fought until Russian objectives are met. Show me one statement from the Kremlin stating the Russian objective is the destruction of the Ukrainian state and occupation of Ukraine.
4. Sending more weapons is irrelevant. Ukraine no longer has the ability to fight on a strategic level … perhaps sending more fuel or perhaps bicycles?
5. Actually the signs point to Russia finishing this on their schedule. If you listen to what the kremlin’s stated objectives are instead of what some talking head on Fox news says they are you’d understand this. Consider that we are only 41 days into the Russian campaign. At this same point in the Gulf war the USA was still bombing Iraq and didn’t hold a square inch of Iraqi occupied territory
6. 1. Destroy Ukraines ability to project power militarily and interoperate with NATO at NATO standards. 2. Get revenge on the Ukrainian nationalist militias that terrorized Russian native speaker in Ukraine since 2014. 3. Drive Ukrainian forces from LPR / DPR …. however it looks like Russia’s going to keep a little beachfront on the Black Sea / Azov Sea.
The Kremlin did say they were going to Odessa to hunt down the perpetrators of the house of trade union massacre and Odessa has a very important Russian history so perhaps Russia is going to take Odessa as well.
This is looking really bad for Russia. Biggest commitments of Russian army were soundly defeated. Only the Donbas separatists and Chechens seem to make any progress. All Russians can do is press buttons to launch missiles and blow up oil depots.
Another Ukrotard reports back from an acid trip. There has been no defeat of the Russians, anywhere on the territory of the failed Ukrainian CIA project.
Hey please stop. You are taking my olympo meme spot as the most ridiculed figure on the internet. I want it back!
haha, well said. clyde will be glad for any worthless rubel he can get
You remind me of the Black Knight. “It’s only a flesh wound” you cry out, as like the map above, you fall limbless on the floor, screaming like an indignant whore.
Sorry, how many Russian soldiers currently on the territory of the failed Ukrainian CIA project? How many Ukrainian military assets destroyed in the last six weeks? How much territory that belonged to the Ukrainian state in 2013 now gone? How many missile strikes on the territory of the failed Ukrainian CIA project in the last six weeks?
USA trains Ukrainians on “Switchblade” drones +++ According to an insider, a small number of Ukrainians are currently being trained on “Switchblade” drones in the United States. A US military official, who declined to be named, says there are fewer than a dozen military personnel already in the country. It is assumed that they will soon return to Ukraine.
russobots will scream and cry
worth to add that ukraine will recive switchblade 600 with range 40km…. hooah
Perhaps they would do better to give the Ukrotards actual switchblades. That level of technology suits the level of operations of the former Ukrainian military, which seems to constist of retreating form one residential area to another. But the big roll-up in the east is coming. Bagration 2022.
Where are my troops Steiner?
I get it! You combined Hitler and Putin! Absolutely brilliant Ukrotard stuff. Now how many Russians soldiers are currently on the territory of the failed Ukrainian CIA project?
Many if you count the fertilizer. Still less than two weeks ago though
Ukrrainians moving forward, kherson city is sourranded by ukrainian troops, russian child rapists have to scream and run. Funny fact: do you know that 30% of russian still use toilet outside of their house ? amazing, not so ? hahahahahaha shhithole
Funny fact, Ukrainians don’t even bother to leave their homes, simply relieving themseles in a corner and covering the product with straw. Meanwhile, no Ukrainian advances against opposing Russian forces of any kind are occurring, and Ukrainians continue to morph into taco meat at an astounding rate.
Oh shit dude, thats why they storming kherson city now and forced russian rapists to run away from kiev region? Well, it’s amazing how russian cheap propaganda brainwashed you….. you just lack of logic. yOu russianbots live in different reality xD
Wouldn’t it be just absolutely crazy if something like that had occurred in reality instead of yet another absurd Ukrotard propaganda claim? Like, wow, man.
Are you all US trolls here AI?…its funny, because if I would be a human and someone would pay me to talk nonsenses , I don’t think that I could do it…
Ask clyde he may help you. We need all the dumb online bums we can find
Hopefully Putin pulls through now all the way to Moldova.
21:11 USA: “Of course” Ukraine could win the war +++ The US is convinced that Ukraine can win the war against Russia. “Of course they can win this,” said US Defense Department spokesman John Kirby. The proof of this are the developments that you see every day.
“Of course the Afghan National Army can defeat the Taliban”. “Of course the South Vietnamese can win this”. And then the American goes into a opioid nod.
Poor daft Putin, sanctioned and now quiet and nowhere to be seen, I wonder if he’s actually embarrassed or he always planned it this way, start a shit show, empower NATO and then go into hiding as Russia hurts? Let’s wait for his dutiful whores to answer in his defence, plenty on here, after all a Putin failure a day let’s his whores out to play 🤗
Bagration, little lady. Now when you want to talk failure, you have to look at billions of dollars spent in the failed Ukrainian CIA project and eight years of NATO support, resulting in the Russians driving right to Kiev and sitting there for a month, waiting for Krusty, the Klown of Kiev, to get the OK from Washington to cancel the destruction of the Ukrainian armed forces. The Ukrainians failed to undertake a single counter-attack at batallion strength in a month, anywhere between Kiev and Kharkov. Failure by the Ukrotards that nobody could have imagined two months ago.
Now we get consolation prizes for sitting outside?! Kiev for a month? That s it? all we got after renovating the second Best army in the world? You know how much i spent? Could have built many palaces instead… Shoigu where is my money?
No Grand Encirclement is happening here. Russia has far too few troops to do anything.
Plan A: Scare them into surrendering (but do it in a gentlemanly way).
They didn’t surrender, now what?
Once Plan A was an obvious failure (when the Ukraine realized Russia wasn’t going into cities, in other words, a few days) Putin had to either escalate or quit quickly (he wasted 1 more month).
retreating from Kiev and Chernihov will give UKR a filling that they are winning so they will sent additional troops from Kiev region toward Donbas. When on open roads this troops are going to be decimated!
I wonder if Kherson is liberated today…
All the ukbots here are filled with false hope that Ukraine and its nazi’s are going to defeat Russia. None of them have the intellect to understand that troops are repositioned and maps change, but the ending is no in doubt, the Russian operation is on track and will be completed to a successful conclusion i.e. the de-militarization of the UAF and the elimination of the murderous nazi’s in the Azov and other brigades.