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Military Situation In Ukraine On April 7, 2022 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Ukraine On April 7, 2022 (Map Update)

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  • On April 6, high-precision air- and sea-based missile destroyed a fuel storage base near Mykolaiv;
  • On April 6, high-precision air- and sea-based missile destroyed a fuel storage base near Zaporizhzhia;
  • On April 6, high-precision air- and sea-based missile destroyed a fuel storage base near Kharkiv;
  • On April 6, high-precision air- and sea-based missile destroyed a fuel storage base near Chuguev.


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Burning Russian soldier

“Russian corpses burn brightest during night” – Mahatma Gandhi (probably)



How many lumens from burning Ukrainian corpses, and is that level subject to the time of day? There’s certainly a lot of subject material to study, and the supply is in a high growth phase.

Burning Russian soldier

I honestly wish I knew what you were saying, but I can’t make sense out of this fucking kremlin word salad. You should probably be a good slave and go back to sucking dick instead of posting propaganda. You’re embarrassing your handlers.

The maharaja

Dude stop feeding the trolls. The kids a fucking twat hes not going to stop as long as people respond to his shit

Short ugly uninteresting Muslim female stalker


Big Tragedy

Journalist: Okay, but you lost thousands of people?

Peskov: Yes, we have significant losses, this is a huge tragedy for us. But retreating from Kyiv and Chernigov is a gesture of goodwill during negotiations.

Timmy Temperance

I don’t get why people are saying bad things about Peskov. The loss of Russian soldiers is tragic, he values human life as do most rationale people. More than 999 soldiers have died and therefore technically the losses are in the thousands. The retreat was stated to be a gesture of goodwill at the time although there are other considerations.

Timmy Temperance

And that guy is no journalist. He is a sheep that reads the news. He has that arrogant Bratish conceited and haughty way about him. The way he spits out his statements as if they are absolute fact and everyone who disagrees is a liar. Urgh. He is a prostitute for the British Government and he has no more knowledge about global events than does that weirdo Derick Lewis.


It’s so tiresome and boring how any time a western propagandist opens his mouth, only hysterical nonsense comes out. Even 1 death in a war that could have been avoided is a tragedy, DUH. Watching western propaganda is so cringy that it’s physically painful.

Burning Ukrop( really a Polack ) Faggot

Take a hike Polack!

Burning Russian soldier

Keep guessing, only 194 countries to go!

Putin kicks your face into the Dirt!

Where is the missing NATO General that was in Mariupol you Fuckstick?

Burning Russian soldier

What missing general are you talking about you round-faced sweaty russian dungeon-dwelling cock-gobbling keyboard warrior? :D


Your bum burns brighter, my son.

Burning Russian soldier

I mean, after I eat some chilli and shit on your meal, yeah for sure.


Most of these are 4-5 times repeats from different angles,the real hardcore evidence are those factual positive ids which are very far and few in between,also most of these are ukranians from the eastern republics.

Enjoy your meal and burnt offering,wastelife guru!

Burning Russian soldier

Denial is the first stage of grief. Keep coping.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

1/10th compared to burning hoholtrash.


Your vibrator not working?

Unborn Uncreated


Europeans burn much brighter Zelensky is a muderous puppet of the Zionist murder machine embedded in the beds of all west europeans and usbritain

Timmy Temperance

Go on. Take Severodonetsk and Slavyansk, free Donbas.


HAHA. These citites are more defended and fortified than Chernihiv annd Kiyv were, and you think poorly trained russkies can manage to take them? dream on

Anus SS

Starve the Ukrop fuckers out. They need to surrender before they ‘re turned into Mett.


HAHA you so mad you make fun of my glorious username. just remember those who annihilated your ancestors WAFFEN-SS sturmtrooper HAHA they took belarus, poland, ukraine ALL of western Russia in only 2 months and slaughtered millions of subhuman HAHA


Greek liberators ousted these roided fkrz,from their mainland,in 221 days= fact!

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

And lost in the end to subhumans. You are next hoholtrash.




Maybe not,then again the eastern republics sure as hell will,it is their land not your nor mine,gimp!

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

A couple of FOABs will be enough.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

By they way not true. Kiev has 100,000 defenders. Mariupol had 14,500. Kharkov about the same, odessa as well The rest is meh.

Lesco Brandon

I support Russia but Russia has completely blown this campaign. It is a complete and utter disaster.

The question is can Russia regroup and get back in the fight?

USA is 666

I will fight you.


Poor ol’ Ukrotard. Reality is a rough pill to swallow.


It’s a modest win. They blew winning bigger, but the real prize is Multipolarity not a few acres of dirt here or there.


Now the whole world knows how crappy Su-34 Ka-52 alligator and su-30sm are. 5 su-34 destroyed, 4 su-30sm destroyed, and 14 ka-52 alligator destroyed in only 1 month

-su34 KhIbInY crap electronic countermeasures are no match against even crappy old Soviet BUK-M1 and S-300PS and you think it will perform good against Patriot, THAAD or NASAMS? HAHA

-su-30/34 flares/dircm dont work against STINGER manpads. poor technology to defend against heatseekers. NO targeting pods for high altitude air-ground targeting.

-meanwhile Stinger and knocking down very expensive advanced KA-52 alligator by the dozens (14 downed already and counting).

not good pilots, junk aircraft = recipe for disaster and defeat

Poor Russkies


That must have been a thrilling session on your Playstation today.


I playstation you face nigger bitch


I can destoy your playstation with my #14 plumber wrench anytime,anyday at will! You would be shocked of the speed,make any wrench invincible, like magician (period)

Timmy Temperance

But what is the goal? Stinger and other weapons clearly work but it only prolongs the conflict. Ukraine cannot recover air superiority because they do not have enough planes. So even if a few helicopters are downed, it does not really help Ukraine in the long run. They cannot compete with Russian forces on the ground either. Yes the weapons provided by NATO are effective against heavy armour, but again there is simply no comparison between the number of tanks Ukraine has compared with Russia. Russia has a massive number of troops available. Russia has a virtually unlimited supply of precision missiles. Russia has far more advanced air-defense systems available. Ukraine cannot win, why can you not understand that? Ukraine government is on a fool’s errand for NATO. They are playing a shell game and the country is being destroyed in the process.

Last edited 2 years ago by Timmy Temperance

Point is by next year entire Russkie air force will have run out of su34 and ka52 helicopters HAHA

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Next year Ukrain will be called Kiev Oblast of the Russian Federation. Enjoy 😊

Last edited 2 years ago by Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

I think they have already proven that they are more than capable of competing with Russian forces on the ground by the fact that the Russian forces have retreated from most of the ground that they captured with this invasion.

As to the air defenses, the Russians are only able to launch weapons from the sea, Belarus, or Russian airspace. They only be able to hit stationary targets.

They are too scared to fly into Ukrainian airspace or step a foot on a piece of soil they don’t already have control over. Every day, they will probably be pushed back a little further and the Ukrainians will be able to push back harder.

First Kherson, then Sevastopol, then Mariupol, and on to Donetsk and Luhansk.


This depends strictly on russian strategy,seens ukraines only one (bio weapons) has all ready been terminated,they may fight back,what you got is a full nato military div,by using the proven ground weapons and rockets (all soviet) and fighters that absolutely wipe the floor of any european nation (period) hence why nato are fully supporting albiet to the very last ukranian for them very cheap expendable fighters,the whole world too dumb to realise it! 8 levels of invasion, practically level 3 seems the best feasable,westy part aint worth it!

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Wrong on all accounts.


A few? Russia has 500 helicopters or better had 500 . Now it has still 350 and counting down and they are supposed to defend also the borders with Latvia, estonia , latvuhian, Sweden, Finland, Polonia, Tsjech, Romania, Burglary, Gorgy, Kazakstan, China, India, Azarbijan and to some extend but not reliableTurkey. So if all Helicopters are working and stay working and I ame sure they do not. It is already a hopeless task. And yes The west has only so many bullets if the Russians keep feeding young un prepared zombies to be killed for nothing we might run out of bullets but do not hold your breath for that because even if the Russians soldiers are that stupid to fulfil the idiots wish we might have some surprises, we learned from WWII to anticipate to stupid strategies. You have a lot of tanks but they proved to be only bait and did not change anything only the staple of scrapped metal.



Timmy Temperance

I am impressed by Macron’s willingness to enter into dialogue with Russia and his sincere attempts to find a resolution to the conflict. It is in stark contrast to the UK Government which agitated for the conflict and does everything it can to prolong the conflict in order to fund the military industrial complex and make obeisance to US. France cheated Russia about the warships but they paid that debt and they respect Russia and understand that following the US mandates on everything may not be in their best interests.


It’s all feigned anyways. Macron is a WEF agent on record, just like the rest of the western establishment.


All Jews banksters are alike, regardless if they are hybrid with Africans, Europeans, Indians.. as disguise, calling themselves black Obama, dementia Biden, Indian Kalama, Nato brain dead Macron, clown Zelensky, ..

Last edited 2 years ago by Naturetruth

Macron is in a election state and a no good he swaps more from stance as from underwear. Erdogan could be Putins brother as irrational and egoistic, inhuman, violent, and equal tyrannic so all three of them are afraid to be sacked. For Macron in a democracy it is not such a point, Erdogan has no friends at all even +50% of his own people hate him, Putin kept the Russians so stupid and enslaved that , certainly the old Russians, will follow him in the abyss what started happening on 24-02-2022. Nobody will trust Russia anymore, china is eating from both sides but will have huge intern problems if they can deliver their stuff to the west, the rest are positive to Russia because they depend on Russia. The Russian soldiers will be hated everywhere as animals and they made every Ukraine to their prefect enemy. The resistance will be harsh and unrelentless.

Dick Von D'Astard

Heard an interesting statistic today. Mariupol had apparently around 14,000 defending it at start of campaign, that figure is now whittled down to around 3,000 today, in three small pockets. (Azovstal, Ilyich factory and port area) So taking into account surrenders and desertions, it will probably mean at least 50% – 60 killed, i.e 7,000+ Ukrainians KIA just in Mariupol alone. Ukraine military losses in the name of the Collective West’s anti-Russia interests will be horrific when the final reckoning comes.

After the conclusion of the Battle of Donbass, I’m guestimating here 55,000 UAF KIA and 150,000 WIA since the start of the Russian intervention into Ukraine and the DPR/LPR war of independence.

Last edited 2 years ago by Dick Von D'Astard

dreams/ no proof. only 5000 at start of mariupol, 3000 left, you do the math einshtein.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

14,500. Better luck next time Trollstoy 🤗


Of course Ukraine is suffering massive casualties, but that doesn’t make the situation any less tragic. A single Russian life is worth infinitely more than every single ukrop combined. Why? Because there is no shortage of retards in this world who are willing to fight for the corrupt western establishment, yet there is only few who are actively resisting it, and they are almost all Russian.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sunny

Ukies lost 50,000 against LPR/DPR in 2014, so what is another 50k+ men?


CONFIRMED: su35s, 2 su34, 2 ka-52 alligator DESTROYED by STARSTREAK manpad missile from UK. russkies have zero technology to avoid or counter starstreak HAHA Lots of these going to Donbass. By next year Russkies wont have an airforce thanks to starstreak and stinger HAHA

Last edited 2 years ago by Waffen-SS

Proof? aircraft id numbers please,no? Go feck yourself mi6 parasites! No official comfirmation,rest assured russia always comfirms downings and or loss of pilots(period)

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Ukraine wont have a country next year. So I wouldn’t worry.


HAHA Southfront niggers stop delete my truth comments! ALL MY INFORMATION COMES FROM ORYX! oryx is true shit everything confirmed via photo or video . my info is accurate now stop censor you nigger lovers!


Your truth comes from Jens LGBT live web cam.


4% accurate if that!


su-35s getting swatted by a cheap STARSTREAK is embarasing sad


CIA losing it’s multi-billion $ investment is heart breaking.

Dick Von D'Astard

S-125-2D actually, same missile that got the F-117’s over Serbia. Just shows how good the old Soviet SAM’s were and are under modernization. Still if you compare losses of RuAF versus USAF/USN in Desert Storm, RuAF have comparatively low losses in the campaign so far, and no your fantasy figures of confirmed downed RuAF warplanes are way off. Ukraine by comparison have lost 125 fixed-wing aircrafts and 88 helicopters. basically their air force is gone and no more. Reports Soviet S-125 Missile System Added Russian Su-35 Fighter to Kill List – Following F-117 Stealth Fighter and F-4 Phantoms https://militarywatchmagazine.com/article/soviet-s125-missile-system-adds-russian-su35-fighter-to-kill-list-following-f117-stealth-fighter-f4-phantoms

Last edited 2 years ago by Dick Von D'Astard

Fake news,more british disinformation junk it may hit one that was hit by a soviet missile first if that?


Ukrops are useless without fuel to move their armor and supplies around. I guess they will have fun sitting in a muddy trench being bombarded by mortars….


Russian soldiers that got left behind in the retreat are the ones living in muddy trenches, or drainage ditches under country roads getting hunted down by drones.

Have you seen this video? This is my favorite sound track for it.



Russian forces are moving wherever they see fit. Ukrops are stuck in a muddy hole surrounded by their dead comrades. Pretty soon Ukrops will surrender to save themselves which will infuritate CIA. CIA now has a sub-standard reputation.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Meanwhile 30,000+ dead hoholnazis laying face down in the mud with hundreds of roasted western back ops. Whoops 😁


I bet Ukrop soldiers are starting to think about surrender in exchange for a hot meal.

Dick Von D'Astard

Looking at the map, Russian forces controls the Ukrainian economy and access to rail, air and sea, the Ukrano-Banderites control an unemployed, desperate and hungry population within cities that will likely be in a state of anarchy and revolt before long. The fact that the Russian army can also roll up a 40 mile long armoured column from the north of Kyiv onto it’s outskirts at anytime, is another fulcrum of control in any negotiations between Moscow and Washington-London controlled Kyiv.

Last edited 2 years ago by Dick Von D'Astard
The maharaja

If The Russians would call up some more men make this easier on themselves. Izyum to south and a push north can take care of Sevrodonetsk. Should be able to take everything south of the highway from just under Kharkiv to Dnipro. Take Zaproizhzhia the UAF would more than like defend the larger city use the oskill river in north east as a good natural border and secure south of it, makes a good chunk to add to the DPR.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Russia is gaining ukrobots are draining

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

A cruise missile a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺

Intel Slava Z

Snihurivka is already captured by Russian Forces

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