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- Russia struck the AFU 72nd Motorized Infantry Brigade near Artemovsk with high-precision missiles;
- Russia struck the AFU 46th Airmobile Brigade near Lozovoye with high-precision missiles;
- Russia struck military assets of the AFU near Andreyevka with high-precision missiles;
- Russia struck military assets of the AFU near Soledar with high-precision missiles;
- Russia struck military assets of the AFU near Zaitseve with high-precision missiles;
- Russian air defense systems shot down 2 Ukrainian drones near Topolevka in the LPR and Charivnoye in the Kherson region;
- Russian air defense systems shot down 3 rockets near Novognatovka in the DPR and Kamenka and Doroshenkovo in the Kharkov region;
- A military warehouse near the town of Dzhankoi in northern Crimea had been damaged by sabotage.
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In fact, the warehouse near the town of Dzhankoi seems to have been completely destroyed, according to Rusia Today.
It seems some people do not like to hear impartial assesments.
Your moms p… was casualty of Russian action.
Some 2000 people evacuated. War is coming to occupied territories, disturbing logistics. Seems like a classical guerrilla war is developing
It is not a guerrilla war, it is just some saboteurs that have managed to infiltrate. In Crimea no guerrilla war is viable, 100% suport to russian operation, even demanding a tougher approach.
Crimean Tatars, they even met with Obama, are now working with Ukraine. The FSB checks them for involvement.
Tatars are a Turkfolk, and Turkey, Aserbaidshan, Usbekistan, Georgia, the Chechen people (not its current russian collaborateur fake government), the Syrian Mujahedin, the Bosnians, Tadschikistan, the Uighurs and Kirgisia, Turkmenistan are all on the side of the Turkfolks – and therefore opponents of Mr. Putin. Big war is coming my friends. Turkey is already producing Bayraktar drones inside Ukraine. Contract between Ukraine and Turkey is signed !
Turkey should not help the Zionist to build their empire, they should side with Russia Rum Empire. Its been long planned to open a Proxy War against Russia. Any Turkey online pls. Tell Mr. Erdogan to stop helping the Zionist that againts Muslims.
@Iren Indeed. Tatars are a Turkfolk, and Turkey, Aserbaidshan, Usbekistan, Georgia, the Chechen people (not its current russian collaborateur fake government), the Syrian Mujahedin, the Bosnians, Tadschikistan, the Uighurs and Kirgisia, Turkmenistan are all on the side of the Turkfolks – and therefore opponents of Mr. Putin. Big war is coming my friends. Turkey is already producing Bayraktar drones inside Ukraine. Contract between Ukraine and Turkey is signed !
There are 250,000 tartars in Crimea, I suspect you’ll see them as the next wave of refugees fleeing to the EU if the attacks continue.
There are 250,000 tartars in Crimea, I suspect you’ll see them as the next wave of refugees fleeing to the EU if the attacks continue.
John’s mother got turkey-slapped by MoonMan.
@Mike Nah, guerilla war will happen, sabotage acts will, and Putin will have to give back the ukrainian land Donbass Donetzk and Luhansk territory to the Ukrainians. Until that, Crimea will be legal target for all kind of long range NATO weapons. Already last week I saw short clips from there. Long traffic jams with fleeing Putin-sympathizing people, who realized that Crimea is now free-fire battlezone and therefore no longer save to live at. So they decided to at least temporarily leave, and move closer to the russian border.
Anyway it is clear that NATO will accept (though with big pain in the arse) that Crimea became annexed by Russia (because russia fleet is there and needs port for blacksea fleet). But therefore it is also clear that NATO will never allow Russia – which has enough land, more than any other nation on earth, to steal even more land. So Donbass etc. will be retaken. One way or the other. Even if 180 years of bloody guerilla warfare might be needed to achieve that aim. Turkey btw. is now producing Bayraktar drones in Ukraine. Finland and Sweden are sending soldiers (mainly camouflaged as military advisers to Ukraine, in order to fight off the russian invaders) And US already has silently delivered the long-range (300km) HIMAR missiles to Ukraine, and gave UKR the green-light to use them against crimea. Saki airbase was just the first RU base destroyed by that long range missile, now ammunition depots in crimea start getting hit too, but ru propaganda of course not tells you that fact.
So if Putin doesn t comes to his senses (which he can t, same as NATO, because both get their orders from the International Jewry, which ordered them to make World War, and make the christians slaughter each other) and retreats, it is clear that we are heading directly into World War 3.
I don’t suspect an actual insurgency, more of select saboteurs. However, it’s obvious that Russia needs to tighten its security and round up suspects like the Ukrainians did at the start of this. Surely the FSB has a list or two.
Checkpoints to keep them safe.
Exactly ! That’s what NATO promised Putin, should he be that mad to openly attack Ukraine. It starts slow but becomes a vulcano in the end. And when total defeat of russian invaders ( resp. that they cannot hold the ground without suffering thousands of dead troops per month) becomes obvious at home in russia and before already to the whole world – Putin will decide to go full maniac and attack NATO directly. World War 3 is coming my friends !
Britain is HEAVILY involved. We would do well to tell our govt, banksters and civil service that they can stuff their hatred and envy for russia as we dont hate her at all and that we hate THEM for inviting a big nuclear FOAB to our Isles and for making our gas Electric, petrol and fuel prices soar.
Thanks to wonderful Britain that has not been on the right side of war since the Falklands. She is on the wrong side of truth too, deception rules. The spite filled jealousy, the psycopathy of those in the civil service and in government, the greed, sense of entitlement and arrogance!
I am looking at Russia Today—Nowhere does it say–“the warehouse near the town of Dzhankoi is completely destroyed ” but-near the village of Mayskoye -no mention of a “warehouse ” .
It is true “completely destroyed’ does not appear in the report. I am following Russia Today is Spanish. However, the idea they express is that it was a very hard explosion and that munition have ben exploting for a while.
“ubicado cerca del pueblo de Máiskoye”
You again? 🤣😂
Saki never happen right cause you couldn t find it in “your news” what a Moron 😂🤣🤡🏆💩
Yes ruskies don t want to admit that the 300 km silently US-delivered HIMARS missiles blew that Saki base to shreds. It to embarrasing to admit, because it means naerly all of Crimea is now a target. Including the big cities and the whole blacksea fleets harbour and port places.
Today the heroic marines of the DPR and LPR managed to denazify SA Sturmoberjunker Yuriy Melnyk. He will now suck Bandera’s dick for the next 4 million years.
Come on, Melnyk is a jewish name, why are you always confusing jewish names with old german organisations and its people. You are obvioisly eighter extraordinary stupid, or a real evil person who wants to save the jews from getting their well deserved punishment !
new lgbt frisbee competition oregun—we humiliated by Russia Taliban Ptygmy special forces….but our trannys can insert Israeli dildo in nebraska hillbilly rectum faster than any Russian
All this Azov “nazi” stuff is all about pretending the side of NATO and the EU isn’t that of cultural-marxism, pedophiles and abortion enjoyers.
Cannibalism, blood transfusions from infants, satanic mass sacrifice and adrenachrome. Forcing children to kill eachother. It is worse than pedo stuff it is of the worst of hell.
Another Crimea sabotage operation, Russia needs better security for its storage sites.
The military situation in Ukraine is that the shitty Russian army is still encircled in Kherson and all the supply routes have been cut off. The Russian command is still fleeing and the conscripts in Kherson are stuck doing nothing. They’re low on ammunition with shitty Soviet rifles.
mommy for profit counteroffensive? 3 antifa in your oregun trailer park😂😂😂
the situation is unfortunately still that you and your kind human scum, spread hate, lies, propaganda and chaos, in the service of the horned beast and golden calf, but your end and your complete extermination is inevitable and indispensable.
What kind is that? You’re a demented freak. That’s your kind. What’s my kind?
Yeah, whatever Shlomo the B.S. artist!
Apart from a Great Prophet you are also a great strategist. Do not forget to share your wisdom. A little comic relief is needed nowadays
Like that ammunition depot that just exploded in Crimea. That was funny as hell.
Yes yes… you are right. You have foretold this a month ago.
why amerikan Macgregor say we are lgbt cowards that Russia poised to liberate Kharkov and Odessa in a few months….taliban say we are nice tranny. we buy zelensky villas in Monaco Beverly Hills—we very generous….nobody except pygmy spear battalion respect us
Rusia tiene que ser mas agresiva y destruir todo lo que se mueve en el oeste ucraniano
Yes yes yes, the famous fairy tale of a country which has no more chips and in its despair had to use chips of washing machine, right. Hmm, but now the same country presents AI robot dogs with a grenade launcher and a motorcycle surf device, self driving armored trucks and is building up it’s own ‘state of the art” space station. Eat that fairy-tellers.
Ukraine is worried – former mayor of Dnepr -Gennady Korban said he has threatened to place a Zionist Kabbalistic Curse ( Pulsa diNura ) on Mr.Putin that’s why he hasn’t attacked Dnepr —
J.K Rowling has placed a “Harry Potter ” curse on Mr.Putin –sounds like a lot of “Hogwarts “
Mr.Putin has announced Russia will now supply Latin America-Asia- Africa with advanced weapons .
Os that from the same source that told you saki never happened and all the planes are safe and well 🤣😂😂🤣🤣
When was that?
What I find interesting, the sabotage that appears to be happening in Crimea is reminiscent of similar acts of sabotage that occurred in South America against states unfriendly to the West. Specific attention to SAS operations during the Falkland War. The patterns are similar though not precise. I would leverage western special forces deeply involved in these operations. That said, they most likely cooperate with local cells of resistance or Ukrainian operatives dormant in the region. That said, these sabotage attacks have really done minimal damage and will likely only serve to embolden the local population to support russian operations as they come under Ukrainian/Western attacks.
Yes, the SAS and SBS are Strategic military assets.
They thrive in operations that have extensive borders with their targets. It’s impossible to seal these borders that are often hundreds or thousands of miles long. Couple that with large flows of refugees etc, and special forces have an advantage.
The most effective counter against special forces are the eyes and ears of friendly citizens in the target state. Couple that with checkpoints manned by local police and volunteers and the SAS have a harder time.
Too much military security only serves to highlight secret areas, especially in the era of satellite’s .
That s why there are queues of dozens of km to cross the kerch bridge to Rússia 🤣😂🤣
watch yesterday (aug 15) podcast of MilitarySummary ( . He would agree with you that SAS has very high involvement.
It is the UK, Britain, the SAS.
Another James Bond movies fan boy. Did they also overthrow Caesar 2000 years ago?
They are all about BS, troll farms and posturing. It uses up all the budget. No money for anything else or any talent either.
Last week, CBS News posted a documentary which found that only “30%” (and this is a conservative guess) of Western military assistance to Kiev was reaching the front lines. Now we see how corrupt Zelesnky really is.
Although I live in the West, it will be hilarious and perfect karma when Western advanced weapons are being used by local gangs, and refugees that have a lust for the wealth of the West, LOL.
Very few citizens have firearms in Europe, so the gangs etc will have an advantage. NATO Manpad anti- aircraft systems and anti-tank missiles, plus sniper rifles and assault guns are likely to change the face of Europe for ever.
Almost Six months of war if you forgot… Where are those gangs and weapons?
I sell US weapons to ISIS buy villa in Monaco, penthouse in Warsaw beach house Malibu….we love USA hillbillies
Ukraine is smaller and smaller every hour thanks to the junkies in Kiev that blindly obey the catastrophic orders from Fashington. Terrible and very sad.
You have a microscope or what 😂😉🤣🤣😉
Russia seems not serious with the operation. During the first days of operation no one could belive western could transfer weapons and reach the front line . It becomes successful and now the western weapons are flooding on the front line and Rus tied up hands , watching without taking decisive action. Now this scenario of sabotaging is taking place in Cremia. Next will be in Mosco! Hahaha
I hate to do it, but I have to agree with you. Unfortunately you are right.
In war saboteurs have always been executed quickly after they have been captured and interrogated. Hopefully the vermin behind the sabotage in Crimea will caught sooner rather than later. Their punishment will be just and final, a one way ticket back home, to hell.
we stupid—unable to comprehend inscrutable Russian mind…this is why we lose and they win….
Adolf and Napoleon (this one at least tried to understand) also didn’t manage to crack the mystery of ‘Russian Soul’. And at the end we saw what happened.
🇷🇺🇺🇦 Russian Armed Forces concentrated 430 aircraft and 360 helicopters near the borders of Ukraine.
They’re preparing a massive aerial attack, to take down the remaining Ukrainian S-300 air defenses. If this thing works, they will achieve total air superiority in the region, which will greatly speed up the special operation.
With the amount of AAA and SAM missile systems the US / NATO has supplied to the Ukraine, that would not be advisable. Ukraine has basically been out of S-300 missiles for a month or two so you stating there is an operation to destroy them only means your info is made up more than actual.
I would think such aviation would do far more than hunt some SAMs.
The old Mig-25 by the way is well suited and does have a Wild Weasel variant. It’s a flying tank and could take hits from manpads and keep on flying. Basically it’s the all steel version of the Mig 31 (which has more advanced construction with lighter material like titanium) and a very rugged heavy bird (a few tons heavier than the Mig 31).
Also has good potential for fast strikes with stand off missiles other than ARM.
Have we won yet and why not?
The entire frontline is hot with grinding down of Ukronazis at the rate of about 500 gender changes per day. Gender neutrality in super high demand among Ukrops. That is the reason why.
Sorry Russia but checkpoints will have to be used and a record of those who pass them will have to be kept. The British are devils.
Looks pretty bad to Ukraine. Russia big snake is eating and devouring so but so slooowly the Ukraine rabbit while shielding the purpouse of sanctions from USA UK and EU and inflicting damage back to them…. the Western Economic Dollar based economy looks so bad lately, we have inflation to at least 20% and keep going up month by month…. the International Commerce and WTC looks bad also because some communication lines are sanctioned…. were will end this madness?, How many time the citizens in all the western countries will take the Burden of Hegemon Politics from Big Power and start revolting against the Puppet Goverments and installing true National Movements on every country and get rid of external manipulations and start moving forward in a new Era of World Multipolar Order.
So, Zelenskyy is now saying that the attacks in Crimea are part of the massive counterattacks that the Ukraine has promised. If so, it’s a very underwhelming counterattack that Russia can stop by actually posting security forces on their bases.
When I see the followers of Banderas receding like Boris Johnsons hairline, I think of Bogdan Stashinsky, the last face Stephan Bandera saw before departing from this world.
I also think Zelensky will meet his own Bogdan but he or she won’t be Ukrainian or Russian, most likely the CIA tidying up the mess they left in Ukraine.
The military situation in Ukraine is that Vladimir Putin just abandoned 20,000 Russian soldiers in Kherson. The Russian command has fled to Crimea leaving them completely encircled by Ukrainian forces. They look like the cowardly fucking idiots they’ve always been from the start.
Hello again you pathetic kike troll with your stupid outrageous nonsense. Why do you do this, everybody here just laughs at you and what you say!