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- Russia struck the AFU 72nd Mechanized Brigade near Artemovsk with high-precision missiles;
- Russia struck the AFU 95th Separate Airborne Assault Brigade near Dzerzhinsk with high-precision missiles;
- Russia struck the AFU 3rd Brigade of the National Guard near Kharkov with high-precision missiles;
- Russia struck the AFU 66th Mechanized Brigade near Ochertino with high-precision missiles;
- Russia struck military assets of the AFU near Chasov Yar with high-precision missiles;
- Russia struck military assets of the AFU near Voznesensk with high-precision missiles;
- Russian air defense systems shot down 8 Ukrainian drones near Krasnoye, Chervonyi Yar, Dibrovnoye, Petropavlovka in the Kharkov region, Staromikhailovka, Rovnoye, Malinovka in the DPR.
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Continua la contraofensiva ucraniana! Mariupol liberada! Seguimos….
The Russians should of refined their art for hunting down HIMARS by now.
From what I can tell their unique tyre pattern would show where they are operating if your eyes on the ground are observant.
Sad and stinky.
Have we won yet and what are we waiting for?
Were you asking this question every day for 20 years, when the NATO terrorists tried (and failed) to conquer Afghanistan?
You sound like a simple minded moron…troll much?
Z stands for ZOG.
ZOG stands for “Zionist Occupied Government”
Do you think all those die-hard Soviet Communists (like KGB agent Vlad Putin) would just completely reform their thinking and no longer want to see Soviet supremacy after the Berlin wall came down?
US has been killing and genocide 7million of innocent people in the Middle East and Donbas lol 😜
Far less than what Russia and China have killed, you celebrate it every year. Furthermore, I don’t support the American government nor any government in the EU. You have trouble with understanding nuances and if you had a brain you would be able to think beyond black and white.
resident nazi from nebraska trailer park, polo moko returns “the people of north amerika accept a level of ugliness in their daily lives nearly without precedent in the history of western civilization”. Yuri Bezmenov “the banality of amerika–the radical absence of culture”. J Baudrilliard
You are describing yourself and your inability to ever prove me wrong.
Russia has the highest rate of HIV
After all you exhibit a low intelligence and an ability to think analytically, all you are capable of doing is going from day to day performing slave labour, eating your slop in a dog bowl and lapping up all the bullshit shoved down your throat. You can’t think for yourself, you are a robot programmed to mindlessly follow orders and absolutely believe all your masters tell you without question.
Auschwitz—The Surprising Hidden Truth Auschwitz—this is the infamous wartime camp in Poland where the Germans are said to have killed at least one million Jews in homicidal gas chambers, misusing the insecticide called “Zyklon B.” Auschwitz has become a buzzword for the Holocaust. It is said to have been the epicenter of this mother of all genocides. Here, the Germans are said to have employed their engineering ingenuity in order to mass murder their helpless victims in an industrial fashion with the highest efficiency possible. First they were shoved into chemical slaughthouses by the thousands, then their corpses were burned in rapid sequence in crematory ovens
But does that story stand up to scrutiny? This video looks into some of the common claims made by survivors about what happened at Auschwitz. Some of the questions asked in this context are:
– Was it possible to fill the gas chambers with victims as it is claimed? – Would the Jews, supervised only by other Jews, have cooperated in their own mass slaughter? – What doors were used to lock in 2,000 Jews struggling for their lives? – How efficient was the cremation process really? – How many Auschwitz inmates left the camp alive to tell the world what they had seen? – This video gives the answers to these and to other questions, backed-up by documents and expert testimony. The results are astounding, if not to say: shocking. – — The discrepancies between survivor claims on the one hand and technical as well as physical reality on the other hand reveal the surprising truth about Auschwitz, which is not what most people think it is.
Watch this video, and you’ll see the world around you with different eyes!
Note: This video has been peer-reviewed by two leading experts on the Holocaust in order to ascertain the accuracy of its contents. It includes a written appendix with sources and a written discussion of issues omitted or merely briefly touched upon in the movie.
Read also the interview Dean has given to The Barnes Review in March 2012 about this movie, among other things.
You want more booty for your mongol rape horde:
The Beauty Of Indigenous Europeans
US has been planning to destroys Russia Ukraine EU and China even EU because EU is competitor of US
Where is the prove beyond the buckets of shit you swallow from Russian television?
Russia tries to destroy America and Europe, all are controlled by traitors and jewish swine all looking to destroy the whites and enslave the rest.
Russian tanks with the Z symbol all stand for ZOG.
Jens is this you?
North Korea will send 100k+ well trained soldiers. They won against the USA back in the Korean War.
Putin’s hand picked crony Chubais destroyed so much Russian artillery and ammunition that Russia is trying to buy art from the North Koreans. Putin is the problem and has been the problem all along.
They didn’t win when it was a draw with help from China and American public unwillingness to continue to war. Also, MacArthur wanted to use the Atom bomb and genocidal maniac Dwight Eisenhower prevented it.
Good to know you are communist totalitarians, it shows where you now stand. I absolutely guarantee you have a very deluded perception of North Korean military training and abilities.
stupid nazi poko molo—macarthur wrote that if he had been asked he would have opposed use of the atom bomb—only immoral nazi poko molo inferior racist justifies this: Bradley, Nimitz Admirial William Leahy: “unnecessary and barbaric”
I never claimed to support it. Yet here you are putting words in my mouth.
“unnecessary and barbaric”
In hindsight the Chinese should of chased the US right out of Korea, instead of pulling back to the border
bla bla bla, these are cheap excuses, YOU LOST, and also in Vietnam, YOU LOST, and also in Mogadishu, YOU LOST, and also in the Bay of Pigs YOU LOST, and also in Afghanistan YOU LOST. LOOOOSER.
The West and Ukraine show no sign of stopping while the inept Kremlin never really managed to get started at all. This isn’t going to turn out good for Russia, they are barely managing now, what will they do next year when Ukraine has a brand new fully trained and equipped army to attack Donbass? My guess is the Russian are going to get smeared real good. Hopefully that will be the end of Putin and his Jewish managers who have destroyed and dismantled Russia over the past 30 years.
Podrías sacarte el rabo ese que chupas de tu boca mientras escribes?
Not a problem, Russia has about 600 thousand well trained troops that can be called up but they won’t be needed as the Ukie army is down to the seniors and women already, it’s almost over!
Russia continued to get weaker throughout the 90s after the USSR collapsed in 1991, Russia today is at the very least better off compared to that. Next, consider the fact that Biden, through cutting Russia out of SWIFT, just laid the foundation for a fast-tracked death of the USD as the global reserve currency. That means game over. All these sanctions will accomplish at the end of the day is that all parties to them will lose their supplies of critical commodities, which will all simply be transferred to China, India, Central Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America. Russia will suffer nothing beyond the initial shock, which has already passed. It will take a significant hit in GDP reduction for the full year 2022, but that will be about it. The mass unrest that is inevitable throughout Europe when winter comes and there is no heat and no wheat, could very well lead to the breakup of not only the EU, but possibly NATO itself.
The cream of the armed forces of the failed Ukrainian CIA project has been reduced by a minimum of 100 000 soldiers in the last six months. There is no new army to fully train and equip. Russia clearly got started, since the failed Ukrainian CIA project has lost the territory of four oblasts during the Russian operation, with more slipping from the grasp of the Ukrotard Banderpites every day. Never stop being an imbecile!
how are the ukranians still defending after losing so much
The only area the Bandera have lost since February is around Kherson. Like it or not Kiev drove the RF out of the north. And the 2nd phase of the SOV never really got off the ground judging by the lack of results. After such a military fiasco Putin has claimed that Russia isn’t really even trying. I’d like Putin to go tell all the people who have lost loved ones in the Donbass why Russia isn’t really trying.
Waiting for the winter to bite in the West
I’m laughing a year from today.
poko molo nazi upset she is inferior moron
There’s hundreds of thousands of active duty Russian troops on standby that never participated in the initial invasion, nobody denies that Russia has at least taken a decent licking in this conflict so far but the U.S. media has been inflating the number of Russian troops being killed, they also had roughly 75,500 troops surrounding Kiev in the first 2 months of the invasion which is so blatantly undermanned of a force when trying to take a city like Kiev with a few million inhabitants that it leads me to believe that Russia was preventing Ukraine from deploying more of their ground troops to the east and south in first couple days after the invasion to not get swamped worse than they already did.
Now, keep in mind that when the Ukraine War is over, Russia will have about 40% – 45% of Ukraine (everything east of the Dnieper River) which includes the oil and gas, the industrial capacity, and most critically, the agricultural output. That will give Putin direct control of one-third of global grain exports, which is power on an almost unimaginable scale. Russia will emerge more powerful than ever and will eventually impose a new security framework on the cold and hungry Europeans while the U.S. struggles to figure out how to stop China from taking Taiwan. May you live in interesting times.
Use to see huge columns of Russian BMPs. What happened to all those BMPs? You never see any of them anywhere. They all got destroyed, literally miles and miles of them. Hardly ever see any Russian tanks, all of those seem to be gone too. Videos of columns of Bandera tanks going to the front, but never any footage of Bandera columns getting destroyed, guess the Russians are too “humane” to do that either…Not looking good at all.
Tanks not needed, it’s big guns and missiles now. Try to stay informed.
They can dig up Stalin’s tank special fleet hidden below the Kremlin. Maybe they’ll have better luck with that. Like Hitler’s mythical Wehrmacht army in Berlin.
Well obviously Russian camouflage is extremely good. Anyway here are some LPR tanks:
The military situation in Ukraine is that during the last five months the shitty Russian army has lost almost as many soldiers as the US military lost during ten years in Vietman. The military catastrophe of the Russian special moronic oeration that Vladimir Putin just created has no precedent in modern history.
Just how big is that orange-coloured section of territory lost by the failed Ukrainian CIA project?
The orange cancer is getting smaller every day.
Not really, Ukraine so far has lost 4 oblasts since the invasion and counting, how many successful counter has Ukraine had so far in clawing back lost territory?
I’m seeing quite a bit of carbon monoxide on nullschool earth map, which is typically indicative of conditions like in forest fires. Are orkranians intentionally setting forests on fire to create lower visibility conditions (against Sat and higher flying drones), or is it the result of an unintentional fire (given all the shelling an rockets that also seems pretty likely this time of year, especially if the terrain is dry)? All this is very visible to the south of Harkiv, like Zmiyev and down by the river.