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- Russian forces struck the CHPP-5 power plant in Kiev with high-precision missiles;
- Russian forces struck the CHPP-5 power plant in Kharkiv with high-precision missiles;
- Russian forces struck the Dneprovskaya HPP in Zaporozhie with high-precision missiles;
- Russian forces struck the Krivorozhskaya TPP in Kryvyi Rih with high-precision missiles;
- Russian forces struck the Burshtyn TPP in Ivano-Frankivsk with high-precision missiles;
- Russian forces struck the Shepetovka power plant in Khmelnitsk with high-precision missiles;
- According to the Ukrainian military, Russian aircraft struck the island of Zmeiny;
- Russian struck the rail bridge in Zatoka with a water drone;
- Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Kupyansk;
- Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Debrova;
- Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Bakhmut;
- Russian air defense systems shot down 19 Ukrainian drones near Stelmakhovka, Novovodyanoye, Golikovo, Kremennaya in the LPR, Aleksandrovka in the DPR, Zhovtnevoye, Fyodorovka, Obilnoye, and Dorozhnyanka in the Zaporozhye region, Rybalche in the Kherson region.
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Putin should “Ora, Ora, Ora” Zelensky lol
So we won. What, not yet? WTF, are we waiting for another miracle or what?
You’ve been losing for a long, long time, Ihor. “The UVO viewed terrorism as an integral part of their struggle to such an extent that they even killed moderate nationalists such as Ivan Babij for not being extreme enough. They operated mostly as bandits, a tactic which they would never abandon. For example, in 1922, the UVO launched about 2,300 attacks on Polish farms, and only 17 on Polish military and police. The UVO would raid farms for supplies, kill the owners and workers if present, and burn the crops when they were finished. Later, flying brigades were founded to “expropriate” Polish property, often turning to bank robbing to finance the organization. The UVO would continue along the same lines for years, carrying out terrorist attacks and bandit raids with varying levels of success (they were nearly wiped out by Polish police on several occasions) until, in 1929, a merger of five Ukrainian nationalist groups led to the foundation of the OUN.”
I must admit that the “advancements” of ONE YEAR of fighting is CRAP. Wtf is the Red Army doing? On holiday?
I must admit that nine years after the US overthrew your government and unleashed the Nazis, you’ve lost Crimea, four oblasts, millions of refugees and tens upon tens of thousands of dead Ukrainian military personnel.
Yes what you say is all true, however I think he eludes to the fact that Russia did all that in the first 72 hours and since that time they have not moved far at all. Which is also correct. You need to save your venom for the retards who post here and not take it out on this guy, what he says is fact. That being said I dont pop in here that much so maybe he is a trollish cunt? I did not see any other posts so perhaps its on me ….
You’re west dipshit americunt criminals were used 12 years in Vietnam and still get out with a strong stake in the ass; I must point this small remark, imbecile.
Nice. Intelligent response. Americans entered south Vietnam and held it for 12 years. Other than TET they rarely had to give ground and they took it back constantly. When they withdrew the country collapsed. You kind of make his point. Its a simple fact the pace is slow, pick any city Russia is trying to take right now. Any. You can walk across it in 20 min tops. Soledar is 800 meters wide… and about 1600 long. Bakhumet is not much larger. The pace is slow as shit. There may be reasons for it but not one of them has to do with vietnam…
Why lengthen supply lines, let the fools keep coming and dying
Well let’s talk about Indian Army’s brutal loss in srilanka or against NAXALS or 1962 in China
Because you’re an imbecile too. I was not speaking about South Vietnam, but North Vietnam. The ‘Great Whore’ struggled 12 years to take it from a sandal army, basically a light infantry force, drop million of tons of bombs, deforest with chemicals huge zones of jungles, and killed 2 million undernourished rice farmers living in mud huts and still not managed to get 1 km inside the N. Vietnam, but the opposite, they had over 10.000 (TEN THOUSAND, motha fucker !) heli looses and more than (official) 60.000 KIA and 200000 WIA. Numbers highly manipulated by the imperial propaganda, now highly contested by historians, vets and many publications, the real numbers were much high). And you forgot, intentionally of course, moron, a very important clue: americunts prepared a 8 year DEFENSE systems inside bandera shithole ! Now, let the russians prepare a defense in 8 years and see what’s happen, dipshit nazi pimp.
Correct. However the only place I think you are wrong is in the fighting. Russia is not doing this. SMO crap I guess, people buy it but its only war for the poor bastards in the trenches. Russia refuses to bomb kieve and its government allowing them to host euro trash daily weapons telethons… they refuse to destroy bridges that supply UAF in the east. They have 40k guys sitting on ass in Belarus …Not sure if its a holiday but only half are coming to work…the air force has decided to sit it out.. in that respect grinding house to house it will take a long time. Costly as hell as well.
My do toho až tak nevidíme. Rusko malo vždy dobrú špionážnu službu. A tak predpokladám, že Putin disponuje istými informáciami ktoré sa držia v tajnosti. A možno sa jedná o to v akom úbohom stave sa nachádza zločinecká teroristická organizácia NATO. A preto sa Putin rozhodol využiť túto situáciu čo najviac a najefektívnejšie. Predsa len (zto) NATO viedlo vojny od roku pána 1999 a to ho istotne dostatočne vyčerpalo. Z Líbye odišli, z Iraku tak isto, Sýriu okupujú už iba na istej časti územia. Z Afganistanu utekali čo im nohy stačili. Za rok ťaženia na Ukrajine demilitarizovali východné krídlo NATO a teraz je už na rade zvyšok (zto) NATO. Preto tento spôsob, preto to tak dlho trvá, lebo odzbrojiť celé NATO sa nedá za deň. Všetko potrebuje svoj čas. A Putin to zrejme dobre vie.
The rail (and auto) bridge into Zatoka was little damage. Drone explode under bridge, missing the pillars. As I see, only one auto lane was damaged, rail line remain operational. As usual, warehead of russian drones are too little. Also I not understand why one single drone sustain the attack.
I am sure since it was first use it was a test. Ukraine will try and create counter measure Russia will improve. They need to get them up the fjcking river months ago. Their should not be an intact bridge in Ukr by now……
For Russia fighting the Nazis…is in fact committing suicide…
You tube watch?v=22owUCo6o0E
Stupid question, maybe: Can anyone please shed some light on what’s happening in Ugledar, north of Mariupol? Allegedly, the AFU has destroyed a large number of Russian troops and vehicles there.