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- Russian strikes destroyed an UAV manufacturing facility near Chuguev;
- Russian strikes destroyed Ukrainian ammo depots near Odessa;
- Russian strikes destroyed Ukrainian ammo depots near Dnepropetrovsk;
- Russian strikes destroyed AFU ammo depots near Konstantinovka;
- Russian strikes destroyed one unmanned aerial vehicle manufacturing facility near Chuguev;
- Russian forces repelled attacks of the AFU near Terni;
- Russian forces repelled attacks of the AFU near Stelmakhovka;
- Russian artillery struck the 128th Mountain Assault Brigade, and 82nd Air Assault Brigade near Rabotino;
- Russian forces repelled attacks of the AFU near Priyutnoye;
- Clashes continued near Belogorovka, Kleshcheyevka, Andreyevka;
- One AFU sabotage and reconnaissance group was eliminated near Novomikhailovka;
- Russian forces eliminated 40 servicemen, one infantry vehicle, two armoured fighting vehicles, and two motor vehicles in Kupyansk area;
- Russian forces eliminated 200 servicemen, one tank, two armoured vehicles, three motor vehicles, one D-20 howitzer in Krasny Liman area;
- Russian forces eliminated 260 Ukrainian servicemen, two infantry fighting vehicles, and four pickup trucks in Donetsk area;
- Russian forces eliminated 110 servicemen, three armoured fighting vehicles, and three motor vehicles in South Donetsk area;
- Russian forces eliminated 40 servicemen, three motor vehicles, and one Msta-B howitzer in Zaporozhye region;
- Russian forces eliminated 35 servicemen, five motor vehicles, one M109 Paladin artillery system, two M777 artillery systems, two Msta-B howitzers, one Gvozdika artillery system in Kherson region;
- Russian air defense systems shot down 46 Ukrainian drones over the past day;
- Russian air defense systems shot down 16 HIMARS MLRS and six Uragan MLRS projectiles over the past day.
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c’è un esperto che riesce a spiegare come mai il numero dei caduti ucaini e sempre copreso tra le 500 e le 700 untà al giono? strano che non ci siano giorni meno sanguinosi e altri molto più sanguinosi.
trattasi di guerra di attrito ad alta intensita’. mantenendo pressapoco costanti il numero di proiettili di artiglieria sparati e i droni lanciati verso le postazioni nemiche, ne’ consegue che il numero dei caduti e feriti rimane pressapoco costante.
meanwhile in moscow…
that has nothing to do with moscow. it’s just some random violence clips with a racist selection filter attached.
why then do other races not behave that way on a large scale? why only blacks and any muslim between moroco and bangladesh? why are muslims in malaysia and indonesia civilized by comparison to the rest, excluding the philipines? crime statistics verify my point. migrants commit more crimes in europe than whites.
childishly insisting i’m wrong does not prove me wrong. i laugh at how no matter what evidence i present, you morons idiotically deny reality based on nothing more than your misinformed beliefs that were ironically invented by racist jewish supremacists. your “antiracism” is just reverse racism against race-blind white people who will never appease you no matter how much they bend over backwards and offer all of their land/inheritance to non-whites free of charge.
blacks and hispanics commit more crimes than anyone else in the us. south africa went from being a developed 1st world country under apartheid to being a 3rd world shithole under racist black communists that incite genocide against the boers and afrikaans. the russian and chinese governments don’t condone their rhetoric that inspired them to rape and murder white farmers? instead they maintain good relations with the economic freedom fighters and anc.
julius malema sings “shoot the boer, kill the boer”. yet the eff has good relations with the russian government. you have been lied to about whites anywhere and pretend like the russians were exceptionally different by comparison. russians were quite brutal towards everyone they conquered in europe and asia, a lot more so than naive white christian missionaries who helped their natural enemies and suffer the consequence after they are stabbed in the back for their naivety.
blacks promoting genocide of whites is “not racist” in your eyes. “antiracism” was always about inciting race war. marxist egalitarianism is a lie meant to gain the upper hand over another. you decry what the jews are doing to palestinians yet don’t give a damn about blacks and muslims committing violent hate crime against whites and other races.
this reveals your true colors that have little to do with racial equality and everything to do with killing the white man and lusting after white women. if there ever were a master race, guaranteed it would be hated over the fact it is superior.
everyone would be adopting their clothing and culture. they would be lusting after their women. they would be copying their technology. most technology would be invented by them. those who claim europeans have no culture are like fish saying there’s no water.
what the white man must do is to reclaim his destiny of the aryan indo-european archetype of siegfried – the knightly aristocratic mode of thought and being.
“why are whites expected to apologize for imperialism when every other race on the planet is not only completely unapologetic for their conquests, but smug about them?”
“the mongols are so proud of their genocidal conquests that they constructed a colossal statue in honor of genghis khan, who raped so many people across eurasia that one in every two-hundred people are descended from mongolian lineage. and why shouldn’t the mongols be proud of creating the second-largest empire in history? it encompassed a colossal 17.81% of the earth’s surface, bested only by the british empire, which covered 26.35%.”
you cannot be reasoned with. you only care about your kind. “racial equality” is not only a lie about biology, it is even more dishonest than the notion of gender equality. neither have ever functioned under the guidelines of “equality”. both only care about abusing that power to establish privileges for themselves.
it is only about doing exactly what they accuse the men and white people of doing themselves, while hiding behind the facade of victimhood to act in favor of their own supremacist tendencies.
this is why radical feminists (often jewish) do not care about men’s suffering, and anti-whites do not care about the sufferings of white people. they only sadistically laugh, whilst continuing to project their own nature upon the “overman” they hate.
the task of ridding the world from nazi-s once again falls on russia now from tyrannical globalist genocidal zionist nazi-s with a treacherous bag of lies that even fool their own people.
and this shows how the whole world, but specially western countries are so arro-gant and ungrateful – instead of supporting russia to eradicate the na-zis, they are helping the na-zis instead
there would never have been a soviet union without western financial backing and allowing key bolshevik jews to reside there before returning from exile. your view of ns germany is only a projection to coverup soviet atrocities before and after world war 2.
they tried and failed to conquer the newly independent poland to link up with their jewish bolshevik brothers trying to takeover germany. that is why national socialism was born as a result of jews creating marxism to takeover the world, in-line with their ancient jewish supremacist texts.
“they are helping the na-zis instead”
they do not govern ukraine. they formed 2% of the rada before russia invaded on feb.22, 2022 on the jewish holiday of shabat. they form a minority of the military as well. secondly, they are pretty much cannon fodder. russia has its own neo-nazi militia called rusich group fighting for russia against ukraine.
the war in ukraine was surely engineered on both sides to reap ukraine of its women and natural resources, whilst destroying its best men and because ukraine has the largest european ethno-nationalist movement in the world. jews control both sides and want them dead.
well, the theory that the usa engineered the war in order to reap ukra women is knwon, bt there is a glitch: stupid yanks din’t expect that the kiev clown would ever send young women to the front. but this is exactly what he is doing as we speak, so the macabre us plan will not work (at last).
ukraine has hired pretty young women as models to encourage foreign and domestic enlistment. russia and israel do this too. women have generally been placed in support roles rather than on the front line. you might also remember that women supposedly fought in russia’s great patriotic war. i doubt this. i think it was propaganda to cast the illusion of gender equality.
aside from russian imperialism, i think the war was also planned by globalist institutions (wef and others) in the next stage of the great reset. this naturally involves the us and other countries. i think they wanted to simulate a worldwide food crisis for the purpose of de-population the un and other organizations have been promoting for years.
as it currently stands, russia is spiritually identical to what is mentioned in the ss pamphlet reserved for its recruits; der untermensch. it accurately depicts russia as oppressed under communism and being the doorstep of the asiatic mongrels that conquered them many times before.
this summerises your mentality:
“so little pains do the vulgar take in the investigation of truth, accepting readily the first story that comes to hand.”
— thucydides (book i, 1.21. history of the peloponnesian war).
russia under jewish dominion is the splitting image of what you think “nazis” are. satanism, zionism and judaism are all the same thing. israel is not a product of western civilization. you seem completely ignorant of the fact that the soviet union was an integral part of the creation of israel in 1948. their material support for the nakba was essential for defeating the palestinians and committing the deir yassin massacre in 1948.
by obsessing over ww2 you are showing you are weak and arrogantly assume undeserving praise whilst being worshipped as a new christ figure. i cannot imagine you are racially european. you are probably nothing more than an asiatic mongrel devoid of any capacity for introspection and that is why you are ignorant of the fact you are appropriating the people who fought in that war.
1. un’s criminalization of nationalism:
2. uk, us, ca, aus, nz introducing soviet “hate speech” laws:
you mindlessly regurgitate what you were told without question and lack the mental capacity to go over any proof i have refuting you entirely. the holocaust lie is another aspect of the big lie you follow and there is no forensic proof verifying any of it. only embellished claims that do not correspond to physics and chemistry.
stop spamming the forum na-zi
fact being you are a moron that mindlessly believes what you were told by the powers that be. the ussr was exactly what you were made to think about not see germany. what you were made to believe are lies. you seem too mentally deficient to apply the scientific method when investigating any subject.
if you were right you could prove me wrong. you can’t refute a goddamn thing i post. clearly you are wrong and if you were right you could discuss it, whilst proving me wrong step by step. but no, that would be too easy. instead you must childishly insist i’m wrong whilst behaving like a trained orangutan.
zionism and national socialism are diametrically opposed. this is because zionism is judaism. i see you can’t think outside of the box.
all jews are not zionists the soviet founders who were jews rejected zionism as a capitalist scheme. like hitler you make the same mistake and ignore the distinction now enabling zionism to continue in a dialectic with communism to destroy your own country in the name of capitalism which is zionism.
jewish capitalism and jewish communism are two sides of the same coin. jewish bankers financed the jewish-led bolshevik revolutions in russia, germany and newly independent hungary to takeover europe and the world. this would have fulfilled isiah’s prophecy for jewish world domination.
the first link i posted in response to you shows how the ussr was imperative for the israelis to takeover palestine so that they could antagonize the muslims to wage war against europe and carry out white genocide. there is no real rift between jews. they are monolithic. zionism is a replacement for the ghetto (jews demanded ghettos from their host nations to segregate jews from non-jews since halakic law demand that jews refrain from marrying non-jews).
capitalism (free trade) came about in the 18th century with the french revolution. karl marx acknowledged that [classical] liberalism is a precursor to [classical] marxism in the marxist historical dialectic. karl marx was a cousin of nathan mayer rothschild:
the torah, old testament, talmud, zohar, mishneh, and other gibberish name i forgot layout the racist supremacism of jews going back 3,000 years. this was the norm prior to reform judaism that emerged shortly before napoleon bonaparte’s emancipation of the jews in europe.
secret facts – jews and communism:
* from ted pike’s documentary “the other israel (1987)”
btw fascist corporatism grew out of marxist economics. it supports mixed economies where big business is managed by state-managed “corporations” (from latin “corpus” meaning “body”). i forgot the name of that socialist pact fascist italy had with the ussr in the 1920s until the early-mid 1930s.
while germany only had the deutsche arbeitsfront (german labour front).
if you lookup every official shown in the video, you will notice they were either all jewish or a 33rd degree freemason:
had ernst rohm and the strasser brothers not been prevented from overthrowing the hitler-led government in the night of the long knives, they would have followed through with their self-admitted plans to abolish the nuremberg laws (meant to keep the jews out of society) and liquidate the upper class.
zionism resulted in the removal of the british colonial powers and the return of the land to indigenous subhumans; the jews, in the same geographic location of the original phoenician civilization they allegedly conquered thousands of years ago. arabs conquered palestine after mohammad’s death. the hebrew conquest of canaan (phoenicians) in the torah/bible and the subsequent creation of israel is identical to what israel is doing today.
2017 study: ashkenazis are 50% middle eastern, 34% south european, and 16% north european
2020 study: ashkenazis are over 50% middle eastern and 41% european
ashkenazis look exactly as you’d expect: a random mix of levantine and european phenotypes.
they aren’t “khazars” either. jews lived in the khazarian khaganate, but it was a multi-ethnic empire that also included scythians, uralic people, etc. the ethnic khazars were east asiatic turkic peoples and ashkenazis have no turkic ancestry. they also don’t look turkic at all.
there is no ukraine—the pathetic amerikans fail again
humans are smart and all, but their idiots. they never use their intelligence for something good, except for war, greed and interest. all of this because of the warrior/luddite mindset.
are you hillbilly in arkansas or portland?
america is uprooted. it is a cosmopolitan shopping mall. do not expect to find much of anything rustic there.
not even their freemasonic founding fathers would appreciate what it later became. whilst most were philosemitic, freemasonry did get overtaken by jews.
*they’re idiots
that is the history of mankind. violence is not bad in and of itself. it is only good or bad for the reason and purpose it is applied. silver-tongued parasites are much worse, they insert deceit into day-to-day life in order to subvert our understanding of reality. what should be strived for is the magnum opus, or great work. the struggle between between our higher and lower selves; the higher man (ubermensch) versus the lower man (untermensch).
in ze new year i wuld likke mani dieks. waif to
why jens obsessed w diek?
because i likke mens
dont worry about the destroyed nazi museum jens, we can have buttsex at the polish border! 😍🤗🎉
war of attrition not understood by anglo—territory cannot be defended when all ukrop military dead
anglos did not plan for attritional warefare because they are cowards who rely on cannon fodder to die for them. nato junk was not built for peer to peer attritional war
time to tsumanize the ter-rorist anglo island
“all missiles and drones were shot down” “250,000 people without electricity and water in kiev” : ukraine. so according to ukraine, all these damages to power stations and pumping stations were caused by falling debris. what would have been the result if some missiles got through?
i need attention fentanyl too expensive in portland
crybaby george floyd died from his fentanyl overdose. if you watch the original 30 minute footage and the cctv security footage, you will notice the government and media together with ngos led and financed by corrupt corporate conglomerates (often owned by jews) had pulled the entire incident out-of-context. the store owner who made the police call on floyd is an arab muslim. derek chauvin who arrested floyd was civil towards the owner.
floyd had been to prison before on drug charges and threatening a pregnant woman with a handgun (he pressed the gun against the woman’s womb). blacks are 13% of the us population and commit 57% of all crime. in new york city, negros are responsible for 80-90% of the crime rate. and yet they are given preferential in student grants and job hiring, due to affirmative action.