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- Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces continue northeast of Kharkiv
- On June 18, 400 AFU members were killed and 38 military vehicles were destroyed by Russian forces, according to the Russian MOD
- Russian air defense systems shot down 8 Ukrainian drones near Zavody, Chervonniy Shakhtyor, Dementiyevka, Glubokoye in Kharkov region, Krinitsa in Kherson region, Popasnaya in the LPR
- Russian air defense systems shot down 3 AFU Tochka-U missiles near Novozvanovka and Novoaleksandrovka in the LPR
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It’s becoming clear that Kharkiv region needs to form part of the regions liberated from the Ukrainian Nazis. However, for Military reasons it may be that the only option is the liberation of all of the regions east of the Dneiper, and even to augment the defences offered by the River. It’s really up to the Z-elensky drugged up couple to decide when they begin their luxury life in the US. If they leave it too late Russia might be at the departure gate to stop them in Kiev!
𝗅 𝗀𝖾𝗍 𝗉𝖺𝗂𝖽 over 17𝟢 USD 𝗉𝖾𝗋 𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗀 from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my Best friend makes over 18543 USD a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
it’s a matter of time The ukro leaders have sacrified the ukraine and thousand of lives for getting more dollars… This conflict was lost before starting. And how corrupt they are and how stupid their ukro servants are, they will lose much more….
I get paid over 90 dollar.s per hour working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over 10k a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless. Heres what I’ve been doing.. Copy Here→→→→→ 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞.𝐭𝐤/
The Ukrainian Nazi trash military is imploding and even US media now is calling for end to this fratricide being pushed by Anglo-Zionists;
When the Lies Come Home
After lying for months, the media are preparing the public for Ukraine’s military collapse.
Typical to refer the USA world by randomized sources like this.
It dont represent Binden and the USA Governess at all.
Russia is doing very well in Kievan-Rus and has killed over a third of the Uki trash Nazis have been wiped out and that is why the desperate British assholes are pushing more weapons. Russians even according to the hohols have neutralized over 100,000 Uki losers and Nazis and over 50 senior officers including 15 generals were wiped out on one missile strike. NATO criminals are really very worried now.
On the economic front Russia is doing even better as the great success of St.Petersburg global economic forum shows:
Russia signs $109 billion worth of trade contracts with 130 nations at the St.Petersburg World Economic Forum. China, Iran, India and Latin Nations boost trade with Russia.
Four months into the lumbering Russian Operation Z, more Ukrainians men decide to flee overseas or even Russia to avoid forced conscription. AFU morale is now crumbling and they are using NATO supplied long range artillery to indiscriminately shell civilians in Don Bas.
We actually has many Russian incommers here as well. Those are not so many but has a more permanent attitude. Some of them has money with them.
Very much as Putin want to depopulate Russia and for that matter Ukraine with its russians.
Russia, Iran Tighten Trade Ties Amid US Sanctions
Bilateral trade rose more than 10% in the first quarter and target $40 billion Russia says it’s interested in North-South Transport Corridor via Iranian port of Chahbahar.
In an unprecedented step, Iran has allowed Russia to open “trade offices” in every major city to expand its links with emerging markets in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Iran is already heavily involved in western sanctions busting for its Russia ally.
Russia said it’s strengthening trade with Iran, boosting the economies of both nations as they contend with western sanctions. Iran’s vast economy has been under US and western sanctions for almost half a century, and the Iranians take pride at thwarting them. Iran has also re-flagged many of its oil tankers with Russian flag and crews to make it easy for Russia to sell its energy resources in the booming Asian economies. Recently, Iranian navy compelled the Greek government to release one its tankers with Russian crew after Greek authorities buckled to US pressure and seized Russian oil. Iranians immediately retaliated by seizing two Greek tankers in the Persian Gulf resulting in Greece releasing the Russian crews and oil immediately. The Russian sailors were repatriated to Russia after undergoing medical and welfare checks at the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas.
“We agreed to accelerate the preparation of agreements on a free trade zone, and discussed cooperation in the nuclear area in detail,” Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said in Tehran after meeting with the co-chairman of the Russian-Iranian intergovernmental commission. Also discussed were oil and gas supply swaps and increasing joint investments in hydrocarbon projects, he said.
The corridor was there during WW2 by americans bringing in for millions of dollars help by railways and road. An improvement might be nice if there are things to transport.
As I recall it it passed Qaum.
I sometimes see this as waste too. If the Chinese need that much stuff why not bring some millions to there.
Those losses are Russian higly biased ones. Im sure the nubers are high but not that high. Those dead generals seemes to be non verified as well.
A bear on the roof is better then one with Your hand – or what?
Russia sont sign with 130 nations and for 109 billions at all. Thats lie of the worst too. Besaides that its not much. Russia is a small trade partner in most parts of the world.
In the India import-export 5 or 6 nations are bigger then them. The China part has more realisme by oil and gas. The india one is very temporary.
So basically Ukrainians prefer to fight Russians, who have albeit different, very similar bloodline, in order to please unrelated, culturally distant multikulti Anglo Americans and their Europoors vassals? Instead of cooperating with Russia thus forming a formidable bloc logical because of proximity? I mean, what’s the average IQ score in Ukraine again?
The Jew Zelensky is leading the slavs to their deaths. And when it’s over, they’ll be the first in there buying up the real estate.
Why haven t we won yet?
That is pretty much the truth, only the Jew parasites and British backstabbing bastards want this Slavic bloodshed to continue. A good realistic article in the American Conservative tell the TRUTH:
When the Lies Come Home
After lying for months, the media are preparing the public for Ukraine’s military collapse.
That site dont represent USA at all.
Thats how USA is made by Russia. You add all the extremes in USA and forget the rest.
For seveal years I never has heard with one line that USA has a middleclass with 165 mio which are doing pretty well.
They will thank Putin. Most of them are made in Russia 🎈
There are basically two sorts of “Ukrainians”: People from Galicia, that is Galicians, and ukrainised Russians, that is Russians. “Ukraine” is an invention my the German military command to decimate Russia. Unfortunately, Bolsheviks tried to make use of the teutonic invention and the enemies of Russia profit from this mistake. In the name of their artefact “Ukraine” they strive to annihilate any Russian trace. “Ukraine” is nazism from the beginning.
Thats higly incorrect. Ukraines are mentioned from 1187 or something being a big area having others then the slavic group. It was not based on language.
You also can use the less used Ruthia with rulers in Novgorod, Kiev and Moskva.
There were no Russians so to speak
Stalin and the communists made it and has done everything to erase how things were.
Ukraine as today is a total malfunction made by USSR themself. Now they even invade it for that.
If we are vassals as you write I compare and love it.
Ahaha Putin bitches do not even comment anymore, they are só fucking depressed 🤣😂🤣 ONLY bots here…
your frustration is so visible 😔😏
The Anglo-Zionist trolls farms are in panic mode as Russia is literally wiping out the Uki Nazis. Their whole military high command has been wiped out by pin point Russian missiles.
Zelensky now calling for war against China.
I agree. None here want to eat soup by chopstickers as well. That was why so many chines straved to death before the reforms.
I see no worries here. I see worries and we try to do something about it.
Name it as you want. But You are wrong.
You use a total infected lying history book made for propaganda use and expansion west of USSR by Stalin and followers.
Now You use propganda as if we in west has made that impossible construction You even invade.
That bipolar skizzofrenia of the worst.
It has redined the word true.
P athetic B itch T otally L ost H is – mind!
I hope You soon can replace You pigions with internet. There are many pages about the history for those regions.
Coucou 😘🤡
Ukrainian forces continue to retake all the villages around Kherson. Now they’re in position to retake Melitopol. The Putin cockroaches have nothing standing in the way other than the shitty artillery. It’s only a matter of time.
Isn’t it boring already? Your sort and those cash earning bots are just annoying. What is your purpose? No real life?
in which planet or reality did it happen?? :D How are the “heroes of Azovstal” doing? 😁
Looks like the Ghost of Kiev has crashed as well. Great loss for the Ukie ghost army.
It is like 60 year Tom Cruise as Tom Gun lol. Most airforces retire fighter pilots after the optimal age of 45-50. In US banana republic diaper Biden who 80 just fell off a bike and a geriatric hero is flying the dodo F-35. The Ghost Kiev was a low grade Hollywood fantasy.
I would say for Biden he for many years was a good number two. Thats better for them then a bad number one. Its not about age for me.
Its very strange so many countries has that old leaders and no one else.
Only a fantasy in your deranged, defective inbred kike brain!
Apparently fantasy is becoming a reality. I wonder how your deranged terrorist brain would process that when it becomes the reality.
why ukro fans post here even if their nazi heroes are being exterminated on the real battlefield every day? Do they explain us their sad fantasies so that we can laugth at them? what do they win showing us how frustrated they are? It’s sort of sad and funny at the same time 🤷☺️
What they and most of the rest of the world want has been there for decades.
So far its still censured away for Russia. They still use the Stalin hisory books at all.
But Peter the Great only has Ristov and potemkin for support. So what about the rest all the way to west of Berlin?
nazi LGBT amerikant fascists and their coca-colonized colonies isolated from the civilized world, now mere robots, must be reprogrammed or eradicated like vermin…your fascist racist discarded—we make the rules now—follow them or die in your culturally decayed immoral trailer parks—Sawyer, prophet, jens already senile and dead inside
Kharkiv can be by-passed and secured until a time Russia wants to assault it. I think that after the destruction of the trapped or soon to be trapped Eastern Ukranian army, the Russians should drive toward Sumy and continue the drive towards Odessa. They have an obligation to link up with the Autonomous regions of Moldova.
I would advise Russia to destroy the Kiev Nazi military first and then clean up all of Ukraine, even a few sq kms of Kievan-Rus in Zio-Nazi filthy paws will be use to attack Russia and create constant conflicts. The only real solution has be be complete reintegration of Ukraine, which is historic Russian land with Mother Russia and create a Federation system which Russia has with other region. It can be given limited autonomy but Defence, Finance, Foreign relations and Education has to be in Russian hands. A Belarus type military integration will also work. The Jew parasites have to removed and a proper Slavic government put in place. Brave Russian soldiers have sacrificed too much for this Nazi cesspool to maintain status quo. Ukraine is Russian land. PERIOD!
Monsanto might take You.
The terrain is not for that. The coastline is flat and wet.
Eine weitere Abwrackaktion der USA und ihrer Waffen im Donbass gefährdet drastisch die Verteidigungsfähigkeit auf dem eigenen Kontinent. Sollte China angegriffen werden, könnte das zu einer totalen Niederlage der USA führen.
map looks same as 20.04.2022
things doesnt look good for russian invaders :(
moron nazi Hans-jens; 1000 daily ukie casualties —you half wits sodomized by lgbt swallow too much CIA sperm
lol volldepp hans is not only a volldepp, he also seem to be blind.
Thats very impressing. I ran 100 meters within 8 seconds with no breakfast. I reached the toilet in time…
senile halfwit nazi jens cannot find pharmacy to replenish psych meds
as i said many times, pedophily and sodomism damages your brain.