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MARCH 2025

Military Situation In Ukraine On March 10, 2022 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Ukraine On March 10, 2022 (Map Update)

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Russians should advance from the north all the way to Moldavia/Transnistria borders along BelaTserkva-Ulman line (just bypass both) effectively splitting Ukraine in two; and also from the south separating Odessa from the rest of the country. Then assume defensive positions in the west while slowly and gradually destroying encircled formations in the East, isolated and without any help from abroad.

Last edited 2 years ago by Valens
Timmy Temperance





Spot on . Two giant pincers to join south of Ulman and the war is basically won . But they probably need more troops, Putin should mobilize 100.000 reservists mostly to guard taken areas .




Last edited 2 years ago by OnTheFritzZz

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Last edited 2 years ago by OnTheFritzZz

.45 acp, .40S&W and .223/5.56 pistols for ET/ED/Non conventional lifeform contact operations. With hardcast lead and armor piercing steel tip penetration ammunition.

These handguns can be carried concealed on your person and in a light backpack for diplomatic, cultural and exploration security. They are capable of mitigating dangerous lifeform threats up to and exceeding 500 pounds. And providing antimaterial capability for drones, light ships and robots.


Last edited 2 years ago by RichardD

The Hipoint pistols are rated for +p ammunition. So you can run .45 super ammunition in the .45. Which is considerably more powerful than standard pressure .45acp. With energy comparable to 10mm auto and .357 magnum. They’re used for brown bear protection in Alaska and the NW 48 states.

They should handle a bigfoot. The 5.56 armor piercing ammunition might be needed for tough skin reptilians or exoskeleton insectoids. Though I’m not planning on shooting anything if I don’t have to. Getting along with them if I can, or at least not getting in an altercation is plan A.

15 round magazines are available for the .40S&W and 20 round magazines are available for the .45acp. A side folding stock adaptor is available for the .223/5.56. pistol brace. With an upper receiver fitted with a 7.5 inch barrel and a stock adaptor installed on the lower receiver and placed in the closed position. The weapon is approximately 16 inches long. And will easily fit in a light back pack.

Last edited 2 years ago by RichardD

Nice heads up on that .223 pistol.


Yes, that worked, thank you.


There’s much simpler way, here’s an example: https://retrobadge.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/17591-fuck-off-nazi-scum-small-retro-badge.jpg

Last edited 2 years ago by F U

You are everything you think “Nazis” were and then some. You are essentially anti-White and too braindead to understand the reality of the matter. There is no “White supremacy” you conflate it with jewish supremacy, all countries are controlled by jews in one way or another, whether directly or indirectly.

This is apparently too difficult for you to understand and you are too gullible to think outside of the box constructed around your mind to keep it imprisoned and at the mercy of those who rule over you. You only see black and white, no grey. No third position between left and right, only two positions of any conflict and no alternative.

You have no care for civilians on the ground and like to fantasize about being legally invaded by Africans and Asians without much resistance. All you see are greener pastures and you are too dimwitted to understand anything outside your narrow anti-White worldview inspired by Communist propaganda and a century of Communist overthrows.

You bitch about “nazis”, then ironically speak and behave with the vulgarity you think they ascribed to you. Then when you do get captured in times off war, you reveal yourself to be miserable cowards who larp like your grandfathers, yet lack all their toughness. You then allow yourselves to be blamed for what kikes and other hominids who still rule over you had done to you, how they have no shame and made you love your oppressors have brainwashed you to develop a Stolkholm syndrome for.




Last edited 2 years ago by OnTheFritzZz

The slur you disingenuously apply to anyone not in favour of multiracial global homo insanity. You fear the unknown and would rather die fighting for your demographic replacement (i.e. genocide) than stand up for Europe or any other White country, due to the fact you are probably not White of any stripe and not even east European, and fall for the atrocity propaganda ad infinitum. What else do you know besides the shit that you see and hear on television and other media platforms?

What Yuri Did Not Tell You: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niiF8hCSrYQ

Culture of Critique Documentary: https://odysee.com/@puffinkins:b/WM54:8

Cultural Marxism: https://archive.md/sPHZZ


Last edited 2 years ago by OnTheFritzZz
Shimon Bar Kokhba






Last edited 2 years ago by Shimon Bar Kokhba

They are the real Avraamic bloodline sephardic 20% jews. Enormous gratitude for that REAL peoples of GOD.


Are Ashkenazi Jews White/European? https://thuletide.wordpress.com/2021/01/03/are-ashkenazi-jews-white-european/

The original Hebrew stock were miscegenated out of existence, they were originally mongrels to begin with and got more mixed over time. Whether or not they are the “real jewish blood line” is irrelevant, they are no different no matter their ethnicity. Anyone who can read their Torah/Bible without rose coloured glasses can tell they never up to any good.

Historic Non-White Conquests of European Territories: https://thuletide.wordpress.com/?s=colonialism

Sarcastic Title: http://www.renegadetribune.com/reasons-why-being-white-has-so-many-advantages/#comment-137496

[The term “racism” was invented by communists, and is used to destroy cultures and defuse (and render impotent) those with differing points-of-view on “racial” issues.

That being said . . . True “racism” is desirable as it merely cements cultural and social bonds that are necessary for a society to function and flourish.

True “racism” merely denotes commonality of purpose and advancement within each respective racial group.

Blacks have the NAACP and Congressional Black Caucus, Hispanics have La Raza and Mecha, Jews have the $PLC, ACLU and ADL. These are all “racist” organizations that serve to promote the interests (and political power) of their respective races.

It is only whites who are castigated and threatened for attempting to show any signs of racial solidarity.

Let’s look at what us “evil, privileged” whites have done for Western society and the world:

1. “Civil-rights (for some)” laws (that effectively destroy “freedom of association” for whites, but not for other races) and do not apply to whites–only “people of color” are covered by these so-called “civil-rights (for some)” protections, (Ask “Attorney General” Loretta Lynch about that).

2. “Affirmative action” policies (that push better qualified whites out of positions and jobs that they would ordinarily qualify for) in favor of lesser-qualified minorities. In fact, “affirmative action” policies actually damage those minorities who are quite capable of “making it on their own” because they get “lumped in” with the groups that cannot make it on their own without “help”,

3. “Contract set-asides” (that are specifically targeted for minorities (that white people are prohibited from bidding on) and immigration policies (that specifically exclude whites, most of who have skills that would benefit the USA) in favor of those from the third-world (with no marketable skills).

4. Scholarships that specify particular ethnic groups are looked upon favorably by most people, save one–scholarships that are intended for whites only are looked upon as being “racist”, and therefore impermissible and improper in today’s racially-charged climate of “political correctness”.

NO OTHER RACE (BUT WHITES) HAS BENT OVER BACKWARDS to assure that all non-white races receive a “fair shake” in being a part of American life, even to the detriment and social well-being of “our own kind” (whites).

Whites possess an externalized altruism that no other races possesses. This externalized altruism that “looks out for the other guy” will be the demise of the white race. This altruism needs to be internalized and focused inward, just as other races have done. There is NO SHAME in looking out for one’s own kind.

“Multiculturalism” and “diversity” are code-words for white genocide.

I blame those of the “greatest generation” for selling out our birthright with the passage of the “Civil-Rights Acts” of 1957 and 1964, and the “Hart-Cellar immigration act of 1965”.]

Last edited 2 years ago by OnTheFritzZz

Those same kikes still reside in Israel and remain jewish supremacists. This is a public relations stunt to mitigate damage to jews for their crimes globally, throughout history up until the present.


“After seeing a lot of pro Palestinian accounts on twitter (no matter if they are White or Arabs), I stopped supporting the Palestinian cause because of their huge hypocrisy. They refuse for us what they want for themselves.

They want to kick out the zionists and the settlers, great! But if you, as a White person, say that you want to kick the zionists/jews and the alien colonizers in your country, they immediately call you a racist, bigot, nazi, fascist and so on.

They will immediately use the same arguments jews use to defend Israel, like “they are born here,” “they are more French than you” or “you can’t send him to Haiti, he doesn’t even know the country,”

Don’t make any mistake, I’m against Israel because they are our nemesis, but that doesn’t make me a pro-Palestinian after seeing this behavior over the years.

We have seen some great memes like “It’s okay to be white” or whites are “people of light” that show the double standards employed by some of these people. I have been thinking about smalls slogans like those that could show this hypocrisy to bring more people on our side.

For example:

When Palestinians resist colonisation, it’s heroic. When Swedish people resist colonisation, it’s racist.

When israel occupies Palestine, everyone loses their mind. When Turkey occupies Greece and Cyprus, nobody cares.

Or reply to leftist arguement like:

– Whites are colonialist in America. Go back to Europe. – When the turks go back to mongolia.

– You want to help only white people, that’s Nazi stuff. – But when associations only help Africans, it’s ok. Why?

– America can’t build a wall, it’s racist! – So why when Turkey builds a wall, you don’t care?

I think we need to some kind of centralised campaign or maybe a radio host could bring such people on a show and ask them why Whites can’t be a free people in our countries amongst our own. Muslims who follow a fake religion made up by jews, like Charles Giuliani has shown, can have countries of their own all they want.”

Last edited 2 years ago by OnTheFritzZz
Arch Bungle

Looks like you put your life and soul into this abstract art piece.


I am copying & pasting from other people.


Absolutelly agreed but he have other options to call troops, say ‘friendly’ former SSSR countries like Kazakhstan…


“Russians actually doing a ‘P90 RUSH B’ tactic over the highway, are they even trying to win the war because this is just suicide soviet shit” https://t.me/SurvivingWeimerikachat/89580

Last edited 2 years ago by OnTheFritzZz

You basically want the USSR back.

https://youtu.be/lS5NZFkuKio https://www.the-sun.com/news/4773563/russian-tank-flies-soviet-union-flag-ukraine-ussr/


“A unit from Central African Republic (#CAR) Forces released a video to state that they are ready to fight with Russia against “Ukrainian Nationalists”.

The unit appears to be armed with PK/Type 80 machine guns, AKM/Type 56 rifles and RPG-7/Type 69 RPGs.” https://i.imgur.com/DJvYfdY.jpg

Last edited 2 years ago by OnTheFritzZz
Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Lay of the LSD laced nuland cookies ukrobot. Its bad for you.


Your problems:



Last edited 2 years ago by OnTheFritzZz
sod off

stop spamming garbage from your stinky basement and go suck hitlers one testicle in hell you moronic and psychotic inbred degenerate




https://t.me/SurvivingWeimerikachat/89623 [A Congolese unit has arrived in Donbass fighting for the Russian coalition. “We are here to fight on behalf of Russia against the Europeans. The Europeans are behind everything in Africa.”] https://odysee.com/@DanTheOracle:d/A-Case-for-Reparations-by-The-Alternative-Hypothesis:c https://i.imgur.com/Cnr5Wrk.jpg

Last edited 2 years ago by OnTheFritzZz
Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Lay of the glue its bad for you.


Is that analysis of the European role in Africa inaccurate?


Most went to South America, slavery in Brazil was banned 20 years after the American Civil War. Arabs, Berbers, Turks, and other Muslims had also enslaved Africans and Europeans too.

Atlantic Jihad – The Barbary Slave Trade: https://youtu.be/-VOiCA51FM4


Last edited 2 years ago by OnTheFritzZz

you’re not just a troll – you’re a mentally diseased drooling imbecile.


You can’t prove me wrong can you?


Armchair generals are always so cute… XD


Possible, but currently look like in more priority finish ukrainian troops at Donbass


Nope, it can’t do that in the north, it’s too risky for NATO imperialists to stage something faked, but in the south is a MUST GO. Taking ALL south sea shores transforming the banderites criminal country into an inland one. THIS will WEIGHT enormously in the peace negociations progress allowing the russians to have the upper hand.

Arch Bungle

They should take the black sea coastline all the way to Transdnistria and land-lock a Ukrainian rump state.

Last edited 2 years ago by Arch Bungle


Last edited 2 years ago by OnTheFritzZz
Timmy Temperance

That route near Izyum and to the south of Kiev look important strategically. Kharkiv and Chernihiv must be cheating.


Still no progress, Russia kids stuck in muds or what?


No progress? The Canadian media says Kiev is completedly isolated and they want to try an airlift. Is having your capital city completely surrounded and losing 90% of your military equipment “Ukrainian progress”?

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

The map is the ukro version of whats happening. In reality around 35%-40% of Ukraine is already under Russian control. Which ain’t bad considering its size and the state of the art weapons systems that were poured in the past 8years akong with NATO training. Lets not forget the crumbling americant empire needed 3weeks to take Baghdad and 2months to take Kabul. Amd neither of them had S-300, BUK, drones, or advanced jets and helos.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Nor Stingers or Javelins….


Stingers are low altitude missiles, up to 3500m, which can be discarded in the shithole when bombard from 7km height. But Javelin’s are a real threat on battlefield. I guess russian staff knew how to deal with them better. A very good option is the ebay 50 dollar civilian drones for surveilling the forward advances and a good 500kg bomb for the nazi criminals.


It’s the realistic version, there’s no Russo-version anyhow, I read Russian media daily and still no map. :(


SF’s map is the most realistic. Ukrainian show about half of what SF is showing. And Russian map is unrealistic as well:https://www.mycity-military.com/imgs4/1773_137231648_photo_2022-03-08_22-04-56.jpg

Last edited 2 years ago by Slobodan

I just don’t believe this map, it’s SF. For example it shows Transnistria participating in battles and that is obvious a fake. Sorry, I don’t give russians a free grant only because they fight against evil.


That is what I am saying. This is Russian map. It is unrealistic, just like the Ukrainian map. South Front’s map is in between and probably the most realistic.


Ugh, this is going to hell for Russia. Ukraine has unlimited supply of weapons from the US Empire and unlimited manpower compared to Russia’s proffessional army :(


How’s it going for the Ukraine? Have they just about got the Russians rolled up in Donbas?


Unlimited manpower? How?


Unlimited manpower? Go back to call of duty, boy. Yes press F to respawn.


Did you mean to say; unlimited supply of empty promises, lies and wildly corrupt US regime critters?

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

A cruise missile a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡


It looks like I may be able to embed videos onto comment board posts from my Imgur account. Using my GoPro Hero 6 Black action cam and other recon equipment. So that I can post audio visual material from non conventional activity recorded during remote wilderness ET/ED/Non conventional lifeform contact operations. To improve my ability to assist our transition into becoming an ET race and civilization ourselves with extended lifespans and a better quality of life on a war, poverty and pollution free planet.


Last edited 2 years ago by RichardD

And this concerns us, how?


It’s an effort to provide a way out of the madness. There is technology for our transition to becoming an ET race in classified and sequestered projects. It needs to be used in a positive manner to create a better future. The other part of the equation is relationship development.

I almost lost my left eye in a beam weapon shooting in northern California during contact work hostilities about 10 years ago. I look at my scarred face in the mirror every day. But not all experiences are negative. As above so below is an esoteric axiom.

We have a saying here in the US, get er done. Rather than waiting for the government to make it happen, though that’s part of it. People need to vote with their feet and become proactive. The ETs are here now, they’ve always been here. Getting to know them is part of the way forward.

This is a calling card next to my pack boot left on a trail 75 miles south of Cheyanne Mountain, Colorado at 9,000 foot elevation in the sangre de cristo mountains from an encounter on a contact op. My guess is that what ever did the outreach isn’t a bipedal lifeform. And is in the 500 to 1,000 pound range. The wind was blowing and the print was fresh. But it was getting filled in.

I had a CZ-52 chambered in 7.62 Tokarev in a drop leg holster on that op. And 4 loaded magazines. 1 in the well and 3 spares. I never go into the wilderness unarmed. On some ops in that theater I have air force drone top cover. On that op I didn’t.


Last edited 2 years ago by RichardD

Lay off drugs, maaan.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Dont take the nay sayers too serious. Most people are still not ready for this info. The CZ-52 is a fine pistol (I prefer the TT-30) and the 7.62 Tokarev round is very potent especially original Warsaw Pact milspec ones are rivalling a .357Magnum in ballistic performance. And has superior penetration. One of the few pistol rounds that can create a hydrodynamic shock.


The ET topic makes some people uncomfortable. They have enough trouble in their lives that they don’t want to deal with something potentially even more problematic, even if it could provide them a lot of benefit. Like medbeds, free energy, off planet travel, etc..

The probable reality in my opinion is that there are people on both ends of the spectrum dealing with the issue of travel between solar systems and involvement with the races from there who are here in more than an observer role who are dealing with people here. And the saying that all that it takes for evil to conquer is for good people to do nothing applies to the ET issue.

We would have been overrun already if the species enforcing non intervention laws weren’t doing it. The application of those laws change when a planet’s technology reaches the integration stage. We’re there now from the information that I have. So it’s game on for managing integration.

If my experience is any indication, direct contact is available for those that want it. How you initiate and manage that contact once it’s made available is part of the learning curve to becoming an ET yourself. The path that I’ve chosen is meeting in a safe environment and initiating the travel process to locations on planet and off where ETs are where I’m the visitor rather than the visited.

And doing it in a manner that doesn’t jeopardize my safety or others. Yes there are bad ET elements, but there are neutral and good ones also. The more people who develop relations with the non negative elements. The more progress will be made in developing the planet into an entry level ET civilization.

I think that most of the races are essentially benign. And that learning from and involving ourselves with them can help our planet make the transition into the interstellar community in the least problematic manner. Yes, we need to put our own house in order collectively. But at the end of the day. Becoming an ET is an individual transition done one person at a time.

As far as the 7.62×25 round. The higher velocity military surplus ammunition in particular, if you can find it, puts the handgun into rifle hydrostatic shock performance capacity. As dramatically illustrated when the Rittenhouse AR-15 shooting vaporized the handgun wielding assailant’s bicep for all of the world to see.

With what I’m dealing with in terms of the mass of some of the opposition, I need depth of penetration capability in a handgun to reach show stopper vital organs. This requires high sectional density combined with comparatively high velocity bullets. A .357 with high sectional density is going to go deeper, assuming that the bullet doesn’t tumble, break up or expand on entry. Than a .45 of lower sectional density at comparable velocities.

All things being equal, the larger the caliber, the greater the stopping power. So recoil and recoil mitigation become factors. You can get better penetration with the stronger revolver cartridges. Which is fine with stationary targets. But if either you or the target or both are on the move. Being able to hit the target is usually easier with an autoloader with lower recoil, than a revolver with higher recoil that runs out of ammunition and has to be reloaded sooner.

There’s also the issue of being outnumbered. Like I evidently was with the bigfoot encounter at the entrance to the caldera. Where I had more than one vocalizing at about 200 feet at 12:00, 2:00 and 8:00. If they’d closed rather than letting me disengage. And hostilities had ensued. Taking one out wouldn’t have sufficed if the others had continued to attack.

I’m planning an overnight in the caldera this summer. If they show up, I’m going to let them approach if they’re not aggressive, and see what develops. I’m not there to hunt or kill them. I’m trying to find out what they are and what their ET nexus is. One of the issues that I had to deal with after the last caldera encounter is the bidimensional component for a few days afterwards. Where it seemed like I was partially in another dimension where time and perception flowed differently. It dissipated after 2 or 3 days. But it’s kind of like an acclimatization process where you suddenly go from one environment to another with a temperature, wind, light and precipitation differential.

People end up missing in these encounters, which is something that I don’t want to happen to me.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

I agree. We are about to become a Type I Civilisation. We are attracting aliens and entities all over the spectrum. A Glock chambered in .357Sig is also a good choice very similar round and ballistic performance to the Tokarev but almost double the magazine capacity. What you describe can be an actual aftereffect of a time distortion field but it could also be a simple defense perimeter using extreme powerful EM radiation barriers compromising the central nervous system. Both are a possibility. You need an EMF meter. You can buy one or simply download an app to your smartphone. It works surprisingly well using the phones magnetometer.


A trifield emf meter is next on my buy list. Along with a satphone. It’s definitely a must have item.

I bought a radiation meter, thermal imager, night vision camera, digital sound recorder and a satcom emergency location beacon with two way texting.

The Sig is a potent cartridge. But the pistols are expensive. Hipoints are inexpensive. They won’t win any beauty contests, but they’re accurate and reliable.

Some type of time distortion or other field makes sense. The bigfoots come and go, being present in the midst of their bilocation ability might attach a portion of the field for a while to someone exposed to it. Or it could mess up your cns for a while, both make sense. The field could explain the disappearances. Portal technology may be a factor.

Last edited 2 years ago by RichardD
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