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MARCH 2025

Military Situation In Ukraine On March 16-17, 2022 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Ukraine On March 16-17, 2022 (Map Update)

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Russia needs to commit more forces and destroy the Ukrops before the US and its puppets start flooding Ukraine with more weapons.

The only reason why Ukraine has lasted this long is because of the weapons they have received so far.

Last edited 2 years ago by someone

Nope, they strong because all the civilian they had as hostage and Russia must make sure they already saved before able to do any attack which take it longer than it should be, if there are no hostage anymore they can be easy buratino prey

Ukrainian scum sucking bitches

Must be fake news! We didn’t lose so many as 4 generals in Afghanistan to 13000 soldier casulties! Does that mean we’ve last 26000 soldiers in Ukraine!! What I don’t understand is Would not a General have body guards? And the chechens are there! Who leaves a generals body in the Feild? Was. His whole officers Corp killed with him so nobody knew to retrieve the body so the nazi scum could not crow about it!

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

We kill 4 Ruski generals per hour. We destroyed 25,000 Russian tanks, 2million troops. 1200jets and helos. Ukrainian special forces are fighting in the outskirts of Moscow. Trust me. Im the best President ever 😈💯


and 1.000 ships lol. ukros sunk more Russian ships than German submarines in both WWs! at least according to these drug addicts, zelensky pays his bots in cocaine and meth 🍚


Off course the nazi looses are only 1300 rats from the Ze faggot datas…when the total casualties exceed 50.000. CIAOps are working hard to manipulate numbers, like in Afganistan and Irak.

Porc halal

it just need to secure the western and south-western border and that is it. I am amazed why it did not do it by now


Taking West & South West border without securing all supply routes in entire East will be a disastrous move awaiting to be exterminated when supplies like fuel and ammunition run out. Ukraine is a big country.

Its also a Russia-USNato chess game probing each other redlines gradually.

Russia armoured troops stationed in Belarus close to Poland border was on standby in Day1. If USNato troops cross into West Ukraine, then these Russia troops will not move in to avoid direct clash leading to WW3. Likely Russia will keep to the Eastern region of the river dividing Ukraine into West & East like Germany in WWII.

But USNato fearing escalating to nuke WW3 with Russia, preferred to use mercenaries proxies and declared they won’t directly involved in Ukraine. So Russia troops in Belarus moved into Ukraine swiftly, but still avoid rushing to Poland & Romania borders as safe margin to avoid any accidentally clash.

Russia learned in Syria war that one always needs to give surrounded enemy an exit so they will not fight till death causing high casualties. West Ukraine gives Ukrainian soldiers hope of fleeing West ward when losing battle.

The goal of visionary leader is to win a war achieving all political goals at minimum cost, not winning all battles at highest cost.

This is warfare often used by Mao PLA. They even withdraw from India & Vietnam after crushing enemies.

Because Mao goal was to win 50yrs peace time for China development, not to occupy and bogged down by these countries backed by Soviet and US, thus depleting China’s limited resources for development.

Arzt Injektion

They have been preparing for 8 years. Breaking down entrenched fortifications takes time. I am disappointed with the Russian Air Force. The Army is doing its job, the Navy is doing its, special forces, but the Air Force is a let down. They must be paranoid about stingers and manpads is the only explanation I can think of. This can be overcome with suppressive fire.


No, it can’t. A single man with a MANPAD can’t be tracked down efficiently. And they are a real threat. 18.000 Stingers is a hell of a damn numbers to fear it ! Russia must to change it’s strategy now, it’s imperative. Imho, russian air force is doing a good job but the navy is a let down. By now should have already to land in the rear of the Skadovsky peninsula and clear the nazi cockroaches there. It would be a massive morale boost and a strategic point of launching Odessa attack in the future.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil

These manpads post no threat to fighter bombers using precision bombs/ missiles flying above their short range of few km.

But precision bombs and missiles are very expensive and limited by Russia small economy. Russia also has to reserve such ammunitions for surprise incase clashes with USNato.

So Russia only firing 160 on strategic targets on day1 instead of thousand like USNato did on Iraq and Syria, while utilizing Soviet leftover huge cache of free fall bombs. To avoid hitting civilians, Su27, Su34 & Su35 have to fly low to drop dummy bombs thus falling into manpad & old SAM range. So Russia lost a number of bombers.

Moreover Ukraine is not Granada without air defense, nor Iraq that was weakened over a decade of sanction. Ukraine has complete lethal Soviet era SAM air defense that are very mobile hard to take out. Ukraine many S300PMU with over 150km range is also great threat to fighters.

The likely RuAF weakness is obvious lacking of drones utilization like Turkey’s TB, that Azerbaijan had demonstrated how they can pluck out Armenia air defense effectively at lowest cost. Russia is very late drone developer. They could have bought hundreds from China for this mission.

Simon Ndiritu

I don’t think Russia is afraid of NATO child murderous, it has been prepared for them. In any case, NATO intervention will give Russia the reason to destroy it’s infrastructure that still threatens it but happen to be out of Ukraine. Think 🤔 about Poland and Romania…


Nope. How to do that and not start a nuclear war, pal ? Finish those non-senses.

Timmy Temperance

It is already a proxy war for the US and UK. They are sending billions in weapons, providing intelligence to coordinate attacks, sending mercs, and giving false hope to the Ukrainians. Today the UK defense morons are telling Ukraine that the Russian offensive has stalled and Ukraine defense remains staunch and well-coordinated. I am literally looking at pictures of towns and cities totally decimated because of this staunch defense which involves hiding behind civilians. UK and US do not care if every man, women, and child in Ukraine perishes as long as they can sell weapons and put NATO on Russia’s doorstep. The Johnson and Demented Joe are cowards and hateful creatures who should be forced to fight in Ukraine themselves.


Agree. But how to counter that satanist NATO strategy ?


When the agents of deception do not just not care to understand but deliberately misunderstand and re-invent something or someone, portraying them in a false light: in that case appealing to their reason, to their humanity, to their dignity as human beings is LOST on them. They are swine who will trample over pearls and not recognise them as of worth. Putin will do well to have a squad to portray the truths about him and about Russia and about the reason for this intervention for those who WANT to understand but STOP trying so hard. FEAR bribery, threats, fear of the truth, these are all things which the Western mob respond to. In the OT, David was told to put everyone in one of the nations which attacked, to the sword, even the animals were not exempt because they were all depraved. Bestiality. Russia has to do as much damage to NATO and to her enemies as POSSIBLE. Instead of trying to stand up to the accuser and accusations, just have a record of the truth for those who wish to know it and ATTACK with counter accusation and condemnation. A soft but true word which finds its mark has more power than a blow. When one wins a war, strategies are required, entrapment, confusion, diversions, deceptions, causing FEAR, concealing one’s real intentions, subterfuge, cunning, the ability to thrust deep with one’s sword, a callousness towards one’s enemy. Decent people can find wars VERY difficult, loosen that restraint, take the fetters off yourself, not so much in the midst of battle, rather in your planning and strategies. Go for that. Do MAX damage to the enemies of Russia.

Muhammad your Prophet

That’s some Alamo type of shit they’re doing in Mariupol right now. I don’t give a shit about the Putin cockroaches with their phony outrage. Whoever’s taking on the Russians there just drained the entire army’s resources on a small city they were supposed to take since day one.

John Titor

Ah, we have a military expert over here. I guess you’re the kind of people mainstream media feed with their crap as a priority, you’ve got the intelligence level they need.


Even a troll can be right sometimes: “they were supposed to take since day one” Well at least in the first 72 h and with no siege.

Bad prospect what to expect in Kharkov an Kiev.

Muhammad your Prophet

Even a Putin cockroach can be right sometimes. I’ll let you know when that happens.


For the first time I must agree with a filthy cocaine nazi terrorist here.

Muhammad your Prophet

Compared to the moronic Putin cockroaches I almost like Dwight D Eisenhower.


that place is going to stink with all those dead azovites..there are so many dead nazis in Mauriupol the rats will all weigh 25 kg each

down With UKs

We better hurry up and wipe the azov terds out before a negotiated settlement ! or the nazis will become heros! Then what will Putin hav achieved? A more united Ukraine! A revived NATO! Europe looking for other sources of energy! Tarnished International Russian image! Ovechkin is booed everyday time he touches a puck!

John Fields

No, that is not like modern warfare works, sorry to tell you. If the Russians want to take Mariupol it would fall in 2 hours. Azov Battalion is retaining the civil population as human shields and the Russians don´t want a massacre since they need support of the people, wich is mainly Russian in the area. They will take Mariupol anyway and they will kill all the criminals of the Azov.

Muhammad your Prophet

What the fuck is this lunatic talking modern warfare? The Russian army looks like Joseph Stalin left all his crappy tanks hidden in a warehouse.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
down With UKs

I’ve read news reports that the heavy munitions used by the Russians is changing to older dumber types as they have used up most of there stocks of newer bombs and missiles. We can expect more civilian casualties from larger u guided munitions……er I mean we can expect the Ukrainians to be preparing more provocations and killing their own people the bastards

Yamil Perez

Russia aint running low on anything. But why waste expensive ammo on Azovisis? Most the civs already left.


Reports are coming from CIAOps nazi assholes, isn’t it ! Then, it is a good source of lies.


hillbilly moron in arkansas trailer park needs more therapy—bitter at another defeat

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

Im at Mariopol fighting on the barricades. I took out 28 tanks by myself. Best President ever 😈💯

Chairman Meow

It’s high time for more green screen productions!

Yamil Perez

I wish the Americant and Israeli army was as good as the Russian. We cant fight for chit. We can only win via carpet bombing civs and everything else.

Iron Nappy of Israel (pedophile and proud)

Yamil I love it when you talk dirty, my little whore, more cock incoming in the next hours, time to bend over babe 🍆😘

Muhammad your Prophet

The scum of the Earth is waiting. Putin loves to talk dirty. https://www.yahoo.com/news/putin-says-pro-western-russians-025526078.html

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
Hunter Biden your Pimp

Shiteater no one is interested in your gay moronic virus infested links or your gay moronic virus infested mouth owned by CIA, the worst scum in the world.


We have a word of wisdom here: when you’re fool as a child, growing up you only just play around ! 8 years of military preparation with NATO and UE instructors is phenomenal. Just in Mariupol they manged to construct hundreds of dug-outs well hidden in apartment basement buildings, children parks, sniper and ATGM’s nests on many top buildings, etc. Just read the ww2 Stalingrad battle, you syphilitic motha fucker.


Iran leaked the top Mossad chief personal data including his flights, only a matter of time until Iran and Hezbollah close on Israel, and Russia ends nato. At this rate israel and nato will be too weak, and the axis of resistance will prevail along with their allies Russia, China, NK and the rest of them.

Yamil Perez

Oy gevalt.

down With UKs

Of course they (the West) will try to bet on the so-called fifth column, on traitors — on those who earn their money here, but live over there. Live, not in the geographical sense, but in the sense of their thoughts, their slavish thinking,” he told government ministers, three weeks into Russia’s war with Ukraine.

“Any people, and especially the Russian people, will always be able to distinguish the true patriots from the scum and the traitors, and just to spit them out like a midge that accidentally flew into their mouths,” Putin said.

“Putin is intensifying his actions to destroy Russia and is essentially announcing the start of mass repressions against those who don’t agree with the regime,” he said. “This has happened in our history before, and not only ours.”

In his address to ministers, Putin said the West was trying to divide Russia and provoke civil confrontation with the help of its “fifth column.”

“And there is one aim — the destruction of Russia,” Putin said, adding that Russia would repel such efforts.

“I am convinced that this natural and necessary self-cleansing of society will only strengthen our country, our solidarity, cohesion and readiness to meet any challenge.”

‘An Orwellian way’ of dividing Russians

Russia experts said the message was chilling.

“Putin in an Orwellian way has divided the citizens of Russia into clean and unclean,” wrote Andrei Kolesnikov, a Moscow-based political analyst.

Is this as awesome or what! Is the as awesome as I think it is! About time we purify Russia! Russia for Russians! Let the purges begin! Stalin did it and we came out stronger then ever!

Last edited 2 years ago by down With UKs
Ukrainian asssuking pigs

Question: do you think Putin intends to deepen the purges of not just his political opinions ents but the average Russian, who expresses views contrary to his?

Or is this just idle threats to keep people from protesting on TV and going off the official party line. ?



Putin increase in approval by 20 % in past 2 weeks—-it is the amerikant dictatorship that requires purges

Arzt Injektion

His approval rating has shot way up as a result of the extreme Russophobic hysteria in the west. Now they are not even going to let the number one tennis player in the world compete unless he denounces his country. Its hard to believe. This should scare the hell out of everyone even if you hate Russians to your core because does anyone think it will stop with them? No it will be Chinese next or some other race after that. In Canada they can seize your bank account if you criticize the government. In Latvia, Czech Republic and I think Slovakia if you show support for Russia you can be imprisoned.

No one will forget Churchill when he first coined the phrase of the “Iron Curtain” falling over Eastern Europe. Well in Greece it feels the same way and talking with family in Italy it is much the same. Your freedoms are gone. That’s how it is in the west now. You may not have internment camps and people being pulled off the street, but that will come later as the economies start to implode.


True, very very true. In Romania, a EU colony, same.

Ukrainian asssuking pigs

Look What they did to our brave General! Real men lead from the front! The AZOV fascist bastards! They must be purposefully targeting officers! Isn’t that a war crime! 4 out of the 20 generals leading the heroic liberation of Ukraine have been killed! Thats decimation x2! Assholes will pay! Their generals probably never leave their bunkers! Cowards!


Last edited 2 years ago by Ukrainian asssuking pigs

In Vietnam americunts loosed 20 of them, and almost 200 very high rank staff. So, you should fuck yourself, arsehole.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil
Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

Someone get me out of here ASAP. Im low on captagon. Pretty please 💞

Mohammed your Prophet

There there, you need to relax my nazi loving cockroach for I have been granted a great vision where NATO swoops in from the skies with a multitude of paratroopers and rescues the cornered butchers holding out in their wannabe Alamo.


Mohammed your Prophet


Last edited 2 years ago by Mohammed your Prophet
Yamil Perez

Slava Ukraini. Glory to our baby killers.

Arzt Injektion

Has peace broken out in Sumy? Have not heard a thing from that city in over two weeks.


Humanitarian evacuations and all that…

It doesn’t seem, like Kharkov or Chernigov, a priority right now. Russia and allies seem focused on Donbass and the Kiev front, which has been breached. Slow but steady now.


But that means this war map on SouthFront is false.



Muhammad your Prophet

It looks to me like the picture my little nazi cockroaches are posting of some green man lying in the snow is of a major and not a general. Still, face covered, no IDs lol do not lie to your prophet.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
Arzt Injektion

How many were defending Mariupol? I have heard anywhere from 20000 to 30000 not including so called territorial defenders aka (Canon fodder). Would it be safe to say a similar number defends Odesa?

Yamil Perez

No. Because most the Ukrop forces are un the east near Donbas and in Kiev. That’s the frontline. Once the east falls the only nazi hub is kiev.


Not to mention their BEST troops are in the East. They managed to move some of them to the west, in Kiev and Kharkov, but most are in Mariupol or near Donetsk. They cannot replace battle hardened veterans with bunch of conscripts and militia.

communism fascism same ism

Death to all russians on ukraine soil ….. make them never rest in peace in the mud and fuck all who support that genocide 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻

Yamil Perez

Death to all ukrobots on Russian soil make them never rest in peace in the mud and fuck all who support that genocide 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻


traumatized amerikant moron—seek therapy—you are humiliated

Arzt Injektion

What are the borders of Lugansk and Donetsk anyways? Does anyone know? I can’t see Russia ever giving these cities in the south back.

Yamil Perez

Ukraine will sease to exist.


Look them up in Wikipedia or something: they are the same as the “oblasts” (regions) that existed before the Maidan putsch. Lugansk is almost entirely liberated already but Donetsk is half occupied (by the moment, that arrow heading to Sloviansk is very promising).


the borders of Donbass republics are permanently expanding, 10+ km each 1-2 days….when former ukraine surrenders they will have permanently lost far more territory, including Mariupal

Timmy Temperance

US military officials have said that Russian generals were talking on unsecured channels which allowed them to be targeted. I would hazard a guess and say that is a humble-brag indicating that US has intercepted communications and passed the information to Ukrainian forces.

Timmy Temperance

They should speak eye to eye only and use runners like in the old days. Maybe runners in Ferraris if the Ukraine roads are good enough.

Last edited 2 years ago by Timmy Temperance

The more the political parties over here in the U.S. scream in unison, the more I know that Russia is winning.

Last edited 2 years ago by Aaron

I can summarize the military situation for the russians: Desperation


I can summarize the military situation for the ukrobots: Desperation Sorry about the typo.

Chairman Meow

It looks like it’s coming together. They might be ready to put up forward airbases for choppers, and other fortifications.


I understand, largely from other articles, that there are three devlopments of relevance hidden in this map:

1. The Russian breach of the western frontline near Kiev, which leaves the capital exposed very directly.

2. The steady current advance in Mariupol (DPR) that should let the city liberated in maybe hours, days at most.

3. Less clearly, that arrow heading to Sloviansk, strongly suggests that the DPR will be largely liberated soon.

Am I correct?


Seems so


Not really

Arzt Injektion

Is Sloviansk not the place in the Ukrainian Civil war where the UFA was obliterated due to encirclement. The irony if it should happen again.


Sloviansk and Mariupol are “major” cities of the DPR that were taken by the Maidanist forces. I think that battle you mean was further south, although DPR forces were clearly marching on both Sloviansk and Mariupol when Minsk froze everything (Minsk shoul have never been signed).

Corrupt shithole of russiapisstan

https://www.businessinsider.com/russian-bombed-theater-had-children-written-nearby-satellite-images-2022-3?amp You ignorant Russian terrorists are never going to be able to occupy Ukraine it took you losers 10 years to take over Chechnya which was just a crappy breakaway state that shouldn’t have taken that long to subdue and they still haven’t.ended the civil wars in Syria or Central African Republic which Russia is heavily involved in. Also it’s been almost a month since Russia has started this invasion and they have only been able to capture one administration capital and they are losing far more men and equipment compared to Ukraine and the moral of the Russian troops are extremely low. Even if Russia does manage to topple the government they won’t be able to stop the citizens from resisting and starting an insurgency which will eventually get nato involved and possibly start ww3. So basically you Russian fags are fucked.


It was the Azov Bataillon, one of their many nazi massacres, just that one that was framed to falsely accuse Russia.

buko reiboko

Используйте больше крылатых ракет, артиллерии, высокоточных боеприпасов, беспилотников, бомбардировок с самолетов


Due to the US ability to conjure money from the pit of hell, they can pay mercenaries, poor men to fight and hence keep the war going. After Russia is weakened, with fatalities, injured and has used its arsenal of weapons, the nations with the bottomless pit of money PLUS the money stolen from Russia and Russians, they will THEN attack Russia. Russia must up the ante and ensure they do not weaken but rather strengthen. Also, Russia must gets its resources and money back. Pursue legal means and make EXTRA threats. Russia sorry but you have for TOO long been overly restrained AND you still ARE too restrained. Bomb the incoming vehicles with supplies from Poland and BOARD the incoming ships, shoot down all foreign aircraft and drone in Ukraine. Russia has to implement a NFZ against other nations. Send up more satellites, WATCH the borders. The UK had some kind of aircraft in our skies which were watching to see if we kept to the lockdowns or not. They remained stationary for hours at a time. Who dares, wins, Russia. Stoicism and self restraint will NOT win the war against the whore of Babylon and the Black beasts. Exercise a bit of machiavellian thinking, do some feints and diversions, be a bit ruthless AND get Russians praying in Church.


Russia, you are going to be called this and that and HATED, however good and honorable you are so STOP trying to appear as the good guy to others. What you know about yourself and what God knows is what matters. When you are called this and that and the other, what difference does it make by trying so hard to be uber honorable? Honestly Putin, you want to be friends but you are the most bullied person, so STOP TRYING and just STAND up to those filthy bullies. Sort them out and entrap them. Stop telling everyone what your goals are. The media and governments are all saying you are making war on Ukraine so just USE this situation to weaken the US and NATO militarily as much as you can. Whatever you do now is going to be LESS than you will do later with the NATO knife at your throat. Also be aware that assassinations and the Criminal court are TWO things which the US and your many enemies are desperate for. Why do you even want to be friends with the filth of the world in the US UK EU NATO? The WICKED, they do not EVER EVER EVER learn. The fool will become wise by persisting in their folly but the wicked will never learn. WAR as if everything depends on you but PRAY as if everything depends on prayer. Remember to use confusion, diversion, feints, traps and camouflage, use that Machiavellan side, EXERCISE it. Remember this too, Jesus asked us to be as innocent as DOVES but as wise as serpents. STOP worrying about how bad you look to the evil ones who are much worse than you. That is pride and a snare too. STOP CARING about how shippy the rest of the world is to you and to Russia. They act like that because they are shippy, not because you are. You have to put the warmongers and evildoers in their place, you do NOT have to constantly tell everyone that the lies against you are lies and misunderstandings. Appoint a squad to give the truth out when you are misrepresented and then forget it. Did the Holy Angels have a war in heaven and cast out satan onto earth? Does satan not have many human accomplices to his evil who do not care for the truth and who care about their GREED. The Holy Angels made war in heaven. St Michael be with yo and the Generals and with Russia. Many in the US, UK Canada, Australia, NZ, Europe are already suffering from our governments depravity, the world does not love the human person and only wants Russia for what they can get out of it. You do not belong to this gang of vultures. Wheresoever the body shall be, there shall the vultures also be gathered together. So make sure that the vultures get sorted out as these ones are vultures that attack, in a pack, both the living and the dead.


The morans that write this crap forget that Putin was not elected last time round. He bullies his own people. Life is cheap in Russia, unlike the West. His hold on power is fraudelent. He and the oligarks have stolen billions from the Rusian people, who the wst have sympathy for. He has been shown to be mentally insane. He is suffering from parkinsons desease. I would not be surprised if he is not also suffering from Syphilis. He has all the earmarkings. Remember, this site is Ruski govt sponsered and designed to allow fake news. Get real.

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