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Military Situation In Ukraine On March 18, 2022 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Ukraine On March 18, 2022 (Map Update)

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If I look at this map, and see maybe 15% of the country exculding all large city conquered, then I think that Russia will get their Afghanistan here again.

NATO is shipping in special forces and weapons while Russia is not even trying to close off the supply route from western Europe. And Ukrainians are using the time to fortify their positions.

Pretty underwhelming for what I had expected from the Russian army.

We can do bets on how long Russia will be in this war… I would say it will be a decade.

Timmy Temperance

There are no special forces, NATO is not sending troops and a few mercs will not make much of a difference. Russia is targeting weapons supplies. Why do you think they are targeting airports and warehouses in the West? If you read the report and look at other sources you will see that the momentum is with Russia. Ukraine forces are hiding behind civilians which is slowing progress but leads to utterly destroyed cities and towns with huge migration of refugees and inevitably civilian casualties. If NATO politicians and propaganda stopped cynically providing Ukraine false hope then Zelensky would realise that the outcome is predetermined and he needs to negotiate.


If I were a Russian general, I would also bomb in and around the many Ukrainian mines. I’m sure Ukronazi hid the javelins over there…


Russia will be watching them closely.


There absolutely are special forces.


Sorry I misspoke. There absolutely are aliens. They speak to me on a regular basis and inform my world view. I also see dead people and even most of the people on the streets these days look like people but actually they are alien robots wearing meat suits. My neighbors are CIA and Mossad bring my milk every morning. Not sure who cleans my windows, probably GRU.


Sorry, JTF2 is in the Ukraine.

gra gor

Are they supposed to be special?

steven harry

Are they so Special they carnt die along with the rest of the Nazi scum?


Zelensky knows there will be no help. This is merely his mandate. Destroying Ukraine is what the US pays him for…


Day 24: Dear diary, the special operations are over since three weeks now.

It was Russia who decided to invade. To blame the defenders to defend themselves is stupid at best, despicable at worst. 🤷


The Ze fag will not stop until his masters want that. And his masters will not do it very soon.


Look at territory claimed by the Novorossiya Confederation? The Russian invasion follows this. Plus Kiev. If this is the ambition they have captured close to half of the territory they are aiming for.

Furthermore, this is not Afghanistan. Because these areas have been Russian for hundereds of years, ever since Russia conquered the Crimean Khanate in 18th century. And a large percentage of the population in these areas have Russian identity. And they all speak Russian. Afghanistan is completely alien to the Russians and the Sovjets. Eastern and southern Ukraine is their home turf.

(seems I cant link to Wikipedia, but just look at a map of presidential election 2010, its the same territory. Because that is where the identity faultline in Ukraine goes. And it is deeply rooted in history)


If it’s their home turf, why did the Russian intelligence fail so hard, why didn’t they expect to get fired upon? Heck, in Cherson the people were protesting against Russia even after the occupation of the city.

Dreaming Putins dream much?


Because Ukraine is an artificial state ! Real ‘Ukraine’ means a circle with a 60-80km diameter around Lvov. All other zones are stolen from Romania, Poland, Hungary, Slovacs. Same in the south. So, shut the fuck up. Consult Wiki if you don’t know what you’re talking about.


Ukraine is an old culture native to Europe.

But doesn’t matter, if they want to live without the Vlad, then that is their choice.

As it seems, Ukraine wasn’t toppled over within a few days, kicking Vlad’s recruits badly. Obviously they don’t want the Vlad, not even in the east of the Ukraine. 🤷


Yes and no. I think Russia will respond if NATO decides to enter directly, but if Russia had rushed the Western borders it would have been in NATO/neo-Nazi’s favour.

Slow and steady just to rub it in NATO’s face :)

Against the West

So will the West and the last time I checked you got 35% non-Westerners in your population on average. Most of who hate you and the re-fascisation going on right now, with fascists like the Atlantic writer Applebaum calling for a new violent imperialism in other words – non-Westerners don’t like that. This will be your end. Finally.


Gee, I dunno. I think the mercenaries and NATO got an inkling of a message when Russia destroyed their bases with just a missile or two, wiping out mutiple dozens at once and making the survivors flee for their lives. I think they got the message loud and clear.

steven harry

Those RAMBOS ran home crying like little girls. lol.


US military helicopter carrying four people CRASHES in Norway. Cheers! Rest in Shit! :)


The Russians are headed towards Transnistria, a Russian majority area between Ukraine and Moldova. At the same time, they will cut off everything south of it, incl. Odessa. Once the Russians achieved their goals, whatever is left of Ukraine will no longer have access to the Black Sea. Also, Ukraine’s most capable troops are getting cut off in the East. Same thing happened to the Germans not far from there, in Stalingrad. Once these troops are destroyed, Ukraine is done. A bunch of degenerate LGBT freaks from the West won’t save them. The Russians should use their corpses to fertilize the land, as it is custom. I suggest Russia incorporates all of Ukraine and Transnistria into their territory. Then they should deal with Georgia next as they want to become part of Nato.

Last edited 2 years ago by Steve-O
steven harry

And so say all of us.


That was on the map on the 8th already, 11days ago. Not impressive. 🤷

Timmy Temperance

Chief Panda Xi said this regarding US responsibility for the conflict: “Let he who tied the bell on the tiger’s neck take it off.”

steven harry

Well said.


My Indian car is running on Russian fuel, know what I mean?


Looks like this old map or Russia is making no progress.

Corrupt shithole of russiapisstan

Why hasn’t Russia already taken over this country aren’t they supposed to be one of the strongest military’s in the world?


Are you making random maps now? Compare this one to the one from yesterday. Which one is correct? https://southfront.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/17march2022_Ukraine-scaled.jpg https://southfront.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Ukraine_map_2022_03_18.jpg

Last edited 2 years ago by Slobodan

They forgot to mark the trail of the hyper hyper, true.

At least Southfront managed to write “war” in their latest article. The Vlad gave personal permission. 🤷


Here’s from a week ago, maybe it would be a better comparison. It’s the same map withdifferent arrows. https://i.imgur.com/HgMsIi9.jpg

Last edited 2 years ago by RichardD

Here’s from 2 weeks ago. https://i.imgur.com/hyFGz3e.jpg

Last edited 2 years ago by RichardD

Military academy here: just land behind enemy in the back of Skadovska and clear everything there with the help of navy huge guns. After that or in same time break south of Mykolaiv, and north of Kherson taking the road to Odessa. The eastern shore of Tylihulsky liman to be the frontline: easy to defend good zone to deploy drones and suppress all roads going to Odessa.

johnn nudo

Still thinking that the Odessa force will land soon. However, once Mariupol is secured the Russians could easily use that harbor and then springboard north from there. Any thoughts?



Last edited 2 years ago by ....
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