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MARCH 2025

Military Situation In Ukraine On March 23, 2022 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Ukraine On March 23, 2022 (Map Update)

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Ukraine is a big country,I was expecting the Russian to have at least 300k to 500k in Ukraine but it seem they have deployed even close 200k .


Map recycling is everything Southfront can do right now. And it’s not going to change it seems.


Nobody cares what you think.


You are caring a lot for not caring. 🤷🤭


And so are you for hanging round here.


Oh really? 🤷😂🤭


Guys, I have cranky ass but I don’t want to shower. Any volunteers?


My own copycat I am so flattered. Thanks to you for showing me how important I am, not just for you. I am very important. 🤷🤭


Well I guess a loser like you will take anything to feel special. Go get a life and a real job, and rejoin society.


You should stop using heroine, it is not good for your health.


You seem to like like dirt, why am I not surprised ?

Joao M...


Joao M...

To be a troll…




Is this the part where NATO retreats back to the United States territory?

Timmy Temperance

This is quite funny, it must have taken quite a lot of work. I often wonder what I will look like when I am old, if I live that long. I was watching footage just now of SU-25s bombing the area around Kiev in the daytime on Intel Slava Z. They are flying low but not especially fast. Which made me wonder what has happened to the air defenses around Kiev. But they also have a video of a precision strike on S-300 defense systems near Kiev. So it makes a little story, not as funny as yours obviously, but more factual.


Ukrainians are facing collapse. They are hungry and battered.



bitter arkansas nazi noko grunting frizz more desperate– a discarded moron desperate for attention like infant—the nazi websites ignore you as did your prostitute mama 66 years ago—SF is your only source of masochistic pleasure….lol


Nice one, that’s Vlad’s grandson, right? 😂🤭😉


And NATO has become largely eliminated. The United States and NATO are now one and the same thing, and Europe is free from it’s influence.


The thinnest book in history : “The Ukrainian Armys Victories”—It contains zero (0) pages

Ryan K Sergent

at an advance rate of 10 klicks per day the map looks recycled until you really compare from much earlier maps.


arkansas hillbilly tries to think, diaper rash develops must invest in new crack pipe


area taken by Russia is same size as UK


The idiots in Ukraine cant do a thing right


So, WTF are you doing here ? Watching maps ?


I think this is a wise strategy; to draw out the length of battle in ukraine to wear thin with Western antagonism and MSM trash talk, to rotate fresh Russian troops, and to minimise losses in ethnic-Russian regions.

Ashok Varma

Russia to some extent misjudged the scale of NATO war criminals weapons supply to the Ukrainian racist NAZI trash. Russia would now need to mobilize some reserves and also seek more allied assistance from Belarus, Syrian, Iranian and Hezbollah volunteers who are adept at urban combat. Russia has not even used 1% of its airpower and its sortie level is around 200 combat missions a day. India in contrast flew over 1,000 missions a day over Bangladesh and West Pakistan in 1971 and hit anything that moved, including foreign aircraft. Russia has been very soft so far, considering that the Ukrainian savage Nazis are torturing, raping and killing Russians, Romani and other minorities. President Putin needs to take personal charge and let loose junior officers to make decisions in the field.


I think Russia is largely caught up in guerilla warfare with the assistance and surveillance of NATO. The first rush to capture territory and take the enemy by surprise came at a high price as the enemy had predicted this and set traps, which made the Russians come unstuck when their supply convoys got taken out and their advance forces were isolated.

Now it’s a different game as they can take cities and territory, liberating as they go to return the power to civilians and gain support for their efforts. Western Ukraine is a different story….

Officer and a Gentleman

Both Mr. Varma and you are largely correct. Russian intelligence both the civilian SVR and military GRU underestimated the extent of NATO arming of the Ukrainian Nazi forces with anti-air and ATGM weaponry. Russia also withheld its operation Z until the end of the Olympic games to please the Chinese, and that gave NATO time to organize defences for the terrorists. Second mistake was to avoid US style mass carpet bombing of cities and infrastructure. In these types of total wars, there is no room for softness. Russia could have avoided a lot of casualties both civilians and military by using massive force initially with around 500,000 soldiers and quick occupation of cities. In any case, now Russia has to up the ante and unleash total war and prepare for a relatively long campaign. Russia will prevail and adapt to new tactics, as it has immense manpower and resources.

Last edited 2 years ago by Officer and a Gentleman

Those brothers and sisters who don’t obey Putin the invader have to be bombed to oblivion!

Evil Ukrainians defending themselves, how dare!



copycat Thanks now I am important 🤷


Nah, losers have to copy others. My own little harem of groupies. 😂😉


Group gang bang of your mouth: Loki 🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆


What he invaded, your ass ?

David Parker

Exactly according to plan. 80% of the Ukie army was staged in the east with plans to overrun the Donbass to force a Russian reaction. The Russian general staff preempted the Ukie assault and destroyed all Ukie command centers the first day. The military war is over, mopping up the Azov Battalion war criminals for a Nuremberg-style war crimes trial is about all the military action now. There are still small Ukie units with orders to create as much bloodbath of civilians as possible so the western media can show carnage and blame it on the Russians, but they cannot be resupplied and they are being eliminated along with their rocket launchers and artillery and missile batteries they are now using to kill civilians.

Last edited 2 years ago by David Parker

Ukraine is a big shithole

Ashok Varma

Russia is doing well and has liberated a country bigger than UK in mere 24 days.


Ukraine is collapsing. Russia is taking it relaxed. No need to rush. Everyone thinks Russia is having supply problems. If that was true Ukraine could easily break through their lines, they cant. Ukraine has supply problems tho, very serious ones. At this rate most the fighting will be over in 2-3weeks. Sieged cities will have to decide to surrender or starve to death under Azov control. Either way it will be a win win scenario for Russia.


Ukrops are literally abandoning tanks because they have no fuel.

Officer and a Gentleman

Considering that NATO has poured in over $10 billion in modern weapons and terrorist training in Ukraine since 2007, the Ukrainian military has done very poorly, even the Wahhabi terrorists in Syria fight better. The bandera Nazis have not even mounted a company sized offensive and have most hid behind woman and children human shields.

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

Russia is gaining ukrobots are draining 🤗


Zelensky has killed off all the Ukro chads by abusing them as cannon fodder, the last ones dying off like flies in Mariupol to be eaten by the maggots who nist in them, and now UAF are left only with unsporty incels and the civilian grannies and children he armed to exterminate them as well. Nice Cabal. 🤭


Look, my little imposter admits his defeat again, how sweet. 🤷🤭


I, Loki, am not losing if Zelensky wins. I’m pro Ukronato. And thats our deal. Suicide by globalism.


You lose together with recruits from Russia and his propaganda narrative falling apart.

The Vlad didn’t want to have Kiev! 🤷🤭


Thank you for finally showing me how important I am, not just for you. 🤷🤭


I have been curious for a long time but I am struggling to make the leap. Can anyone here be my first boyfriend and treat me with tenderness? 🤷


hillbilly social worker in arkansas treats your multiple personality disorder with taco sauce

Ryan K Sergent

If Ukraine was winning they wouldn’t be begging every other country for weapons and men. Plus when msm acts this hysterical you can bet Globalism is taking it’s licks, IMO.

Timmy Temperance

At this point Zelensky has been on a month-long coca and whisky binge. He is frazzled. He drunk dials foreign governments demanding weapons and then insults them for not giving weapons. He is a clown and eventually the Ukraine people will have had enough of their cities being destroyed and their young men dying, and he will be forced to negotiate without preconditions.

Timmy Temperance

Yes about the MSM. In the UK, there will be a slight lull in the press as journalists get tired of repeating the propaganda without fact-checking and start to question the narrative. The Guardian is a good guage of this. Then the Government will make some proposterous statement, usually about chemical weapons, Putin targeting nurseries and teddybear factories, or predicting a Ukraine victory. The press will chime in with more factless and emotive stories vis a vis Russia evil, Ukraine superhuman. You can see the cyclical nature of it repeat every couple of days or so.

Ryan K Sergent

I think that sounds about right. hahaha teddybear factories.

Death angel

This map is not true. We are on the way to encircle.over 8000 rusian soldiers. The Russian army is retreating on 2 fronts from Kiev we killed 16600 solider and over 20000 are wonded. Rusian with out nuclear weapons is way down on mater or rank in military power. Actually Ukraine now is more powerful than Russian millitary even Ukraine with little equipment is able to absolutely obliterate to pieces the entire Russian army. Now Ukraine president is the most powerful person in the world and Putin is next to Hitler his best friend. Putin destroyed everything in his country Millitary Economically and Politicaly. Oligarchs yesterday they had a meeting in Russia and they are planning to asassinate Putin and his security circle and Lavorov. This is the fate of all Russian leaders. Now Putin has successfully succeeded to make the world hate his entire country exactly similar to what Hitler did . Quite impressive you have to have special skills to do that.


worthless moronic gibberish by a worthless moronic troll in delirium ^

Luis Carlos

A chinela ta cantando

Mister X

The thinnest book in war history : “the Ukrainian Armys Victories”—it contains zero (0) pages LOL

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