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- Russia attacked military assets of the AFU near Tsapovka with high-precision missiles;
- Russia attacked military assets of the AFU near Krasny Liman with high-precision missiles;
- Russia attacked military assets of the AFU near Konstantinovka with high-precision missiles;
- On May 16, 360 AFU members were killed and 78 armoured vehicles were destroyed by the Russian Armed Forces, according to the Russian MOD;
- Russian air defense systems shot down 10 Ukrainian drones over Novosvetlovka in the Lugansk region, Dementievka, Izyum and Malye Prokhody in the Kharkiv region, Vysokoe and Kalinovskoe in the Donetsk region;
- Russian air defense systems shot down 18 Ukrainian Smerch multiple-launch rockets over Malaya Kamyshevakha, Snezhkovka, Shpakovka, Ivanovka in the Kharkiv region;
- Russian air defense systems shot down an Ukrainian Su-25 near Yevgenovka;
- Russian air defense systems shot down an Ukrainian Su-25 near Velikaya Kamyshevakha.
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Rumor has it that if and when those in Mariupol surrender, the rest of Ukraine’s Army will break.
When I order you to bitch
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I disagree. Instead I firmly believe that the Kiev-junta might be able to keep battling away over the summer. They might? But in the autumn, when it starts to get colder and Putin turns off the gas to Ukraine, and perhaps even to all of the EU-countries?, things will turn very unpleasant and cold … very fast! Me thinks there might be no fighting at all by the end of the year. It will simply be too cold for the poor Ukrainian soldiers.
When winter comes, Russian soldiers will start surrendering and deserting again en masse. Their equipment and clothes/uniforms are piss poor and they’ll freeze their asses off.
Come on, man, everybody knows that the Russians are the toughest soldiers of all time, and when they fight in their own back yard (like in Ukraine) they are unbeatable. If you don’t believe me ask Adolf Hitler.
in history toughest soldiers used to be germans , I am not german myself , I’m only saying . at the beginning were romans , then people from east like germans and francs , then again swiss ( the alabards changed the way to make war in the 15th century) then germans(Prussians) for many many years ( even if they loss the best soldiers in WWI and WWII were germans ) , untill war becomes a matter of money , nowadays it doesn’t matter how tough you are , in the end the richest wins , war is technology applied . the best technology wins , in ukraine for example is the datas incoming from NATO that are helping Ukraines a lot , expecially in how to find the objectives . russian army is really undermined by corruption , these poor kids entered ukraine without bulletproof vests , without food rations , without gps trackers , there are so many videos on internet about the lack of materials that makes feel bad for them , not to mention the chinese tires of the bmps who flatted out in the snow or in the mud , because no one made manteinance of the materials . probably the generals took the money instead . this is what makes me feel so bad , those poor young kids sent to die with not even a small chance to survive , they were dead even before entering ukraine . someone will pay for this , those fat pigs of burocrats will pay .
in february the only soldiers dying for cold were the russians ones , sorry to tell you the truth no one else will tell ya over there
That’s a strange rumor. Maybe that something like that would have been possible on the very first days, due to a larger propaganda effect.
But right now everyone in the Ukraine (and many in the west) sees Mariupol as a symbol of resistance. And everyone in the Ukraine would argue that these soldiers did far more than their duty.
On the Russian side however it is understood as an annoyance and obstacle that even overshadowed the 9th of May.
As such, how should it have such an effect? Especially considering the heavy weapons arriving, which most likely already had an effect on the Kharkiv area?
The weapons had an effect on Russian troops that had already withdrawn? More Ghost of Kiev magic in the mystical failed Ukrainian CIA project!
He saw it on ABC News and Amazon Prime action news. So in his world he believes it is the total israeli certified truth.
Not sure what you are referring to or implying?
I doubt that Russian Forces already retreated like cowards before they got under fire. Never say never, as their morale surely isn’t the best, but I would qualify that as propaganda only.
And I would rather see the whole war as a failed FSB project, as the Russian intelligence must have been devastatingly false.
don’t bother reply , no use , they want to see what they want to see . the day they’ll open their eyes it will be a shock for them .
In this interview, you’ll hear from 2 White National Socialists in Europe whom I have known personally for quite a long time. The one is in Germany and the other is in Bulgaria. They monitor the Russians, in Russian and they have some very interesting information and thoughts on what is really going on in Ukraine as well as what the Russians are up to.
Why is Europe dependent on Russian gas and oil? Well, you’ll hear some shocking things.
Did you know what Russia signed an agreement with the USA acknowledging the independence of Ukraine? Did you know that in the Russian parliament it was stated, late in 2021, that on 22nd February 2022, that Russia would once again be a Great Power?
Is Germany really “Free” and “Democratic?”
You’ll hear some straight talk from Europeans. This show was recorded on: 2022-05-08.
Rumour has had it for 2 plus months lol
All of the pro Ukraine propaganda in the Western Media isn’t for us. It’s is for the average Ukrainian soldier to “hold the line”, which, though brave, are not. They are losing about a half a battalion per day. That’s math and I can read a map. The severely wounded are already being brought out of Azovstal and sent to the Donetsk Republic. Once the rest come out Ukrainian moral is over.
moonofalabama says Russians and Azovstal are in negotiations…….
Russia’s had its dick in Ukraines ass for 2 months.
That would make Russian troops gay then?
That’s another wishful thinking. Ukies are dogged fighting and Russian forces when advancing most like have to withdraw/retreat somewhere else. RF has very few trained reserve forces left when NATO keep them busy now even behind 1300 km border of Finland.
Erdocunt keeps Ni99er Animal Transgender Operation (NATO) busy.
Are you stupid or just desperate ? I mean, not even 20% of russian professional forces are engaged in Ukraine, so what are you on about bro ? You’re coping cause things are not going the way you’re wanting ?
ahahahahahah , yep sure , the other 80% is playing cards in Montecarlo
Since the AZOV battalions aren’t really Ukranian military but instead an armed fascist hate group, I suspect the Ukranian army could care less about them.
You’d hope that the Ukie army regulars will turn on any Azov SS members embedded within their ranks
They would have when they could afford it. Right now, they need them to fight the Russian orcs.
They will have to once the world sees all those captured foreing fighters who basically control Zelenskyy, Ukraine and want to keep the war going.
Wishfull / desperate thinking?
In this interview, you’ll hear from 2 White National Socialists in Europe whom I have known personally for quite a long time. The one is in Germany and the other is in Bulgaria. They monitor the Russians, in Russian and they have some very interesting information and thoughts on what is really going on in Ukraine as well as what the Russians are up to.
Why is Europe dependent on Russian gas and oil? Well, you’ll hear some shocking things.
Did you know what Russia signed an agreement with the USA acknowledging the independence of Ukraine? Did you know that in the Russian parliament it was stated, late in 2021, that on 22nd February 2022, that Russia would once again be a Great Power?
Is Germany really “Free” and “Democratic?”
You’ll hear some straight talk from Europeans. This show was recorded on: 2022-05-08.
You could be right there to a certain extent, the majority of both sides armed forces do not want this fight (brother on brother etc.), but whether the Ukies break depends on what and who is found in the tunnels. If the rumours are true and a biolab with Western military all over it – break may not be the right word, “wise-up and f’ck off home” could be the phrase used. Ukraine has been asset stripped of everything, including as somebody stated it’s people (by the millions).
ahahahahah let me laugh in these days of horrors I really appreciate humor
The secret to the success of Ukrainians: digging trench networks.
Surely a part of their success, but not the only one reason.
There is so much more which has changed this war, that before the war no one knew. The communications are another matter, which the Ukrainian side got really lucky with.
Reservists and irregulars in Ukraine – “A people at war”
Ukrainian success?? where??
The map says all. Look how much ground Russia lost.
They haven’t lost any ground. The intention is to create a fascist-free buffer including the Donbas region and the region to the southwest toward Odessa. There have been no Ukrainian counterattacks whatsoever that resulted in territory seized from the Russians. The Russians simply withdrew. And what they hold is thousands of square km of territory of the failed Ukrainian CIA project and the total in the strategically important areas continues to expand. Ghost of Kiev much?
I am pretty sure it is a territory of Ukraine that you know… Ukraine lost.
You understand those tunnel systems are easy to destroy right? It does not fully explain the situation.
The Russians need to read a book or two by Rommel and Patton on ” Mobile” warfare, trenches were obsolete after WWI unless the opposing army was stupid.
That red on the map is bleeding out quicker than kosher dick in Putin’s ass 😂😉
Remove Snowden from your avatar you dumb cocksucking CIA whore.
To je jasný, proto už maji Ukropáci pátou nebo kolikátou mobilizaci a Rusko ani jednu. jaká mobilizace bude příště, starci a děti?
Your shithole mouth are bleeding from sucking Yankee dicks as much as your mother cunt after being raped by a donkey 😂😉
Your butthurt needs kosher ointment 💩🙈😂
Have we won yet?
Yep. Thousands of square km of territory lost to the failed Ukrainian CIA project. Tens of thousands of dead Ukrainian servicemen. Millions of refugees fled. Massive unpayable debt owed by the Kiev Klown Kabal. Comprehensive Russian win.
Oopsie looks like in kharkiv did not went so well… Kkkk i thought uaf was not able to make counter offensives right but somehow reached russian borders? Interesting… You Will squick again it is a tactical retreat or a faint or some other dellusioned bulshit but the thuth is now.russian flank in the east is dangerously exposed.
Also did not Saw any comment of.yours in the severskydonets crossing disaster… Any take on that ? 😂
River crossing was already debunked as Ukrainian loses. No one was pushed to their borders. Get your facts straight, dude. You are only embarrassing yourself in here. Incompetent and useless, like NATO :-)
Hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaahahahaaahahaaaaahahahaaaaahahaa Zelensky so funny, making a joke out of Ukraine. Sometimes I wonder if he has secret alternate intentions. Hahahahaha
Ukrainian losses? Lmao even SF called what it is another russian blinder. Why do you even bother? Everybody knows os bulshit even Putin bitches. Was just to win another easy post nickel? How many do you need to do per day, 50? How many;fóruns? Are you in st Petersburg infamous troll farms?
Nice job 😘🤡
Im a Russian propagandist from Canada and I do it for free.
Canada is controlled by the Right Sector. Neo Nutsies are in control there.
Out of facts? Just as I thought. Even Zelensky can’t conceal the truth from his people. Just look at the Nazis in Azovstal. They surrendering already. Just as anyone would have guessed. Ukraine was finished from day one. Dimwits like you will never get this. You are just too brainwashed and too stupid to notice. Serves you right buddy. But don’t come weeping when your Ukie buddies get all crushed in the end.
Truth is only hurtful to ignorants. Hope you won’t suffer too much agony :-)
kherson retaken yet?
Its all about crushing Ukie soldiers. Once they are reduced to nothing those areas will be free. You have truly no idea how things work, don’t you? What a shame.
Did you get a life yet?
“On May 16, 360 AFU members were killed and 78 armoured vehicles were destroyed by the Russian Armed Forces, according to the Russian MOD”
And real Ukie losses far below those claims. I just wonder when people really stop taking those reports as face value. But as we see too many of them are unbelievable naive.
“real Ukie losses” based on what evidence?
Evidence? Coming from you? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahagahagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
You are talking about credibility? Now that’s a joke. Moron. Ukraine is about to collapse anyway. Numbers won’t matter anymore. Ukie loses are colossal. That is why they only have conscripts now. Everyone else is dead, has surrendered or just ran away. Tons of western weapons are left behind. Ukie army was, is and always will be a joke.
His boyfriend from Azov.
please proof your claims.
How about the ghost of Kiev and his 40+ kills? Should we believe that? ……..
Well are you going to answer the question?
But you believe the horse shit that Russia lost 1/3rd of its forces
Finland 🇫🇮to NATO. Sweden🇸🇪 to NATO. Confirmed today.
Not yet. All of the existing NATO memebers must give their OK for each applicant. One member’s veto is enough to cancel the process and this etap has not been completed until now.
Turkey has said no to that and to not send negotiators. Would not be surprised if France says no also. They know where their energy comes from and they will want to get back at the US for that submarine deal with Australia that went south.
Macron is jew and does as his granny jewwife tells him to.
Completely irrelevant…. same as you.
Confirmed what? Nothing. They are not in NATO and they never will. Turkey just announced they will block them. They even said they should not bother to convince them of anything. The door for them is simply closed. This whole thing was just a big bluff. NATO’s incompetence has no limits. Yours BTW too. Commenting on that here and selling that as something that it isn’t, simply shows how stupid you really are.
Again, basing your assumptions off of surface layer. You dumb Netflix addicted , skip the dishes gluttons accept everything given to you. You go consume news like you consume fast food. You don’t even know how anything works. Not food, not news, not military, not politics, not economics etc. You just accept what you see and hear, like a monkey see and a monkey do, a monkey hear and a monkey say……but the 1 thing the monkey don’t do is THINK.
Erdogon will only accept them in NATO if they remove the crosses from their flags.
I feel so bad for those poor Ukrainians freedom fighters, they’re getting slaughtered like Iraqis fighting against occupation. I wonder if they will reach 1 milion deaths like in Iraq.
Not likely. They have around 200.000 troops but only on paper. They had announced their last wave of conscripts last month. I guess they had about 75.000 and about half of that is gone or incapacitated. The rest is being eradicated very fast. In about 2 months they will be forced to declare surrender. There will be no army left.
There will be a new Ukrainian army, and they will be against the Nazis.
You seem to be confused.
No NATo for Finland and Sweden
Turkey won’t resist. It was one of those Erdogan’s populist brain farts.
Turks can easily be bought. They accept being paid with shekels too.
Very well said !
Turkey is actually doing Finland a favor by preventing it from joining NATO
Won’t happen. Finland and Sweden are 100% sure to be NATO members and likely in late summer.
Hahahahahaha good joke. Buddy, in the late summer, western economies will be cracking at the seams, currencies devaluing and food shortages increasing. NO one will be concerned about Ukraine. That’s why the US is trying to stuff as many billions through NOW. You clowns are stuck in the OLD husk of a system that is about to die and transition to something else.
And football world championship in Qtar will be jailing football players who try to be heros with rainbowflags.
Elaborate. Turkey has a different view on this topic. I assume you don’t have any different news on that. Turkey has found a lever to settle the score with US for snubbing them and for attacking their economy just because they bought Russian hardware. Erdogan may be a stubborn and narcissistic fella, but at least he understands how the world works. US is very weak now. No-one followed their call to side against Russia (beside their vassals/slaves). They couldn’t even whip up anyone to sell them oil. Now Turkey will humiliate them on that whole NATO matter. The world is slowly siding with the winning side, Russia.
More rain today and more expected late in the week. I assume the operations across the front have slowed because of this. Ukraine has made some advances around Kharkov. Not sure if this is because they have put together a powerful offensive force, the Russian morale is collapsing, or because the Russians have thinned this out to mass elsewhere for an offensive. Suspect the latter, but many other posting analysts seem to think it is because the Russian morale is collapsing. Zelensky has apparently spoken out in response to this optimism.
You’re not fooling anyone. Changing aliases doesn’t do anything.
Your mother probably never let you move out because you believe everything they say in TV.
This week will be another Russian military masturbation without orgasm. One positive thing for them. Putin looks quite fresh and OK today. Not just like some old beaver like couple of weeks ago. Perhaps have had some pussy. Or cock.
Apparently UA used M777 artillery to destroy RU river crossing attempts. Here is more how western 155mm shells differ from RU shells.
☝️Scott Ritter: “The idea that the Ukrainian military has been eliminated as an effective fighting force is a flawed concept, and unless Russia broadens its special military operation– probably to the point of changing it form a special military operation to a war which includes the totality of Ukrainian battle-space–(then) this is a conflict that is dangerously close to becoming unwinnable by Russia.”
☝️Scott Ritter:”The military aid the west is providing is changing the dynamic and if Russia doesn’t find a way to address this meaningfully, and to eliminate it as a military capability… then the conflict will never end.”
☝️Scott Ritter: “The fact that these advanced howitzers are operating on the front lines right now, shows there’s something wrong with the Russian methodology. And–unless they alter that methodology– I think we’re in for a very long summer.”
One very sus man’s opinion.
At last the Russian MOD confirmed the loss of 78 vehicles. They may have the color wrong but that is a known problem.
“The 🇷🇺 74th Guards Motor Rifle Brigade, Berlinskaya, fought in Chechnya in 1994-96 and lost 120 troops in 2 years. In Donets river crossing attempt in 🇺🇦 it lost at least 485 troops in 2 days.”
Russia is moving way to slow! If they want to win, they need to start looking like they are trying to win, right now all they are doing is poking along.
Sweeden, Finland, welcome to NATO, brothers. You will make us stronger in our efforts to keep the Russian plague at bay!