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- Russia attacked railway substation in Pyatihatki with a high-precision missile;
- Russia attacked railway substation in Tymkove with a high-precision missile;
- Russia attacked railway substation in Volovets with a high-precision missile;
- Russia attacked railway substation in Lviv with a high-precision missile;
- Russia attacked railway substation in Pidbirtsi with a high-precision missile;
- Russia attacked military assets of the AFU near Protopopovka with a high-precision missile;
- Russia attacked military assets of the AFU near Novaya Dmitrovka with a high-precision missile;
- Russia attacked military assets of the AFU near Sandjeika with a high-precision missile;
- Russia attacked military assets of the AFU near Krysino with a high-precision missile;
- Russia attacked military assets of the AFU near Volnyansk with a high-precision missile;
- Russia attacked military assets of the AFU near Novoalexandrovka with a high-precision missile.
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Basically the whole day was just several missiles fired. Lol. Russian army can’t even hold positions anymore.
Yes but they know when to cum at the right moment.
Russian army knows how to cum?
Directly into your mouth.
Mais il faut d’abord nettoyer avant de passer à la descente sur le terrain. C’est comme ça la tactique de l’armée Russe
Wowww it looks like Ukraine and Zionis allies won the war..
What is the point of advancing when Ukraine is providing with new troops to kill without putting ru forces under threat . Ukraine itself admittted to heavy casualties, 300 dead ,900 injured every day. Most of them killed using artillery.
>Ukraine itself admittted to heavy casualties, 300 dead ,900 injured every day.
Ukrainian government has made no such announcement. The Russian media occasionally shows dead Ukrainian soldiers, but not much information that could lead to their identities. Let’s get the facts straight.
1. Russian army are not advancing. 2. Ukrainian army have not been able to drive Russian army back from Ukrainian territory. 3. Currently: stalemate, lull. 4. future that may occur if this condition remains in place. 5. Ukrainian army hardened with NATO equipment. 6. A Russian military that is overpaying for warfare.
Many countries support Ukraine, but far fewer support Russia. Conclusion: Russia will be put in a difficult situation.
Are the missiles to cover the next Russian retreat?
How much time do you think the Russians will take to capture Kharviv? A decade or two? Or this the phase 3 of Putin’s special moronic operation? The one where the Putin cockroaches are trying to save face after Putin the terrorist cockroach turned out to be an inept military amateur?
Because obviously Ukranian forces already have tight control of Kharkiv at this point and they just blew an entire command center at Izyum. It’s pathetic to watch. All you have it’s a grotesque Russian army trying to murder as many Ukranians as it can with artillery.
Keep talking with yourself you mentally diseased drooling imbecile escaped from some mental asylum for particularly moronic animals.
But I’m talking with you, aren’t I? What a fucking moron.
These trolls are Ukrainian degenerates who cry and scream in agony I love it 😂
Dry your eyes sweetie, the khazarian banking cabal won’t be totally finished after Russia de-rats Ukraine. The world is awakening to the Klaus schwab Jewish cartel so it won’t be long tho.
In the end of the day there will be a much smaller Ukraine and a much bigger Russia Whatever time and blood is necessary It will be done and your crying won’t change that 😊
Putin’s Russian soldiers are slowly but surely clawing back inch after inch of that which is rightfully theirs, i.e Donbass and the rest of Novorussia. We can compare what is happening to a slow tsunami, which is impossible to stop. All you can do is run away, if you want to survive. For this tsunami is crushing the enemy wherever it goes without any mercy — If you are foolish enough try to fight this unrelenting force!
Ukraine already lost.
Surely in your dreams. With our help, our brothers have stalled the scum Russians in their tracks. Their vile anti-semitism was answered by the power of greater Zion, we are making sure they understand to shut their mouths next time. One cut against us is a thousand cuts against them 🦾🇮🇱
NATO is looking embarrassingly weak. That’s what happens when governments embrace the globo-homo agenda. A single nation like Russia taking on and defeating 30 emasculated puppet cucked nations. Russia literally took over a country of 44 million people with 160 thousand troops in less than 2 months using less than 10 percent of its military. The European Union is broke, out of weapons, the US dollar hegemony is history and the ruble keeps rising and rising.
33 billion in weapons for Ukraine, 6500 sanctions including the nuclear swift sanction . I doubt that china could survive the amount of preasure that Russia is in.
Many French people will be satisfied with this situation: they want to Russia to take Ukraine.
I hope Russia wins, a win for Russia is a win for the American people.
I believe it is, but I fear that the government in Washington won’t be happy. They, of course, want to destroy Russia. Perhaps by defeating Nato, America and Russia can once again become firm friends. Lets hope so.
Each day, the center gaps get smaller and smaller, the Ukrainians are going to be trapped soon. I don’t know how many are in those bulges, but they’ll be routed as soon as their escape routes are cut off.
Cutting the power is the first thing a smart military does.
Surprised that Kyiv still has any power, gas or bridges. Mariupol residents didn’t thanks to them.
There’s no point in hitting electrical supply/telecom. The telecom do the Russians a favour ,russian propaganda is on god mode . Showing captives healthy,injured soilders getting aid,all of this is seen by guys on their phone behind that fortucation
Five days to go and then they call it quits
Now the hundreds of Ukrainian troops being killed,and the stalling of the offensive ,they’re literally throwing themselves at russian ammor. but at this rate its going to take a whole month for them to clear northern donbass 300 dead +900 injured=1200 a day×30 days =36000 there’s at least 40k in the karmartosk/slavayasnk front. Its going to take another month for them to clear out the troops in southern donbass . Which is a bitch since this time of year is the best for open ground offensives ,which they could use to take oddesa. Mykoliv is going to be a tough fight ,after that open steppe plains perfect for tanks and bombers. after odesa it is checkmate.
No teclado é bem mais fácil de dizer tudo isso, rs.
O problema meu caro é que eles não avançam mas continuam sendo postados vídeos de equipamentos russos sendo destruídos até mesmo por drones caseiros com munição de morteiro.
Será que a guerra ta compensando para a população russa ?
Alguém sabe se a população russa escolheu ir para a guerra ?
Até onde sei aquele país não é uma democracia :)
Os caixões vão chegar para os dois lados, só que só um lado morrerá com a honra de proteger sua casa!
Recent confirmed findings of public mass-rapings of children by RU soldiers means that their dick needs to be removed when caught alive.