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Military Situation In Ukraine On May 9, 2022 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Ukraine On May 9, 2022 (Map Update)

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  • On May 9, Russian missiles destroyed two command posts and a battery of Grad multiple rocket launchers near Popasnaya;
  • On May 9, Russian missiles destroyed 18 manpower and military equipment concentration areas near Lisichansk;
  • On May 9, Russian missiles destroyed a US-made radio detection station near Zolotoye;
  • On May 9, Russia neutralized 52 manpower and military equipment concentration areas and an ammunition depot near Glukhov.;
  • On May 8, Russian missiles destroyed foreign weapons and military equipment, AFU reserve units delivered to the Sol railway station near Soledar;
  • On May 8, 1 Ukrainian Bayraktar-TB2 UAV was sot down near Zmeinyi Island. On May 9, 3 Ukrainian UAVs, including 2 Bayraktar-TB2s, were shot down in the area;
  • On May 9, Russia destroyed Ukrainian helicopters near Artsiz with Oniks high-precision missiles;
  • On May 9, 2 Ukrainian MiG-29 were shot down near Iverskoye and Novodonetskoye, 1 Ukrainian Su-25 was shot down near Pogonovka.;
  • On May 8, 1 Ukrainian Su-25 was shot down near Pogonovka.


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Reports from London telegraph newspaper online within last 2 hours say Russian ambassador to Poland victim of street attack with red paint thrown at him . No polish security or police intervention to protect him no arrests attackers allowed to carry out this incident and walk away. Polish embassy’s and ambassador’s in West Europe and beyond should now be considered as legitimate targets for a response


Don’t bother. This was no accident. That is how fascist west works. They loose on the ground so they try to humiliate others. Poland is a deeply corrupt country. They will always have a pretty big mouth when they think they are protected. But once they on their own they will fold down like Ukraine did. What counts are facts that are being made on the battlefield. That is why everyone in the west is on their tows. They did not expect Ukrainian army to be obliterated like that in a matter of days. All they can do is throw paint at people knowing that they will get away with it. But once they will find themself unprotected the score will be settled. So far they already paying premium for Russian gas. They are to stubborn to buy directly from Russia so they get their Russian gas from Germany by paying more. It serves them right already. Poland is nothing but a cheap proxy for the US to mingle with. They joined the wrong “gang” and will feel that in time.

Last edited 2 years ago by TopGum

I have a feeling that polish owned businesses in West Europe will be put to the touch in respoce to this evet in Poland today…. Red brigade west Europe


Now they are treating Russia as aggressor, but in the same time preparing to attack Kiev regime from other side. Duda said just few days ago that there will be no borders between P and U. Views of Lvov and Vilnus printed at official documents in Poland. Raising up numbers of the military and annual budgets for weapons, sending thousand polish mercenaries — so peaceful, aha.

Peace for all

ha, ha, you believe in this FSB propaganda? Poland is EU country, it is not allowed and not possible, for occupation of other country territory look at Putins Russia.

Uncle Joe well known peado

Poland is an EU country? So what difference does that make the west of Ukraine is historically Polish, its the EU’s way of getting the Facists integrated into the EU. Everyone knows the East of Ukraine civilians don’t want to be part of Ukraine. Just look at the civilians celebrating yesterday in the liberated towns & cities of the east. They tell you everything you need to know. That area will never be a part of Ukraine again.This conflict will end on Russian terms. Anyone thinks any other are deluded. The EU is commiting financial suicide so is the UK for what? A Facist vile regime & a country full of Nazis? I’m British the truth is coming out now by the end of summer our city’s will be on fire mark my words. When more find out the truth that our leaders are commiting treason & our reward is to be pushed into poverty. Do you think for 1 second the British public will accept the fact it’s leaders are supporting Nazi’s? This country is going to burn I don’t know exactly when but by the end of summer it’s toast. It will spread from EU countries.


Shlomo guy, go target them.


Attack is too strong word for those rats with red paint. Hohols did the same with the green brilliance (medicine, antiseptic) as a paint in the maidan time. Now they did it one more time with silent support of Poland’s authorities.


This polish government are responsible for this incident and a response must be made .


The best response is when Russia stays on course and finishes their goals by protecting the people and destroying the Nazis. No time to handle cheap political shots. They already said what had to be said. Case closed for now.


Absolutely disgusting and in earlier times such insults was a trigger for an immediate war and agreed with TopGum, this was no accident or random attack.

Peace for all

and Polish citizens yell to Putin ambassador: fascist! They say what big majority of the Europian population think: Putin and Russia are fascist of our time!


You mean some of them which could “probably” even be Ukrainian refugees. This does not account for “polish citizens”. You are taking this whole thing out of context. In Spain a woman with a Ukrainian flag was taken by the police. This also doesn’t say Spain is on Russia’s side. Who knows what really triggered that situation. And last but not least … s**t can’t be that bad, millions of blowflies will agree on that. You see the problem here?


it is simple, only fasicst and communist support Putin. Danger radicals. Yoy see the problem?


polish faggots can only be strong with two diplomats


Facts: Polish ambassador was attacked in Moscow on a few occasions in the past years. Including grievous body harm by Russian citizen. Accident in Poland was prepared by Ukrainian nationals fighting for independence.


Do you think the choice to not formally declare war or start a total mobilization yesterday is an indication that the Russian Armed Forces will win or lose with the resources they have or do you think they are just waiting to do it in a separate way from connecting to Victory Day?


Senior military expert on Russian state TV : russia weapons are crap, can not compete against modern NATO weapons, https://twitter.com/i/status/1523036461595242498

Lance Tanner

Russia controls: Luhansk Oblast 90% Donetsk Oblast 60% Kharkiv Oblast 50% Zaporizhzhia Oblast 80% Kherson Oblast 80%

Owns: Autonomous Republic of Crimea 100%

Has sights set on: Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Odessa Oblast Mykolaiv Oblast

Russia has done this with their LPR and DPR Militia’s, along with Chechen irregulars, and Russian National Guard. They have established air superiority and are conducting precision strikes at will.

Not bad for less than 3 month fighting.

Alberto Bohon

the Russian army needs to start a counterattack in Kharkov Oblast and prevent the Ukrainian army from driving Russian troops out of the region and reaching the Luhansk People’s Republic.


Strategic retreat is a tactical exercise to pull the enemy in the “clean” from civilians area to hit them with artillery and Katyusha rockets indiscriminately from the safe distance.

Snake Island is a good example and Ukrainians are biting into bait. Looking at some msm pictures Ukraine has run out of armoured troop carriers as AFU is using pick up trucks and vans to go around, carry wounded and weapons. The western tanks are on the semi-trailer trucks from Lyiv but it’s a long drive going side roads as seen on a Telegram feed.

Railways are either not operational, damaged or precision rocketed to be safe to transport precious cargo. Even if they arrive to the south and east they will make no difference to the troops already stretched over their limits not only by the enemy but also by non existing strategy and contradictory and ridiculous orders from the heads in Kyiv.


Ukraine never had a chance. Total mobilization would only slow down things. Limited number of volunteers will probably be used after complete liberation of Donbass to secure the region, while the main force moves westwards towards Odessa.

Uncle Joe well known peado

You mean southwards, they’ve started taking out the strategic areas of the Ukronazis in Odessa already massive hits overnight. Have you by any chance seen the amount of Chenchens experienced fighters that have volunteered are all kitted up & itching to destroy the Facists. They’re organising them into battalions now. The amount of volunteers coming from central Asia regions. The countries there like to have a bit of a fight with each other usually, but all that has gone out of the window. They know exactly who & what their grandparents were fighting against. Haven’t you noticed how all we were getting at the start of this conflict was. The whole world is against Russia coming out of Western mouths. Mainly old peado Joe the dementia bro granted everyone knows everything Americans say is just fantasy talk but it was none stop. All that has stopped now this is the reason the west is getting more desperate. Every day one leader or another is coming out with Russia cannot be allowed to win blah blah blah. Its like they’re trying to convince themselves as Russia grinds the Facists down. Russia has massively reduced its casualties now also. Since they got there foothold theyve started to methodically grind down any resistance. After seeing the numbers of the personnel & the large amounts of hardware standing buy to go in, I got the impression they’re expecting western re-enforcements going in to help their Facist friends . If the west take that insane decision, how many of the NATO alliance countries have any ground war experience? None, how many of the soldiers will be fighting for their own country people & family? None. How much heavy artillery have the European nations got compared to Russia? Very little Which country has the best air defences in the world? Russia. These idiots in the west come out with their BS while facts are facts. The biggest facts are if NATO troops do go in there’ll be a few dissenting voices will soon start to mention that the Ukrainian battalions are Facists & they’re not happy fighting along side them.


As long as things are going in Russia’s favor, they will stay that way. So far Russia has managed to shape that conflict and that is what a winning party in a conflict will always do. Russia is also using as much force and hardware as they need to achieve their goals. Not more and not less. They adapt to situations and condition the Ukrainian army / regime to obey to their role being defeated. Without US/EU support Zelenksy would have surrendered in the second week. But they insisted to drag this thing on for obvious reasons. Now Ukraine is facing more problems than before. I doubt they will survive this mess. They will suffer for decades. Alone the money they own to US and EU will blow them away. They were in a bad state before, now that has worsened by a huge factor. Many people who left will never come back to Ukraine anyway. Show me one example where a proxy of US has survived a conflict and got something out of it? There are none. Same will apply to Ukraine. Russia will just call the shots and achieve their goals with as little of hassle as possible. They earn good money with their resources and are not in a hurry to end things on a certain occasion.


Shlomos, there’s no more international public law, so, take care of you, and, if necessary, try to invent another god of your own (sarcasm to shlomos on the rope).

Last edited 2 years ago by jorge

hash hashed was write by shlomos, not by me, and probably we will have one more “hash hashed” right here, lets see.


I love sucking putins dick! Hitler fucks my ass sometimes…sometimes.

jens holm

Russia for the win! I love Russia!

Muhammad your Prophet

Muhammad said that i should fuck little kids, is that ok guys?


fool he never said that


Zelensky in his official telegram channel published a text for Victory Day, providing him with a photo of a soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with a patch of the 3rd SS Panzer Division “Death’s Head”. Underlined in red in the photo: On the day of Victory over Nazism. https://ibb.co/YR51nHh

Last edited 2 years ago by Andrey

Nothing is beneath Zelensky.


Map is telling more of Russian retreating than gaining ground. This is not looking very good. Is RF military becoming global joke?

hunter bidé lab pork !

Military situation in ukronazistan !!! biden got covids in the anus !!! obomba would love it !!! Hunter is in the bunker…Hillary cintoris got covaids in the anus !!!

hunter bidé lab pork !

Zoros and klaus are very happy with a big dick in the anus !!!!!!


It looks like things are starting to move in the caldron, if the Ukranian leaders don’t pull back it could end up a rout.

Mariupol Is 100% Liberated by the Russians

Attempt to capture the island of Snake

On May 7, on the direct instructions of V. Zelensky, the Ukrainian General Staff, with the direct participation of advisers from the United States and Great Britain, planned a major provocation to seize the island of Zmeiny.

Over the course of 2 days, the Kiev regime made several desperate attempts to land air and sea troops on the island of Zmeiny.

The Ukrainian provocation was thwarted. The enemy suffered heavy losses. During the period of repelling attacks in the area of Zmeiny, 4 Ukrainian aircraft were shot down in the air, including 3 Su-24 and one Su-27, 3 Mi-8 helicopters with troops on board, one Mi-24 helicopter. During 2 days, 29 Ukrainian UAVs were shot down in the air, including 8 Bayraktar TB-2 attack aircraft. At the same time, 4 Bayraktar UAVs were shot down this afternoon.

Also, during an attempt to land troops on the night of May 8, 3 armored Ukrainian amphibious assault boats of project 58181 “Centaur” were destroyed.

Only during the landing and attempts to secure the island, more than 50 Ukrainian saboteurs were destroyed at sea and on the coast. 24 bodies of the dead Ukrainian military remained on the shore of Zmeiny Island.

Mariupol Is 100% Liberated by the Russians

Popasnaya is under the control of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation – the city is located on a hill, about 260 meters above sea level, which is 100 meters higher than Lisichansk from the north and Svetlodarsk from the south, and Artemovsk in the western direction by more than 170 meters. Control over the city allows you to shoot through and view a vast area in all directions for more than 30 km (the aiming range of artillery). Therefore, the city is of strategic importance for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, etc.


Why Kharkiv area or Izium area is not shown and not updated? Not ok for agenda?

Alberto Bohon

the 🇷🇺 army needs to start a counterattack in Kharkov Oblast and prevent the 🇺🇦 army from driving 🇷🇺 troops out of the region and reaching the Luhansk People’s Republic.


So this is what Slavic “brothers” do ???

Shouldn’t the REAL QUESTION be WHY was the Russian Ambassador at this location at all???

Poles like ALL CAUCASOID people want to be RULED by NAZIS remember the DEATH CAMPS which were BUILT BY CATHOLIC CHRISTIANS were in ……….POLAND not Germany

Uncle Joe well known peado

It’s a cauldron, the Russians advance up both sides then close the top off. They have the contents they’re about to cook inside a cauldron then. The contents can’t get out as the heat slowly turns up. Making sure every single content is thoroughly cooked. Take a good look there’s 2 small cauldrons forming. This way there’s no resistance to come back at you & no surprises after they’ve mopped up all the contents in the cauldron. Soon as the Ukronazis realize they’re in a cauldron & surrounded no supplies or reinforcements are coming to help. They either die or surrender, so no point being sad. It’s much better for them to surrender to the Russians. Unless they want to die.


It is good style to have a scale on your maps. I hope you will add that.

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