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Military Situation In Ukraine On November 13, 2022 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Ukraine On November 13, 2022 (Map Update)

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  • Russia struck the AFU positions near Dubiyevka with high-precision missiles;
  • The Russian Army repelled the AFU attacks near Novosyolovskoye;
  • The Russian Army repelled the AFU attacks near Makeyevka;
  • The Russian Army repelled the AFU attacks on Pavlovka;
  • The Russian Army took control of the village of Mayorsk;
  • Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Bakhmut;
  • Russian air defense systems shot down 6 Ukrainian drones near Kamenka in the Kharkov region, Novokrasnyanka, Nizhnyaya Duvanka, Kuzemovka in the LPR, Blagoveshchenka and Pavlovka in the DPR;
  • Russian air defense systems shot down 13 HIMARS and Olkha rockets near Chaplinka in the Kherson region, Zhitlovka, Stakhakov in the LPR.


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I like the plan more and more!


By now the Clown has lost any kind of dignity and shame. While he is busy making YT videos and photos for Vogue, more and more elderly reservists are being sent to certain death at the front. Russian commanders are becoming smarter day by day, winning also by the already existing experience (Syria, Georgia, Chechnya). RGF or Russian Grinding Factory, formerly known as RGM aka Russian Grinding Machine is showing increasing success on the Donetsk front. If the allied forces keep the pace of 1-3 liberated villages per day, until January the whole of Donbass will be free. Zapo and Kherson I doubt thou, Faschos are still strong there. Technik: Lancets and hell fire are finally used frequently. Hypersonic missiles and even some Armata tanks have been seen in the last few days. Nazis have no more chances of winning this war on a countrywide scale. For them it’s over now, better to capitulate or die.


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Perhaps we need to have a betting app to take bets on where the next retreat will be?



Yes, I said it before, and I say it again.

Best way to get to peace and end this war is through negotiations, put pre-condition for that need to be set.

1. Enlist and make Ukraine become a member state of EU and NATO. This in order to make sure that there is no mistake about the will to defend Ukraine and keep it free of the grip of red communist Russia.

2. Tell Russia to evacuate his supporters and pro-russian civilians from Donbass, resp. Lugansk and Dontesk areas.EU + Russia make a funds, put money into it, and from that funds the people are compensated. Give every one of the re-located russian resp. pro-ru-people 500.000 eur. And Russia gives them land inside of Russia and lets say 100.000 eur and EU gives 400.000. So that it sums up to 500.000 eur in the end. This way all the pro-russian people from Donbass, resp. Lugansk and Dontesk areas can start a new, much better life in Russia, under russian juristriction and without sorrow of being shelled or humiliated, or harmed in whatever other way. Ending the war, both EU and Russia have enough money free at hand (all the money they’d otherwise need to spend on buying weapons to continue the war) to finance this easily.

3. Reparations and compensation costs which Russia has to pay for all the ukrainian infrastructure it destroyed in Ukraine and the ukrainian humans murdered by the russian invasion, will be paid by the russian money which the USA and EU confiscated already.

4. Negotiations on what will happen to Crimea need to take place. Russia wants it, but it is ukrainian territory. So eighter Russia has to lease the land from Ukraine and pay monthly for it (maybe in cash, gold, or oil resp. gas), or it has to buy the land, which will be not cheap resp. will likely be a truely expensive task. The 3rd option is that Russia abandons Crimea and relocates its Black Sea Fleet to eighter Murmansk or Vladivostok, but lets be fair, as we all know that isn t going to happen, so the negotiatable options are Russia eighter leases Crimea or buys it.

5. In the area bordering Ukraine and Russia, there should be a small stripe, a de-militarized zone, where blue-helmet troops are positioned, in order to hinder the conflict from re-igniting.

6. Lift sanctions against Russia and also against Iran, so that both see that the deal has also wider positive effects on them. The people in both countries will want their governments to accept this, as it would bring prosperity back to all of their nations.

7. Big problem only is: The jews on both sides of the ocean will not agree and will cry rivers and do everything to hinder and sabotage these peace agreement. What brings us back to the real problem, that mankind has, which is called THE JEWS !

Last edited 1 year ago by Bridgeindawater

That’s not a peace agreement. That’s a surrender of Russia to NATO with nuclear missiles minutes away from Moscow.



No, it is a fair deal benefitting both sides. And regarding your nuclear threat scenario. This ‘minutes away’ nuclear missiles now get, thanks to Mr. Pooboys Ukraine war, installed in Finland, and from there they need only minutes to reach Moscow. So the train of ‘no missiles close to Moscow’ has long driven off, thanks to Pooboys idiotic politics. It’s even funny already how pathetic they lie. See how they fabulate and gesticulate that Kherson will never be surrendered and that everybody who thinks of surrender and withdrawing from Kherson is a traitor and an enemy of russia – and then shortly afterwards they run away. Unbelievable ! See: https://t.me/EternalMuscovite/32267

Last edited 1 year ago by Bridgeindawater
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