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- Russia struck the AFU positions near Zaporozhye with high-precision missiles;
- Russia struck the AFU positions near Chervonopopovka with high-precision missiles;
- Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Pavlivka;
- Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Bakhmut;
- Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Novosyolovskoye;
- Explosion was reported in the Nova Kakhovka area;
- Russian artillery shelled the AFU position in Kherson city;
- Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Kinburn Spit island;
- Russian air defense systems shot down 5 Ukrainian drones near Sevastopol.
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Show us what’s happening on the spit! Come on SF, get to work!
It’s a small island between the end of the spit and the mainland………………..I’d like to know how Ukranian forces even got there under the Russian observation net?
Let’s hope they leave in bags.
What’s next? Ukraine has no water and no electricity. How to survive without water? Without heat in the winter?
Will Russia attack now with nuclear powder made of Russian nuclear waste (plutonium and uranium) to kill the Ukrainian army and population with drones slowly? At least Russia can say it was no nuclear weapon. It was only a powder wo toxinated the Ukrainian soldiers in their trenches slowly.
The war is lost for the Ukrainian population. They will die if there is no peace in near future. Time to finish the war.
So we won. No? WTF are we waiting for?
Lights out again in Kiev motherfucker
With no electricity to run stereo systems in Kiev, the only music to be heard is from the President, playing the piano with his penis.
We’re just waiting for that United Ukraine. You just have to convince the millions who refused to accept the US coup in 2014 that belonging to a third-world theocracy based around some bizarre nineteenth-century kooky identitarianism that they’re wrong. Killing them with the ATO didn’t work, but maybe you have a better idea. Best of luck, Ihor, in the ever-shrinking and much colder and darker Ukrotardistan. Enjoy your paleolithic Kultur. Glory to cave-dwellers!
Putin genocida, vai ser julgado por crime de guerra, mortes de bebês, crianças, grávidas, velhos. O sangue dos inocentes clama por justiça. Putin é mentiroso, falso, traiçoeiro. Os russos tem inveja e ciúmes dos ucranianos, por que eles são mais inteligentes do que os russos. A Rússia não consegue vencer a guerra, os próprios soldados russos não querem lutar, não querem morrer na Ucrânia. Putin está destruindo a Rússia. Na cabeça do ditador paranoico deseja destruir a Ucrânia, um país intrego, soberano que não deseja ficar debaixo do julgo dos russos, todo povo tem direito de ser livre. Se tem russos na Ucrânia insatisfeito volte pra Rússia que seu país, não queira usurpar territórios ucranianos. Os ucranianos são corajosos, valentes, heróis defendendo sua pátria. Viva a Ucrânia que está vencendo os mentirosos russos.
Thanks for your hilarious comment! Glad to know that you have paid attention to your television and that it still has so great influence on the gullible.
Ukraine will NEVER stop fighting…to do so would be to forget Bucha–NEVER!
Bucha was staged a LIE.