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- Russia struck the 113th Territorial Defence Brigade of the AFU near Kupyansk with high-precision missiles;
- Russia struck the 93rd Mechanised Brigade of the AFU near Izyum with high-precision missiles;
- Russia struck the 46th Airmobile Brigade of the AFU near Belogorka with high-precision missiles;
- Russia struck military assets of the AFU near Rogi with high-precision missiles;
- Russia struck military assets of the AFU near Artyomovsk with high-precision missiles;
- Russia struck military assets of the AFU near Slavyansk with high-precision missiles;
- Russian air defense systems shot down 5 Ukrainian drones near Nikolayevka in the LPR, Slavnoye in the DPR, Petrovka in the Zaporozhye region, Bezvodnoye and Vishnyovoye in the Kherson region;
- Russian air defense systems shot down 8 HIMARS and Olkha rockets near Kakhovka hydroelectric plant, Lyubimovka, Berislav and Tavriyskoye in the Kherson region.
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Vladimir Putin is a sadomasochistic freak. It looks like he enjoys getting ass raped in Ukraine.
I told before that happened, Pamfil Military Academy, to not let enemy acquire enough momentum/inertia because you will be fucked. Now, russians can’t hold that huge inertia and will be fucked. LPR will be invaded and hundreds of thousands of peoples will flee to Russia staying in cold tents for the coming winter. Good JOB Mrs. Putin ! Congratulations to your khazar jew traitor generals !
I can’t stop fantasizing about getting ass raped. Putin hates LGBT so I thought he could give it a try as I love getting my ass tore up by big dongs.
Vladimir Putin and Sergei Lavrov love to suck each others dicks in Putin’s office at the Kremlin. I know from my contacts with the FSB. They like to use secret recording devices.
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I suspected as much that the zio Jew Russian officials are deliberately sabotaging plans and passing critical info to mossad agents infiltrated, which goes to the evil empire US intelligence
Given the course of events since the US coup in 2014, what do you suppose the Ukrotard Banderpites enjoy, what with their millions of refugees in flight, unpayable war debt, total acquiesence to US neoliberal economic dictates, tens of thousands of dead service personnel, and the loss of a fifth of their territory? I suppose that it’s not ass-rape if the Ukrotards willingly bend over and grab their ankles for the Americans.
nobody gives a fk about ukrainians … all NATO wants is to beat Russia with proxy soldiers, no own losses. Money? USA and NATO have money …. we will pay as long as the ukies fight and die… important is that russians lose. And lose it seems they are good at.
Yes. Clearly the Russians lost in Georgia in 2008, the same way they lost when they rolled up an area the size of the UK in the failed Ukrainian CIA project.
Projection agnosium… You must be low on Prozac again.
Your none de plume is correct SF,s ability to at least to cut down on the paid posters is nearly non existent.
This webpage is nearly full of them and jscript injection or its equivalent is in full swing.
Here it is the valiant russian Putin Shoigu traitor ‘tactical’ retreat: Обстановка на Славянско-Барвенковском направлении по состоянию на 17.30 12 сентября 2022 года
▪️После выхода частей из Изюма и окрестностей части союзных сил заняли оборону на левом берегу реки Оскол. Подразделения ВС РФ продолжают удерживать населенные пункты Студенок и Оскол.
▪️Наиболее тяжелая ситуация складываются в окретсностях Лимана, около которого уже три дня подряд продолжаются бои небольшого гарнизона ВС РФ и НМ ЛНР с превосходящими силами противника.
▪️Подразделения союзных сил отбили уже несколько атак, однако ВСУ не снижают натиск. По наступающим подразделениям противника наносятся артиллерийские удары.
▪️В районе села Закотное украиснкие формирования смогли навести переправу через обмелевший Северский Донец и перевести технику для выхода к Ямполю, охвату и штурма Лимана с востока.
▪️Цель ВСУ — получить плацдарм на правом берегу Северского Донца с целью развить наступление в сторону Кременной в ЛНР.
And translation:
The situation in the Slavyansko-Barvenkovsky direction as of 17.30 September 12, 2022
▪️After the units left Izyum and its environs, units of the allied forces took up defensive positions on the left bank of the Oskol River. The units of the RF Armed Forces continue to hold the settlements of Studenok and Oskol.
▪️The most difficult situation is developing in the vicinity of Liman, near which for three days in a row the battles of a small garrison of the RF Armed Forces and the NM of the LPR with superior enemy forces have continued. The units of the allied forces have already repelled several attacks, but the Armed Forces of Ukraine do not reduce the onslaught. Artillery strikes are carried out on advancing enemy units.
▪️Near the village of Zakotnoye, Ukrainian formations were able to establish a crossing over the shallow Seversky Donets and transfer equipment to reach Yampol, envelop and storm the Liman from the east.
▪️The goal of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is to gain a foothold on the right bank of the Seversky Donets in order to develop an offensive towards Kremennaya in the LPR.
Perhaps the Russians should have stayed in place, in the absence of an eight-year fortification project like that enjoyed by the Banderpites, courtesy of their NATO owners, and launched round-the-clock air attacks against the NATO air defence systems protecting the Ukrotard puppets. It’s not like Russia can’t replace a few hundred front-line aircraft and aircrew, and what’s a few thousand dead Russian soldiers if they can continue to claim control of the territory in Kharkov oblast? Never mind any of the actual strategic aims of the Russian operation.
That’s the most stupid and pathetic statement see here on SF for a while. When you get beaten you will always try some (stupid) excuses. That behavior will get all of you down.
Not a single element of counter-argument in your post. You’re as dumb as the stupidest Ukrotard fuck-pile I’ve seen spamming the CBC. Congratulations, champ.
rusnaci prosti , nu imi vine sa cred ca speram sa le-o dea la jegosii de ukies . Sunt total incapabili, condusi de generali si ofiteri retardati, zero moral, nu au echipament mai nou de 1980 … vai de capul lor de superputere. Cand au pierdut si crucisatorul Moscova… aia a fost cireasa de pe tort. Sau de pe coliva .. .Niste idioti si rusii si ukies.
each step forward of nato is a step toward nuke.
well, probably it will be a warm winter, things melting all over the place and so on :) maybe it’s time to make room on the planet for the other species …
April 12, 2022.
On April 12, Kupyansk was firmly under Russian control. In five months we took Severodonetsk and Lyzichansk, but gave up Kupyansk and the whole Harkov district.
Who came up with this war-plan ?
it’s part of the strategy and a genius plan to draw the ukies out in the open :) hhahaha at least that’s what i hear russians are saying…
Putin and his fellow HQ traitor fake jew generals. Now they are fucked. If ukrop nazis manage to get a strong foothold over Seversky Donets river near Izyum, all LPR will be lost in 1 month. Mark my word. Already they have a pontoon bridge and start attack Sviatogorsk from the same side of the river. Russia is fucked and Putin is on an inauguration of a box gym. Good night Russia.
Who would have imagined in February that the Russians wouldn’t be able to even capture the West Bank of the Ukraine? Who would have imagined that Donbass would be still under fire and contested? The Russian military is a total embarrassment and beyond bad.
They have turned out to be a paper tiger.
How was it that the paper tiger ended up driving the Ukrotard puppets and their NATO stooges out of tens of thousands of square km of territory while inflicting losses in the tens of thousands on the Banderpites, despite eight years of NATO training, advising and arming the Ukrotards?
The Russians aren’t driving anything, they are getting routed and nothing is being done to prevent the rout. Putin continues to act like nothing is wrong and everything is okee dokie.
So the armed forces of the failed Ukrainian state eliminated the Russian forces when the SMO started in February, and all the fighting in the last eight months has occurred when the Ukrotards pursued the Russians across Russian territory? Thanks for clearing that up.
They may do that, after they take back the Ukraine.
How is it they are running away like scared girls when the fight gets tough?
Are you referring to the destruction of thousands of Banderpite personnel in the Kherson oblast in the last two weeks?
Meh…………firing as they run backwards.
LOL , “the map that never changes” … well … changed :) incredible but it seems to be true. And to think i was cheering for Russia and actually thought it is a real military power that will finaly oppose UK and USA … silly me. Money wins
If the Russians don’t have any money, why would you think that they were a military power on the scale of the US and their NATO vassals? Is there anything but illogical dogshit that comes out of you?
Obviously they don’t have adequate military power. The Russians can’t even handle a conflict right on their own border. They lack the will to fight.
I see. So the fighting is occuring on Russian territory, and they simply ran away and let the American puppets overrun Russia. Thanks for clearing that I up. I was confused by the maps that showed territorial losses of some 20% of the country by the failed Ukrainian CIA project, with Russians killing ten thousand or so Ukrainians in the last three weeks. But now I understand the real nature of the situation thanks to you.
the money russians have and should have been spent on modern aircraft, APS equipped tanks , drones… went to buy hundred of millions of dollars yachts for the oligarch , while the untrained soldiers, led by incompetent officers, die in ukraine like suckers.
Are there any Ukrainians dying in this round of the conflict? Any losses of Ukrainian materiel in the last two weeks?
Nothing that made any difference on the front. Instead the Russian front collapsed because humanitarian Putin can’t stomach fighting.
Yes. Russians retreated, they hardly lost any soldiers, killed a few thousand Ukrainians and some equipment in the process
russia defeated america and israel and proxy isis to in syria, it just takes long, because nato has a lot of means, but they are running out on every front, Russia will win 100%
See the map, the red area shows were the lights are still on, the blue area shows were the blackouts are. Muhahahaha….
dont you miss the taste of a mc donald’s ? :)
Do you suppose the Banderpites are frying up Big Macs with no electricity? Of course, the rest of the NATO countries are on their way to 19th century living standards with access to energy priced out of reach. Fun stuff to ponder while you suck on American processed garbage.
No we don’t. Just because you retards use lgbt friendly corporations for everything doesn’t mean everyone else does
but the blue area just got much bigger LOL
So the Ukrotards are expanding the wasteland? I suppose they’ve got lots of taco meat that used to be Ukrainian service personnel to fertilize the territory vacated by the Russians.
These are the results you get when you let a victim of autism run your country.
It was Putin who put all those incompetent commanders into positions.. this failure is 100 percent on Putin .. maybe at the end he is just an ignorant chekist hating Russian army (like most of them do)
In the course of six days, the Ukrainian military, armed and financed by the United States and NATO, has taken dozens of miles of territory. The Institute for the Study of War reports: “Ukrainian forces have penetrated Russian lines to a depth of up to 70 kilometers in some places and captured over 3,000 square kilometers of territory in the past five days since September 6—more territory than Russian forces have captured in all their operations since April.”
Borrowing the methods of the Stalinist Soviet bureaucracy, the Kremlin is responding to this catastrophe with lies and evasions. The Russian Ministry of Defense claimed that Russian forces are “regrouping,” a statement that is obviously false. It is impossible to deny that what is taking place is a rout and a massive military and political debacle.
AFU is liberating Ukraine & avenging Bucha…
Nazis liberating? Give me a break
with the ukrainians being armed by nato, and fully mobilizing its population, the russian military at this point in the conflict looks like it might be weaker than the ukrainians, soon the ukrainians will significantly outnumber the russians on the battlefield if they are able to mobilize all men between 18 and 50
Fully mobilizing its population? They can’t put 20 000 troops in the field and have to rely on NATO grownups to prevent another Kherson disaster.
Russians want to shortern the frontline and remove the East blue rectangle.
The morons in moscow should have called in a Good Part of theyr 2 Million reservists from the beginning. than there would be now a victory parade ln Odessa and not this shamefull Desaster.
watching this,agony since 7 months, i see only this solution: Khadyrov and Medwedew take over Putin, half of the Rus generals command should be shot in open Public on the Red square, call in a good Part of the 2 Million reservists and the whole ukro job could be done till end of year with a victory Parade in Odessa.
we need tsar bomba
Why are frontlines tending to become established near or along oblast boundaries in many areas, with the exception of Zaporizhia and Donetsk so far? Is this by coincidence or by design, and if design, who’s design? Could it suggest that an eventual settlement might be taking shape behind the scenes?
Yes, it looks like that there is behind the scenes agreement.
Donetsk front matches Yuzivska Gas Field limits. Oligarkhs are defending it to the last xoxol. Male xoxol’s value is much lower than a chicken’s, eh 😆😆😆😆😆
To launch high precision missiles you don’t have to organize a SMO. Why are there Russian troops on the ground in Ukraine?
@SF mass censoring, even all hig quality comments and even with only the slightest criticism? from me and all of my suroundings as long as this goes on, not a single cent anymore for SF support. apart from that, this behaviour destroys all your credibility and reputation.
Fair enough. As long as Russia has achieved the MSO goals it has set for itself since the beginning of the special military intervention in fuckraine, that is victory. Anything else is just blah, blah, beah …