- The Yemeni army attacked USS Harry S. Truman aircraft carrier with several missiles and drones;
- On Jan 10, Ansar Allah carried out a security operation in Radaa area and killed four ISIS terrorists. The so-called US embassy in Yemen condemned the operation;
- On Jan 10, the US and Israeli warplanes attacked the Haziz powerplant and Sanaa city;
- On Jan 10, the US and Israeli warplanes attacked Hudaydah port and Raas Issa port.
achtung! fliegeralarm.
america is our barracks sir winston churchill. interesting name that church ill. wonder want it’s roots are? and of course israel is king charles domion, as you very well know.
yes, of course.
then you’d know who would make this doco .titans of power how three cities ruled the world .you tube. and why .
and you’d know henry didn’t ” split ” from the roman catholic church at all .he uncovered an old law which made it clear the pope had never had the legal right to put itself above any king or queen of england in their dominions. as you know of course .
isn’t it sickening over kill? now maybe there’s a clue why pope francis said the dutchman who brings our flowers really runs the vatican aka the world.? what do ya reckon .
seriously ,do watch it it works on lots of layers despite being very g rated .it’s luring me very much into affirming my suspicions that we’ve been thoroughly deceived for centuries about almost everything .almost the sun does rise in the east and set in the west .
and as always, it’s what you know they’re not saying .that’s the evidence that belies their morality imo .everything they leave out of the story .
eg peoples real religion for one .york was the roman capital of england which became the catholic capital until henry 7 .it wasn’t dutch .it wasn’t english it wasn’t jewish. ” i’m.not a christian and i’m.not a jew ” madonna.
another communion virginia was thd vergina trading company ,the original real american corporation, it’s real name and in a way still is .esp since it restores to beong either a crown or royal colony again about maybe 15 years ago now quietly of course .
and they tip toe around the real issues. for eg for state use republic .rome. out with the anglican monarchy in with the republic. in disguise. of course .and so on .all roads are detoured for obvious reasons imo .
the insurer in the great californua fires who cancelled 70 % of home-owners fire insurance was is state farm insurance .
always the same “deceits by ommission, propagandas, manipulations ,distortions ” tsaritsa alexandra. eg holland invented “self promotion ” in a business sense a fish seller a bread seller a vegetable seller ” hahaha sure they did prostitution is the world’s oldest profession.
the whore of babylon .thou shall not get caught scapegoats stool pigeons and fall guys .everything but the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. i remembered the movies we got in grade 3 .playing on our vulnerabilities and ignorance .but it’s good to remember.
yemen invencível. chutando a bunda do uss truman!
the jewsa hand in glove with talmudistan. wot a surprise.