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- Clashes between Saudi-led forces and Ansar Allah were reported in the Ajasher desert;
- Clashes between Saudi-led forces and Ansar Allah were reported at the Alab crossing;
- Clashes between Saudi-led forces and Ansar Allah were reported on the Haradh front;
- Clashes between Saudi-led forces and Ansar Allah were reported at the Motun front;
- Saudi coalition warplanes struck the Baqim area 3 time;
- Saudi-led forces shelled Koei village with 17 mortar shells;
- Saudi-led forces shelled the Beit Faqih area with mortar shells.
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So, this time I dont bother to drool something about the attack, and all that jazzz about techincalitys and what really happened, but just dont forget, they lie about everything, all the time, but focus on the phsycological aspects, aka like the narrative, propaganda, if you like it that way, this was an homerun for the Yemens/Houtis, an real kick in the Saudi-barbarian nutt sack, and then this also exsposes other issues, and by that I mean what crap is it that the UssA do have, well they have a lot of it, but to me, their MIC shit is more like advance WW2 relicas, etc, witch isnt that capable to detects or respond to the present military equimpents, etc. And I have already stopped reading the steady streem of bollocks, again, from every angle, apart from the most obvious, but then again, we must have something to do.
So, to boil it down, Houtis made my day, what happens next is more of an Saudi-barbarian rude awakening, and suddenly, despite the previous attacks on airfields etc, etc, this was the topping of an cake. Just look at the shit storm it created, and I think that was exactly the intention, to kick the eyes open on the Saudis. The rest, about Iran, well, after false flags an mass, where everybody in the Goonsquad of the Penta and their friends in the asylum WH, will always use everything, incl soon probably even the weater to have at least something they can whine about and acuse Iran to be behind. Along with the never ending stream of doing an Buhuhu for an Johoho.
Propaganda speaking, Houtis 10 vs Saudi/UssA 0. An good old fasion propaganda masacre. Cheers. For the rest, go fishing or something, so your brain dont overload, or, get you some Pubic Louse so you have something to do.
I agree with you , this was a yemeni army slam dunk, the callous saudis dont even know what hit them, all they have is blame iran with zero evidence whatsoever.
Fuck the saudi pigs, hit them again yemen.
Paint on the.missile, a big fuck you MBS from the people of yemen!
I did go fishing, 45 macquerels :))
Saudi fat ass wanted to squish the little Yemen, but the little bugger bit the fat ass so hard it’s on fire. Real life funny!