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Military Situation On Donetsk Front On 28 April 2022 And Forecast Of Conflict’s Development

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Military Situation On Donetsk Front On 28 April 2022 And Forecast Of Conflict's Development

Fierce fighting continues in the area south of Izyum along the entire perimeter of the Russian bridgehead. There are tactical advances of the Russian and DPR Armed Forces almost everywhere.

According to available reports, the fiercest fighting is taking place on the right flank of the offensive, near the village of Velyka Kamyshevakha, as well as at the “cutting edge” of the offensive, in the centre of the bridgehead, near the village of Novaya Dmytrivka. After capturing Novaya Dmitrovka, the Russian troops will approach directly to the Barvenkovo-Slaviansk highway and threaten to cut it off.

Military Situation On Donetsk Front On 28 April 2022 And Forecast Of Conflict's Development

The fighting is continuous in character. The AFU has enough manpower to prevent Russian troops from making a deep breakthrough anywhere, despite the lengthening of the front line in this area.

At the same time, the Ukrainian armed forces continue to pull back their units from the remaining bridgehead on the left bank of the Seversky Donets – from the Liman-Yampil area and the Severodonetsk salient, retaining their most advanced positions to the east between Severodonetsk and Popasna, where fierce fighting continues.

It is likely that the AFU will soon leave Liman and withdraw its troops to reinforce the flanks of its grouping – near Barvenkovo and Sloviansk.

The Russian and DPR Armed Forces were unable to prevent this and encircle the AFU units.

On the whole, despite heavy losses, the AFU units are defending competently and persistently. The Ukrainian command staked on buying time and inflicting maximum losses on the advancing units of the Russian Armed Forces and the L/DPR.

Military Situation On Donetsk Front On 28 April 2022 And Forecast Of Conflict's Development

Military Situation On Donetsk Front On 28 April 2022 And Forecast Of Conflict's Development

The Russian troops ahead of them will face a huge and pre-prepared Slavyansk-Kramatorsk agglomeration, which has been prepared for a prolonged defence. The Ukrainian Armed Forces will definitely not surrender it until the last opportunity, defending it as a “besieged fortress”. Military experts note that the fate of the remnants of the Mariupol garrison is very important in this connection. If they are freed or interned, the garrison of Sloviansk-Kramatorsk will defend just as long and hard.

In the south, near Gulyai Polje and Orekhovo, the situation is without significant change. The southern part of the “pincers” of the advancing Russian units has stalled.

Near Donetsk, in the central area, the situation is generally unchanged too. There is a calm in most areas. Intense fighting is taking place only in the area north of Avdeevka, where the DPR Armed Forces have had some tactical successes.

Military Situation On Donetsk Front On 28 April 2022 And Forecast Of Conflict's Development

Overall, it is worth expecting that intense fighting in Donbass will continue for many weeks. This could allow the AFU to carry out wide maneuvering of its strategic reserves, which Kiev is now building up on the basis of both mobilized Ukrainian citizens and numerous units of NATO military personnel who arrive in Ukraine under the guise of foreign volunteers or mercenaries.

A particular threat exists for Transnistria. Around this small unrecognised republic, on the one side, the Polish, Romanian and Moldovan armed forces are concentrating thousands of troops, while on the other side the Ukrainian armed forces are deploying new units formed by foreigners, including Turkish nationalists from the far-right organisation Grey Wolves.

Military Situation On Donetsk Front On 28 April 2022 And Forecast Of Conflict's Development


On 28 April, the Polish Defence Ministry announced that there would be intensive movement of convoys with equipment in the country’s north and east from 1 May until the end of the month due to “military exercises”.

Earlier, the Russian intelligence service stated that the Polish military’s priority “combat tasks” would include the gradual seizure of control over strategic facilities in western Ukraine.

Poland is in discussions with the US administration over an upcoming action to “reunite” with western Ukraine. According to Warsaw’s estimates, the entrenchment of the Polish military in western Ukraine is highly likely to split the country.

NATO countries have stepped up arms deliveries to Kiev, including heavy military equipment and advanced weaponry. The likelihood that the conflict in Ukraine will escalate into a full-scale direct and open war between NATO and Russia by the summer of 2022 is extremely high. Recent statements and actions of the US and EU leadership show that the decision to enter into a war with Russia soon is likely to have been made.


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Turkish drones are attacking Russian oil depots and Turkish Nazis are killing Russians and Putin is selling arms to Erdogan the snake. Russians are drinking too much vodka to know what the hell is going on.

Ashok Varma

Indian TV and other networks are showing massive explosions in Moscow and several cars and apartments burning.


Wishful uKRAPiTrash thinking


Good day rabbi Shlomo.


Hilarious! :-D


Bye bye rabbi Shlomo, https://www.google.com/search?q=massive+explosions+in+Moscow&rlz=1C1GCEA_enPT992PT992&oq=massive+explosions+in+Moscow&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160j33i22i29i30.2580j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


Bye bye rabbi Shlomo, you are a liar outside time, https://www.google.com/search?q=massive+explosions+in+Moscow&rlz=1C1GCEA_enPT992PT992&oq=massive+explosions+in+Moscow&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160j33i22i29i30.2580j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


James, go see if outside is raining, and try to walk with your feet, it’s useful.


Who is drinking too much Vodka? Must be yourself!


They have a servile asiatic mentality and cannot question the choices their leaders make.



Ashok Varma

If Russia flattens Kiev as Indian generals have been advocating for two months now, the joke will be on NATO and will permanently wipe the evil smirk off the Jew rat Zelensky. Russia must take the velvet gloves off as the war is now reaching Moscow.


Boryspil is still fully functional with NATO airdrops, troops, dignitaries, coming in daily. Something doesn’t add up…


They cant even finish Mariupol.

only a fool would laught at that. Do you understand the consequences? use your brain. I actually fear, u shall too

halt die fresse

Take your medicine, it’s in the left hand drawer next to your butt plug.


Poland will be a perfect example for Russia to slap around and show the world NATO will do nothing when one of it’s members are attacked. Belarus would definitely jump in and Russia would free up two countries Ukraine and Poland in one move while the west stands the screaming with there lungs out of there mouths. Or if they are suicidal and want nukes to fly then they would not survive


You live in a fantasy world. They can’t even “liberate” Donbass, how can they even step on Poland?

Moon Dog

The Donbas operation is not yet over give it a few weeks and Ukraine front lines will collapse


That’s the talk in the town for almost a year now.


That is because after the fall of the Soviet Union ruskies understood that they will never retain their former superpower glory. Stupid and weak they are, they understand that smart Westerners deceived them into braking their own country to pieces. From then on they tried to play smart as well and went all in, into strategic weapons and into maintaining a limited “well equipped” a la “expeditionary corps” style, domestic ground force. They are limited economically, demographically and any cally you might come up with. They know that. That’s why their doctrine states small scale nuclear war and expeditionary offensive on enemy. Well good luck with that…

Last edited 2 years ago by Duhh

Laughable. After Russia’s failure to take Ukraine after months and the massive retreat, Poland has little to fear. You can’t fight like a bitch and then make gay threats that no one believes. Putin will never use nukes if he won’t call up the reserves.


Take him to the sanctuary he is delusional…


Lucifer is with NATO


And Raphael is with who? Russia? When do we laugh?

Last edited 2 years ago by Duhh

Also, someone please explain why Russians work with Turk beasts in Syria?


its not like they have a choice, Turkey is blessed to have their country strategically placed on the map. They can even block Russia from getting out of the Black Sea if they wanted. :)

Also Putin is a cuck

Moon Dog

Erdogan is a fool who is destroying his currency, inflation is now 61%


they are old friends


“The Russian troops ahead of them will face a huge and pre-prepared Slavyansk-Kramatorsk agglomeration, which has been prepared for a prolonged defence. The Ukrainian Armed Forces will definitely not surrender it until the last opportunity, defending it as a “besieged fortress””

Well, that’s what thermobarics are for — and Russia has a lot of them.


no need for too many, a few АВБПМ should be enough.


Notice the Russians are always saying liberal stuff like “no need to do too much, only a little bombing enough.” Where does this mentality about how to fight a war comes from? TomB. is the kind of Russian fool who is making Russia lose this war.


5th column of the west in Russia has done an exceptional job at brainwashing peoples mind with liberal ideology.


Do you know what one would do used at night on the Ukies east front? The rest of the Ukies would see it for 150 km away. They spines would turn to pudding. They would form a line 50,000 long trying to surrender. It would be a very effective life saving tool for the Russian army


Russia never had the balls to use such weapons. Such weapons can only be used by the true powerful countries (US for example) who have the balls.


Russia should tell Zelensky forces to evacuate the area in 60 miles radius from the Russian forces before to attack. This will save lives both sides.

Hugo Furst

Just announce that Kiev has five days to evacuate all citizens from Kyiv. End of message. Let them think about what might be coming..


What is with the constant Russia talk about “give them one more warning to surrender or else.” They are not going to do it so stop making yourself look weak and shut up. Win on the battlefield and TAKE GROUND or SHUT UP.


For now this plan is definitely not going well.


B..B..B..But…That would be against the “international laws of humanitarian war” (which nobody else except Russia follows)!


https://twitter.com/raging545/status/1519657671837761536?t=kFB63sLzzj5LvlR_nNo9tQ&s=19 wargonzo is a funny propagandist

Z Oni

In the current world, people who use the adjective “free” to qualify themselves, are intellectually challenged and morally dangerous…

NATO is laughing at you


Moon Dog

Nato is afraid to have a no fly zone lol


Here os the summer version for the Cope Cage 😄https://www.linkpicture.com/q/IMG-20220416-WA0013_1.jpg


Appearance is illusory, and only the fools are governed by it.


I said a long time ago that Polands intrest in Ukraine was a selfish one and the the Ukrainian people should Not trust polish politicians


Have some inside infos on that? Why not share it to us?

The Saint

When an AFU position is obliterated by Russian artillery, the response from the delusional Ukrainian command is to send more men there, who are in turn obliterated.

Ukraine are losing more than a batallion strength per day like this.

They believe that they are buying time until the unicorns arrive to help, but in reality they are criminally wasting the lives of their men in a futile and lost cause.


Still preparing my Victory parade in Kiev must be ready for the 9th of may


Then why is there no Russian breakthrough? NATO can send unlimited men and weapons to Ukraine. America learned in Vietnam that “body counts” of enemy dead mean nothing. Only taking and holding ground can win a war.


if the russians hadn’t hung around in front of kiev for 4 weeks and lost thousands of men, dead and wounded, and lost dozens of tanks and armored personnel carriers in the process, these forces would have long since taken odessa to the west, advancing west out of the crimea, or at least surrounded it and created a land connection to transnistria.

Last edited 2 years ago by TomB.
Moon Dog

Scott Ritter believes had those forces not been in Kiev then Ukraine would have reinforced in other areas, they were pinned down protecting the capital


Well then, why not ATTACK KIEV AND THE UKIE NAZI GOVERNMENT IN KIEV PROPERLY, instead of leaving all those men outside Kiev like sitting ducks, taking casualties and then retreating ignominiously???

Klaus meier

Die CIA Spionage sollte wirksamer unterdrückt werden. Die hören die gesamte russ. Generalität ab und geben es den Ukro Nazis weiter. Kiew muss endlich bombardiert werden…

Arzt Injektion

“Military experts note that the fate of the remnants of the Mariupol garrison is very important in this connection. If they are freed or interned, the garrison of Sloviansk-Kramatorsk will defend just as long and hard.” What does one have to do with the other? I don’t see the connection at all. What I see is a lot of Ukrainians surrendering. It is a lost cause no matter when the rats in the plant are flushed out.

Ukraine maybe holding on for now, but what happens when Russia burns through this last set of reserves?

How come we don’t see any internal opposition to Nazi Rule in any of these cities? Kramatorsk, Slavyansk, these are cities in the heart of the DPR. They know the Russians are coming, why no uprisings?

Putin’s Bane

Mybe they fear Russian occupation more then the ‘Nazi regime’ #Bucha

Karl Pomeroy

Not at all. They’re too terrified of the Nazi occupiers to do anything but wait and hope.


If Russia burns all the enemy at the steel mill up NOW so they die fast, it will make them surrender faster next time. That’s obvious common sense and logical. By not killing them fast, it gives other enemy the idea that they can hold out and maybe be rescued in the end or at least live long enough to fight for long time and make it worth it. So he is right. The faster and more brutally you kill the damn enemy, the more they run away and surrender quickly in the next battle. Russia has lost all ability to inspire fear by fighting weak and slow.

Russia needs to KILL surrounded enemy soldiers FAST so the troops can be moved elsewhere ASAP. Speed is as important in war as it is in sports. Fighting a war slow is like ice skating slow in hockey.

The attitude of most Russian posters on here towards warfare is sickening and is disrespectful to war itself. War is about killing the enemy as fast and hard as you can over and over and over until the enemy is all dead or has made a total surrender. You never wait a day to give the enemy time to think about it, you just keep killing until you win.


Karl Pomeroy

Russia needs to cut power to the Azovstal plant. Surely that’s possible. The Nazi cowards probably have backup generators, but no fuel. It would be humane to the civilians, and force everyone outside eventually.


Paul Craig Roberts agrees with your assessment. Says Russia’s kid gloves kind-hearted war will be their undoing.


I think we can begin to conclude that the Russian effort is under-resourced to the extent that a decisive victory for Russia is denied. Rather than destroy the organizational integrity of the Ukrainian Army, it is being weakened, but left intact and capable of reconstituting itself.

This is not a formula for Russian success, but for stalemate. The exact outcome the US is looking for.

I’m not sure what is motivating the unwillingness of Russia to mobilize sufficient forces to achieve it’s goals . The argument may be that time is on Russias side. But that seems like a gross miscalculation to me.

Well, perhaps in a week or 2, the whole Ukrainian position in Donbass will collapse ? Of course, none of us really know.

Karl Pomeroy

I felt the same frustrations with Russian timidity back at the beginning of the Donbass war. Russia sent no troops, Strelkov has to retreat, DPR lost huge territory, etc, etc. But the DPR/LPR militias fought like real champs. Especially the heroic battles of Debaltsevo.


“I’m not sure what is motivating the unwillingness of Russia to mobilize sufficient forces to achieve it’s goals .”

1. Putin’s stupid political calculations for “a negotiated peace with a not-completely-destroyed Ukrainian army and government after the war” (WITHOUT Russia having won a clear and decisive victory!)

2. The continued, nearly untouched, virtually uncombatted influence on Russian government policy of pro-Western liberal “fifth columnists”, so-called “Atlantic Integrationists”, and oligarchs who plan to PERSONALLY BENEFIT from Russia’s humiliation in war, entrenched among the political, financial and administrative ruling elites in Russia.

Robert Bruce

Putin might be in on the WEF

WT Baker

The US, UK, and EU economies are in collapse; it is the dynamic behind the war. They need a quick victory before their entire system collapses in total. The US at the beckon call of their British masters, are on the verge of self destruction. So you see the British are playing the US against the Russians when the US should be cooperating with Russia to respond to inevitable collapse of the British system. The British could care less about the human cost and the destruction of sovereign states.


Putin and Russia leadership, including General Command should take arms and go fight in front line. Those cause the mass and put Russia in danger, with their weaknesses and pleasing the West and NATO.

If Putin would recognize those 2 republics in 2014, the situation will be settle.

It finally sank in

Lesson learned. Never trust the West.


Agree in theory, but in reality Russia was too weak at the time, economically and militarily.


“Military experts note that the fate of the remnants of the Mariupol garrison is very important in this connection. If they are freed or interned, the garrison of Sloviansk-Kramatorsk will defend just as long and hard.” I agree. I mean, those are hardcore genocidal criminals, nazis, murderers, terrorists in Azovstal and Russia is STILL trying to take them alive! At this point Ukis have no fear of Russia, they can cut off heads of Russian soldiers and then when they surrender be greeted with medicine and a warm meal from Russians… This lack of fear is not so good, Putin must realize Russia is fighting against terrorists who only understand the language of force.


Russians from Putin to the commenters on here want people to fear and obey Russia without having to earn it. Fundamentally, that’s the problem with this war.


This…. One of the best and most succinct comments I’ve seen anywhere so far.


It’s complicated. Ukrainians are fellow Slavic brothers of the Russians and vice-versa. Hard to kill them in cold blood. But, they’re now NATO/Western hypnotized terrorists, so Putin doesn’t have a choice…


“According to available reports, the fiercest fighting is taking place on the right flank of the offensive, near the village of Velyka Kamyshevakha, as well as at the “cutting edge” of the offensive, in the centre of the bridgehead, near the village of Novaya Dmytrivka. After capturing Novaya Dmitrovka, the Russian troops will approach directly to the Barvenkovo-Slaviansk highway and threaten to cut it off.”

Advancing in these narrow salients with vulnerable flanks is the mistake the Russian army cannot stop making. There is no progress in the south. Only more troops will win the war for Russia.

The maharaja

agree 100% 50k additional men pushing south to Slaviansk and another 25k to push north taking Popasnaya and they can then wipe out whats trapped. May not be the end but it would be damn close. 200k just will not get it done. It is strange to watch it play out. It has so many oddities.

Putin’s Bane

What was Putin thinking, liberating leaches in the DPR and LPR, uniting NATO and boosting the US military complex. Are there no more strategic thinkers left in Russia?


Perhaps Andrei “Military Porno” Martyanov from U.S Deep South could give some boost to Russian military snail?

Putin’s Bane

Fearce fighting around my granny’s outhouse. Shortage of toiletpaper.


My view of the development of the conflict is that it’s obvious that the UAF/NATO/JWO can’t stop the RAF advance. And that the pace of the RAF advance appears to be as much about avoiding RAF losses, collateral damage and capturing territory intact, as it is about defeating the UAF. If the RAF could capture the territory that it did in the first week of the war when the UAF was at full strength. Then it can capture territory at the same pace now, or faster if it wants. Now that the UAF has sustained large personnel and material losses. And the RAF losses are small by comparison.

As far as NATO entering the conflict. This is a matter semantics. Because NATO has been in the conflict for 8 years already. And is involved now in every aspect except for official regular uniformed military formations entering Ukraine. With heavy weapons and fighter aircraft. If NATO does “officially” enter the conflict with it’s own military units. They’ll probably get hit the minute that they cross the border. Regardless of whatever machinations they might attempt to use to justify intervention. They might even get hit preemptively outside of Ukraine depending on the circumstances.

And if they do enter Ukraine and get hit. What are they going to do about it? Hit the RAF back? That probably wouldn’t go well for them. Given their deficit in air defense systems capability compared to the RAF. Which will insure that they get hit with stand off weapons just like the UAF is to devastating effect. It wasn’t that long ago that the Iranian military hit a US base in Iraq, deliberately sparing a large death count. Russian strikes are unlikely to exercise similar restraint. Especially if NATO is attacking the RAF.

If NATO does try to enter western Ukraine. It’s not like the RAF has to fight all of the way from eastern Ukraine to meet an invading NATO force. The RAF also has the option of deploying a blocking force dropping down from western Belarus. And considering that Belarus runs all the way to Ukraine’s western border with Poland. The RAF could have a blocking force in place concurrently with any NATO attempt to enter western Ukraine. So not only would a NATO force have to deal with stand off weapons. They’d risk being confronted with a RAF heavy armored force with ample air support the minute that they step foot in Ukraine. Which is why it probably isn’t going to happen.

The Russian military hasn’t increased it’s presence in Transnistria that I’m aware of. So they’re evidently not worried enough about the situation there yet to send reinforcements. And there is undoubtedly military and foreign ministry diplomacy going on to deter an escalation there.


One kitchen captured by Russian forces. The snail is indeed advancing. I bet many toilet seats also looted and send to Russia.


Always around the same time. Take that as a hint!! More look-down air patrols. Frakking frak!

Strike bombers, once finished with deploying all their cruise and stand off missiles, should make it part of their mission that they return to base on a patrol route (assuming their radar supports look-down, which many do, like Su 34, Su 35, Mig 29) for active searching.

For any bombers that don’t have this look down ability (Tu 95? Su 24? Tu 22M??) with enough range and sensitivity, they need to get this capability upgraded soon! The egress part of the sortie should be productive as well. They should be hunting for objects while returning to base.

Last edited 2 years ago by B A


Last edited 2 years ago by OSCAR
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