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Military Situation On Ukrainian Frontlines On July 11, 2024 (Maps Update)

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Military Situation On Ukrainian Frontlines On July 11, 2024 (Maps Update)

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  • Two civilians were wounded as a result of Ukrainian attacks in the Donetsk urban agglomeration;
  • At least 7 Ukrainian UAVs were destroyed over Russian rear regions;
  • The Russian MOD declared full Russian control of Voskhod;
  • Clashes continued in Volchansk;
  • Clashes continued in Krasnogorovka;
  • Russian forces advanced south of New York;
  • Clashes continued near Synkovka;
  • Russian forces advanced near Yevgenovka;
  • Russian forces eliminated 460 servicemen, one tank, three armoured personnel carriers, 11 motor vehicles, one M-198 howitzer in the Kupyansk area;
  • Russian forces eliminated 700 servicemen, one tank, two Kozak armoured vehicles, two motor vehicles, one AS-90, four D-20, two D-30, one M119, two L-119 in the Chasov Yar area;
  • Russian forces eliminated 335 servicemen, two infantry vehicles, one Bradley infantry vehicle, two motor vehicles, one Msta-B, one M119 in the Donetsk area;
  • Russian forces eliminated 155 servicemen, two armoured vehicles, eight motor vehicles, one FH-70, one M777 howitzer in the Southern Donetsk area;
  • Russian forces eliminated 85 servicemen, seven motor vehicles, one M777 howitzer, one M119 howitzer in Kherson region;
  • Russian air defense forces intercepted 24 Ukrainian drones over the past day;
  • Russian air defense forces shot down five U.S.-made HIMARS MLRS projectiles over the past day.


Military Situation On Ukrainian Frontlines On July 11, 2024 (Maps Update)

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  • Russian forces advanced near Novoselovka Pervaya;
  • The Russian MoD officially confirmed Russian control of Voshkod;
  • Russian forces took control of Evgenovka and approcahed the Volchya River;
  • Clashes continued near Lozuvatske;
  • Clashes continue on the southern outskirts of Alexandropol;
  • Clashes continue on the southern outskirts of Kalinovo;
  • Up to 335 servicemen, two infantry vehicles, one Bradley infantry vehicle, two motor vehicles, one Msta-B, one M119 were destroyed in the Avdeevka area.


Military Situation On Ukrainian Frontlines On July 11, 2024 (Maps Update)

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  • Russian forces advanced on the southern outskirts of New York;
  • Heavy battles continue in Pivnichnoe;
  • Heavy battles continue in Pivdenoe;
  • Heavy battles continue in Druzhba;
  • Up to 335 servicemen, two infantry vehicles, one Bradley infantry vehicle, two motor vehicles, one Msta-B, one M119 were destroyed in the Avdeevka area.


Military Situation On Ukrainian Frontlines On July 11, 2024 (Maps Update)

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  • Russian forces reportedly crossed the Volchya River and captured the Volchansk stadium;
  • Clashes continued near the aggregate plant;
  • Clashes continued on the western outskirts of Glubokoye;
  • Russian strikes are pounding AFU reserves in Liptsy;
  • Up to 355 servicemen, one tank, six pickups, one M777, one Krab artillery system were destroyed in the area.

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ukrainian drone and missile strikes successfully target russia’s pre-2014 territories.

2/8 russia-thief. money, treasures, bank deposits of ussr


Last edited 3 months ago by Saxon

this is old news (what i mentioned). someone on southfront told me something like “just because you post something does not change history.” on the other hand, putin is rewriting history to his own liking. this however does not change the fact that the holocaust lie is provably false, as well as claims of german culpability.


“in war, truth is the first casualty.” — aeschylus

“history is the lie commonly agreed upon.” — voltaire

jens holm

“amerikunts cannot think except by means of slogans—they identify garbage as quality. the stupidity and ignorance of amerikunts has long been a topic of hilarity in europa”. paul fussell


1. i’m not american.

2. you are self-evidently illiterate.

3. russians are the biggest unthinking robots on the planet. no critical thinking, obey orders or go to jail and get raped, or murdered behind bars in a prison colony (concentration camp) situated in a far-flung remove region with no human habitation for hundreds of kilometers.


russia kidnapped children who were made orphans by russia’s invasion of ukraine (2022-2024).

according to the un convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide article iii: https: //www. un. org/ en/ genocideprevention /genocide .shtml

“forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”

is a form of genocide.


now those children are being morally corrupted by being exposed to sexual content at a young age:

https: //t. me/ eternalmuscovitecomments /56724

“russia: singer olga buzova held a concert for children in ufa dressed as a dominatrix to celebrate international day for protection of children.”

Last edited 3 months ago by Saxon
Joseph Day

history is written by the victors


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russia won’t be the victors in ukraine. the “special military operation” has failed. hitler’s ghost haunts their dreams. they are fighting their own jungian shadow.


small wars small lies, big wars big lies…


https: //t. me/ fortresskyiv/ 910 murdered children under 10 years old with signs of violence and torture were found in irpen and bucha.

“some of the murdered children have their hands tied. children. children were tied up. shot dogs. murdered women. girls under 10 with torn vaginas. irpen, bucha, dmitrievka. how to live with it and whether it’s worth living at all. how can i explain this to myself? how?”


ask yourself, what kind of quality and cultural background does a person rape and kill for entertainment?

Last edited 3 months ago by Saxon

https: //codoh. com

“the aim of the committee for open debate on the holocaust is to promote intellectual freedom permitting an uncensored and unimpeded, yet always civil discourse on the “holocaust” narrative, and to offer a forum to those who contest the orthodox holocaust narrative. as an introduction, we recommend:


– our article ‘what is the best introduction into revisionism?’

– our letter-size flyer ‘the holocaust controversy: the case for open debate.’

– our 20-page color brochure holocaust skepticism: 20 questions and answers about holocaust revisionism.


– our 32-page info brochure the holocaust: facts versus fiction.

or watch our brief intro video on the left below (1 min, 47 seconds), or our 29-minute video explaining what exactly this is, “the holocaust” (bottom right), in the context of the revisionist holocaust encyclopedia, proudly sponsored by codoh:”


i do appreciate the bashar al assad admits there is no evidence that six million people died in the holocaust (holokaustos means “burnt offering” in koine greek, a language that many jews spoke and wrote during antiquity).

Last edited 3 months ago by Saxon

i like how former iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad (2005-2013) invited former ku klux klan member david duke (who now shills pro-russian propaganda) to one of his seminars debunking the holohoax.

december 12, 2006 iran hosts holocaust deniers at tehran conference

https: //www. npr. org/ 2006/ 12/ 12/ 6612892/ iran- hosts- holocaust- deniers- at- tehran- conference

https: //christiansfortruth. com/ jews- denying- holocaust/

Last edited 3 months ago by Saxon

disingenuous terms such as “far right extremists” is nothing more than a term invented and thrown around by jews to get non-jews to fight the jew’s enemies for them.

for example: https://tinyurl.com/yn8d7tb3

https: //odysee. com/ @historyreviewed: 7/ only_ jews_ have_ a_ direct_ telephone_ line_ to_ god_ and_ they_ speak_ to_ him- 1- p07- fs :b

Last edited 3 months ago by Saxon
evjensy holmchuk

inferior amerikan hillbilly nazi saxon envious of jews—-“hate is envy”. machiavelli


according to your estimation, the palestinian arabs and eastern european girls caught up in sex trafficking are merely “envious” of israeli jews. i’m happy that hamas is killing your fellow kikes in israel.

it’s “evil” when whites are supremacists but “wonderful” when jews are supremacists? it is clear you despise the white race, and the envious one is yourself.

Last edited 3 months ago by Saxon

the fact that russia has a plethora of hillbilly savages such as yourself and others with an iq lower than 100 goes a long way to explain why no amount of evidence from jewish sources proving that judaism is a racially supremacist death cult can ever hope to sway your brainwashed, retarded little mind.

Last edited 3 months ago by Saxon

america by comparison is a soul draining cosmopolitan shopping mall.


while russia aspires to relive the days of genghis khan’s loot and plunder.


https://tinyurl.com/54bkxnsr ‘house of horrors’ rabbi takes cushy deal after pleading guilty to enslaving 30 women

the deal came with a sentence of just 9 months of community service and $34,000 in damages owed to his victims and was reached after 11 of the women declined to testify against ramati because they were too traumatized to face him.

– israel police

Last edited 3 months ago by Saxon
jens holm

moron pathetic amerikan nazi saxon–retired walmart janitor discarded ignored desperate for attention


the fact that i am more literate than you tells us the opposite is true.

evjensy holmchuk

“if you can get people to believe absurdities you can get them to commit atrocities”. voltaire…only moron nazi denies holocaust


yet you deny the holodomor, katyn forest massacre, and every other genocide perpetrated by communist jews. the fact you cannot prove me wrong, and have no capacity for critical thinking; only verifies my statement about you being a mindless drone.

israeli news article “stalin’s jews” https://tinyurl.com/mr2cw79r “we mustn’t forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were jewish”

Last edited 3 months ago by Saxon

i think it is more likely you are a sub-saharan kaffir that immigrated to russia, a country that is allied with black politicians that openly call for the racial extermination of white people in south africa.

https: //t. me/ southafricareports/ 4026

newly elected member of parliament in south africa, andile mngxitama:

“we will kill the white man’s children, we will kill their woman, we will kill anything that we find in our way..”


elon musk has pretended to care about whites in south africa, the country he was born in.

https: //twitter. com/ endwokeness/ status/ 1754911641789956447

“julius malema has repeatedly called for the genocide of the 4 million whites living in south africa.

zero international outrage.”

Last edited 3 months ago by Saxon

the racial slur “kaffir” was coined a century ago. possibly by muslim indian immigrants to south africa. muhatmar gandhi disparagingly wrote about the blacks as “kaffirs,” an arabic word for “heathen,” when he was conscripted by the british to subjugate the boers. the boer’s make up 40-50% of the 4 million whites in south africa.


i think you are black since there is no excuse for you to be as illiterate as you are in this day and age. why can’t you be literate today? or is your frontal lobe too small to absorb that information?

Last edited 3 months ago by Saxon
Charlie Morningstar

only chatgpt can solve the problem of war.


“what emerged from the amerikan melting pot is a race that hates truth and beauty. the men amerikans most admire tell them the most daring lies, the men they most violently detest try to tell them the truth”. hl menkhen


and combined numbers of this day are: 2090 nazis, 3 tanks, 9 combat vehicles, 36 automobiles, 33 art.guns/mortars and 24 uavs.


Joseph Day

i see biden is psychic now. predicting putin will be president of ukraine

Massa John

putin’s president of russia…clean air, family, order, borders, history, truth, respect for animals and zero lgbt-weaklings, child-abusers, organ-trafficers and virus-creators, in other words “vermin”.

croaked amerikunt cumdrop

my real name is saxon nazi–any dropping excite me

Yuri Assbangov-Hemorrhoidenko

no i’m stupid yuri from belloshitland! i likes gooz! 👍 we no wash ass when we shit, nor our wuaman. may yelena not only dat, but sucks and not shafing legs, bushy, bushy!


a hefty prize on zelensky’s head, dead of course, would end the war in hours. doubt there would be a willing successor after that event.


me saxon hookup up in gay bar san fagcisco yesterday

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