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MARCH 2025

Military-Technical Cooperation Between Israel And Germany

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Military-Technical Cooperation Between Israel And Germany


Written by Lieutenant Colonel S. Belov, Captain 2nd rank P. Kuznetsov; Originally appeared at Foreign Military Review 2020 #4, translated by AlexD exclusively for SouthFront

You can read this article in German. LINK

The military-technical cooperation (MTC) of Israel with foreign partners is determined by the military-political course pursued by the country’s leadership, aimed at ensuring national security, strengthening the influence of Tel Aviv in the region and in the world as a whole. As the most important component of support for the national military-industrial complex (MIC), it contributes to military and technical dominance over the Arab states of the region. The country’s modern MIC, which has a high-tech research and production base, has a significant impact on the development of the Israeli economy.

In terms of sales of military and dual-use products, Israel ranks seventh in the world after the United States, Russia, France, Germany, China and the United Kingdom. Over the past 5 years, it has accounted for about 3% of global arms exports. The main volumes of supplies of weapons and military equipment of the Jewish state fall on the countries of South, South-East Asia and the Far East. In 2014-2018, the share of this region in Israel’s total exports was about 61%, with a significant part of it going to the CIS countries (about 18%) and Europe (9%).

The leadership of the state pays special attention to consolidating its positions in the arms market of European states, as well as to finding new consumers of military and dual-use products, both of its own and joint production. One of Israel’s main European partners in the field of military-technical cooperation is Germany.

Cooperation between Israeli and German military-industrial companies cover a wide range of issues and includes both the production of new and modernisation of existing models of military equipment. It should be noted that within the framework of cooperation, samples of military and dual-use products are also produced, intended for export to third countries. It is noteworthy that Germany regularly allocates subsidies to the Israeli side for the purchase of German-made military equipment, which contributes to the strengthening of bilateral military-technical ties. Berlin’s provision of financial resources to Tel Aviv is carried out within the framework of the concept of “Germany’s special responsibility for the security of the Jewish state”.

Currently, the two governments are implementing an agreement for the construction of four Saar-6 corvettes* with guided missile weapons for the needs of the Israeli Navy. They are a modernised version of the German ship of the project “Meko A100”. Laying and most of the hull work is carried out by the German shipbuilding concern Thyssen-Krupp Marine Systems at the German Naval Yard Kiel in Kiel. The total cost of the contract is about 480 million dollars, of which 130 million are allocated by the German authorities.

The arrival of the lead corvette “Magen” in Israel and its subsequent transfer to Tel Aviv is scheduled for the first half of 2020 at the end of a series of sea trials. Work on the installation of weapons and basic support systems is planned to be carried out on site by the Israeli MIC. The ship is expected to be commissioned into the Navy not earlier than 2021, the transfer of the second and third (“Oz” and “Atsmaut”, respectively) is scheduled for 2020, the last of the series (“Nitshon”), at the end of 2021.

The basis of the submarine forces of the Israeli Navy are five diesel-electric submarines, built at the German shipyard in Kien (contract from 2005 worth 8 billion dollars). At the same time, the first three of them are “Dolphin” (leading). “Leviathan” and “Tekuma” – made on the basis of German boats of Project 209 and belong to the type “Dolphin”. The next two – “Tanin” and “Rakhav” (type “Improved Dolphin”) – are built on the basis of Project 212 with significant changes in accordance with the requirements of the Israeli customer. Receiving the sixth (supposed name “Dakar”), the last boat under the contract, is planned for early 2020, and the commissioning of the Israeli Navy is scheduled for 2021. The propulsion system of the upgraded diesel-electric submarine, in addition to three diesel generators and a propulsion electric motor, is equipped with two electrochemical generators with a capacity of 120 kW each. This contributes to the improvement of stealth indicators (due to the reduction in the number of forced ascents) and, accordingly, the autonomy of navigation.

The Israeli company Elbit Systems together with the German company Dil Defence is implementing a project to equip military transport aircraft of the Bundeswehr with protection systems against surface-to-air missiles equipped with an infrared homing head. It is assumed that the first 12 “Jay Music” complexes worth $73 million will be installed on four A.400M aircraft (three complexes per aircraft).

Military-Technical Cooperation Between Israel And Germany

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Difficulties in the implementation of the programme for the creation of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) “Eurohawk” for the Air Forces of European states, as well as the need to organise intelligence support for the national peacekeeping contingent in Afghanistan, forced the German government in 2010 to lease four Israeli reconnaissance “Heron” UAVs. In February of the same year, the first unit began to perform tasks in the interests of the contingent of the German Armed Forces as part of the International Security Forces in the IRA (Islamic Republic of Afghanistan), and by September of the same year, the Bundeswehr soldiers operated three drones and two ground control stations.

Based on the positive experience of using these aircraft in Afghanistan, the German Armed Forces command decided to deploy the Heron-1 UAV in Mali. In July 2015, the Federal Agency for Armament, Information Technology and Operations of Germany signed a contract for the lease of one such kit for use in the framework of a Multi-Disciplinary Integrated UN Stabilisation Mission in the country. Later, their number in the country was increased to three units.

In February 2019, the contract for the lease of five combat and two training aircraft was extended for another year, the amount of the transaction, which also includes the professional training of 35 crews, amounted to about $990 million. At the same time, the Israeli air base Tel Nof began training German military personnel as UAV operators to complement the Red Baron unmanned aircraft unit formed in the German Air Force. For practical training, five leased Heron-TP reconnaissance and attack vehicles from the 210th Aviation Squadron of the Israeli Air Force UAV are used.

Within the framework of cooperation between the two countries in the field of production and modernisation of anti-tank weapons, a joint Israeli-German enterprise “Eurospike” (Dusseldorf) was established. Seventy percent of the orders of which fall on the Armed Forces of Germany, the rest of the products are supplied to the armed forces of Latvia, Bulgaria and Italy. Currently, the land forces of the Bundeswehr have about 400 “Spike” ATGM launchers of various modifications and more than 3,500 missiles for them. In addition, in 2019, Israel and Germany signed a new contract worth about $200 million for the licensed production of 250 launchers and 1500 ATGM for them in Germany.

Thus, Israel and Germany are actively developing bilateral military-technical cooperation, within the framework of which there is an exchange of modern technologies for the production of air defence systems, as well as experiences in the combat use of weapons and military equipment. In general, the high reliability, manufacturability and optimal cost of Israeli-made military equipment samples, as well as the possibility of creating joint ventures, will contribute to the expansion of demand for Israeli MIC products on the international market.


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Lone Ranger

Question arises how long have been zionists being in control of germany(and the U.S/UK)… Nazis…zionazis…hmm


Do you think zionists control the whole universe? You’re delusional man, jews don’t have that much influence on the world, you just like to blame everything on jews.

Lone Ranger

Not on jews, on zionists… Not the whole Universe only the Western World. They even betrayed jews. And not everything. Bill Gates and the clintons arent zionists…

Icarus Tanović

Very well said.

John Brown

Nice try Zio but nothing beats the voluntary confessions, bragging and evidence given by racist supremacist Jews themselves.

Such confessions can and do in a few days undo a life time of Zio brainwashing by satanic Zio’s like you

Lone Ranger

Cool story Shlomo. Don’t let your matzo ball soup get cold…


too much as it is and given the abundance of war criminality by the jews, they must be finalized as a people since the right to exist long ago was forfeited. thus a palestine free from jews. – like it?

John Brown

To all Goyims on this board if you don’t already I suggest you study the Jewish Press – the ones based in Israel – especially the Hebrew media in order to get a full understanding of what they the so called master race routinely plan in respect to the Stupid Goyim. Their bragging and voluntary confessions. Don’t take my word for it, see for yourself. See below nothing beats the confession.

It is where I get almost all my info. You’ll usually see them admitting things that would never make it into the Jewish owned American or Western media, and if you’re not up on the Zionist, Jewish, racist, supremacist, global satanic slave empire dictatorship, their rantings of hatred and racism for all Goyim and bragging of their murdering and genocide of hundreds of millions of goyim and their total control of countries like the USA, Britain France, Germany etc. in their global empire it can be quite enlightening, indeed.

See former congress woman and American hero says USSA Congress forced to sign loyalty oath to Racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slave empire dictatorship Israel, above their oaths to America, its Israel not America first. Its not an oath of loyalty to Britain above America.

So its the Zionist empire not the Anglo Zionist empire. So its the racist supremacist global Jewish slave empire dictatorship.

Congress forced to sign loyalty oath to Racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slave empire Israel part 1 https://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/10/29/how-soon-can-we-get-aipac-owned-traitors-out-of-congress/

The only Member of the sitting US Congress we can document so far that has refused to sign the AIPAC Loyalty Oath to put Israel first even before America is Representative Walter Jones. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqzDSrR4L4w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mWR5OaRO8k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_BobWq2sq0&t=8s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOp1b1obC04 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f55865fb69c1ef63394088d6108d0229b9671a10180006effaf42b9e90b875de.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e13b8bb9a5a25fd33bc47742b6f6dd77910dcfca90857294f6eaeb0c3eaa6929.jpg

Who rules America?? https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x34eicw You are a stupid goyim slave. Your purpose is to die for your Jewish slave masters. They will fight to the last stupid slave you. They never risk their lives except for Jews who don’t go along with their lord satan like in World War 2. American’s are slaves and will never do any such thing never dare attack without the permission of their Jewish slave masters.

Jews selling blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRsrNMKMPuc&t=94s Jews selling blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_BobWq2sq0 How Jews treated blacks when they ran the slave trade https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_5umimLnvM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CF8cbwOandk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRm-0SPtwEc

How Jews treated blacks when they ran the slave trade updated https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRsrNMKMPuc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRm-0SPtwEc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQ1qHQDf1jc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_5umimLnvM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CF8cbwOandk

sell him cheap https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRm-0SPtwEc part1b6d87de65da.png part1b Despite AIPAC’s efforts to get him un-elected he was re-elected Congress anyhow, unlike the great and fearless American Hero former US Representative Cynthia McKinney, a true American Patriot who tells the truth, the whole truth.

Representative McKinney refused to sign this AIPAC Loyalty Oath to put Israel first even over America, which of course would be a direct violation of the Oath of Office any Member of Congress takes upon being seated.

Representative McKinney


Why is it such a serious matter to get these signers of the AIPAC Loyalty Oath out of Congress? The reason is obvious, without these Traitors who are sellouts to AIPAC and Israel, America could not have been transformed into a virtual province of Israel.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f55865fb69c1ef63394088d6108d0229b9671a10180006effaf42b9e90b875de.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e13b8bb9a5a25fd33bc47742b6f6dd77910dcfca90857294f6eaeb0c3eaa6929.jpg Who rules America?? https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x34eicw

Proof of the controlled media. Nothing beats the voluntary confession. http://www.businessinsider.com/major-study-finds-that-the-us-is-an-oligarchy-2014-4 See the confession video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TqgQd1cLl8 Reminds me of this Flintstones episode. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqFM9carOgo Jews selling blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRsrNMKMPuc&t=94s Jews selling blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_BobWq2sq0 How Jews treated blacks when they ran the slave trade https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_5umimLnvM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CF8cbwOandk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRm-0SPtwEc Part 2 Nor could America have been transformed into an Israeli slave-state, provider and war-fighter for Israel with an endless supply of American Soldiers to use as Israeli cannon-fodder in their quest to expand and create “greater Israel”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOp1b1obC04 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mWR5OaRO8k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2ba743d3099a50a48552252e6612f90f6010badbb32239d63c34e24fa6f013ba.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/942928e4a2d7f53201f69fd469a245125e1da4dd5e27cae3a20a128041ee71d4.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f1524003ca53343e9fe2a1bebaa2d60329325dc88d3d29bc551dbc771fc32958.jpg Very few Americans know of this treasonous betrayal by all but one Member of Congress. This betrayal is a very serious, grievous violation of their Oath of Office and also American espionage laws and it constitutes Treason. Why do we know for certain this signing the AIPAC Loyalty Oath is Treason? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY We know this for certain because Treason is the capital offense of betraying one’s country and aiding or abetting an enemy of one’s own country, people and one’s government. Yes, but isn’t Israel an important ally of America?

Who rules America?? https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x34eicw

Jews selling blacks

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRsrNMKMPuc&t=94s Jews selling blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_BobWq2sq0 part3a No, quite the contrary. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b3388358879d49f26c655ba0eef38cb4b339280231c5d873b1f1c6eeff8d904b.jpg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2fyROhUxcI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY The only reason the average American does not yet know this is because the Major Mass Media is controlled by six media moguls who answer to run Israeli linked large American investment house that works through Switzerland. Together these six media mogul who are all traitors have essentially created an illegal New Monopoly, a true News Cartel that does little more than feed the American public a continuing stream of USG propaganda, USG big lies and USG false-narratives. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqzDSrR4L4w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_BobWq2sq0&t=8s Who rules America?? https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x34eicw Jews selling blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRsrNMKMPuc&t=94s Jews selling blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_BobWq2sq0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNE5Bi0ktVQ part 3b https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY It is our job at Veterans Today and the rest of the Alternative media of the Internet to get the truth out to everyone and expose this USG propaganda, these big USG lies and USG false-narratives. Soon unless stopped the Internet, which is the World’s New Gutenberg Press, will bust the Controlled Major Mass media (CMMM) and this truth will dissipate to every America. This will bring an end to the espionage done against America in America by AIPAC, the ADL, the SPLC and other Israeli-linked foreign espionage fronts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqzDSrR4L4w Who rules America?? https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x34eicw Proof of the controlled media. Nothing beats the voluntary confession. http://www.businessinsider.com/major-study-finds-that-the-us-is-an-oligarchy-2014-4 See the confession video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TqgQd1cLl8 Reminds me of this Flintstones episode. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqFM9carOgo Jews selling blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRsrNMKMPuc&t=94s Jews selling blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_BobWq2sq0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNE5Bi0ktVQ Part 4 Right now the traitors inside the beltway are meeting frequently and desperately trying to come up with a sneaky way to censor and restrict the Alternative media of the Internet. It is unlikely that the American people will allow this and such a move could result in a new American revolution fought in the street of America by millions or armed Americans against the USG and its stooges and Traitors.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY But there is another good reason to immediately suspend all aid, monetary and military to Israel. That is the fact that we know with 100% certainty the Israel has a large nuclear bomb arsenal and that such is a violation of American law and international agreements to support any nation that HAS NOT signed the nuclear Non-Proliferation Agreement, which Israel HAS NOT signed. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg

jews selling blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqzDSrR4L4w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_BobWq2sq0&t=8s Who rules America?? https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x34eicw There it is, its even on video for you, how the Israeli embassy runs the British government Who tells the truth and who lies?? This is evidence that is good in a court of law unlike 90% of what you say which is based on no evidence at all like the typical disinfo propaganda mind control disinfo expert. I wonder why ths documentary was banned by Israel?? I have no doubt the

report on the banned documentary will also be banned soon. https://grayzoneproject.com/2018/08/28/leaked-scenes-from-censored-documentary-expose-israel-lobbyist-noah-pollak-astroturfing-an-anti-palestinian-protest/#more-925

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=AWd3Rh5Ysww Now see The

Grayzone presents exclusive leaked scenes from Al Jazeera’s censored “The Lobby -USA” documentary showing how Emergency Committee for Israel Executive Director Noah Pollak and the Hoover Institution astroturfed an inflammatory protest against the 2016 Students for Justice in Palestine national conference. Leaked Scenes from Censored Documentary Reveal Israel Lobbyist Noah PollakAstroturfing an Anti-Palestinian Protest Share this: Exclusive leaked scenes from Al Jazeera’s “The Lobby – USA” documentary show how Emergency Committee for Israel Executive Director Noah Pollak and the Hoover Institution astroturfed an inflammatory protest against the 2016 Students for Justice in Palestine national conference. By Max Blumenthal TheGrayzone Project has released scenes from an investigative Al Jazeera undercover documentary, “The Lobby – USA,” whose publication was blocked by the government of Qatar under Israel lobby pressure.

Jews selling blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRsrNMKMPuc&t=94s Jews selling blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_BobWq2sq0


But why are they stealing petty items from hotels? please explain.

John Brown

The racist supremacist global Jewish Zio Satanic slave empire dictatorship started taking took gradual control of Germany France and the UK starting after1812 the USSA after 1913.

Total control of all of them during world war 2.


Nazi and AskeNAZI same scum.

Free man

You vote this up – “Nazi and AskeNAZI same scum.” Are you serious ?

Lone Ranger

Its the Truth. Zionazis were the main funders of the nazi party. Adolf pas part jewish so was Goebbels and many others, Himmler too.

Free man

But you are an Ashkenazi.

Lone Ranger

Wrong. Im part Hungarian, part jew, part german part slovakian. I belong to no groups. Except for my Motherland Hungary.

Albert Pike

Good question, my best guesses go from the Roman colonisation of the Rheinland, in the 1st and 2nd century -where the Romans moved their conquered Jews to the border next to the German tribes, to the time of the reformation -since Luther, Zwingli and Calvin all had Jewish roots, and it was happening at a time, when there were venetian (Jewish) popes. So there was always a strong connection between Germans and Jews, latest since Pepin the Short and Charlemagne, between the -what was left of the German tribes, after the Saxons wars- and the Jews, who were on the winning side, trading the slaves, and everything. https://www.jstor.org/stable/3622409?seq=1 That Yiddish is a old high German variation is therefore no surprise. Also the word Ashkenazim means ‘Deutsche’, a term which was then in 1848 in the ‘Deutsche Revolution’ used for all Germans. But you asked for the Zionist control of Germany – which first requires a definition of what is a ‘Zionist’ – commonly used for somebody who wants a Jewish state of Israel in Palestine. Now a days saddly nobody asks what for – at Herzl’s time they did, and there were many religious Jews who knew what for (and those questioning religious Jews had to be wipped out first, to make the state of Israel possible – the Frankist Adolf helped also that one along). But back to the first Zionist movement, which happend at the time of Gracia Mendes Nasi (1510-1569) and Joseph Nasi (1524-1579) and led to the first Jewish re-colonisation of Palestine with Jewish settlements in Tiberias and Safed. Also the family name ‘Nasi’ was not a name but a title meaning leaders of the Jews (today Israels president holds the title of being the ‘Nasi’). The family name of those Nasi’s was Benveniste (which became the Epsteins, like Jeffrey Epstein – one could also call him Jeffrey Benveniste). Now the superrich Benveniste, and their money, played a strong role in the Isaac Luria story in Safed -the creation of the Lurianic Kabbalah, which made the Jews the first time into activ messianic players, and which later led to the first global propaganda creation of the Jewish messiah Sabbatai Zevi, which created the Dönmeh and the Frankists and was believed at the time by more 90% of all Jews and many many Christians – espacially the Protestants. Remember Queen Christina of Sweden dancing in the streets of Hamburg at the news that the King of the Jews -Sabbatai Zevi- had been born, during a visit of Isaac Teixeira, her ‘financial agent’: https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/banking-and-bankers Christina of Swedens dad was Gustav II Adolph (who’s memory was held in high regards by the other Adolfs Nazi Party) the main participant in the ‘Thirty Years’ War’ – which was part of the ‘Eighty Years War’, which was originally financed by Joseph Benveniste Nasi, with the Turkish Sultan’s money – which were by the way mostly sons of Jewish Sultana’s, since Zevi’s Beshtaki order was just that. The thirty years war wiped out 4.5 to 8 million Germans and there were areas in Germany where 60% of the German population had died. The End of the thirty years war was the beginning of the time of the ‘Court Jews’: https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/court-jews After the reformation war, came the pietism movement in Germany, with count Zinzendorf at its forefront, the founder ot the Moravian Church -and many Sabbatean Jewish Zevi believers became members of the Moravian Church- and Zinzendorf called himself ‘Rabbi Zinzendorf’: https://www.oneforisrael.org/bible-based-teaching-from-israel/zinzendorf-the-messianic-trailblazer/ https://www.academia.edu/41550206/POL_LON_From_Poland_to_London_Sabbatean_Influences_on_the_Mystical_Underworld_of_Zinzendorf_Swedenborg_and_Blake_? Even within Zinzendorfs ‘pietist’ movement was the Sabbatean wife-swapping going on. Zinzendorf was also supported by Count of Isenburg-Büdingen, the same freemason who later gave his castle to Jakob Frank in Offenbach, and who used the court Jew Amschel Meyer (the first Rothschild) as their financial agent: https://books.google.co.za/books?id=YF2pDwAAQBAJ&pg=PT101&lpg=PT101&dq=Count+of+Isenburg+%22rothschild%22&source=bl&ots=FVUlzQCS5H&sig=ACfU3U34Nkb4wtYdH3fKPOws-WDNwcA0FQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiS-O-Shv3tAhURi1wKHUBOCl8Q6AEwBXoECAYQAg#v=onepage&q=Count%20of%20Isenburg%20%22rothschild%22&f=false In that time falls also the founding of the pietist ‘Institutum Judaicum et Muhammedicum’ in 1728 (sorry wiki only in German and Espaeranto), in Halle, which became the ‘Franckesche Stiftungen’ and becoming Germany’s National Academy of Sciences, the ‘Lepoldina’, B’Nai B’rith leader Angela Merkels favourite yes-sayers. But back to the pietist movement, and their main thing, which was eschatology – the prediction and calculation of when the ‘End Times’ would come.

and what has to happen first (what had to happen was the founding of the State of Israel).

Leading to the first mechanical astronomical computers of Mathaeus Hahn (1739-1790), and the book of Johann August Bengel, called ‘Fortgang der Heilsgeschichte’, where every date, when the world should go under, was properly calculated, using the Hahns astronomical computers. The pietist movement led to the founding of ‘Tempelgesellschaft’ (founded by family members of Mathaeus Hahn) and their original revealing name was: ‘Gesellschaft für die Sammlung des Volkes Gottes in Jerusalem’ (in English: ‘Society for the Gathering of the People of God in Jerusalem’): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Templers_(Pietist_sect) They founded Sarona, and their house/headquarters, became the first IDF headquarter ‘The Kirya’.

You have therefore not just Jews, which are Zionists – you have the nutcrackers pietists, who also can’t wait for the endtimes to come. The only unanswered question is which is the final script -the Pietist-Christian one, which means that Israel will be destroyed -or the Jewish/Zionist/Frankist one, which says all of Amalek will be killed (which Bjerknes sees in his book ‘Beware of the world to come’ as a synomym of all Goyims)…

Lone Ranger

Wow. Thank you. You are on another level. Thats some professor level info right there?

Free man

The great fear felt by the “resistance” axis towards Israel is understandable.

Potato Man

Germany also fully support Neo-Nazi in Ukraine and they backed Al-Qaeda/ISIL/Daesh in Syria and Iraq LMFAO…they also happily sell weapons to Wahhabi States. BTW they also butt-hurt and want to kill EU within by the same “Freedom soldiers” they fund in Iraq and Syria…

“German funds for ‘While Helmets’ <-(middle man for getting money to terrorists) may end up in terrorists' hands, Russia warns" https://www.presstv.com/Detail/2020/12/25/641491/Russia-germany-support-white-helmets-syria

Fog of War

It seems Israhell has no problem working with the descendants of evil ” Nazis “. Can you say hypocrisy ?


they are the new nazis and have copied hitler to the t – concentration camp (Gaza), lebensraum for the jews (theft of palestinian land and syrian land) ethnic cleansing (of palestinians), abject murder and thievery of palestinian property and lately thievery of the palestinian liquid natural gas found under the palestinian seabed and which the jews now claim is their and are trying to sell to the european union, acting as a fence for the stolen goods.

do they deserve to go on being a part of mankind- of course not. that right is long since gone and as with everything else, a place within mankind is earned and by god, they have earned nothing and must be decommissioned from mankind!.

Fog of War

Its also possible that the Holohoax never occurred at all and the accusations against the “Nazis” were just Khazarian projections.

Albert Pike

Well maybe the whole Nazis/Nasis were a Khazarian project: Before the Eichmann trial -april till december 1961- the holohoax was seen as just that. The Mr Eichmann from Solingen, with that in nearby Wuppertal well known Jewish family name, who was also married to the Jewish lady Vera Lieblová -changed all this. He traveled to Argentine under his real name, was working for the Jewish/Frankist Jellineck company Mercedes. He and his Frankist/Vatican transported SS friends even gave Life Magazine taped Interviews, bragging about not 6 million, but 11 million killed Jews. And SS/CIA/BND man Willem Sassen wrote it /taped it all down. Eichmann and the Sassen tapes are the main witnesses of the Holocaust: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2000/mar/01/irving.uk1 And Sassens daughter is Saskia Sassen – who ‘coined the term global city’ at the London School of economics. Eichmanns son ist the high up archaeologist Ricardo Eichmann, working for the German government. You can see that the offspring of the holohoax creators are well cared for.

Also this sentence here, out the wikipedia discussions about Eichmann and the trail should make you think, because it says that there were in all of Palestine in 1961 no workable crematoriums:

“Shortly after the execution, Eichmann’s body was cremated in a specially designed furnace. The furnace was so hot that no one dared to go near it, and a stretcher on tracks was used to place the body into it.” Do you believe that because there was none, they had to built one specially for the Jewish Eichmann?

Fog of War

Once again, excellent information. Hopefully some on here will actually use their brains and logic to ” open their eyes ” finally . Additionally, ” Sassen ” sounds extremely close to ” Sassoon “. I think you’re well aware of the significance of that family name.

John Brown

Wow you got it.

Just look up the Havara pact its how Hitler created Israel for his Jewish masters

Icarus Tanović

Holohoax never occured? That means that Holocaust occured.

John Brown

Wow you got it.

Look up the Havara pact its how Hitler created Israel for his Jewish masters

Icarus Tanović

Can you please expleain what is up with that pact? Thank you.

Fog of War

holohoax = holocaust

John Brown

There was a holocaust as Hitler was ordered in the Havara pact by the Rothchilds to kill any Jew who would not go to Palestine.

The numbers killed were exagerated maybe 300 to 400 k dead and mostly killed by Hitlers 150k Jewish soldiers many generals filed marshals among them

John Brown

Wrong Hitler copied Jews.

Zio Yagoda murdered 66 milllion Soviet and Russian Goyims in death camps invented by teh Zio CHEKA. Don’t you know this?

concentration camp (Gaza), lebensraum for the jews.

Albert Pike

Israel was founded by Adolf. No Adolf – No Israel, there is a book about it, that the evil Nazis, were Jewish Nasi’s: ‘Adolf Hitler – Founder of Israel: Israel in War – With Jews’ https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/269488.Hennecke_Kardel

Also don’t forget that there in Germany under the Nazis, were only two flags allowed. One was the flag of the Reich, and the other one was the flag of the Zionist movement, which became later the flag of Israel.

Everything else, the pogroms, the burning of synagogues – was done to make the German Jews move into Palestine, to follow the same apocalyptic script, which is now running again in high gears…

Fog of War

Very true. The ” smoke and mirrors ” game has been going on for a long time and still continues ( i.e. Xi Jinping, Putin, Erdogan ) . Is anyone surprised that Hitler’s body was missing after the WW2 ended ? They shouldn’t be as a nice retirement is always the reward for a job well done. Just ask Epstein .

Albert Pike

Same script over and over again…

John Brown

Yes you get most of it.

Fog of War

Then fill in the reminder then .

John Brown


No hypocricy at all, do you not know of the Havarra past between Nazis and Jews???? Hitler was the most valuable shabbas goy ally of Jews in the last 2 thousand years. Hitler created and is the father Israel. They dumped the nazis when no longer needed. Every nazi party the KKK etc has been created funded and run by Jews. Do you want me to post the proof?? Its easy to get.

John Brown

No hypocricy at all, do you not know of the Havarra past between Nazis and Jews???? Hitler was the most valuable shabbas goy ally of Jews in the last 2 thousand years. Hitler created and is the father Israel. They dumped the nazis when no longer needed. Every nazi party the KKK etc has been created funded and run by Jews. Do you want me to post the proof?? Its easy to get.

Icarus Tanović

Yes, post it.

Icarus Tanović

Oh yes, that’s right I bet on this.


Only going to increase :)

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