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MARCH 2025

Miltiary Situation In Southeastern Syria After Government Forces Advances (Maps)

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Syrian government forces have been continuing their advance in southeastern Syria aiming to reach the al-Tanf border crossing at the Iraqi border and to impose control over the border with Jordan.

Miltiary Situation In Southeastern Syria After Government Forces Advances (Maps)

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Miltiary Situation In Southeastern Syria After Government Forces Advances (Maps)

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First map cant be enlarged

Joe Doe

All the thin lines are not defendable. I just would like to know how the SAA will defend this liberated area. Allover SYria the SAA liberated bits and pieces and those SAA can be very easy outflank and cut off. Strategically very bad. I also notice, Tiger Forces in South-East of Aleppo have major setback. I follow for couple months the Syrian war, but I see on the General Staff of the SAA poor planning, poor strategy and almost no intelligence gathering and no surprise initiative


You forget: Plans made by Russia in russian interests. Not always good for Syrians….


Russians have significantly more military experience than their Syrian counterparts.

Solomon Krupacek

and also with betray…


The Polacks are backstabbers.

Solomon Krupacek

they also

i know the history. and i know, the polish russian conflict bigan poles. alrady in the 14th century. and also in the 20th centurx were mass murderer.

but the russians also gave blody hands. i think no nation us clean


Many bad experiences and not less wrong conclusions…

Graeme Helleur

Deep penetration of desert areas by armoured and mobile infantry columns to establish control of strategic highways and excluded Nato backed terrorist is well tried strategy.It was used by Monty and Rommel in North Africa and by Zhukov on the Russian steps. The risk of attack on lines of communication and flanks will have been considered by planers.


I recall reading about Monty’s Long Range Desert Patrols, good stuff. SAA has much easier job operating against FSA in these desert regions (now that ISUS has been kicked out).


Defend against whom? These are empty areas, take over the few towns and put some checkpoints on the few roads, end of story. You see green color on the map and think there are FSA forces there? Nope.

In fact, if these rebels attack, it will make things easier for the government. They want to engage them in battle because they are so few and can be eradicated. Just like the old “New syria Army” was obliterated by ISIS last year. Too few of them.


Read yesterday ( Friday 5/19/2017), that when the SAA continued towards al Taraf , that it had a Russian , air force escort . No further word from the US regarding its self proclaimed “deecalation zone”. And now Norway is at this crossing ! Thought they were better than to get involved in Americas war on Syria .


It was reported that US and Russia had previously agreed to a 55 KM no conflict zone around the Al Tanf training base. Perhaps the SAA militia did not get this memo? They need to hold up where they are to let the situation calm down. The US and Brits started to get a little bit nervous, and called in air support, and now some Norway troops to show their flag. The Russian aircraft was just in the area to show the flag, and nothing else.


The grouping consisted of a few hundred men and 6 tanks and supporting vehicles, if the Brits and US get nervous at a battalion sized unit, what would be the case if an armored division was rumbling through. The Brits and the US unlike ISIS are nervous in the dessert.

Jens Holm

Nervous – haha – This is hobby or tourisme compared to Helmand.


Yea, how long has US been fighting in Afghanistan with the pajama clad jidadis? In a real shoot out with a standing army, special forces are kind of useless by themselves without armed groupings equipped with heavy weapons. By armed groupings I do not mean inept FSA and other mercenary units.

Jens Holm

Yes, strange fanatics here cannignore, that those zones reasontly are updated


There was no such de-confliction agreement. That was propaganda. This is standard procedure when the US knows it has no legitimacy for it’s actions.The Russians have denounced the US attack on the SAA column, and even put a couple of fighter jets in the air.

And why would Syria agree to give up such a strategic asset as this Damascus Baghdad highway ?

Although the location of the US rebel training base is secret, it is certainly well inside Jordan, probably about 30 miles from that al-Tanf crossing. That crossing is between Syria and Iraq. The US is calling it’s base al-Tanf merely to confuse everybody and pretend that they have important infrastructure in al-Tanf, which they must protect. But, Al-Tanf is nothing but a dessert outpost with a few buildings.

It is the highway itself, which is of incredible strategic importance. I have complete confidence that the SAA will take possession in a few days.

The SAA could easily be airlifted over into the friendly Iraqi side of al-Tanf and then walk back over the boarder and raise their flag and tell the Norwegians to get lost.

And, at the same time making sure to have a few Russian fighter Jets circling around the area, just like a few days ago when the US backed down.


There is a small military base just north of the border crossing. I think they are protecting this point, along with the desert roads to the NE.


I do see something there directly on the highway, about 2 miles North of the boarder, when I zoom in on Google Earth. However, it looks more like a large checkpoint of some sort. Either that or it could be a roadside truck stop. I don’t see anything else. I was also looking around for that secret US rebel training base too. I don’t see it either.


Just north of the truck stop is an area surrounded by revetments. Saw it on Wikimapia. Not to many buildings there, they would have to truck in container living quarters like they did in Afghanistan.

Solomon Krupacek

i will occupy 1 romm in your flat/house. it is only 1 room, no problem for you.

Solomon Krupacek

if you dont pay, the google earth shows old data

Solomon Krupacek

the dimension is not important, you jihadist.

the number zero is the acceptable one!!!


I’m waiting for the Iraqi Shia militia PMU, some of which were killed in that airstrike, to get revenge. Right now, we have hundreds of our special forces embedded with the Iraqi Army just outside of Mosul. But often, just a stone’s throw away, these same PMU militias are also fighting ISIS.

It would be too bad if one of their Iraqi Shia army friends left the gate unlocked tonight, where those special forces guys are sleeping. Can you imagine if dozens of our special forces guys are taken hostage?

I don’t think the US has thought this out very well.


And here i was thinking that Syria was Syrian sovereign territory. . . That it is the Syrian Government who decides where their army goes. . .

Solomon Krupacek

PZIJV for me looks like cryptojihadist. or kurdish traitor.


As long as US builds training bases on,and imports militants and mercenaries into, Syrian territory, this proxy war will never end. Syrian state needs to reclaim its borders in north and south – as they are the long term strategic problem – the constant influx of NATO/GCC supplied weapons and proxy militants from Turkey and Jordan. The US threats against SAA on their own sovereign territory have to be addressed at some point, and the US military’s ‘warnings’ and ‘accidents’ against the SAA have a limit, before they shift over from protecting and aiding of their proxies, into an open and unsanctioned aggressive direct conflict.


Hope to see much FSA area taken back by SAA soon, but Al Tanf is a “do not trespass” area for right now.

Solomon Krupacek

and whos mistake is this? assads. he had tokk rod 95 and each inch up to jordania broder, already 1 year ako, after taking palmyra. he had forces in that region. the reinforcements come ALWAYS in territories, where is not present the SAA. assad and the russians made lot of big mistakes. both tactical and strategical.

Solomon Krupacek

good comment


Thank you.


It is unclear what this zone was about. Some newspapers talk only about no planes: that would make sense after the Russian air attacks on Tanf a year ago. 50 km on the ground is ridiculous. Why not 200: then they have the perfect excuse to occupy the whole country.


They are there to get some suntan.


The SAA and crew are not letting the area be a freebee. taking any small town there also makes it much more difficult to operate in the area. It is paying peanuts to mess up big plans. Right now, this is what it looks like in my opinion. A good evening to all.

Jens Holm


Jens Holm

You might check, who is with. They have been involved all the time.

Tom Tom

Norway isn’t better. Their leaders worship satan, too.


Norway should realise that any uninvited soldiers in Syria are Illegal Combatants and therefore fair game to be driven out or killed by the Syrian forces and their allies.

Are the Norwegian forces in Syria Legally?

Solomon Krupacek

80 000 people, former refugess az en route to Al Tanf to secure from government.


Sounds like a massive human shield operation being done this time by the US, instead of ISIS. But, I guess they must have learned how to do that from how ISIS did it in Mosul.

Solomon Krupacek

Exactly! The western strategos are also swines.

Solomon Krupacek

The SAA should take Arak and T4, T3 between Between palmyra and deir ez zor. be proactive and prevent the worsening of situation. the lame saa is always reactive. on their flag could be written: manana

Thomasino Bandalero

SAA needs to push further

Jens Holm

Yes they should have removed Assad years ago.


I hear that Iraqi Militias may decide to move in and help the Syrian Government and it’s allies on their common border. . .

Justin Ryan

Syria and Iran (I don’t think Russia agreed to this) have decided to push for the Iraqi border to al-tanf in order to have a direct line between Shiia Iran through now Shiia lead Iraq to Syria and Lebanon most likely for their hatred of Israel. But it also seems that in Eastern Sweida the decision has been made to block off the Jordanian border with Syria. This will stop the southern FSA and Coalition special forces from closing off the Syrian / Iraqi border. Because it means there is no way to aid or support these forces from land. It will be impossible to take over the border this way as the PMU will likely take control of the border on the Iraqi side. But the al – tanf crossing will exist purely for the Syrian, Iraqi and Iranian proxies. This will also stop the southern FSA and coalition forces from taking der-ezzor. Russia sending troops there now probably to act as a protective umbrella from coalition bombing! If the Syrian forces are successful in taking al-tanf and ALSO clean sweeping the Syrian Jordanian border of FSA and coalition forces, then the Iraqi border will be saved and der-ezzor alongside with it! Then after raqqa is taken, u can bet Turkey will stop any balkanisation deal the USA plans to make (russia and syria will smile) and we will have turkey and Russia ally against US backed Kurds. This will end the war and be a win for Syria, Russia, turkey and Iran. But u know Israel (who rules the US) won’t like it. So it could be the beginning of WW3.

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