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MARCH 2025

“Mind Your Own Business”: Russia Expels 3 EU Diplomats Over Attending Navalny Protest

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"Mind Your Own Business": Russia Expels 3 EU Diplomats Over Attending Navalny Protest

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On February 5th, Russia said it was expelling diplomats from Sweden, Poland and Germany, accusing them of attending a rally in support of opposition figure Alexey Navalny.

The Russian Foreign Ministry accused Swedish and Polish diplomats in St. Petersburg and a German diplomat in Moscow of taking part in what it called “unlawful” rallies on January 23rd.

The diplomats were declared “persona non grata” and were required to leave Russia “shortly,” a ministry statement said.

The announcement came as the European Union’s foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell was on a visit to Moscow. He told Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov that the treatment of Navalny represents “a low point” in relations between Brussels and Moscow.

Germany said its diplomat was fulfilling his duty by following the developments, and it warned Moscow that its action won’t go unanswered, summoning the Russian ambassador.

“We consider this expulsion unjustified and think it is another facet of the things that can be seen in Russia at the moment that are pretty far from the rule of law,” German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in Berlin after a videoconference with French President Emmanuel Macron. Macron expressed solidarity with Germany, Poland and Sweden and condemned “in the stronger terms” the expulsions and what happened to Navalny “from the beginning to the end.”

Sweden said it “considers this entirely unjustified, which we have also conveyed to the Russian side,”

Foreign Ministry spokesman Mats Samuelsson said in a statement to The Associated Press.

Stockholm “strongly rejects Russian claims that the diplomat took part in a demonstration in Russia” and “reserves the right to take appropriate measures in response,” he said.

Poland also warned Moscow the move will further worsen relations.

The US also immediately pinched in. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken condemned the expulsion. He tweeted:

“This arbitrary and unjustified act is Russia’s latest departure from its international obligations.”

British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab also said on Twitter that expelling diplomats “for simply doing their jobs is a crude attempt to distract from Russia’s targeting of opposition leaders, protesters and journalists.”

Speaking at the start of his talks with Lavrov, and before finding out of the expulsion, Borrell said “our relations are under a severe strain, and the Navalny case is a low point in our relations.”

Following the announcement, Borell said he had relayed his concerns over Navalny’s jailing and the arrests of thousands of who had rallied on his behalf.

The EU official said he also communicated the bloc’s support for Navalny’s release and for an investigation of the August poisoning but added that there were no proposals of additional sanctions against Russia from the EU at this point.

Borrell’s visit to Moscow was supposed to also express support for Navalny, but it largely failed.

It showed that Russia is not concerned with the attitude of external actors and will deal with its internal affairs by itself.

Another Navalny ally, Vladimir Milov, expressed disappointment with Borrell’s visit to Moscow. He called it a “disastrously weak visit” and said Lavrov “used him as a decoration to lecture Europe on ‘international law.’”

“Maybe he’ll bring back some Sputink V vaccines as a reward,” Milov tweeted, referencing Borrell’s praise of Russia’s domestically developed coronavirus vaccine.


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Russia still need be more assertive,otherwise they will not be respected from lower being cowards: About time take sht from no lawless punk,grow up or butt out,mind your own issues,don’t come back unless you send a more international law respecting diplomat,not drug addict nor mentally ill flog! Good move,progress is far more to the advantage than to live bound and gagged another decade!

Tommy Jensen

Russia threatening and insulting our Allies from the free and civilised world with aggression and hostile actions. America will continue to fight for freedom for the innocent Russian population who have done nothing wrong. Its their dictatorship government in Kremlin who denies the Russian people free access of expression and democracy.

cechas vodobenikov

u uncivilized incompetents have no culture; u despise freedom and justice…..u have no allies except Covid virus, only a few remaining insignificant colonies

Séamus Ó Néill

Perhaps you could show the Russians your version of free and fair elections ( America Nov 2020 ), your version of free speech ( Jullian Assange, Chelsea Manning etc etc ) or you could show them how to bring democracy ( Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine etc etc ).


Are you a bot or just lobotomized?

Zionism = EVIL

Both :)


The first lobotomized AI.

Lost Empire

The whole world have seen how much democratic is US and the whole world knows that always US have fought for “freedom”. Too bad everyone now knows that America is also a fascist and sponsor of terrorism conuntry

Anduin Lothar

Free and civilised world that is genociding Slavic peaple for 1600 years…


The whole world is aware Russia is a far more ethical and responsable nation in lieu insomuch how much freedom they gave adversary diplomats compared to vica versa, Also how obvious usa has failed to owe up to constituates,with the no brainer rigged election add to it a host of trannys and phaedophiles and you dare insult intellects too https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a448c916b3798537ed366ffde717462c648d4e23ebcc018466085b5755588296.jpg ?

Harry Smith

Yeah! Kremlin must learn from Washington DC how widely it supports freedoms of American population! Every freedom granted in the greatest ever American constitution!

johnny rotten

The European vassals still think they are at the time when they reigned brutally undisturbed over almost the entire globe, they have not yet realized that times have changed and are still changing, perhaps and if when they take note of their irrelevance on the international scene they will change their attitude, but there are serious doubts about it, the fools and the stupid do not change their views, the expulsion of diplomats who have heavily interfered in Russian domestic affairs could have been of help to European poodles, but it is clear that it will not achieve the purpose, those who feel anointed by the lord do not act and do not even perceive the real context, so a bad fate awaits them.

Just Me

Good move but too lenient, the three clowns from three puppet states should have been publicly cavity searched by the FSB first. A CIA agent fat bitch killed a English teenager by car the enslaved Brits are still too scared to indict her for murder. These arrogant and ignorant Americans and their stooges think that they own the world and can do anything in sovereign nations. Poland is basketcase beggar, while Germany is occupied and Swedes are nobody pip-squeak.


the swedes are the leading hypocrites in the world after the jews in palestine so if that toerag of a swede is kicked out, fine and not a minute too early – the other toerags are most certainly of the same ilk as the first so being persona non grata is alright (except it will probably be a feather in their respective hats)


The swedes should concentrate on rapefugees f***** their women. There are viral videos on social platforms, showing young “refugees” slapping women and girls in the face, just because they refused to be touched by the “refugees”.

Zionism = EVIL

This dumbfuck Navalny is a nobody but a crude CIA and BND puppet freak, who insulted a 95 year old Soviet veteran in court. That is just insulting to the whole Russian people who gave 28 million lives defending their country from Nazis and Fascists. This Navalny should be send to the farthest reaches of Russia and the key thrown away. Like Iran has, Russia needs to strengthen internal security checks on western and JewCUNTS as the next phase is that they will increase terrorism in Russia.


Absolutely right!



logic,of course the liars try to make out christians too dumb to survive vs incestry: does the devil reveal itself,fk no its just a liar like all god hating maggot west media

Just Me

That is Jew revisionist history. In 1939, there were barely 2 million Jew vermin in Western Europe, but somehow 6 million died in the holohoax. Go figure!

Fog of War

Thats called Khazar math.


7 million according to official released usa military archives as specified by cccp(fk the cia)

Just Me

Russia’s biggest problem is Jew infestation.

Lost Empire

Good movie. Better late than never. These three clows are worth less than nothing. Europe is only a lackey of americans and now they too are in decline

Ashok Varma

The US and the west are blatantly interfering in Russia and even dictating petty gestures as asking Russian women to wear red to support this treacherous clown. The CIA has chosen RED colour for Russian destabilization.

Women across Russia are being instructed by a US NGO via instagram to wear RED colthing as wearing red to show support for the wife of Alexei Navalny, the self-anointed opposition leader who was jailed this week.


Pro Russian majority need to get their people onto the streets when we are on top of the pandemic and show those Navalny quislings what a demo looks like,and what they never report on western media when reporting those Navalny demos we are in the middle of a GLOBAL PANDEMIC and there are lockdown rules.


Imagine the stink US government and MSM would cause if Russia so blatantly interfered in US domestic politics and started supporting a treasonous insurrection and overthrow of the legitimate government? This is quite shameful behavior by US deep state.


Russia has been too soft for years,they never really responded to all the false flag attacks like Salisbury,they should have taken firmer action after the Nazi Coup in kiev, and the following attack on Donbas and Lugask,they should have taken harder action in Syria against the Turkish and US occupation,and they should have cracked down on those NGOs,but this is a good move by Putin and i hope he does more of it.

Harry Smith

Why should ever Russia spend its resources for loud but useless moves?


Who said useless?by doing little it allows the Reich to control the narrative on a global scale.

Harry Smith

It’s not Reich but western globalists. In fact they coordinate their actions so it looks like USA does everything easy and fast. Saying USA controls global narrative with almost no efforts is like saying that an army captain participated in a massive strategic offense is the only winner in the war and won it just by giving some orders to his subordinates. Washington is nothing but Psaki of Western and Jewish globalists.

Fog of War

But not one ZioAmerican diplomat was touched. Tells me all I need to know.


Good move but look at RT, it’s JewishZionists infested, the RT 10-15 years ago is gone,

AM Hants

Shows that Navalny is an agent of hostile nations.


an agent provocateur in the pay of foreign nations which sort of would amount to treason – can’t see why the russian state is so lenient. they could either charge him with that and be rid ofhim for the next 50 years or ostracise him and be rid of him for eternity or simply defenestrate him from the 25th floor of the hilton moscow, the room being let to an american national named larry basingstoke, an individual that can’t be found. problem solved.

Bruno Giordano

Absurd Kremlin lies. He is an agent of one nation, named Russia.

AM Hants

Which is why he has so many Diplomats of alien nations supporting him and why are so many foreign nations funding his support, together with his supporters? Same old script, time and time again, and so boring. They should just try him for treason and be done with it.

Bruno Giordano

What’s boring, hants, is the cowardly underpants poisoner’s script to suppress any opposition. “They” have already tried mr Navalny for a crime that he did not commit, that even did not happen. “They” have sentenced him to penal colony for a “violation” that is so absurd that the first judges had to be replaced as they refused to carry out the poisoner’s orders. “They” have made a perfect example of how a kangaroo court acts.

AM Hants

Cowardly underpants poisoner??????

Gives a new meaning to Clap clinics.

Riddle me this, who would tamper with the underwear of Navalny, with a military nerve agent that is allegedly a lot safer than Covid?

They have not tried Navalny for treason now have they?

Remind me, but, didn’t the US tax payer funded NED, sponsor his political career and send him to the US for training? How does that help the people of Russia, when. a foreign nation funds their politicians and even trains them?

With regards why he is in prison and not free, where does one start with regards his history?

So, who had access to his pants, after he left the Russian Medical Facilities, with his mistress?

Bruno Giordano

Indeed, hants, the cowardly underpants poisoner has not ordered one of his kangaroo courts to convict Navalny for treason. Even the poisoner knows that would be too stupid for words. The cowardly underpants poisoner hopes for a chance to get rid of him in the penal colony. Btw tit-for-tat today from the three countries whose diplomats have been expelled for made up reasons.

AM Hants

Darling, are you seriously saying that President Putin, took time out of running the 11 zone nation, to go seeking out Navalny’s pants?

Like I said, Navalny, gives a new meaning to Clap Clinics and STIs.

Bruno Giordano

Yes he did and does. No idea what you mean with “Clap Clinics and STIs”, but probably and as usually some bullshit metaphore.

AM Hants

So you can 100% confirm that President Putin took complete control of Navalny’s underwear and smeared them with a Soviet Military Nerve Agent, that so many nations appear to possess. A Miilitary Strength Nerve Agent, that the exiled Soviet Chemist created and then published in a book, widely available on Amazon, as I digress.. A Military Strength Nerve Agent that is far weaker than the Corona Virus, and smeared it all over Nalvani’s panties?

You have no idea what ‘clap clinics/STI clinics’ are????? Seriously and a little old lady, living in Hampshire knows more about those types of clinics then you do, Bruno?????? Yeah, and I am the tooth fairy.

Bruno Giordano


AM Hants

You were there then? In bed with Navalny when President Putin turned up with a vial of Soviet Military Nerve Agent, that is less lethal than Corona? In your fantasies Bruno.

Ralph London

AM, you don’t know how bliss it is NOT replying to people like him. Sure, it’s a smaller world, but better.

AM Hants

I know and seriously trying to wean myself off the troll diet, but, work in progress.

AM Hants

Are you saying it is legal to interfere in another nations politics?

Remind me, but, why was the US blowing a hissy fit, with regards other nations sniffing around it’s elections?

Why is Edward Snowden living in Russia?

Why can’t Julian Assange return home to Australia?

Bruno Giordano

Monitoring, observing what is going on, is not “interfering”, hants. It is even a task for diplomats. Besides, where is the proof?

AM Hants

Turning up in.a court of law, demanding that he is released, is interference, is it not? Remind me, why is Julian Assange spending his time in Her Majesty’s Prison, over in London, in solitary confinement? Now what did he do wrong?

Why is Donald Trump claiming that various nations were involved in election fraud in the US? Now what did they find on the Dominion servers, over in Frankfurt and how many US military personnel died trying to retrieve the information? How many nations were allegedly interfering with the US Election Results?

Why is Edward Snowden residing in Russia?

So, please tell me, why a con artist, who was trained by the NED and funded by the US tax payer, without their knowledge, in order to run as a Russian politician, is not allowed to be arrested? Why has he more support amongst foreign diplomats, especially those funded by $oro$, than he has from the people of Russia? Some would call his actions treason.

Now why would the US be funding a Russian to run as a politician and why would they need to train him, over in the US? Do not think President Putin, went to the US at the start of his political career, to be trained. Did he?

Bruno Giordano

Did they “turn up in a court of law demanding that he is released”? Naughty naughty naughty… ! How come I haven’t read anything about that? Could it be, hants, that that is just your fantasy? No idea what the other named persons in your comment have to do with this. Are they also sent to a penal colony for criticizing the kleptocratic underpants poisoner and friends?

AM Hants

‘…A source in Moscow told reporters that a Swedish diplomat had taken part in an unauthorised rally on Nevsky Prospekt in St. Petersburg on 23 January. The Swedish embassy said the diplomat had only watched the action. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, commenting on the actions of western embassies regarding uncoordinated actions in Russia and the presence of diplomats at the trial in the Navalny case, said that Moscow would “address every such case”…’

Bruno Giordano

Ah, two “crimes”. A diplomat watched the action in a street. Watched the action, that is criminal behaviour. And been present at the trial. Another horrible crime! Attending a trial in a kangaroo court, how dare they!? Tell me hants, was that “trial” behind closed doors? Had the diplomat somehow sneaked into the “court” room? Anyway, Stalin watches it all from hell with a big grin on his face.

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