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Mini Turkey: Azerbaijan Is Forced To Change Date Of ‘Victory Day’ Holliday To Please Big Ottoman Brother

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Mini Turkey: Azerbaijan Is Forced To Change Date Of 'Victory Day' Holliday To Please Big Ottoman Brother

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Azerbaijan has moved its newly-announced “Victory Day” that is supposed to mark the victory over Armenian forces in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh to November 8.

Initially, an executive order by President Ilham Aliyev said the nationwide holiday will be celebrated on November 10 of every year.

In a statement, the Presidential Administration said Victory Day date was moved to November 8 because November 10 is the Day of Remembrance of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of the Republic of Turkey.

“Taking into account that the Day of Remembrance of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk is celebrated in Turkey on November 10, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev made a decision to change the date of Victory Day,” the statement, which was released on December 3, reads.

The holiday is meant to celebrate the “victory” over Armenian forces in Nagorno-Karabakh. The Azerbaijani attack on the region, which started on September 27, ended on November 10 with a Russian-brokered peace deal.

The Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan said November 8 was selected as the new Victory Day, because it marks the “liberation” of the town of Shusha.

“The liberation of the city of Shusha, dear to every Azerbaijani, the pearl of Karabakh, after 28 years of occupation on November 8 played a decisive role in the fate of the war, led to the recognition of the defeat of the enemy’s political and military leadership and the cessation of the hostilities,” the administration said.

Azerbaijan also established a “Day of Remembrance” to commemorate service members and civilians who were killed in Nagorno-Karabakh battle on September 27 of every year.

Turkey played a key role in Azerbaijan’s attack on Nagorno-Karabakh by supporting Baku with advanced combat drones and hundreds of Syrian mercenaries.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is set to make his first to Azerbaijan after the peace deal on December 9 and 10. The Turkish President is expected to meet with President Aliyev. He will also attend a military parade in Baku to celebrate the “victory” in Karabakh.


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are these people are really believing that they can win by military means if the major powers dont agree


The major powers just agree behind closed doors, still the smaller ones do the hardlifting, they deserve to celebrate/comemorate their heroes.


Pathetic, why should Turkish holidays that are not celebrated in Azerbaijan matter? Maybe they should have held their final attack off for a day, just to please their new Sultan.

Bobby Twoshoes

Not celebrated in Azerbaijan… yet. To capture some territory they have ceded their country (including that territory), Aliyev is as big a traitor as Pashinyan.


Same goes to you mr bobby. I advise you to shut your mouth about the matters you do not know.

Bobby Twoshoes

What goes to me? I would never sell my country out to Turks. I advise you to come up with an insult that doesn’t actually make me laugh, please keep talking about the matters that you do not know, it’s bloody hilarious.


Read my comment I gave to the other guy you replied.

Bobby Twoshoes

I’m not going to make an effort to read your drivel, if you have something to say to me then say it to me you lazy fucking Turk.


Lazy? Yeah, I am the one who can’t even click to “view in discussion”.

Bobby Twoshoes

I’m perfectly capable of clicking buttons you feeb, I have no desire to do so when the payoff is more nonsense from you. You still haven’t told me your point, or is your paradigm changing argument that I can’t click buttons?


Lazy, mouthy and ignorant…. I would say… an American. No points for you, if you want it, show you’r capable and click that button. Or don’t… bye.

Bobby Twoshoes

Big talk little man. You can say what you want but you’re wrong again, Yanks are only one step closer to being humans than Turks. Sorry if there was confusion, I have no interest in your points, I don’t want your opinion it’s just fun to see you effeminate Turks try and assert dominance (why do Turk men all look like women and Turk women all look like men? Is that why Turks are so obsessed with gay sex?). You’re getting boring and repetitive anyway so I’ll let you get back to jerking off to sheep and goat magazine… Bye.


Wow! So much sexuality out of nowhere. You seem to be obsessed with it. Did you have some troubles when you were a kid or what?

Bobby Twoshoes

You monkeys are so predictable, I thought that might reel you back in, gay sex is to Turks what sugar is to ants. Don’t get too excited though, I like women (real, human women, which excludes any kind of Turk).


As I recall, I did not ask if women or men attract you. You are not homo, I got it… ehm maybe not, I am not sure. I am not interested how man you are. Keep it to the real life instead of a random guy on the internet.

Bobby Twoshoes

I know you’re interested in how man (sic) I am, we have already established that Turks are a pack of flaming queers, I’ve already told you I’m not interested though so please stop dropping hints. Don’t feel too bad, I’m not expecting a monkey like you to “get” or be “sure” of anything, an incapacity for logical thinking is one thing that separates Turks from Homo Sapiens.


Ups still trying to prove it :) It would be better if you take my advice, but your choice.

Bobby Twoshoes

You’re babbling incoherently now but I think I can string you out for a few more replies…


Nope. This is the last one. No more charity for you.

Bobby Twoshoes

Just the one? I must be slipping. You have a history of being unsure of things though, are you really certain you don’t want to try and save face by having the last word?


Firstly, the 10th of November is not a celebration day, but a mourning day in Turkey. Secondly, do you really think Aliyev changed the date to please Erdogan… aka. anti-Ataturk ? Everyone in Turkey knows that Erdogan does not like Ataturk because he wasn’t muslim per him. He may be even feeling dissatisfied because of Aliyev’s decision. But he will not open his mouth about this because he needs votes in upcoming elections. There is a deeper connection between Turks and Azeris than you think. In my opinion, this decision was not that necessary, but I appreciate it as a gesture.

One needs to shut his mouth about the matter he does not know. Ignorant….


Firstly I’m far from ignorant on the subject so fuck you, you pretenious twat. Second, whether it be a celebration of mourning is irrelevant, it was clearly changed at the last minute for no apparent reason. Only could have been to please the Turks.

Araturk was a leftist but even Erdogan has to pay respect because he’s the father of the nation.


“Fuck you”, “I am far from ignorant”, “Ataturk was leftist”, “Erdogan has to pay respect” Hahahah yeah mate, you are not ignorant at all. I am not even going to waste my time to explain why you are wrong. This reply showed me your level of knowledge on this matter is even much worse than I thought. So do your own job and read!

Edit: “Mourning or celebration” it is not irrelevant, not even close. Actually that’s the most important thing in this subject, and this also shows your ignorancy. You don’t even know the what 10th of November stands for, yet you think you are qualified enough to talk about it. Same goes to bobby shoes.


Yeah again, all of that is true you fucking moron. Keep playing up your incredulous disbelief but all of those are well-known facts. He literally founded the main Socialist opposition party in Turkey.

Dude, just stop embarrassing yourself you fucking simpleton. Or keep going… I could use the laughter.


Chp was not a socialist party and Ataturk wasn’t a leftist. The party program and Ataturk’s ideology was quite unique that it can’t be classified easily. Ataturk was a realist and a soft machiavellist with strong nationalist background. He determined his policies according to the contemporary situations. When Turkey’s relations got real close with Soviets he could have aligned Turkey with them, but he did not because he esteemed liberal values (probably influenced by Rousseau and French revolution). He believed that the future is in the Western block not eastern. Therefore he just used Soviet help because the recently founded Soviets was so eager to spread their idea and saw Turkish revolution as a possible domain for them.

About Chp, at the Ataturk’s time, the party was litteraly his shadow. But if we insist to place it into a catagory, it would be national socialism since it includes nationalism, statism and secularism in the party program at the same time. Chp pushed to the left truly, only after 1950s after Democratic party came power with liberalism. However, the party always had a nationalist wing so they kept their national socialist core. Yet in these days that nationalist wing is at its weakest, so it is normal for you to think that it always was a socialist party.

Troll is a bold acquisition for a person who can’t even express himself without using insults.


Still a leftist, so you’re still wrong. I only insult you because you’re a particularly annoying a-hole with a holy-than-thou attitude.


What about answering with proper arguments instead of repeating yourself ?

I stated my reasons why we can’t classify Ataturk and your argument is is “still a leftist”?? Nice one, I am completely devestated now.


Second point,

Erdogan used to assault Ataturk’s memory and his ideas. He even once called Ataturk and Ismet “two drunkards”. He stopped it when akp’s momentum decreased and he politically shifted his party from Islamism to Islamic nationalism (around 5 years ago). Only after that he shut his mouth and played his cards more carefully to please nationalists.

I can slap you with the facts all day long lol


You couldn’t slap a drunkard, fool.


Then you don’t not even make half a drunkard. You fell off so easily haha

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