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MARCH 2025

Missile Arms Race, Hybrid Warfare And Surprise Nuclear Strikes: Russian General Staff Outlines Threats To Global Security

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Missile Arms Race, Hybrid Warfare And Surprise Nuclear Strikes: Russian General Staff Outlines Threats To Global Security


The goal of the US deployment of missile defense systems near Russian borders is to obtain the potential to deliver a surprise nuclear strike on Russia, First Deputy Chief of the Russian General Staff’s Main Operations Department Lt. Gen. Viktor Poznikhir said on April 24.

“The deployment of missile defense systems near our borders creates a powerful strike potential for the US enabling it to deliver a surprise missile and nuclear strike on Russia,” the general stressed during the Moscow Conference on International Security.

The general staff deputy chief added that Washington seeks to gain the potential to deliver such a strike without a response against any undesirable country.

Lt. Gen. Poznikhir noted that the US has a concept of pre-launch interception and planned to destroy intercontinental ballistic missiles of Russia, China and other countries while they are still in launchers.

He warned states, which host or will host elements of the US missile shield, that these facilities will become priority targets for destruction in the even of the conflict.

“Therefore, the countries taking part in implementing the Pentagon’s anti-missile plans may suffer,” he said noting another issue – the usage of missile defense systems against missiles with nuclear warheads is linked to threats of a long radioactive contamination of the territory.

Moscow has to take “adequate counter-measures” in response to the deployment of offensive armaments near Russian borders.

“They, primarily, include arming the strategic offensive forces with cutting-edge missile systems with the increased capabilities of overcoming the missile shield, such as the Avangard and Sarmat weapons,” the general said.

In a separate statement, Chief of the General Staff Gen. Valery Gerasimov said that the Russian relations with the US and NATO are on the lowest level in history.

“It is noteworthy that in order to justify their policies, Western countries classify the Russian Federation as a threat to national and coalition security,” Gen Gerasimov said. “This serves as a strong argument for justifying the unleashed arms race and contributes to the deterioration of Russian-American and Russian-NATO relations, which are already at the lowest level in history.”

“The internal political struggle in the United States disallows an opportunity to start a constructive dialogue between Moscow and Washington, provokes the development of anti-Russian hysteria and returns the world back to the Cold War era of confrontation,” he added.

The Chief of the General Staff further warned of a “new missile arms race” should the pair prove unable to strike new nonproliferation accords.

He also recalled that Western special services have been using hybrid war methods against Russia for long.

“It is not us who have developed hybrid warfare methods. The West’s special services have for long been using them, in the first place, against Russia,” he said.

According to Gen. Gerasimov, Western countries are accusing Russia of such methods to camouflage their actions. However, “”the number of those who are ready to believe in this lie is becoming increasingly less,” he noted.


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God(swt) has granted Russia and China the power to stop nato. Lets hope Russia and China dont use their power for otherwise.


Russias job is to keep in check every nato move globally.

Chinas job is to make sure that Global Poverty can be eradicated asap starting with China by 2020.

India should start the new google, because India did most of googles work anyways.

By Russia and China doing their jobs The Middle East is sure to open up to the East, allow passage through the Silk Road, and everyone will become happy, everyone will make money, and everyone will have enough food and health and time (except for westerners who will be powned).


Why not just nuke America and save all the hassle?

Toronto Tonto

go for it loser .

You can call me Al

He means the US; you guys will be OK, probably better off.


That poor street dog who buttfucked your filthy mother is a loser… and you’re just a turd from her anus… so go back there and die.

You can call me Al

That would be my solution as well. Start with somehow setting off Yellowstone, crash a few dams and take it from there.

They have to go soon, because they are really pissing me off now.

Toronto Tonto

Go bitchhh to your boyfriend .

Anita sharma

your daddy is your boyfriend you braindead mutant bitch go suck him off again.

Toronto Tonto

Your hairy mommy should have eaten you when your fukkin bones were soft .


Your mutant mommy swallowed you, she like to swallow… unfortunately, her shit you through her monkey anus. Go back there and die..

paul ( original )

I think I am right in saying that President Putin will not be eligible to stand after his term expires. In any case he can not go on for ever. There will need to be a change of President fairly soon. I don’t have sufficient knowledge to predict how this change will be effected, but there is a chance that there will be some political instability and paralysis. I think the West will be both expecting and working towards this event. My guess is that they will already be preparing their plans to exploit the situation as much as possible. My point is that there may well be a point of vulnerability coming up. I think there are troubles ahead.


Yes there is only a small window of opportunity to destroy the USA. But Russia will survive without Putin, America has survived being run by despots. So as long as the American threat is neutralized all will be well.

paul ( original )

I don’t doubt Russia will survive without Putin, but when he goes the opportunity may exist for damage to be inflicted. For sure the West will be looking for such a chance.


For sure the US would kill him if they had the chance. It’s sort of standard procedure for the US to kill or discredit any leader who does not bow before the Emperor.


Russia should keep eyes on Jews in Russia and outside Russia.


The real Jew is America.


Don’t be surprised. Jews are everywhere and in every country. Even Jews exist in Iran, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.


What the presidency of Trump has achieved , is to expose the revoltingly ugly face of US imperialism. This ugly face has always been a symptom of all empires, past and present.

However until Trumps victory, the ugly face of the USA during 20th and 21st centuries had been hidden behind layers of face make up ( with a helping hand from Hollywood) in order to portray a kind, democratic and humanitarian face of the USA.

Trump has eschewed the fake face of the US, and he and his political team are openly blackmailing,murdering and intimidating ALL who balk at paying tythes to the empire that is the USA.

This is and has always been the true and grotesque face of America.

You can call me Al

This ugly face has always been a symptom of all DYING empires, past and present.


They made a movie about it in 1963 called “The Ugly American” It bombed at the box office, because Americans don’t like looking in the mirror.


It certainly has, and arguably it is a similar bloodstained face that we see of dying religions as well.

You can call me Al

No Comment regards the religions as I am Christian.

Toronto Tonto

2019 is the year Russia falls and get divided into a bunch of little lawless shittholes

Anita sharma

2019 is the year your rotten mutant brain fails completely and you close your little, filthy shithole mouth forever.

Toronto Tonto

Did I hurt your pathetic troll feelings , say bye bye mongrel land .


Toronto Turd your mutant anus is hurt, 1000 of migrants every day raping you and your inbred family again and again… you’re the only troll here bitch: a dumb, shiteating attention seeking loser faggot spamming feces from your mouth. You’re a failure even as a troll. Seriously just go dieeeee.

Toronto Tonto

Say bye bye to Muscovy dikcheese.


p.s. mongrel lands = Cuntada and US – mutants, degenerates, faggots, migrant feces from all over the world. I mean look at that fake flag, some red piece of shit. wtf is that, Trudeau’s rectum?

You can call me Al

OK, I shall get the beers in to wait and see.


Do you think Trump will force the Senators wives to service the troops? And are the troops that desperate that they would visit the Congressional brothel?

You can call me Al

Do they still have wives nowadays ?

The troops get services in the bases by the 50 % that re LGBTQXYZ.

PS You need a strong drink and get rid of those thoughts.

Have a good weekend.

Rodney Loder

Netanyahu promised to attack Hezbollah either this year or more likely next year just prior to the 2020 Presidential election, and this will be the culmination of the Globalist strategies that gave Trump the go ahead in 2016.

Probably nothing can stop it at this stage, even if the Lebanese Government completely signed up as Pompeo Muppets it wouldn’t stop it, Israel has entered into irreversible commitments involving corporate contracts in the military-industrial complex and high tech industries.

The West is willing to watch Lebanon and israeli infrastructure and buildings be purposely destroyed so they can be rebuilt and while so doing push the World’s political agenda further to the right.

Putin and Xi Jinping of course will exploit this development by asserting themselves close to home while as the article points out the launch sites will be high priority targets.

Both Russia and China know if Trump is to become the Grand Master of every Masonic Lodge on the planet there will be no Russian Federation and China will become a cess pit.


Globalism does not depend of a single person, and it really does not depend on Bibi, it depends on higher hidden structure.

Rodney Loder

I didn’t say it did, Bibi is the servant of the Bilderberg Group and Kissinger has the highest rank at the moment, under him is IMF’s Christine Lagarde, could you imagine that, what a ugly thought.

Toronto Tonto

Putin is a wack job and one wrong move by the midget and he is done .

You can call me Al

Ah Canadian…. that explains why your are such a pathetic, stupid, ignorant wank stain.

Toronto Tonto

Can I call you dikhead instead .


Yeah you love dickheads bitch, so called ‘canadians’- fake nation of inbred migrant mutant cocksuckers.

Toronto Tonto

Go drink some cheap vodka and put your vest on dufus .


Go eat shit and die painfully… then eat shit in hell, cocksucking mutant bitch.

You can call me Al

You can call me Al.

Chill out – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uq-gYOrU8bA


He’s probably American, a lot of Americans pretend to be Canadian, so they don’t get laughed at when overseas.

You can call me Al

I have no words, that made me laugh out-loud as the kids say.

Toronto Tonto

Did your teeth fall out LOL.

Toronto Tonto

Wrong , born at st.joes in TO look it up

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