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MARCH 2025

Missile Strike Hit Drone Production Facility Of Kiev Forces In Odessa (Video)

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Missile Strike Hit Drone Production Facility Of Kiev Forces In Odessa (Video)

File image.

A missile strikes hit a facility used by Kiev forces to assemble and store searborne suicide drones in the Odessa region on May 17, Russian media reported.

Video footage of the strike on the facility, which is located near the settlement of Dachne to the northwest of Odessa city, was posted to social media.

Kiev forces said that the Russian military launched Iskander-M ground-launched tactical ballistic missiles and three Kh-59/69 air-launched cruise missiles at Odessa. Casualties were also reported by Ukrainian media. The Russian Ministry of Defense has not commented on the strike yet.

Kiev forces attempted to attack the Crimean Peninsula using at least 21 searborne suicide drones on May 16 and 17. All the drones were however intercepted and destroyed by the patrol boats and helicopters of the Russian Navy’s Black Sea Fleet.

The missile strike on the drone facility in Dachne was likely carried out based on information collected as a result of the recent failed attack on Crimea.

The attack was a part of a wave of Ukrainian drone and missile strikes that targeted the Peninsula and several other Russian regions during the week.

The missile strike on Dachne was likely just the start of the Russian response to recent Ukrainian attacks. More strikes with missiles and drones will likely target vital targets, like military and energy production facilities, in Ukraine in the coming days.


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The Hooded Executioner

stupid cocksucking ukrainians, dying like flies while russians live like gods🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


@all just 1 simple question one needs to ask all those believing in the jewish invented history lies, to expose their twisted wordview. question: if really “the good” have won wwii, then why is the world of today such a disgusting place full of genocide, globalism & mrna mass-poisoning, asyl-terror, replacement-migration, jewish-israeli world terror, wars everywhere, hunger, starvation, greed and child abuse !!??

Last edited 9 months ago by MotherTeresa

but most people simply dont ask themselves this urgent, very important question. they simply accept all the lies, which the jews invented to degrade germans, and to justify jewish world domination. there’s one genius book where the true history is explained in detail. book’s name is: the myth of german villiany. written by benton l. bradberry http://alturl.com/m7wjn

Last edited 9 months ago by MotherTeresa

inferior amerikan burger saxon theresa—inferior to jew must be eradicated and confined to ugly north amerikan zoo

BoJo's former advisor

ukraine is a corrupt mafia shithole and we were out of our minds for ever getting involved with overthrowing their legitimate democracy and installing a genocidal puppet regime.

Self-evident Truths

nato’s insatiable lust to conquer crimea and turn the black sea into a nato lake has been the nexus of all evil for decades.


in fact, the “three seas model document” is the eu’s goal. nato came along on that side. the usa’s goal was to cripple the economy of china, russia and germany starting in 2008, which hungary’s orban tells about individually on his page in an interview with carlson.

Escalating to Armageddon

“cripple the economy of china, russia and germany”

pretty much the only way it could accomplish its ‘full-spectrum dominance’ or, as per the current bed it’s made for itself, its simple survival as a hegemon of any sort.

who to blame? blame those loose cannon neocons who finagled their cuckoo’s nest into washington and claimed it for their own heinous purposes.

captain hohol

neocons and neolibs are two sides of the same coin and working together, remember always remember george w bush jr supported hillary clinton in the 2016 election.

jens holm

correct but biased too.

fx you ignore the tradewar between usa and eu.

its the same for the 3 sea document. here you ignore others has their own plans.

jens holm

the museum ussr left the building.. its not our fault.

as too much in your ugly fairy tales you even make them upside down.

i see nato as protector agains living like you. we have tryed that.

Escalating to Armageddon

it left 35 years ago, you moron. so what was the eu’s problem with a new european security architecture that russia lobbied for for 20 years? you’d have avoided all of this. why so stupid? is it genetic?

you dug your own graves, right along with north america. you won’t be missed.

Escalating to Armageddon

almost nothing as pathetic as an easily spooked european that is so scared of russia becoming an enemy that it decides to do everything to make it into an enemy in order to vindicate its fears.

equally as pathetic are those western resource vultures who exploit those fears to their own purpose.

is anyone left in europe with a backbone?

Last edited 9 months ago by Escalating to Armageddon
jens holm

typical internal russsian progandalf.

russian knows nothing about how will live here.its because are kept.

and as usual again we have fear here and even in the summertime we are freezing and starving as well.

the dark state is you and keep it well.

today denmark has 4 times the gdp pr person. you only have facts about us created in some deep basement in mosva.

when i now and then see them its no country of mine. i have has doors and windows.

Escalating to Armageddon

why is that russian propaganda? i’m an american and i’ve lived in america all my life. i see things the way they are. you see things through a glass darkly.

man, they broke the washboard when they finished brainwashing you.

jens holm

i see non of that. we help your ineffitive and plundred leftover up to a life normal humans deserve. its something for sometic.

you are static in all thinking about most thing. none there ever wanted a father or mother as your kind and the same about hitler.

you just represent the past. but we dont live there. some 140 mio russians are nothing or minus. that not our fault. and we by the way are 450 mio in eu.


normal in dumbmark to be stupid amerikan colony worship money and be afraid–russians do now want your ugly normal

jens holm

i see none of that.

the agreements about the black sea is decided for the world and not just ussr/russia versus fx eu and nato.

in that you even are able to ignore bosperus is nato.

Escalating to Armageddon

look, you brain dead imitation of a thinking human.

nato countries already border about half of the black sea’s coast.

if ukraine and georgia were to join nato, it’d be 90-95% and novorossysk would be corralled into a corner.

why did bush specifically single out georgia and ukraine in 2008 for nato membership?

why were georgia and ukraine goaded into war with russia by nato member numero uno?

now think! has any light bulb gone off in those dark vacuous recesses of your brain yet?

Last edited 9 months ago by Escalating to Armageddon
Alarm Bells

zionist nato’s last wake up call may be the ongoing russian hypersonic tests off the coast of california

jens holm

and putin will be fired there or what.

arnold there might recycle him a lamppost for gas.

Escalating to Armageddon

translate into human english please.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

do you orcs think the war is over now?


Escalation to Armaggedon

foolish fellow, they’ve prepared for another decade of conflict. have you? with what?


clearly, there are tens upon tens of thousands more ukrainians yet to flee the territory of the failed ukrainian cia project, and tens of thousands more ukrainian military personnel yet to be killed in the us proxy war to break up russia.

jens holm

it might.

but none comes to you


more immigrants ts to russia than all nations except for usa where only honduran drug dealer immigrate

Escalating to Armageddon

translate into human english please

Shoigu's Clown Army

death tolls for kremlin soldiers this week may have been the bloodiest since the start of the war. russia’s defense minister said gaps in the ranks are manageable and no one needs to be drafted. kremlin offensive launched in early may into ukraine’s northeastern kharkiv region appeared to be the epicenter of the heavy russian losses, with dead and wounded across all fronts numbering more than 1,000 men every 24 hours for the past two weeks.


this war has lasted now around 116 weeks and russian death toll is already more than 85,000. on average 730 killed per week.

Pop goes the Weasel

certainly better than 730 dead per day for ukraine. sorry to bust your bubble. it’s fragile, i know.


41,000 deceased russian soldiers half convicts—490,000 dead ukie troops

Degeneration Of Russia

russian military is recruiting drunkards and criminals in large numbers. most of recruits are coming from smaller towns and rural areas. soldiers are on average quite old farts.


how are drunkards, criminals and old farts continually grinding up the armed forces of the failed ukrainian cia project after eight years of us and nato vassal training, arming, advising and intelligence support? are the ukrainians really that inept?

jens holm

thats a russian number. as usual do russians has died


yes, death toll of russians so far is – even by russia intern datas – far beyond 400.000. and western analysts even say closer to 500.000 resp. that it will definitely surpass 500.000 before the end of this year. that’s what jewtin has brought upon christian russia. first eradicating whole generation of ru men and will then replace them with asian and middle-eastern migrants. what a great “russian” leader.

Last edited 9 months ago by MotherTeresa

typical dumb interior amerikan liar: 41,000 deceased russian troops half convicts; 490,000 dead ukies…the talibanned amerikan theresa saxon always loses—expected from feminized coward

Pop goes the Weasel

what the mother-flugging hell does that mean, you dipwad? snort some spot-remover fumes and clean out your brain.

Last edited 9 months ago by Pop goes the Weasel
jens holm

its no my fault uneducated people cant handle complicated things in this way.

very much as putin as disconned to hell and heaven. # limbo russians #

Escalating to Armageddon

i have advanced degrees and a high iq and can’t make hell or high water out of your discombobulated sentences. don’t flatter yourself.

jens holm

i bring advance degree in trench logistiks from dansk highest institute for latrine studies and say you not who say

Last edited 9 months ago by jens holm
Escalating to Armageddon

what the mother-frigging hell did that train wreck of a last sentence mean?

do you have any idea what a total idiot you come off as with your posts? one in a hundred is barely decipherable and that’s on a good day. do you suffer from some sort of neurological disorder? only reason i can come up with.

jens holm

i hav frisian mother so why you say uch things?

Thomas Sundström 🇸🇪

russia is taking rather heavy losses all the time. it has a natural effect on the progress of the attack. the factor is that the ukrainian defense also strengthens its own defense when it sees where the attack is going.

jens holm

no matter what many has died.

zelensky was there for moral.

Pop goes the Weasel

morality and zelensky are mutually exclusive. so is morale, btw.


double blind intelligence testing finds average potato more intelligent than holm

Escalating to Armageddon

ain’t that the truth.

jens holm

i just told zelinský was there telling its hard times. so zelinsky and ukraine at least partly tell about thing.

and we we have many sources from there and nearby.

jens holm

he bring sylskiy too, good more for moral.

I dream of zelly .....

…..with the light brown hair. lol

ah, love makes me perform such the fool for thee. for such the fool i shall always be.


russia has lost its energy war against europe. electricity is now cheap in europe and more and more based on renewables, no more fossile energy. at the same time russian state owned gazprom is hanging on the ropes.

jens holm

thasts right.

they ignores our systems are flex ones. but we still are a depessing added covid.

Escalating to Armageddon

‘translate into human english please.

Last edited 9 months ago by Escalating to Armageddon
jens holm

we today send ukra five flexy chinese solar panils so can make factory with weepons more. hope they not bring covid too but we check.

Last edited 9 months ago by jens holm

and why not destroyed the entire building with a second strike ?


the inferior amerikan burger species humiliated again


i wonder often, why missile strikes are off the target, next to the target?

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