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MARCH 2025

Missile Units Of Russian Ground Forces To Be Rearmed With Iskander-M Systems In 2019

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Missile Units Of Russian Ground Forces To Be Rearmed With Iskander-M Systems In 2019

Missile units of the Russian Ground Forces will be re-armed with Iskander-M missile systems in 2019, the Defense Ministry said in a statement on its website (source):

Rearmament of the missile formations of the Land Forces of the Russian Armed Forces to the Iskander-M operational-tactical missile system will be completed in 2019. As part of the state defence order, the manufacturer will transfer the Iskander-M systems to the missile brigade of the Western Military District.

The brigade set is made up of more than 50 units of equipment, including launchers, transporting-charging machines, command post vehicles, maintenance vehicles, as well as life-support vehicles. The Iskander-M missile system is capable of engaging targets at a range of up to 500km. There are two types of missiles: ballistic and cruising.

The complex is designed to eliminate enemy missile launchers, anti-missile and air defence systems, airplanes and helicopters at airfields, command posts and infrastructure.

Nowadays, the Iskander-M is the best missile system in its class, which is able to overwhelm any missile defence.

Currently, enterprises of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation to modernise the complex, in order to improve its combat and operational characteristics.

In the same year, the Ground Forces will receive over 1,850 vehicles, including Typhoon-K, Typhoon-U armoured vehicles, RKhM-8 chemical reconnaissance vehicles, Tigr-M armored vehicles and other types of equipment.

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You can call me Al

Russia and China are churning them out, seemingly daily.

Very impressive.

Tommy Jensen

This is not something NATO and the US State Department have approved. Its illegal and not in accordance with the rule based International order of conduct and shows Russia dont have any respect for other countries and their values. This will be brought up in International security fora and discussed for further sanctions!


You are too funny Tommy since when has the US cared about international law – they are the biggest breaker of it!


The US is not much good at Breaking Ice though :)

AM Hants

LOL, you are a tease Tommy.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Shouldn’t be allowed, I mean all these well-armed Russian forces operating in Russia, of all places! Who do they think they are? Russkies???

Tudor Miron

Oh those peskyRusskies! How dare they defend themselves?


Yes, Russians should learn to realise that the US is exceptional and unique.


Jimmy Jim

They should as USA#1 and can destroy Russia anytime it feels like. Putin is a pimp.


So sayeth an American Braggart with a keyboard .

Jimmy Jim

Russians are dumb Slavs and will always be inferior.

Tudor Miron

Who’s that smart little jimmy? A little bit of rasist? :) Russians don’t feel that such creatures like you jimmy are inferior. They just feel sorry that some homo sapiens are unable to develop into real human beings. Grow up jimmy, grow up before it is too late.

Jim Bim

Tommy, are you stupid, ignorant or brainwashed….or all 3 together.?

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

He’s only joking!

Tudor Miron

Sarcastic but didn’t manage so far to make it clear to all.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

You are being sarcastic right?

Tudor Miron

He is.

Chris Saunders

He isn’t . . if you know this chump at all. .

Carne João Pasta

Wake up with a wild hair up your ass or piss in your corn flakes?


Good luck with that………. lol

Prince Teutonic

These are waste of money if not used…

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

No they are not, what kept the Cold war cold was MAD assured by nuclear weapons. Weapons can be used in many ways, sometimes the best way to use them is by not using them, but letting your enemy know that you are willing to use them. This is true about any kind of weapons, not just CBRN weapons.

Imagine what north korea would have thought in the Korean war if they knew that the US would use nuclear weapons against them?


Imagine what the US would have already done to North Korea if NK had no nuclear deterrent.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Interesting point there. Most likely a new afghan/Iraq leaving the sorry ashes to south korea

Prince Teutonic

I don’t think these short range ballistic missiles act as deterrent as they are more useful with conventional warhead. For deterrence you have long range ICBM’s with nuclear warhead. But anyway I see your point and these weapons can act as deterrence to a degree especially against neighboring countries and enemy bases stationed there…

Tudor Miron

If the are never use than it means that money were well spent. It means that we managed to keep the peace (even if it required deterrence)

Bigaess Wangmane

Qaddafi spent the money almost solely on his people and infrastructure in his country, he like so many others saw defense spending as a waste. Where is Qaddafi and Libya today?

p.s I wonder if he would still be alive and well, along with the Libyan people, if he had this, this and this?


The only thing that keeps the US at bay is nukes and ICBM’s that can hit New York. Even then they flourish out of site like the cockroaches they are.

AM Hants

Will they be lined up on the Ukraine borders? Or smiling at ‘dimwit Harry’ when he turns up in Norway? The things some do, to avoid being at the birth of their children.



Jimmy Jim

Russia is a shithole and has no friends. NATO can destroy Russia in a day. Porkchenko is greeted like a winner at Constantinople airport.

AM Hants

LOL, which is why so many nations are dumping the $US, and the new Russian hypersonics, make everything Nato has, including US kit, obsolete.


150 of those long range missiles from the Caspian Sea and addressed on tel aviv, haifa und zu weiter and the iron dome will the the iron doom. diaspora and the end of thievery, murder and the concentration camp a la dachau. what more can the world ask for – no more israel, no more murder, no more thievery and end of the 2 state solution that israel has sabotaged from day one. israel is not needed and cn and should be closed down forthwith!

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