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Moldova Goes Full Zelensky: Sandu Invites Nation’s Destruction!

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Moldova Goes Full Zelensky: Sandu Invites Nation’s Destruction!

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Written by Brett Redmayne-Titley in Chisinau, Moldova.

I am sitting in the brilliant mental sunshine of Chisinau’s Central Park. All around me couples stroll at a very casual pace, hand in hand, arm in arm. Art vendors display excellent examples of their local crafts as do many other local merchants who sit alongside the pristine pathways criss-crossing the park under the ever-expanding canopy of leaves swaying in today’s Springtime sunshine. Moldova, as revealed in Part Four, is a land that has not yet had its future torn out from under its people by the barbarities of US-inspired war and EU capitalism, one IMF debt payment at a time.


Reclining further into the warmth of the day, I enjoy a series of violin concertos performed by young budding virtuosos on the modest stage just uphill from the flowering rose gardens that bloom just beyond the huge dome of the lovely Nativity Church at the park’s centre. Unlike Britain and Wales which have recently used their national orchestras as propaganda tools that have dutifully banned the music of all classical Russian composers, the announcer now informs the crowd that the next piece of music will be of Russian origin. The crowd immediately applauds this news, embracing art and music for its own sake; not as a demonization of their nation’s brothers, sisters and families who also lounge about the palatial grounds- be they Russian or Moldovan- happily listening in carefree abandon.

This day, thankfully, Moldovans have good reason to relax while the grotesque forces of war fight it out less than 200 miles to the north. But, these forces are moving ever south.

As examined in Part Four of this series, recently elected President Maia Sandu has shown her willingness to support western intentions of hegemony. NATO knows this and has already massed at least 8000 Polish and 2000 Turkish troops- that are under NATO command- on the Moldovan/ Romanian borders. Sandu has already attempted to promote fictitious Moldovan divisions and anti-Russian sentiments. (see: Part Five)

So far, multi-cultural Moldova just ain’t buying it.

Article 11 of the Moldovan constitution enshrines peace by virtue of mandated neutrality, stating:

Article 11: The Republic of Moldova – a Neutral State (1) The Republic of Moldova proclaims its permanent neutrality. (2) The Republic of Moldova does not admit the stationing of any foreign military troops on its territory.

The Moldovan parliament is far more powerful than its president as are the constitutional provisions of neutrality. But this does not keep NATO from rabidly salivating to use Moldova as a staging ground from its lair in Romania, a country with its own ulterior motives that historically sees potential war as a cultural and historical opportunity to join with NATO in a quest for expansion back to its former borders.

Moldovans are growing more concerned daily. Too close, this western evil lurks: north and south.

That evil arrived on May 22 in the form of Gregory Meeks, who chairs the US House Committee on Foreign Affairs. With the US constitution long ago discarded as a public policy priority and the American public along with it, Meeks came to Chisinau with the promise of the only gifts American hegemony has at its disposal: Weapons. Said Meeks, in English, not Russian:

My position is that we need to talk to the government of Moldova. We’ve got to make sure that we are in agreement upon [sic] what needs to take place….The US will stand with Moldova.”

This was no more than a veiled threat against Moldovan neutrality, peace and the Moldovan people. Moldova does not need Meeks, nor his weapons.

NATO, however, needs Moldova. Not Culturally or economically, but..for war!

So does US concubine Britain which echoed Meeks’ duplicitous lies just two days before his arrival. On May 20, UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss revealed that London was also in talks with its warmongering allies and attempting to have Moldova equipped to [a] NATO standard.” Any reader of Part Four knows well that Truss utterly lied as she provided the NATO big lie of this war: assuring the politically ignorant British that Moldova could become, as she stated,  a victim of Vladimir Putin’s “ambitions to create a greater Russia.”


In the past several weeks Moldovans have heard reports from Transnistria of attacks inside this autonomous Moldovan region just forty kilometres to the north-east of Chisinau. Although none of these attacks was in or against Moldovan territory or its cities, the western press, although utterly absent from this peaceful country, have lied to their readers by claiming that Moldova is now in a state of fear of “Russian” Transnistria- not NATO- and that Sandu should immediately bring in NATO as the only available defence, rather than to maintain peace by proclaiming loudly its constitutional neutrality. Claim of “Russsian Aggression” are bald-faced lies by Sandu, Meeks and Truss, when considering that factually there have been no examples of any terrorist incident, nor conflict, during the past thirty years and that Transnistria and Moldova have peacefully coexisted.

This was evidenced by the huge Russian Victory Day march on May 9 of over 30,000 Moldovans in Chisinau that provided definitive proof of this vital fact: Culturally, politically, and emotionally, the Russian influence here in Moldova does not just prefer peace; it demands it. (see: Part Five)

Contrast this massive cultural demand for peace with the pro-EU rally the following Saturday, May 13. There was a full-size stage rising some eight feet in the air from where a full orchestra played and famous singers sang across Central Park via the massive sound system. Every EU country had its own booth while hawking the wares offered by their nations as well as the implicit thrill of EU membership. Teams of young girls stood on the street corners as each girl madly waved a gold starred and blue EU flag while all chanted together some some kind of pro-EU slogan I did not fully understand.

But despite this theatrical effort to drum up EU support for Moldova joining as a new EU member, at no time did I see more than two hundred Moldovans in attendance. Most strolled by in disinterest. Some stopped for a quick look at one of the many booths or a moment or two in front of the stage. Unlike the staggering attendance and success of Victory Day and its demands for peace, this EU solicitation for the opposite was an indoctrinational failure

The two thwarted drone attacks recently reported in Transnistria were comically childish, amounting to using tinker toy-like flying machines to ineffectively carry improvised explosives towards Transnistrian positions on the Ukrainian border. The small explosions and single RPG strike in the Transnistrian capital of Tiraspol were isolated and without casualties. The two downed communications towers, although of some strategic importance, were only of consequence to Russian interests and Transnistria, not to Moldova as was the much-ballyhooed gun fire skirmish also on the Ukrainian border.

But, like Meeks and Truss, this Moldovan reality has not prevented President Maia Sandu from suckling on the teats of the IMF’s and NATO’s ever-burgeoning war chest.

It is impossible that Sandu does not know quite well that Transnistria poses no threat to Moldova or Chisinau, yet she dutifully, like the EU/ NATO leaders, sounds a false alarm with her Siren’s call to NATO. However, the people I meet in the park on this glorious day are not so easily conned.

With Sandu welcoming Meeks publicly on May 22 the Moldovan president seemed willing to take on a similar role as Ukrainian president Zelensky: Ignoring facts, negotiation, and the true will and interests of her public in favour, rather, of Moldova’s destruction at the hands of her NATO masters.

Barely three days after Meeks’ visit, Sandu proved that she was indeed Zelensky incarnate.

Western-backed Sandu won the election over incumbent and culturally Russian president Igor Dodon just eighteen months before due to only one reason: the mail-in votes from the younger generation of the Moldovan ex-pat community that overwhelmingly voted for her due to EU- not NATO- enthusiasm. Not surprisingly, despite defeat, Dodon remains a strong force as an opposition leader in the Moldovan parliament.

Taking a page directly out of NATO’s play book, previously delivered as a practical guide to Zelensky in Ukraine, on May 25, just three days after Meeks’ arrival, a Moldovan court-ordered Dodon placed under thirty-day house arrest and charged him with corruption, illicit enrichment, illegal party financing and interestingly, “Treason.”

As he left the courtroom, Dodon claimed the charges against him were politically motivated and at the behest of foreign powers. He claimed that the judge was carrying out a “political order” from Sandu, saying,

“It is a political issue aimed at neutralising the opposition. It is strange and despicable for those who … filled all the state institutions with foreign, Romanian, American and German advisers, who control all of the institutions, to accuse me of treason.”

Certainly Dodon’s words ring true, particularly considering that all these charges could have been filed against him at any time before Meeks’ visit to Chisinau.

Interestingly, when reaching out to my contacts in Tiraspol, Transnistria for reaction to Dodon’s arrest they informed me that Dodon was not that well-liked in Transnistria. Surprisingly, he did not have a track record of supporting this antonymous culturally Russian region to any great degree despite his international Russian affiliations. This surprised me.

Does this also surprise Sandu? Not bloody likely.

It must be remembered that in Ukraine president Zelensky performed the same scripted act when on April 12 he ordered the arrest of the main opposition leader Viktor Medvedchuk and charged him, also, with treason.

However, the suspicious definition of “treason” applied by both Zelensky and Sandu against Viktor Medvedchuk and Igor Dodon is in reality the surreptitious crime of suggesting national “peace.” Neither man supported Russian expansion into their countries beyond the antonymous and disputed culturally Russian regions of Luhansk, Donetsk, the Donbas or in the case of Moldova Transnistria. Further, both men, to the horror of NATO’s grand scheme, advocated a negotiated peace with Russia.

In Part Four it was suggested that Sandu would face a civil war in Moldova before she could effect a world war. As of her arrest of Dodon, that civil war has commenced. Thankfully, it is so far relegated to the Moldovan parliament. When quantitatively reviewing her parliament, the numbers show that she has already lost this war and why she arrested the main opposition leader in her Zelensky style coup attempt.

As referenced, Sandu cannot, under the Moldovan constitution allow foreign troops on Moldova soil. Not even parliament can do this except by first changing the provisions of article 11.

For parliament to change the constitution it must first have the support of two-thirds of the deputies of the parliament. There are 101 deputies which means at least 74 supporters are needed. Here lies Sandu’s problem and the pending parliamentary war.

Sandu’s party is the PAS (Party of Action and Solidarite) and currently holds just 63 seats. The remaining 28 seats are held by the Socialists which are all pro-Dodon, pro-Russian and pro-Moldovan. This means that the chances of Sandu changing Article 11, for the moment, are absolutely zero. Even if she was to force a constitutional vote it is doubtful that her PAS party members will not see through her ruse and favour sovereign neutrality instead.

With respect to Russian cultural influence by the 28 opposition seats, those nationalist “traitors”  well understand that Sandu and NATO -not Russia- are the real threat and are highly unlikely to change Article 11.

But for the aficionado or student of NATO’s worldwide quest to propagate US imperial power and to use horror as its main implement of persuasion, we must all fear for Moldova. (see: Maidan Square, Ukraine: 2014)

The tepid western efforts to stir Sandu’s cocktail of media inspired anti-Russian fear into Moldovan nationalism have not had the desired Zelensky-esque results.


Reuters, that western bastion of US/NATO propaganda reported that, after Dodon’s arrest the resultant public demonstration in front of the parliament building in Chisinau was in support of his arrest and also fervently anti-Russian. This was nothing more than utter balderdash. I was there!

Reuters used photos of the many Moldovan flags being waved to support their propaganda. Those flags were actually being waved in the face of Maia Sandu,  the parliament, NATO, and were an absolute demand for peace to be maintained in Moldova. Not one person I spoke with, via a friendly and supportive translator, condoned Dodon’s arrest. Rather, they were furious because of being condemned as pro-Russian when they are actually pro-Moldovan!

Screamed one affected demonstrator into my face in disgust- and broken English- as he forced his Moldovan flag-stick into my hand while still waving it feverishly and understandably mistaking me a standard-bearer for western lies,

                                    “Moldovan. We… Not… Ukraine!”

The value of human life has ceased to be of any concern to US hegemony or NATO decades ago. Barely ninety days ago, it ceased to be of any concern to NATO’s Nazi marionette Zelensky. Only time will tell, but if the actions of president Maia Sandu over the past few days following the visit by just one representative from The Great Satan- America- are any indication, her concerns for the lives of the Moldovans she claims to represent have already been cast – like Zelensky- to the winds.

The winds of war!

Barely a week ago I again stepped off a plane, grabbed a taxi and headed into this time capsule called Moldova. I have fulfilled my promise: To return and fight against this war. To rally the troops of proper conscience. To slap public ignorance across its face with the truth- again and again– until all rise up in world protest and outrage similar to my own.

And, to do my utmost to save Moldova. Before it’s too late.

It must be remembered, at this pivotal time for Moldova, that there are only two acknowledged combatants in this war: Ukraine and Russia. Certainly, there are peripheral countries like Germany, the USA, and Britain that provide support as well as Poland (see: Part Two) and Romania that are active participants and have ulterior motives. However, tiny Moldova with a very poorly trained army of 5000 that acts more as a police force has no reason whatsoever to participate in this war.

Well, perhaps one reason.

Her name is Maia Sandu and as to the definitive charge of treason, a factual indictment regarding her working deliberately against the peaceful interests of her sovereign nation and promoting, instead, the carnage of war, only one word- if not a bullet– need be applied:


                                                    -THE END-


          To Terje and Galina… A much-needed rest, while re-sharpening my pen.


Author’s Note: This concludes Part Seven of my series, “Destination Ukraine.”

For further insight, please see:

 –Part One: “The Ignorance of War,”

 -Part Two: “Will Poland Go Rogue?”

 –Part Three: “The lies….and the eyes… of Ukraine.”

 –Part Four: “Ukraine, Romania, Moldova … vs. Transnistria: A WW III Scenario.

 -Part Five: “In Moldova. A March For Victory…A March For Peace!” or

 -Part Six: “Ukraine’s Nazi Connect and the British National Cover-Up.”


About the Author: Brett Redmayne-Titley has spent the last decade travelling and documenting the “Sorrows of Empire.” He has authored over 200 articles all of which have been published and often republished and translated by news agencies worldwide. An archive of his many articles can be found at watchingromeburn.uk. He can be contacted at live-on-scene ((@)) gmx.com


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Muhammad your Prophet

Putin’s incitement of the people of Moldova failed miserably. There won’t be any phony Russian republic in Moldova. Especially now that the shitty Russian army was just defeated in Kherson again. Ukranian forces just captured Mykolaivka. Let’s see how the terrorist Russian president handles another front far away from his Wagner goons.


Such a poor troll, your social engineering is at same level of a 4 years old child

Muhammad your Prophet

Doctor Mengele here thinks I’m 4 year old. That makes me older than his deranged Russian president.

Stephan Williams

doctor-Z didn’t claim that you were 4 years old. He simply stated the fact that you have the emotional makeup of a 4 year old child.

I’d go further – I believe you have the emotional makeup of a 4 year old psychopath – and YES, they do exist.

Muhammad your Prophet

doctor mengele-z is just as deranged as you are. That’s why Ukranian forces are destroying your shitty Russian army.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

who’s a butt hurt boy? yes, you are… yes, you are

Stephan Williams

You are one loonie nutbar, Schlomo. If you weren’t such a repulsive creep I might even feel a little sorry for you for being forced to live with your madness.


Mo’humming Mo’humming Mo’humming, your such a phuckwit.

Lord of the Pimps

He did it for money. Gathered the little boys and girls in the huts. Just like DynCorp. Then he killed them during medical experiments. But DynCorp has a more profitable strategy.Then the bacha boys dance.

Lord of the Pimps

But DynCorp is not on the field yet. When he arrives, it will be full of bacha boys.

Muhammad your Prophet

This fucking place is an insane asylum. Look at this lunatic.

Stephan Williams

Are you standing in front of a full length mirror?

Aunt Polly

With anger-issues like yours, it’s good of Putin to help you vent some. You might call it a joint venture (I’ll provide the joint).

Stephan Williams

I volunteer to supply the hard wood sharpened stake and the hammer to pound it home, Aunt Polly.

Muhammad your Prophet

You want to sodomize her all you want. I get it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
USA incompetence helps Russia

Fake Muslim reject

Lord of the Pimps

Why? That Moldovan boys will be available in the EU? Not enough Ukrainian little boys?


Don’t copy what CNN, BBC, CNBC and FoxNews are reporting 😂😂😂

kogda mi byli na voinye

muhamad saw let you down


Die in a fire you fucking freak, assface, imbecile


Love the ending. Brave soul to write that. She deserves the bullet.


It is obvious that the USA is trying to set more fires then russia is able to put out at once. Smart tactic and even while despising them you can only congratulate on the efficiency or their depravity. Only someone worse then them will even have a shot to take the US down from the thrown. We will see if china is up for the challange the russians are not. The russians will win the war in ukraine but the battle will not end as long as the west can print dollars to bribe leaders and pay mercenaries. And since the dollar is set up in a way that if it falls a huge chunk of the world will take the dive with them, the us can be sure that many countries in the world will be ready to fight for the dollar.

Adam Kafei

I heard recently that the Ruble is up from it’s pre-war value, that Russians are not suffering new shortages of daily goods or services, nor undue price increases. Contrast that with the west, where prices for just about everything have risen dramatically and some in positions of authority are talking about possible shortages…

I’d suggest that in terms of open hostilities this is just the beginning, given what we’ve seen of US policy and decision making, it won’t end in Ukraine but Russia has demonstrated (devastatingly to many) a capacity to overcome sanctions while maintaining a war and, worse, improve it’s economic and military standing. This, to me, is not indicative of a country that can’t win.


About the only decent comment, TY.

Tom Bombastadillo


Tom Bombastadillo

Funny how I can use the word “fuck” in here but when I try to post something with nothing offensive in it, it sometimes is censored for no apparent reason. STUPID SOFTWARE HERE!

Tom Bombastadillo

The West is destroying itself via the sanctions.

Tom Bombastadillo

Test: estima te

Tom Bombastadillo

Above is the word the site will not allow to be posted. Ridiculous.


No. Immigration.

Florian Geyer

Sandu and the moronic Liz Truss of the UK are a marriage of stupid women made in heaven :)

Tom Bombastadillo

Truss ’em up and Sandu ’em down!


Finland and Moldova are proof never to put a woman in charge of anything. Women are sheep, and think accordingly. They are easily misled.


Never ever trust something that can bleed for a week without dying!


Ever heard of the Trung Sisters? Of Boudicca? Of (Saint) Olga of Kiev? Don’t discount women so happily: they are like men much more than you think, they come in all flavors.


Here’s an idea. Look up the wealthiest women in America. Then look into how many women were self made, in other words, got their wealth through their own creative abilities and skills in business, The fact is most were either the wives or daughters of rich men. The few self made women are on the bottom rung wealth wise, and like the Martha Stewarts or Oprah’s are in the entertainment, infomercial realm selling women’s crap (make up, clothes) to other women. The fact is, the character of women has been selected by the evolutionary process to look after babies, and not lead countries. I would also argue that putting women in charge effeminizes men and is a bad model for promoting masculinity and that women should have no say in matters of war since they do not fight in them.

Last edited 2 years ago by Paul

But the men are also all heirs. The myth of the “self-made man” is as mythical as that of the self-made woman you’re suggesting. Musk? Heir. Gates? Heir. Bush? Heir. Trump? Heir. Etc. Maybe there were self-made men a century ago but not anymore, really.


Although many accomplished men start the game on first base, they, not their sisters; hit the home run. Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Sam Walton are men that created their wealth. Now point out a woman who has done so. After all, they are the majority they should have accomplished something somewhere without inheriting their wealth or acquiring it by spreading their legs.


They are heirs: they did not create their wealth, their parents were already rich. A self-made man (or more rarely woman), which do exist but are exceptional, not the rule in any way, is someone who is working class roots and somehow makes himself wealthy (usually by being even more evil than your inheritor established oligarchs).

Tom Bombastadillo

Average IQ of women is lower than men. For example what rank does the world’s best woman chess player have? #99 is the answer. That means for every 100 men, there is one woman smart enough to be their match.

No one has a problem lifting a chess piece, so brawn versus brains does not apply.


That’s false: average IQ of women is exactly the same as men’s. What may vary is the spread, as men seem to be more all over the place than women, who tend (statistically speaking) to be more normal. That means, if the studies are correct, that there are more men geniuses but also more deeply retarded men.


What about Yekaterina II who took Black sea shore from Crimean hanate and Osmanian empire? Suvorov (60 battles won, 0 lost) was under her command. Agree, Sandu is stupid as Truss, but Boris, the clown of London, is not better. Another Boris, drunkard Yeltzin, was even worse.

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон

Fair enough. Also Elizabeth I of England, Isabella of Castile, Jeanne of Navarre, Matilda of Tuscany, Sayyida al Hurra (the first Barbary pirate chief), etc. If there have been few women in power positions has a lot to do with patriarchal culture and history. Then of course some will be better than others, etc. but, even if we imagine that there is some sort of “mental sexual dimorphism” (???), it won’t be something homogeneous and history proves it.


Meanwhile, Tacitus records how the German people from the Pontic steppe practiced the equality of the sexes. We have no problem wit queens. We are the de facto master race.


Not German(ic) in Tacitus times, you probably mean the Scythians or Sarmathians, who were Iranic in fact (Ossetians are their last ethno-linguistic descendants).

That’s an interesting observation anyhow, considering how overall Indoeuropeans have historically practiced very extremist forms of Patriarchy. My personal take is that it has to do with the “stay behind” (not or less conquering) steppe Indoeuropeans being generally more egalitarian than the “vanguard” conqueror warbands, maybe because there’s a particularly brutal extra level of violence in the act of invading, conquering and subjugating other peoples (incl. generalized rape and enslaving).

There’s some archaeological evidence in favor of this even from the time of Yamnaya culture: Western Yamna (conquered countries in Ukraine and the Danube area) shows luxurious princely burials, while Eastern Yamna is much more modest and shows in general limited social inequality.

Said that, the seeds of patriarchy were no doubt part of their culture, it was just a less extreme form of patriarchy.


LOL obviously only cretin animals are able to emanate such piece of wisdom.


There might be a few historical exceptions, but the best societal economics is that the best women should be having children and passing down their genes, and not humiliating men by ruling over them. One also should remember that there are very few women geniuses. Can you name a decent invention created by women? Can you name a great composer that is a woman? Lastly, chess is a great game for judging IQ, and there are about 0 women among the top 200 chess players in the world. The fact is, women have been selected by the evolutionary process to be baby making, and raising machines. They have not been selected to rule over masculine men. You’re tolerance to be ruled by women is similar to the degenerate Ukrainians that are ruled by Jews. It does not speak well of you. I think you need to reconsider your opinion.


Thats pure nazi idiology dude. Hitler said the same. You forget that women fought side by side with men against the nazis…. Women were the best snipers, good aircraft pilots, good tankers.. what a punk.

Last edited 2 years ago by Marcel

Nazi ideology does say (quoting Rudolf Hess) that “Nazism is nothing more than applied biology.” I know you hate the Nazis so much, you’ll do the complete opposite to show them. So send your daughter into the military. Do that. So then when the war starts she’ll get knocked up to avoid service (as happens quite frequently in the US).


LOL again. Obviously you live in a different world. In my world everybody is free to choose his/her own job. And perform if he/she is good. Your misogyny is close to pathology. The only place where you can perform is an asylum. All the best ;)


You really are like a child. Look at all the jobs that run civilization Electrical linesman, roofers, construction workers, road pavers, railroad builders, plumbers. Most are men. And who conceived and engineered these things? Men. And who invented the majority of great inventions, created calculus and the physics? Overwhelmingly men. Only a child like you runs around thinking we’re equal to a clearly subordinate sex.

Stalin the Meek

Dude I think you lived your whole life in Azovstal’s catacombs. Go back there.


The irony is I live in America, and are sympathetic to the Russians, but still against all of this fighting. But when you let Jews run the show, this is what you get.


I live in Moscow and I think you need to be shot in the head dement nazi

Tom Bombastadillo

The EU and most of the West is already infected with that problem.


Moldovians are 100% pro Russia. Forget about it


Concerning this cunt (from Wiki) “In 2010, she graduated from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. From 2010 to 2012, Sandu worked as Adviser to the executive director at the World Bank in Washington, D.C.” She’s an obvious western agent.


I wonder if there is any pron movies made of her at some satanic ritual/orgy engaged in a gang bang?

Peppe il Sicario

The Tufts-Harvard Universties JFK School of Government is where the American Empire trains and indoctrinates its future “diplomats” and world leaders. I remember in the 90s, I had planned on applying there, even though I was aware that Gen. John Galvin, a NATO terrorist agent, was the school’s dean. Well, on visiting the campus, I had a mystical experience which made me say “fukk you” to any plans of pursuing this academic endeavor and the rest is history. I even had a letter of recommendation ready from a current Bilderberger in my country!!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Peppe il Sicario

And her main wish is allow Romania to swallow Moldavia. Read about “nationalists” in Moldavia, they think they are romanians.

Porc halal ft DJ Bobo

They are Romanians. But ok, you are either russian or ukrainian so I kind of understand your fustration and ignorance. The oficial language of so called R. Moldova , in fact an historicaly Romanian land, is ROMANIAN …go and look it up everywere, unless you are living in a cave totally isolated from the civilisation.


She’s a tribe member. Her allegiance is pretty clear, except for the dumbed down “voters” whom EU propaganda lost their minds.


Do you have a link for that?


No one gives a shit about Sandu.

Last edited 2 years ago by jorge

I am of the opinion that the US/UK Led West is run by people who are absolutely under Satanic influence.


Satan is a puppet of Yaweh and Yaweh is only a patriarchal GODFORM, not at all a real person, let alone God. As in his own “prophecy” the sky has been unrolled and (some of us at least) can now see past the screen and there’s nothing but Chaos, the ultimate Pan Theos, Being Everything and Everyone… even those lifeless godforms of Yaweh and his fake antagonist Satan.

Yo have to be Christian or Muslim to be Satanist, there’s no such thing as the Jewish mythological beings, they are just product of organized mass psychosis.


Yahwe, Elohim, Allah (derives from Elohim, “gods” literally) is different names of One God.


One unreal imaginary friend or rather imaginary tyrant, pure personification in the realm of the imaginary of the archetypal Patriarch, just like Zeus, Jupiter, Odin, Tengri or Tian, all the same “god” (godform, fake god with the only “real” power provided by human faith and related hierarchical organization), all the same virtual tyrant for the sake of our petty earthling patriarchal tyrants like monarchs, generals and popes.


Not smart! IF the Russians ever restart their offensive against Odessa and it succeeds as they seem to be succeeding elsewhere, she has just shown her country to be their enemy. No doubt, she just gave the Russians a reason to invade.


The embrace of America is the embrace of death.


Moldova should be offered an honorable proposal: a land corridor to the Black Sea placed to the south of Odesa and neutrality, in exchange for ceding Transnistria to Russia. They would act as buffer state between Russia and NATO (Romania).


100%. If they had a good leader instead of a whore, that would be the logical choice.

WT Baker

US concubine Britain? Me thinks you have it backwards. This one major misunderstanding, whilst through ignorance or by design, is indicative of the flaw in the well informed opinion of many “experts and respected journalists.” It’s Global Britain, aka. the Great Reset, the Green New Deal behind the horrors of this war in Ukraine.



t s

“Back in the USSR” – THE BEATLES


So Brett, your buddy the bear has an unlimited appetite for gobbling up neighboring nations, and calling it peace (instead of piece!).

The Poles and the Balts see through it. Finland and Sweden have figured it out. Why wouldn’t Moldova figure it out.

Ukraine is paying the price of freedom alone, in blood. An unjust peace for too big a piece will not last.



Last edited 2 years ago by 7even-N-6

Noone can protect themselves against the Anglo propaganda, manipulation subversion and corruption. The Empire of Lies have been refining the same evil methods of power for hundereds of years.

Porc halal ft DJ Bobo

Well, SF is full of shit and very biased when it comes to Eastern Moldova (which was forcibly separated from the historical Romanian province of Moldova several times in the history of this Romanian territory. Moldova is not a multinational or multicultural state, at least no more than the Russian Federation is! It is predominantly Romanian in culture and otherwise! Of course, while it was under Soviet/Fuckrainian occupation, many Romanians (SF and fucUkrainian/Russian propaganda calls them “Moldovans”) were deported to Siberia or Kazakhstan or whatever and Russian/Ukrainian/Jewish/Gagauz settlers/etc were brought in, but even so, Eastern Moldova is still predominantly Romanian.

Last edited 2 years ago by Porc halal ft DJ Bobo
Porc halal ft DJ Bobo


When I am reffering to Eastern Moldova , I also mean the territories separated from the main land and are currently under the nazi state of fuckraine …

Porc halal ft DJ Bobo

Pps …

If SF agents in civil clothes don’t know history, they can ask Putin for clarifications on this topic. Apparently, he knows better! He stated it at the start of the conflict. But Looks like SF has a very short memory

Last edited 2 years ago by Porc halal ft DJ Bobo

You may be right but what lays at the core of the conflict is not Moldova proper (west of the Dniestr) but Transnistria, which is indeed multiethnic (AFAIK 1/3 Moldovan/Romanian, 1/3 Russian, 1/3 Ukrainian), and has been separated since three decades ago under military protection from Russia.


Romanians don’t care about Transnistria. You may have it. You = Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, Jews… We don’t really care. Make a referendum and have it. Maybe Bender should be a free city where all the nations should trade freely and in peace… How about that ;) Nobody wants a war.


Fair enough, many Romanians or even Moldovans could not care less but the ones stirring the pot do care… not about rather meaningless Transnistria but about using it as pivot for increased tensions in the region, which is their goal. Ukraine could have been a peaceful haven… but the lords of war promoted the tensions, the same happened in Yugoslavia, Syria, Libya… even Somalia, an ethnically homogeneous nation-state turned into a total chaos by means of foreign agitation.

It’s not so much if Romanians care about Transnistria therefore, it’s about whether Romanians, Moldovans and others are allowed by the powers that be to live in peace or are abused into tools for war and chaos.


Romania has NO influence in Transnistria and no desire to have any. Romania has NO means to interfere in Tiraspol politics. The only country who has FULL power in Transnistria is Russia. Romania, and Moldova as well, has desire only for peace and by no means they will provoke a war in Transnistria. What happens in Ukraine is a tragedy and too bad that Russia resorted to war. War can’t bring anything good.. what Russia may gain today will possibly lose tomorrow. This is the lesson of WW2. Even if now Russia has the upper hand you can’t possibly predict what may happen in a month, 6 months or 1 year… Nazis were very confident when they attacked Russia and they ended the war in full defeat. Even if Russia may invoke many things such as historical rights in Crimea, Donbas, southern Ukraine or even the whole Ukraine, the existence of some desperate neo-nazis in Ukraine, I still personally think that going to war is a BIG mistake. War means destruction, death and hatred. And hatred may never end.

Last edited 2 years ago by Marcel

But for Moldova, which is a separate state, even if the same nation, does have a widely recognized claim (it’s Transnistria which is not recognized by almost anybody) and they won’t (much less with this new ruler) give the claim away easily.

This is what happens when states rather than peoples are the de facto recognized actors of international (and local) politics: it’s the problem of Kosovo, of Somaliland, of Abkhazia, of Crimea, of Donbass, of Transnistria, of Rojava-NSF, etc. Unless the original sovereign power (state) actually recognizes independence or border change (for example South Sudan), these states can be in limbo for decades… and serve as lever for new conflicts when the masters of the world desire.

As for the war in Ukraine, Russia has and will have the upper hand, I can certainly predict that (it’s no brainer, really). The war is not decided in the infantry frontlines but in the airspace, where Russia has massive superiority (and a nuclear shield so nobody with comparable power dares to contest it). Who controls the airspace controls the ground and the coastal seas, no need to be McKinder for this self-evident truism.

Would it be rugged terrain (mountains or jungle) and would Maidan-Ukraine have a moral upper ground (which it doesn’t because of its birth defect of nazism and anti-socialist ultra-violence (never forget Odessa!), then they might have a chance in the long run via guerrillas… but they don’t: the guerrillas actually spawned against them because they had the most serious legitimacy flaws. This war is the epilogue to that nazi moral failure, which can’t be solved until full denazification and re-democratization happens (or maybe it will be falsely closed into a partition, which may well lead to later wars, but whatever the case Maidan can’t win).

Porc halal ft DJ Bobo

Man, you’re confused. There is no such thing as “Moldovan” as ethnicity, culture, religion, language, etc… Moldovans are Romanians. The name of “Moldovan” is only related to the name attributed to Romanians living in the region called Moldova, which is on both sides of the Prut.

Last edited 2 years ago by Porc halal ft DJ Bobo

Sure, whatever: I’m not confused, you are about what I’m saying. Moldova is still a separate state and has its own autonomous foreign policy, which, precisely because of being the same nation (ethnicity) as Romania, will likely drag Romania in.

Porc halal ft DJ Bobo

To clarify… when I said Eastern Moldova, I didn’t mean what’s beyond the Nistru river. That’s another story… But even so, the fact that 1/3 of the population there is still Romanian after fierce persecution from both the USSR and fUkraine and total isolation from the mother country Romania says a lot!!!


“were deported to Siberia or Kazakhstan” what a BS. And Moldavia, dukedom of M, was on political map centuries before Romania. Romania itself is new state, formed from Wallachia in 19th century by the will of Russia that liberated you from turks. Next time we won’t make such mistake. Even turks are better to negotiate.


LOL https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Plevna

Last edited 2 years ago by Marcel
Porc halal ft DJ Bobo

First of all, Romania was created, naturally, by the will of the inhabitants of those Romanian lands, that is to say, much as it was done in Crimea, that is to say, by referendum, to unite all Romanians under one nation and one state. The three Romanian ‘states’, i.e. Transylvania, Moldova and Wallachia, were artificially separated by invading empires such as Russia, the Habsburg Empire, the Ottoman Empire or other migrating populations, especially the Slavs from Asia. As I said, I don’t expect much from an illiterate who knows nothing about Romanian history, but I bring up a few historical truths for other people here who tend to believe everything that comes out of a Russian’s mouth.


Rumania was created by the Union of Moldavia and Wallachia/The Romanian Country, or Tara Romaneasca (nat.) both peoples electing the same ruler (A I Cuza). Later this Union became the Kindom of Rumania. Learn some history, moron.

Porc halal ft DJ Bobo

First of all, who wants to teach me the history of my country!!! a bastard who can’t even spell the name of Romania correctly! What you are mumbling about, you moron, was the first unification and that did not include all the Romanian territories but only part of them. Later, in 1918, all the Romanians in all the territories inhabited by Romanians, decided to unite, in a single Romanian state, but of course, you don’t know or don’t want to know. Not that I care! You’re wasting my precious time, so fuck off. I don’t give free lessons of history … understood mate?

Porc halal ft DJ Bobo


Last edited 2 years ago by Porc halal ft DJ Bobo
Porc halal ft DJ Bobo

Hey, my reply should have be going to Anton …


M-am prins…


Is Moldova Orthodox? Religion trumps politics If Molficas Protestant then they go with Jews If its,cCatholic oor moslem then they go against Jews and Protestants.Putting Jewish Zelensky has entrapped the Protestant nations to support Ukraine and having Ukraine as very Catholic country has Catholics supporting it.TThey’ve set it up to unite the most Powerful nations against Russia.Even Serbias going with the Ukraine s Unbelievable.Course Rio Tinto s invvex in Serbias mining terior motives.Amd if one had time to examine every country similar ulterior motives will be revealed playing behind the smoke screens of national sociism.

Porc halal ft DJ Bobo

Romanians are Orthodox Christians … I addressed your question above about the religion of so called “Moldovans”


I’m pretty sure that at least some Moldovans are not Christian even. Religion is dying.

Porc halal ft DJ Bobo

Yes, probably the ukrainian and russian minorities living there…


Religion is meaningless: just the Medieval proto-fascist single party. We’re not anymore in the Middle Ages and all gods are fake except Chaos.


Moldova is not a NATO country nor is it in the EU. If it makes the mistake of attacking Transnistria nothing can protect it. She is being bribed like all European politicians.


The problem with Moldova is that it’s the little sister of Romania and Romania is in NATO, so it will splash around if there is war and the war moves west of the Dniester. It’s hard to see how Romania can remain neutral if Moldova is at war and how NATO would not be implicated if Romania and Russia go to war, even if it begins outside of NATO’s borders.

It’s therefore clearly part of the escalation, a very dangerous escalation.


iron curtain 2.0 will be erected, only question remains is: where exactly

Lord of the Pimps

They have already got Ukrainian women and also girls in brothels. They are already selling Ukrainian boys. Yes little Ukrainian boys are sold online by net shops And DynCorp isn’t around yet.

Lord of the Pimps

Can you even imagine DynCorp coming to the field? Then they will sell bacha boys again. Only that there will be Moldovan and Ukrainian little boys. This is really happening.


Looks alike. Is she kosher, too? https://mideastconflict.files.wordpress.com/2022/05/3.png

Last edited 2 years ago by Bielec
Porc halal ft DJ Bobo

Her first name says it all!

Also, more than 80% of Romania’s ruling class are not Romanians, but Jews, Hungarians, Gypsies and others, (i.e. ethnic Germans, such as the Nazi child trafficker Johannis Werner Klaus, who calls himself “president of all Romanians” whom he does not represent, but hates with all his heart).

Last edited 2 years ago by Porc halal ft DJ Bobo

Excellent account of the situation in Moldova as the cancer of the North Amerikan Terror Organ and the diabolic EUSSR seek to consume another peaceful region and absorb it into the disgusting angloZionaZi empire of shit. I remain optimistic that in the coming collapse of the IOU fiat filth Saudi Mercan toilet paper dollah and worthless €urodollah that the covaid$ squirted and dying masses will tear Urupp and USSA apart as the realization grows that these fascist blocks are run by the most evil and despicable forces ever unleashed on humanity. The turds in the Washing town sewer and the Pedovore Politburo of the EUSSR lodged in the bowels of Natostan Brussels know that they can do very little militarily to deter the Russian goal of cleansing Ukropland of its NATO spawned naZis.

Are the filth in Washing town capable of launching a nuclear attack to “save” their evil stranglehold over the so called West? Of course they are and they are even more likely to stage a false flag attack on Urupp itself of proportions unimaginable as of yet. That these scum slaughtered their own tax cattle on 9 11 without qualms or consequences should tell you where this is going now that the rats are cornered and headed for certain extinction along with their ongoing pfiZer covaid$ genocide.

As General Winter approaches Urupp slowly like the inexorable lava flow of Russian might across the dying rump Ukropland, we have a sort of calm before the storm but if the EUSSR hairdresser-in-chief and supreme idiot, Van der Lyin’ and the cadaver-in-chief, Creepy Joe Biden imagine that they and their cabal of transgender mutant loons are capable of controlling the chaos that they have willfully brought down on all humanity with their great “r€$et” Davos bullshit then these apes are in for the biggest shock of all in the global calamity that is certain to obliterate them and everything they have “planned” for the rest of us.

Onward down the toilet with the filthy angloZionaZi empire of shit.


The chaos is planned the solution is the real and final plan and it will continue with the further extinction of humanity as long as these globalists exist.

Adrian Buchan-Hepburn

Lord Protector of the Drop Bears

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