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MARCH 2025

Moldova Preparing For War (Videos)

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Moldova Preparing For War (Videos)

U.S. Marines and Moldovan soldiers integrated to conduct an Anti-Armor Workshop in Balti, Moldova

The situation in Transnistria at the moment is quite complicated and tense. The AFU (Armed Forces of Ukraine) hold several military detachments on the border, which control the territory. The border with Moldova is one of the supply roads of equipment from Europe and a place of accumulation of Ukrainian resources for further redistribution to different fronts. However, it is impossible to state with absolute certainty that no combat operations will take place on this territory.

On May 24, three military transport planes were seen flying from Romania in the direction of Moldova. As the planes were approaching, they turned on their transponders, so it is not clear where exactly the planes landed. According to one version, the planes were carrying weapons for Ukraine. And for about a month already all civil aircraft have been avoiding flights in the Moldovan airspace because of the danger of flights near Ukraine. The crews of the civil planes were afraid of the deteriorating situation in Transnistria.

Moldova Preparing For War (Videos)

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On May 26, Polish military equipment was spotted in the Romanian town of Brielle. The town is located near the Ukrainian and Moldovan borders. In addition, Polish troops have been spotted on the border between Romania and Moldova. This is no secret, since Polish tanks were previously spotted near Kryvyi Rih, and material aid is being brought in through Poland to Ukraine.


Bucharest recently filmed a video of four M777 howitzers imported into Ukraine from Canada. These variants of the howitzers were modified to the Excalibur M982 version with automatic target correction.


Important political process is underway in Moldova itself at the moment. The Moldovan authorities detained the former president and one of the oppositionists, Igor Dodon. Dodon’s position is opposed to the Chisinau regime regarding the events in Ukraine, so he is now being attacked by the authorities. He is also accused of corruption and called to leave the country. The Kremlin commented on his detention and said that the Russian side was alarmed that the practice of detention was being used against people who have friendly relations with Russia. Dodon, on the other hand, said that no one would be able to scare him. Activists gathered outside the parliament building demanding the release of Igor Dodon and an end to his prosecution under the article on the betrayal of the motherland. Dodon had previously advocated a neutral status of Moldova in the conflict in Ukraine.


After the Dodon’s detention, Moldovan President Maia Sandu will be able to dictate her policies without fear of criticism from the opposition. The issue of Transnistria will also be decided by her without any room for discussion. Thus, Moldova will be able to engage in combat operations or provide troops for Ukraine, not to mention the fact that Moldova has previously supplied military equipment to Ukraine.

Tensions persist in Transnistria, although some troops have been redeployed inland. The local population is increasingly concerned about the problem of sending the local territorial defense units to the front.

The Russian control over the southern Ukrainian regions would let the Russian military to reach the Transnistrian Moldovan Republic (a self-proclaimed state). The Russian peacekeeping forces have been deployed in Transnistria since 1995. On May 18, Maia Sandu demanded the withdrawal of Russian troops from Transnistria because they reportedly violate the sovereignty of the republic.

Sandu stated the following: “Today there is no imminent threat of Moldovan involvement in the war, we are a neutral country, but for this purpose, we call for the withdrawal of the Russian military from the territory of Transnistria, because their presence violates our neutrality.” The question of the Russian contingent, namely peacekeepers, may be discussed here not in the context of the independence of the TMR, but the context of the Ukrainian conflict. At the same time, the Transnistrian authorities themselves accuse Ukraine of provocations, while Chisinau is calling on all sides to sit down at the negotiating table, and sees the reason for this as the dismantling of the internal Transnistrian clans. Ukrainian intelligence reports about the plans to invade Moldova. However, this version can be true only in one case – if Russia feels the need to create a military bridgehead in Transnistria, which is not necessary yet.”

While Moldova is still playing an uncertain game in the Ukrainian conflict, Romania is openly condemning the Russian Federation for the special operation.

On May 19, French President Emmanuel Macron commented on the situation in Transnistria: “The recent incidents in Transnistria show that we cannot exclude that the conflict will spread to neighboring countries. He also noted that France “intends to keep a special eye on the regional security situation and any possible encroachment on Moldova’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

In the opinion of the French president, the conflict can spill over to other countries and cause a threat to regional security. Therefore, France is forced to take certain steps to ensure the security of the region and of itself in particular.

The Romanian Ministry of Defense announced that France would deploy a special air defense unit in Romania at the Capu-Midia military base (in the Constanta district). Bucharest had a sigh of relief, but the situation in the region is heating up.

The situation in Transnistria is quite complex. Romania actively supports Ukraine but is neutral toward the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR). Moldova has ties through Western countries and seems ready to sacrify its security to “help Ukraine”. The PMR authorities have made no specific comments, and the unrecognized republic is mostly concerned of its independence, although it sympathizes with Russia. The Russian Federation, on the other hand, is not yet making rash steps in Transnistria and does not intend to open a new front there in the short term.


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In case of a coordinated assault against Transnistria by Moldovan and Ukrainian forces, Russia should do a few surgical strikes and wipe out Moldovan leadership. It would do the job much better then in Ukraine since Moldovan’s aren’t yet as brainwashed as Ukrainians, if current zionist regime in Moldova was beheaded… there are still enough normal Moldovans who could take back their country! In case of any further escalation wipe out Ukrops puppet leadership too.


There’s one thing no one seems to mention – the Russian Airborne Forces. Just like Hostomel, these guys are good enough to inject forces anywhere and hold territory including in Transnistria during an active conflict. Not even worried

10 Dead Generals

LOL they didn’t reach Moscow on 9May


Theyu were busy rounding up surrendering azov the basement battalion


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Last edited 2 years ago by Anna

stfu commie

Michael Petrovich

You are the commie here you dumb goy





All United Snakes puppets in a picture



If Russia targets non NATO nations apart from Ukraine, then this will mean there will be a pretext for more nations to join NATO. It may be better to test out the article 5 and go for Poland.


The moldovans are 40% Russ many of them brought by Stalin in his mad man displacement plan to omogenise Cccr (Soviet union). The rest are Moldavian, the free dacs of the great ancient tribe of Thracia and Romanian speaking folk. In fact this pristine agrarian country has both languages teaching in schools. The history of the region is filled with imperialistic claims for the land (tatar aka huns, Turks, Russ, even Poles) Every known migration to and throughout my country (Romania) walked the plains between Nistru and Prut rivers, even the Hungarians came through here and settle on the Panonic Plain(Hungary). Now the people of the land see another empire set their eyes on the land: the Nwo empire of USA. The treasonous agent insidiously infiltrated named Sandu (romanian name by the way) is doing the bid of the master. She is the true orc of USAurons army by fueling last century’s rusophobia among the 60% ethnic romanians. She will get a bloody nose. The two brotherly folk are too similar by race, religion, moral values and way of living. I know the people will not fall to her’s deceiving tactics.

A Moldovan from Iasi, Romania, citizen of a dying Europe.

Pamfil Military Academy

I hope so. Hope basarabians will see the evil Sorosist ameriscum JUSA globalist plot and not access it. Because for my Romania, Moldova is the Achilles heel weakness. If Romania would have been smart enough and not ruled by traitors in service of the biblical ‘Great Whore’ Ameri-shit(caca, btw) would have had Big Romania aka Romania Mare, without the fear of maghiar occult smart politic vs. Transylvania/Ardeal. But the traitors and thieves from Bucharest in service of foreign intelligence services lost the game in favor the Orban, the hungarian president. He show as a reliable ally of Putin and will succeed to wrap of the Erdelyi/Ardeal on a long run by having the russian blessing for that. An Ardelean from Sibiu, Romania, citizen of a long gone Romania.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy
Alina Kabaeva

Maaaaare bou mai esti. Esti prost ca Iohannis. Sibiul prosteste.

Pamfil Military Academy

Du-te dracu de labagiu idiot. De la Sibiu pana la mine e cale lunga, sugaci sorosist. Iti da Putin bataie in Ucraina de-ti sar mucii, cu tot cu amerlocii pe care-i pupi in cur, tradatorule. Si evident, sa ai mUE multaaaaa de tot, haimana !

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy

They want a world war, they’ll get one. Lyman has been taken, confirmed


stfu phaggot


Hey, why the name calling? Lyman has been taken, that must hurt. Can’t help you though.


Just mad about my micro penis


Go fuk yourself soros goy toy boy,with your aids n shit,delusional mentally ill sodomite POOFTER! Oi poof you cant stand it,so you try in your wishfull stinking to accuse the hetero? FUK OFF GOY!

10 Dead Generals

If Lyman is taken it’s the nuclear apocalyps. What it is btw?


From half a world away I can’t believe there’s still idiots that can’t see the good the Russians ARE GOING to bring to the world and Europe when this is done. Let’s go Russia 👍🏽

10 Dead Generals

They could left the world without toilet bowls


or they could confine to one, bolt the lid up and forget you.


Atleast the got toilet bowls,unlike your deadbeat bumchummys who shitty their pants,dumbass!


Thought Criminal

Could you please elaborate on this supposed “good” they’re going to bring to the world?


The most beautifull sight ever seen,ever!


God bless Mother Russia:


The end of the woke green great reset.




I very much doubt that Nato would dare to attack Transnistria, as that would be an attack on Moldova, a sovereign state of Europe. They are probably hoping to force Putin’s hand, (by Nato sending soldiers to the area), so that he send more troops there as well. But he is too clever for those Nato scumbags.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hjalmar
10 Dead Generals

How can Putin send more soldiers in that area?


Nato will be right on the border in romania.

Transnistrian tovarish

Mi father lives there and for now the situation is stable…ofc Moldova is in a difficult situation, if it attacks-russia Will answer and y’all can say goodbye to Moldova sovereignity


In 1979, the Bulgarian prophetess Vanga predicted that Russia would demand a special operation in Ukraine, and no one could stop her. This is reported by the British newspaper The Sun. “There is no force that could break Russia. Russia will develop, grow and strengthen. Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched – the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia. Too much has been sacrificed, no one can stop Russia. It will sweep away everything in its path and not only survive, but also become the ruler of the world.“

“Everything will melt like ice, and only one thing belongs – the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia. too much needs to be sacrificed. impossible to stop Russia. She will sweep everything out of her way and not only survive, but also become the ruler of the world, ”Vanga

Last edited 2 years ago by Iren

„Россия — как глыба: сначала ее не сдвинуть, а потом не остановить.“

Alina Kabaeva

Cheap propaganda. Nobody wants to attack Transnistria. Moldova is not helping Ukraine. Simply because it can’t, it has no resources and no interest to provoke the Russians. Ukraine asked for MiG-29s. Moldova refused to deliver those ancient grounded planes. Nobody wants to attack the Russians. The one who wrote this article is a total retard… And btw “Brielle” aka. Braila… Transport aircraft going to Chisinau…really? Change your speech, you are hilarious…

Pamfil Military Academy

No one speak about ‘attack’. In fact it is politically impossible. But to concoct an incident there is very plausible. On the Kosovo very well known style, and the next chapters following according to settled agenda. Those criminal idiots of ameriscum globalist ring of satanism use the same ‘technique’ for many decades.


Если у русских останется только один хутор, то и тогда Россия возродится.


If Moldova, attacks Transnistria, Russia must bomb them to hell. They are not in NATO,




Why should anyone be afraid of that terrorist organization?


Belarus needs to start a special military operation in Ukraine. A buffer zone like Turkey wants. Everyone should understand that.


Lets see!


NATO cannot help Moldova by any military means as they’ve could see a scout TU-141 raising the flag on the lawn in front University of Zagreb buildings. Russia has hit the targets in Ukraine at the same distance to any targets in Moldova hence Moldova should stay out of direct confrontation as their lives primarily depends on Russian energy not on where the NATO border is.


These people didn’t learn a single thing from WW2. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. When you f around with the Russians, they’re going to take you down.

Numer 005

When this Ukraine conflict started, I had a strange dream in which I saw Putin say Transnistria three times. I had to Google Transnistria when i awoke because I was not sure what it meant. I have a strange certainty that Transnistria i going to play a very important role in what is to come.

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