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MARCH 2025

Montenegrin Church Avoids Ukraine Orthodox Church’s Fate

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Montenegrin Church Avoids Ukraine Orthodox Church's Fate

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A conclusion has been reached in the fiasco with the Metropolis of Montenegro of the Serbian Orthodox Church and the “scandalous and persecutorial law “On Freedom of Religion””, according to opposition leader Dritan Abazović

“We have agreed with the Church about the Freedom of Religion Act and that is the most important thing for us. I fully support @ZdravkoKrivokcg [the leader of the For the Future of Montenegro opposition coalition—OC] and there are no conflicts between us. The whole story with the law is over. The law will be changed, not withdrawn, because it is procedurally the shortest way,” the leader of the United Reform Action party and Parliamentarian Deputy tweeted on October 6th.

For the first time in 30 years, opposition deputies won a majority of seats in parliamentary elections in August, thus winning the right to form a new cabinet, replacing the government of President Milo Djukanovic.

Leading up to the elections, Djukanovic’s government was accused of actively persecuting the canonical Serbian Orthodox Church in “favor of a tiny schismatic community founded on nationalistic political principles.”

Which is quite reminiscent of Ukraine and the schism of the ‘independent’ Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

The government’s perceived persecution of the Serbian Church, the majority religion in Montenegro, was a major factor in the opposition victory.

And, indeed, the Ukrainian-style undertaking failed due to the minority that attempted it being thwarted by popular protests.

The opposition leaders rode the wave of discontent, and used an easy chance for some populism.

For example, after learning of the election results, opposition leader Zdravko Krivokapić immediately went to the Cathedral of the Resurrection in Podgorica to give thanks to God and receive the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro.

He also announced that the new government’s first act would be to repeal the so-called law “On Freedom of Religion.”

According to Abazović, the law will not be repealed but will be amended in a manner agreeable to the Serbian Church.

The Law “On Freedom of Religion and Belief and the Legal Status of Religious Communities” was adopted on December 26th, effectively giving the government the right to confiscate ancient sacred sites from the Serbian Church.

“The Orthodox faithful, clergy, hierarchs, and monastics immediately began taking to the streets in mass cross processions throughout the country that were held twice weekly for months, only stopping when pandemic health measures were put in place. The processions sometimes resulted in violence against the peaceful protesters. Hundreds of thousands of Orthodox faithful and concerned Montenegrin citizens participated in the processions.”

Thus, at least as of now, the Montenegrin conservative society has been able to repel an neo-liberal/globalist-backed attack on the canonic Orthodox Church in the country. Nonetheless, it is likely that forces that stand behind attempts to destabilize and destroy conservative societies in eastern Europe will continue their efforts to do so and turn Montenegro into Ukraine 2.0.


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The Church is like the new soft power channel? Communism is over so instead of godlessness that certain country is trying to use Orthodox church as a way to project soft power? Note: Political-Economic systems can change overnight, religion can take centuries.

Lone Ranger

Its the other way around. The orthodox church was there even during commie times. The CIA is pushing new alphabet run churches globallly both home and abroad to control the narrative. Sofar its a dud same as Pimpeos Pacific NATO dreams. Even the Pope told him to hit the road home. Embaracement of the decade… Harkonnen Pimpeo is crying and raging ?


During communism, the Orthodox church was a branch of the oppresion aparatus, all priests were secret police colaborationists.

In the beginning, many priests oposed communism but all of those died in prison or were assasinated.

Currently, almost all Orthodox sites promote anti West propaganda and openly praise ex communist leaders as great patriots if their times.

Lone Ranger

CIA trolls and ukropnazis will cry and rage ?


If Serbia joins EU, they may reunite with MN.

Lone Ranger

Most countries want to leave not join lol.


I would like that to be true but it isn’t. It’s not reflected in elections. More acurate wouould be: most countries want to reform EU.

Lone Ranger

Thats why the UK left… Many others want to leave as well. You cant reform a system that was set up to fail. Not with Brussels on top.


You said most states. UK is exception.

Lone Ranger

Are they? Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Portugal, Greece, Spain even France, are fed up with the EU. Germany couldnt take Europe in two world wars but now they try it economically…


That’s your opinion but not theirs. Since they want to stay in EU.

Lone Ranger

They are on the razors edge. In case of the UK they said oh it wont happen, it cant…but it did happen. Countries wont go along with the forced Kalergi plan, German economic rule and the push for LGBT BS.


UK is more lgbt than EU.

Lone Ranger

Even under sharia…?


Russian Interned is pretty limited, judging by your knowledge about the West.

Lone Ranger

So there are no no go zones in London, Birningam with sharia police on the streets…? Isnt London lead by a muslim mayor praising the muslim brotherhood…? It seems your soros intranet needd an update…


Yeah, they are very nasty zones, but not as bad as Gingis-Khan-skaia.

Lone Ranger

Aka Kievistan….

Goran Grubić HardyVeles

As long as we are the same people there is no need for reunification. We are same people, not same nation. Having two countries (if lead by reasonable men) is really not a problem. I’m cool in either case.


It could be a formal union with autonomy. Bigger countries can dominate smaller ones by having bigger corporations so almost always united is better than separated.

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