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MARCH 2025

Montenegrin Orthodox Church And Orthodox Crescent Of Instability (Infographics)

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Montenegrin Orthodox Church And Orthodox Crescent Of Instability (Infographics)

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The Montenegrin government is working to follow up the Ukrainian path and to create own ‘independent’ Orthodox Church, even if in the case of the ‘independent’ Orthodox Church of Ukraine this turned into a complete failure.

On July 8, Montenegro’s President Milo Dukanovic told a party meeting in Niksic that there were plans of “restoring Montenegro’s autocephalous (independent) church.” The Montenegrin government is also pushing forward with a bill on freedom of religion and the legal status of religious organizations.

According to canonical Orthodox organizations, the bill stipulates a range of discriminating measures, including the seizure of some property of the Serbian Patriarchate, including the buildings of churches and monasteries, to the state’s ownership.

The Bishops’ Council of the Serbian Orthodox Church, the dominating and the only canonical Orthodox church in Montenegro, has described this bill as an “anti-European and anti-civilizational” move aimed at discriminating against the Serbian Patriarchate’s eparchies on Montenegrin soil and branding it as “direct meddling in the Church’s domestic affairs.”

Montenegro’s government is currently trying to push a bill through the parliament. In particular, the bill implies the seizure of property belonging to the Serbian Orthodox Church. This concerns more than 650 holy sites, including famous monasteries in the Orthodox world such as Ostrog. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic asked the Montenegrin government to consider whether it was necessary to pass a law, which would “inevitably worsen good relations between Belgrade and Podgorica.”

Earlier, Montenegro’s President Milo Dukanovic accused the Serbian Orthodox Church of trying to maintain a religious monopoly throughout the country. The president that he would seek autocephaly for “Montenegro’s church” following Ukraine’s example.


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Daniel Martin

It seems like the NATO has got a brand new branch in their organization namely a “spiritual” fighting echelon. Ukraine v.2.0


One of the main differences between Orthodox and Catholic churches is that the Orthodox churches are national/independent and not ruled from another country. Centralization of the Catholic church had lead to many wars in the medieval age. Russia Orthodox Patriarchy dreamed to rule over the Orthodox churches, calling itself “Third Rome” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_Rome

stupid is as stupid does

You’ve said it yourself yet you got it all wrong. Influenced by US or Vatican propaganda? No such thing as desire to “rule over the Orthodox churches”. That goes directly against Orthodox dogma that exist for 2000 years alredy. All churches are equal in Orthodoxy. Leading role of Russian Orthodox church is logical (since they are by far the biggest) but never supported by literally leading other Orthodox churches. “3rd Rome” is symbolic to emphisise symbolic leading role of Moscow. Model of literal Russian Orthodox dominance = “papacy” would never be accepted by any Orthodox church. “Centralization of the Catholic church ” and dominant role of pope was not organisational phenomenon but proscribed Catholic dogma to dominate everybody else. That’s why Catholic’s have abandoned Orthodox church (when their dogma rejected) in the first place. They wonted to dominate all other churches but they couldn’t. So they left… — PS Wikipedia as source now that must be truth than … :-)


“Leading role of Russian Orthodox church is logical (since they are by far the biggest) but never supported by literally leading other Orthodox churches. “3rd Rome” is symbolic to emphisise symbolic leading role of Moscow.”

Yeah we are all equal but some of us are more equal than others

“Wikipedia as source now that must be truth than … :-)”

Wikipedia says exactly what you said: “3rd Rome” is symbolic to emphisise symbolic leading role of Moscow.

PS Fuck off Kirill I … :-) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6c6601c28e04c20dd3ff92b6b7bedfac69f572ea7bf4c896fd36706c205a609a.gif

stupid is as stupid does

Orthodox dogma for 2000 years is that ALL churches are equal. It has never changed and it will never change!

You are Westerner who thinks to be pro Russian …yet… You are anti-Orthodox thus essentialy anti Russian. You just don’t get that simple fact. Too much anti-Russian bias is in your head.

Orthodoxy is much bigger than “Kiril” or any other person. It is our culture, identity roots, it is who we are for thousands of years.

By disrespecting other peoples religon you talk only about yourself.


You can kiss my ass https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1ad1850f56381f1571b7a928cd7ae834cba2b8938923229c26b7cef838cf7ec0.gif

stupid is as stupid does

You are just another US NATO troll. Pretending to be “democratic” yet you are untolerant bigot.

With “kissing ass” comment you just show your hidden Western fag LMGBTQ identity preference. On the decadent West you are obsesed with sodomy and “ass”. Thats why you are all WIMPS… half women, half men, fags.

In Orthodoxy, monqs kiss ech other heands (not only Putin’s) and often… It is symbolic. It is part of their Christ like servitude to other Orthodox to follow Christ… For dorks like you it is just more “proves” that Putin is dictator :-))))))))))))


Putin gave up women when he discovered little boys are so sweet https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3582256910fd1291c3b5df61cf532d71a767cf62321ceb8c6f29eb8fc379f69a.gif

stupid is as stupid does

So what? I do that all the time with my children like many fathers who love their children that comes spontaneous! I guess Putin is pedophile now because labeled by the pedophile West, huh? He is now like you decadent Western LGBTQ perverts and sodomites? How so? Why do you hate Putin so much and why is he hetero and father and huge defender of Russian family than?!

One thing is sure your childless pedophile Western elites + Vatican NEVER do that in public ! When they kiss child they kiss for one reason only… You pereverts rape children far from the eyes of the public! Western perevrts can’t understand Putin and for simple reason. They even don’t know what fatherly tender kiss to a child means. They don’t understand such reaction. You only want to f***k children not to protect and cuddle them! That’s why the West has died.. Because perverts control all the West and they are PEDOPHILES They are not hetero alpha males (like Putin) who have fathered children (like Putin). Hetero males love children in fatherly way and protect them. And there is nothing sexual or perverted but natural and spontaneous. For Western perverts even looking at the children is sexual! So how can I explain to you that there are still plenty of normal hetero people exist on this planet… Outside decadent prerverted, pedophile West…


Leave Putin alone https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dbaf66be16c43b3f2ab41742b5ac21312b83a4fdfaf6dfaf7ece50146f07b2bf.gif

stupid is as stupid does

Well…to be honest Only you western NATO-NAZI lunatics are not fed up with yours anti-Russian and anti-Putin propaganda hysteria. Everybody elese alredy is… Putin is just regular guy, who loves his country. On the (rotten to the bone) pedophile West, you can only have wet dreams to get patriotic leader like Putin. He protects his own people and his country. Unlike the Western leaders, that are very far from their own people. West is self destructive in full decadence in every possible way….


Low minded people like Eastern cultures need a glorious leader to protect them from the evil Westerners.

stupid is as stupid does

Don’t flatter yourselves! It takes character even to be “evil”… US is just HUGE parasite that terrorizes this planet. Nothing else.

Being parasite, doesn’t make you “evil”, but opportunists. As nation you are mediocre, ill educated and false in everything including your superficial “culture”. Your Anglo-Saxon game (US-UK) has plaid exceedingly well against Germanic nations and against Russia and has brought huge dividends after WW 1. Specially to US. French understood that… thus we have EU, Franco-German pact now. Planet must support you, we have no other choice…but not for long any more. The era of US dominance is coming to the end soon.


Actually I’m from an eastern shithole like you, that’s why I have time to talk with you. You should have observed by my English. Good luck with your wet dreams. France sold military tech to Saddam, USA didn’t even bother with them… Germany’s NS II plan is doomed, EU parliament voted 4-1 against the plan. USSR chant was the Capitalism is falling soon, very soon, just you wait…and see :)

stupid is as stupid does

Whatever. Wherever you are from, you sound like liberal “asshole” so any “shithole” is right place for you .

I can’t be bothered to argue with you. Can’t care less to convince you in anything…. The rest of your comment is gibberish, I don’t see anything related to my comment…so think whatever you want.


Yeah, that was the point, to get you off the high hopes Americans have time to spend on this kind of sites

stupid is as stupid does

You have only problems in your brains. You develop arguments and “see” “problems” that doesn’t exist. The one I don’t even think about.


I pressed ctrl+f to search ‘problems’ and the only 2 results from the page were in your comment.

stupid is as stupid does

whatever you Ukrainian or Pole twat


Super, go lick some dirty pics in your stinky church

stupid is as stupid does

“stinky church” huh? So you must be Jew. Eat shit you Jewish scum! Muslims will berry you alive in the Mediterranean sea like rats, once your US protectors are bankrupted.


Go lick the bacteria from thousands of old women saliva, they leave on those paintings

stupid is as stupid does

“Trans Activist Organizes Topless Swimming Session For Girls As Young As 12, Parents Not Allowed”

A trans activist who gained notoriety for attempting to force beauticians to wax their balls and penis is now arranging a swimming session for girls as young as 12 where parents will not be allowed to be present…

https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-07-23/trans-activist-organizes-topless-swimming-session-girls-young-12-parents-not https://c8.alamy.com/comp/GC5TT6/drag-queen-at-gay-pride-festival-washington-dc-usa-GC5TT6.jpg

On the West the fags are the best.

“US military lifts ban on transgender personnel” http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/file.php?40,file=239256,filename=image.jpeg

Concrete Mike

Oh now wikipedia.is bad…check your diapers again, occupy pampers


I was quoting someone else, you faggot

Concrete Mike

Hahaha u mad brah?? Your telling me if i go and check your past posts, you swear you never quoted wiki?

You think calling me a homosexual bothers me?

Once again, stay in your lane boy!


I’m writing with bold, moron. The quote is from the commenter above, you useless fag

Ivan M.

Serbian orthodox church is para political organisation with bunch of warmongers that are still dreaming their old dream. “Great serbia”. They are orthodox sect following something called ” svetosavlje” a not real Orthodox Church (pravoslavlje).

Daniel Martin

According to Nato manuals yes. Fortunately most of us know that what you are claiming is utter nonsense.


Ivan M.

Daniel, Orthodox churchy is universal (Catholic) or national? Please tell me difference between “svetosavlje” and “pravoslavlje”.

stupid is as stupid does

Orthodox church is universal yet within the Orthodox church all RECOGNISED “national” Orthodox churches are equal. What “difference” between “svetosavlje” and “pravoslavlje”?

stupid is as stupid does

Again NATO meme and Serb phobia in disguise…and labeling Serbs of “Greater Serbia” yet Serbia is all the time smaller. Same formula is used against Russia also

Would you kindly… shut up you Croat NAZI ?

Ivan M.


Saso Mange

Did Russia commit genocide in 1990’s? Did Russia start the war on soil of almost every one of it’s neighbors? I do not think that Russia can even be compared with Serbia in that regard! Stop hiding behind Western propaganda against Russia because there is a reason why Russia never bloodied it’s hands in Balkans in order to assist Serbia. Russia did not assist in Kosovo nor did it assist elsewhere except with some veto vote here and there. Only fascist here is you, you deny Monte Negro their right for self determination and then you accuse others of being ”nazi”? What a hypocrite. Unless Serbia get’s rid of milosevic era radicals it won’t prosper.

stupid is as stupid does

NATO troll. Can’t even be botherd to answer your NATO propaganda. Your time is OUT in Balkans! Russia, China and Iran will come up as winners while NATO will fall apart and U.S. and E.U. colapse with comming economic depression! There will be general deratization of Serbia and montenegro and Republic of Srpska from the rats like you! Here your Croat Ustasha has upvoted you. What surprise !

Saso Mange

You really are stupid. If someone is Croat it doesn’t mean that he is Nazi. If someone is Serb it doesn’t mean that he is war criminal. Stop hiding behind people.

But thanks for proving my argument. You do have fascist ideas indeed. Clearing rats? You are sick.

Matt Sullivan

“fascist ideas indeed.”

LMFAO! Look who’s talking, TROLL! “There is like zero value in your posts but your ability to drag people into empty discussions is marvelous. CLAP CLAP” Yeah, you described yourself perfectly right there, TROLL! LMFAO! This retarded mentally ill troll cries “Fascism!!!” and “racism!!!” when anyone refutes his idiotic nonsense about Serbia but defends National Socialism [aka Nazism] and Hitler at the same time while pretending to be “democratic”! :D LMFAO! Here’s one of this menatll ill troll’s quotes:

“National Socialists were not racist. They were patriotic, wanted to be independent. Western degraded civilization which is ruled by Zionism did not want strong and independent country in Europe”


Ivan M.

Serbian orthodox church is TERRORIST organisation and this is exactly how they should be treated. End of story. BTW there are NAZI “saints” proclaimed to be “saints” by this terrorist organisation. I will repeat this: self declared NAZIS are serbian saints!!!!

stupid is as stupid does

jedi govna hrvat

Calender Week

Serbian Orthodox Church is a Christian organisation….All the saints declared are real saints….It is the Namazi shits like you and your firefathers are the real Nazis….

Calender Week

One day serbia will be great serbia and will crush all their enemies…

stupid is as stupid does

No such thing as “Montenegrain language”.

Saso Mange

Take your fascist ideas to your house please. Most basic human right is that of self determination. By taking that away from the people you are starting to work towards committing genocide. That’s what history teach us. Montenegro is unique, they are not Serbs nor do they speak Serbian. Actually Monte Negro was the first regional country which got independence and formed a modern state. Long before Serbia, Croatia or Bosnia. Your statement is fundamentally wrong.

stupid is as stupid does

Who is denaying Montenegrain “self determination”?!?! You can’t understand even basics! Or maybe your NATO troll propaganda meme (that makes Ukrainians different people from Russians and Montenegrains different from Serbs) is suddenly “truth”?! Because that works out perfectly for US & NATO! And what is “fascist” in the fact that “Montenegrain language” doesn’t exist?! It has never existed! They have NEVER claimed to have different language till recently (after George Soros sponsored color revolution) The differences between Serbs and Montenegrains are negligable in every way. Whatever some pro NATO Montenegrains say now they still speak Serb language with their own dialect (that doesn’t make it separate language) You are narrowminded pro NATO troll ! Your time will be soon out in Montenegro… You are enemies of your own people just like those fascist in Ukraine! P.S. Serbia existed “long before” Montenegro.

Saso Mange

Mister we should deal with facts rather than with myths. If you do not know history of your own region i do not have anything to say to you.

First nation which was recognized in ex-Yu region was Monte Negro and that is historical fact. Regardless – even if they decided that they have new language today, and gave it a name today on 7/24/2019 – who gave you right to say that their language does not exist? That is fascism! And you rather call me troll? I am objective, you base your accusations on US&NATO deeds and bring in Soros into discussion? There is reason why you pick such nickname and it’s a bit ironic. I accused you of being fascist who deny people right to self determination. You deny existence of others language. It’s clear! Yet you can not admit that simple fact because you are fascist in nature. Knowledgeable and objective mind knows what i am saying and there are people here who are objective and well backed by research. They do not shout BS like you do but i won’t name them, we know who are members who know what they are saying and i visit this discussion board only because of them, not because of your kind!

stupid is as stupid does

You are twisting my words Again: Serbia as state existed long time before Monte Negro was created. There is no Monte Negro “language” and it is not me who is saying that but the linguists.

Go away now you illiterate simpleton

Saso Mange

You really is stupid man. I give up. Montenegro got it’s independence over 800 years before Serbia. Serbia was principality back then lol world has different history than Serbia says. Fact check it, you are lying.

stupid is as stupid does

You retarded ignoramus, Serbia have had existed as country from 7th century.

Saso Mange

Maybe but in Serbian school books. Montenegro got it’s independence 800 years before you ignorant idiot! Serbia was principality back then without central strong rule actually as country it did not exist. Read something else than Serbian propaganda, whole world laughs on you. ”country since 7th century” hahahah thanks for good joke!

Concrete Mike

I now see the “self determination” argument as divisive by design.

If kosovo had a right to self determination and the world accepts it , ok.

Then what would you say about crimea? Same process of self determination was followed, same ” result” , but its called an annexation in the west. Sanctions upon sanctions followed, and a 24 7 smear in the media , five years and counting.

Im highly suspicious of self determination advocates, as there is often an anglo zionist hand up its ass.

Pardon my skepticism.

Saso Mange

by saying how ” Monte Negro language doesn’t exist” that is barbaric and contrary to every value of so called civilized life.

Crimea is Russian land given to Ukraine as symbol of brotherhood in Soviet era (in 1950’s if i remember correctly).

When Ukraine decided to orient towards West it was only logical for Russia to take their land and people back. Actually Ottomans have more credible claim to Crimea than Ukraine, which is funny. So even without referendum Russia had both legal and demographic right to take Crimea back. I agree with what you say, i am also highly suspicious when it comes to any ”value preacher” – ”self determination advocates” included. Those so called ”activists” and what not are polluting our world (from gay movement over to other, seemingly less harmful NGO’s). But it’s easy to see BS. When i see fascist language used, like in this example of negating existence of whole culture and language i will always react and call it it’s true name. Serb nationalistic circles say that everyone in Balkans is Serb and only language is Serbian, which is fundamentally wrong on all accounts.

I reply to that. Always have and always will. It doesn’t matter who commits offensive and violent deeds or promotes such ideologies – we have to condemn them all!

Saso Mange

Compare statements from both leaders of both Churches and from politicians and you will understand that Monte Negro is 100% right about this. Serbia lost a lot because of 1990’s wars which they started, brainwashed by Greater Serbian aspirations. They still won’t learn that cooperation and mutual respect are essential in bilateral relationships with it’s neighbors. There is no Serb controlled JNA anymore and Serbia has to accept reality. Reality which is that they have to negotiate instead of making demands. It makes them alienated.

stupid is as stupid does

NATO troll alert !

Saso Mange

You again. If you have nothing constructive to add you only make fool of your self. I had pleasure to learn that most people in Serbia are good people, lovely people who are not like you. I’ve been in Montenegro too and they are also good people. Croatia. Bosnia. Macedonia. Whole Balkans. But fascist elements who are working for the benefit of Western degraded ‘civilization’ are polluting that beautiful region. So take your BS elsewhere. Take your accusations with you too. That is Zionist apologist tactic you are using, smear, defame and distract!

stupid is as stupid does

You are NATO troll

Saso Mange

” In particular, the bill implies the seizure of property belonging to the Serbian Orthodox Church ”.


Law in Monte Negro is clear about this. Whoever (Serbian Church included) has documents to prove ownership that will be legally enough to claim ownership. The fact that Serbian church has no legal claim over many places doesn’t imply that the state is doing seizures. On the contrary!

Edvin R

There is only one problem…Montenegro is historicaly an older state then Serbia…so to be real accurate the Montenegrin church should take over the Serbian one created by Tito.Its become an stronghold for homosexuals and perverts and the most priests were and are on security payrolls.

Panthera Pardus

It should be noted for the non European readers that talking of Montenegro goverment is somehow preposterous. Montenegro is below the million of *total* inhabitants, is around 700 thousands. It is basically a small town, let’s say Montenegro city council.. whereas “church” of Montenegro could be intended almost literally i.e. church = one building

Concrete Mike

Not everyone lives in large urban centers. What.percentage of the population lives in rural areas?

Saso Mange

When compared to rest of the region population density is around average, when compared to territory of the state. For example North Macedonia has something over 2 million people in whats almost twice the size of Montenegro. It’s not that much different than regional countries, after all it was part of Yugoslavia. It’s silly how people easily jump to conclusions about the country even tho Montenegro gained independence over 8 centuries before Serbia. Some respect would not hurt anyone.

Ivan M.

Serbian orthodox church is TERRORIST organisation and this is exactly how they should be treated. End of story. BTW there are NAZI “saints” proclaimed to be “saints” by this terrorist organisation. I will repeat this: self declared NAZIS are serbian saints!!!! Joanikije Lipovac, Milorad Vukojicic, Nikolaj Velimirovic… (use google)

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