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MARCH 2025

Montenegro Is Burning

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Montenegro Is Burning


The Montenegrin government demonstrates a painful commitment to its campaign against the Serbian Orthodox Church, which already led to wide-scale protests in the country.

On July 19, Prime Minister Dusko Markovic announced that the government’s work group is ready to continue negotiations on the controversial Freedom of Religion Law, which infringes on rights of the Serbian Orthodox Church and its Metropolitanate of Montenegro.

Montenegro Is Burning

Prime Minister Dusko Markovic

The Serbian Orthodox Church is traditionally the main and only canonic Orthodox church in Montenegro and has a wide support of the local population. Despite this, the Markovic government has been fiercely working to change this by promoting a project of the ‘independent’ Montenegrin Orthodox Church. To do so, the government seeks to adopt a new law allowing to seize church properties of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro and setting conditions for psuhing the canonic church out of the country. The government apparently believes that the existence of the canonic church as an important part of the traditionally conservative Serbian society undermines its attempts to impose Western-promoted ‘neo-liberal values’ in Montenegro. While the jointing in NATO in 2017 faced a controversy in the country and the attempts to join the European Union are seem mainly as relatively positive by the population, the blatant propaganda of the modern variant of ‘democratic values’ (i.e. joining the minorities-ruled, neo-liberal camp) faces a mostly negative reaction.

In other words, Montenegro seeks to repeat the Ukrainain case, when the Kiev regime also participated in the creation of a local puppet pro-Western church that should support the Ukrainain ‘integration to Europe’, neo-liberal values and oppose the silent conservative majority of the population.

Metropolitan Amfilohije (the current Metropolitan bishop of Montenegro and the Littoral, making him the Primate of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro) accepted the government invitation to hold another meeting on July 20.

“We take this opportunity to remind that our Church was, is, and remains committed to dialogue as the only correct way in resolving open issues in relations between the state and the Church, which arose before and after the adoption and entry into force of the questionable Law on Freedom of Religion,” Metropolitan Amfilohije said in a statement published on the website of the metropolitanate. “For this reason, we accept your invitation, although it comes with a significant delay, to complete the initiated and interrupted dialogue, in the hope that you are not doing this to include this topic in your election campaign <…> We expect that the government will fully respect the church and legal subjectivity of the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral and the dioceses of the Serbian Orthodox Church and will accept our proposals for amendments and additions to the said Law. “

In June, the Montenegrin Police opened an administrative case against Metropolitan Amfilohije after supporters of the canonic church held a series of rallies against the law. The case was opened under pretext of the COVID-19 crisis limiations. At the same time, the COVID-19 threat did not stop the government from pushing forward the forementioned law and supporters of various neo-liberal groups across Europe from holding their own events. Earlier, Police repeatedly answered with force to the wave of protests, which has been ongoing in the country since December 2019.

The Montenegrin government and the ruling Democratic Party of Socialists blamed the Belgrade-based media and Government of Serbia for the crisis over the controversial law, destabilization and unrest across the country. They claim that the ongoing Church protests actually are not against the disputed law but against Montenegrin statehood and independence. This posture is quite similar to those of the Kiev regime, which has also become used to blaming an external enemy (Russia) for any of its own faults.

A one more factor that contributes to the tensions is the nearing parliamentary election, which is due to be held on August 30. According to latest polls, up to 42% of people believe that the country is moving in a wrong direction and 41% others do not think that there is fair elections in Montenegro. The complex economic situation, global crisis and the falling popularity of the ruling pro-Western Democratic Party of Socialists are the main factors behind actions of the current government. By fueling the myth about foreign enemies, imposing a hard-core pro-Western course, and limiting the freedoms under the pretext of the COVID-19 crisis, it hopes to both take the political situation under control and guarantee some financial and political support from the Euro-Atlantic establishment.

If Dusko Markovic and his allies win the election once again, it’s highly unlikely that their course will be softened, thus causing even more tensions within the society. For example, the implementation of the Freedom of Religion Law will allow the government to start seizing properties of the Serbian Orthodox Church and transferring it to the new ‘independent’ (government-controlled and loyal to the neo-liberal world order) church. This will cause a new round of protests and resistance, including clashes with police and radicals supporting the law. In Ukraine, where the local canonic church is also in a complicated situation, the Kiev regime and its non-canonic Ukrainian Orthodox Church openly employed groups of neo-Nazis to seize properties of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (Moscow Patriarchy). This turned into a useful business for radicals returning from the conflict in eastern Ukraine and various criminal groups. According to media reports, they receive up to 5,000 USD for every object seized from the canonic church. This happens in violation of the Ukrainian law, but under a direct patronage from Kiev and its backers. It’s easy to imagine how the situation in Montenegro will develop if business and political groups supporting the idea of creation of the ‘new church’ get a legal right to do so. The society will be divided and further and the country would explode by protests, clashes and competing accusations. After this, it’s likely that the government will once again try to accuse Serbia, the Serbian Orthodox Church and even Russia of trying to destabilize Montenegro and alienating the major part of the population that do not see them as enemies.

Montenegro will enter a period of political and social instability amid the developing global crisis and remaining COVID-19 threat. This will lead to a further deterioration of the economic and social situation. Despite mantras about the ‘foreign threat’, groups supporting this scenario are in fact the main force undermining the Montenegrin statehood and independence.


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Lone Ranger

He is a cia troll. Greedy MOFO he is already a $millionair but wont refuse the cia cash. Aka a traitor to his country.

Jens Holm

All You like are cia, trolls and jew. According to You we must be an overwhelming majority and Your fear must be, You only will remain in Our Zoos or DNA banks as examples of great mistakes:)

We have a finger of Hitler and can clone. Hitler didnt like Serbs and Serbs only like themselves.

Lone Ranger

Told you to adjust you meds, but you never listen…

Jens Holm

I read many. I even read You.


Looks the vile dogsht too:

Jens Holm

Thats right. Who wants a golden bathtub filled with oil, when You can get many filled with gold and even ISIS women think You are nice guy:)


Why is he still breathing?remember the guy in Serbia think his name was Dinjij,he ended up with his head blown off,when Serbia was being bombed by those Nato thugs he was hiding in Montenegro giving interviews to the BBC attacking milosovic,the man was a quisling.

Peter Bozich

The only thing keeping these puppet governments in power is the DisUnited States Of America. I expect the Disusa to fall apart by the end of the year in a big way. Then one by one all of its vassal states will unravel on an even bigger scale. It’s gonna be one hell of a second half of the year.

Jens Holm

Thats very incorrect and a well known propaganda illusion. Montenegrins always has tryed to be their own and even kept the Turks away.

They has been one of the many small coastal states trading with the rest there and the population – until it was killed by Serbs – was cosmepolitic as for Dalmatia, Venice all the way to Gibraltar as well as into the Black sea.

Even so the base also was the mountain farmland protecting their Governess well. Naming those people as serbs is totally wrong. Serbs has no patent in being slaves there. In old Serbia only 35% was slaves and not even a majority.

And You think they are biased by USA because they wont join a collapsed economy and state. Its not like that. They try to open up and take in thongs, which work for them.

I wonder what USA can steel there. Well Montenegrins has clothe and sheep havnt they. Thats it.

Daniel Martin

You should really make a good fact check before you post comments like this, because you are only embarrassing yourself incredibly much by posting such nonsense.

cechas vodobenikov

your lies are despicable—u merely display yourself to be stupid

Nikola S

Moron, you are “very incorrect’, very, very retarded and full of nato-nazi bullshit, delusional crap and total moronic lies.

Let me repeat myself one more time, I know you are a total imbecile.

I live in Montenegro (*italian word btw that no one use in CRNA GORA), and who exactly are you, dumb, little, utterly clueless and completely retarded danish twat to tell me who are my people, who are my ancestors, what is my history??? FUCK YOU! Let me repeat myself one more time, I know you are an idiot: we Montenegrins/Crnogorci are absolutely SERBIAN, and nothing but serbian, 100% serbian! We are proud to be serbian, we Crnogorci always consider ourselves to be purest, the most serbian of all Serbs, from Petar Petrovic Njegos to King Nikola Petrovic, everything and everyone in our history, church, our saints, our state is SERBIAN. I can give you 1000000s of examples from history, quotes, flags, poems, literature, but you are not worth it to prove you anything. No one ‘forced’ us to be serbian, it is a privilege, an honour, something you bitch don’t have, not even theoretically. Italian fascists tried to stir trouble after 1918. and install some puppet government in 1941. then communists installed brutal anti-serbian and anto-orthodox policy in entire Yugolsavia, especially in Montenegro (inspired by similar Lenin’s anti-russian policies in USSR after the revolution) but not even them dared to change the flag for example (which was almost exactly the same as serbian). Then in 1990. one young communist leader Milo Djukanovic (btw there are more Djukanovics living in Serbia than in Montenegro) initially followed Momir Bulatovic and Slobodan Milosevic, but then NATO promised him full power, so he betrayed Bulatovic, seized all power in Montengro and started his brutal, tyrannical reign. His regime is utterly corrupted, infested with criminals, but I guess you love brutal dictators and drug dealers, you shameless and brainless piece of SHIT. With full NATO backing, and using criminals and mafia, and national minorities, he started his genocidal policy against Serbs, opposition leaders, the church, everyone who oppose his bloody tyranny (that you love so much bitch). He expelled Russian citizens (Crna Gora always loved Russia, we considered them brotherly nation), he serves American masters obediently (like you bitch) in return EU and USA allow ignore his dictatorship and criminal activities. Now he is trying to create his own private church, by attacking and stealing serbian churches, arresting and beating preiests and nuns. He is worse than ISIS but I’m sure you love sucking ISIS cocks as well, don;t you little bitch? you love Turks and albanians, take them to Denmark. Until then keep sucking thei butts, but don’t you dare to tell us Crnogorci who we are.

Crna Gora is more serbian than Jutland and Sjealand is danish. You dumb pile of shit.


Whats keeping them in power is the population of those Countries.

Jim Allen

There is some truth in that. Maybe more than some. Overwhelming evidence of how effective military PsyOps, and propaganda is, and how vulnerable people are.


That was my point but Jimi James missed it.


Bullsht,The world knows of how eu-epp-neo-liberal,rigged political bribe/blackmail works,besides 3 out of 4 ain’t into hato,nor liberak kweers,just some of the real facts!


So why the fuck don’t they rise up?

Nikola S

Because they brainwashed or corrupted significant part of population, poisoned them with media or paid them with privileges; they control 20-30% of population, with another 20% of national minorities (same in America or France where deluded people vote for Hillary, Biden, Macron etc and nat. minorities always support them as well). And of course, they also massively steal votes when needed, or just use mafia and police to forcefully seize local communities (like in city of Budva recently where police beaten and arrest the major previously storming city hall with tear gas and shock bombs). Police even arrest priests in churches and opposition leaders in parliament, and EU applaud them for “democratic values”?! So people do try to resist, but Djukanovic’s regime is fully supported by US/NATO. A few days ago he allowed same-sex marriages, he proved how ‘democratic and progressive’ he is, confiscating churches and destroying monasteries ISIS-style is not a problem for his NATO masters.

cechas vodobenikov

always true

Jens Holm

Actually its the western world economy and its good structures making wellfare for many more then in other countries. EU with UK are the same seize as USA in economy so blame USA for what EU is makes no sense at all.

If we sink very very deep we one day might stand on Your heads in selfmade quamire and dark.

The best You could give could be better alternatives, but You only hope and work for, we shall be fiaskos like You show for us.

Here You even expect this country too should go back to the for good reasons amputated callapse named Serbia.

Daniel Martin


cechas vodobenikov

your racism and stupidity is contemptible

Raptar Driver

These people are Serbian and they are being taught to hate their own people, is there no end to the treachery? Only when all Serbian lands are united we will be free. This will take a colossal effort which I don’t see that we’re up to. The elimination of the last 2 independent Slavic people is well underway, Russians and Serbians.

Jens Holm

I see Poland and Tjekkia as well.

Thats not Serbian lands at all. They decide themselves. You are semilar to Turks making people hate You by treating them bad. 2 tryes for unification totaly failed. You ignore that and even as if You were croates made etnic claning – as them.

Raptar Driver

Poland belongs to the poles and what the heck is the other place you’re talking about? Ask any Montenegrin and the vast majority will tell you that they are Serbian, even more Serbian than Serbs. I am part Montenegrin but I never say that I say I am Serbian. Don’t ever compare us to the filthy Turks.

Jens Holm

They are sevral slavic groups and the Youghurts are south slaves. It once was one group. I will try again: Tjekkoslovakia, Checoslovakia.

Map: https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/68trkf/slavic_countries_map_with_native_names_931633/

I paste from Wiki because thats the short version about slaves:

Slavs are the largest ethno-linguistic group in Europe,[2][3] followed by Germanic peoples and Romance peoples.[4][5] Present-day Slavic people are classified into East Slavs (chiefly Belarusians, Russians, Rusyns, and Ukrainians), West Slavs (chiefly Czechs, Kashubs, Poles, Slovaks and Sorbs) and South Slavs (chiefly Bosniaks, Bulgarians, Croats, Macedonians, Montenegrins, Serbs and Slovenes).[6][7][8][9]

Slavs can be further grouped by religion. Orthodox Christianity is practiced by the majority of Slavs. The Orthodox Slavs include the Belarusians, Bulgarians, Macedonians, Montenegrins, Russians, Rusyns, Serbs, and Ukrainians and are defined by Orthodox customs and Cyrillic script, as well as their cultural connection to the Byzantine Empire (Montenegrins and Serbs also use Latin script on equal terms).

Their second most common religion is Catholicism. The Catholic Slavs include Croats, Czechs, Kashubs, Poles, Silesians, Slovaks, Slovenes and Sorbs and are defined by their Latinate influence and heritage.


Do people still believe the lies being spread about times in history ? Do people still think still think wiki and other information agencies are not influenced or corrupted by the deep state ,nwo and agitators of the truth ? Do people not realize that the #1 eastern orthodox church was cunningly stolen after promises and given to the defeated = turkey for a reason ? the break up of the ussr ? To weaken the eastern orthodox presence in Europe.? when are the sheep going to wake up. divide and conquer has been in motion in the western run spheres for millenia,


Macedonians were invented by the filthy Serbs. They are pure Bulgarians.

Jens Holm

I allow me to see they are themselves and want to remain so.

Just because they fx once should have been Bulgarians, Serbs, Italians or Greeks dont say those countries should ahve any influence there.

From distance I can only see others should let them be MonteNegrinos and leave that dominance with the reast of their garbage.

You have too much “from” in Your Region. Facts are they kept Turks out for many centuries and Bulgars mainly was with Ottomans.

Nikola S

Fuuuck off you dumb clueless danish cunt, you know shit about Montengro, Balkans or anything else except spamming retarded random garbage.


You are a slavoturk muslim retard that never went to school arent you !

Jim Allen

Poland belongs to The City of London.


Belongs to the vatican.

Jens Holm


Jim Allen

The Vatican is owned by The City of London. 60% of Israel, too US Government is a wholly owned subsidiary of The City of London.

Jens Holm

I remember it. The alternative was Jaruselski and tear gas in the streets.

They hardly could see filling up with vodka.


It also belongs to the CIA.

Jim Allen

CIA belongs to The City of London. You are aware what The City of London is, right ?

Nikola S

I live in Montenegro (*italian word btw that no one use in CRNA GORA), and who exactly are you, dumb, little, utterly clueless and completely retarded danish twat to tell me who are my people, who are my ancestors, what is my history??? FUUUUCK YOU!

Now listen you dumb little nato-nazi danish bitch and listen carefully: we Montenegrins/Crnogorci are absolutely SERBIAN, and nothing but serbian, 100% serbian! We are proud to be serbian, we Crnogorci always consider ourselves to be purest, the most serbian of all Serbs, from Petar Petrovic Njegos to King Nikola Petrovic, everything and everyone in our history, church, our saints, our state is SERBIAN. I can give you 1000000s of examples from history, quotes, flags, poems, literature, but you are not worth it to prove you anything. No one ‘forced’ us to be serbian, it is a privilege, an honour, something you bitch don’t have, not even theoretically. Italian fascists tried to stir trouble after 1918. and install some puppet government in 1941. then communists installed brutal anti-serbian and anto-orthodox policy in entire Yugolsavia, especially in Montenegro (inspired by similar Lenin’s anti-russian policies in USSR after the revolution) but not even them dared to change the flag for example (which was almost exactly the same as serbian). Then in 1990. one young communist leader Milo Djukanovic (btw there are more Djukanovics living in Serbia than in Montenegro) initially followed Momir Bulatovic and Slobodan Milosevic, but then NATO promised him full power, so he betrayed Bulatovic, seized all power in Montengro and started his brutal, tyrannical reign. His regime is utterly corrupted, infested with criminals, but I guess you love brutal dictators and drug dealers, you shameless and brainless piece of SHIT. With full NATO backing, and using criminals and mafia, and national minorities, he started his genocidal policy against Serbs, opposition leaders, the church, everyone who oppose his bloody tyranny (that you love so much bitch). He expelled Russian citizens (Crna Gora always loved Russia, we considered them brotherly nation), he serves American masters obediently (like you bitch) in return EU and USA allow ignore his dictatorship and criminal activities. Now he is trying to create his own private church, by attacking and stealing serbian churches, arresting and beating preiests and nuns. He is worse than ISIS but I’m sure you love sucking ISIS cocks as well, don;t you little bitch? you love Turks and albanians, take them to Denmark. Until then keep sucking thei butts, but don’t you dare to tell us Crnogorci who we are.

Crna Gora is more serbian than Jutland and Sjealand is danish. You dumb pile of shit.


Well said brother. Cant stand that incomprehensible danish cunt, everything he ever writes is utter gibberish. I just scroll past automaticly

Jim Allen

Same thing has been done in USA, by US Government. A wholly owned subsidiary of The City of London.


Try soros/cia/bilderberg/ziew khazar/nazis:

Jens Holm

So You gave Your parrot oxygen, so they could repeat, what Your father should write for You.

Jim Allen

The City of London, personified.

Jens Holm

Yes they dig it down deep deeo and make fire to it, so the climate gets warmer. In a long period they kept in under their biig pillows, but all got headegg and now they are allied with ISIS and import waswidows with nice breast as pillows.

The deepdeep state is You creating things for Yourself, read it many times, and then Ypu have real faith and a world, You anyway never has unerstood in the first place.

Albert Pike

‘Markovic’ is a Frankist name. There was a Josip Markovic Minister in the Pavelic / Ustashe (Frankist crypto Jewish Nazi/Nasi) – goverment. Therefore his fight against a religion, specifically Christian Russian Orthodox is clear, since all the other Christian religions are Frankist undermined religions. Jakob Frank himself held consultations with the Austrian Emperor to create a Frankist homeland in Bosnia lands. And that’s where they went after 1820. They went there, and after the failing European revolutions of 1848 they went to America. Therefore it was logical that the ‘Party of Rights’ got founded by a Josip Frank, who had an Emmanuel Frank as a father, not far of from the name of the Baron of Offenbach (Jakob Frank) own son, Emanuel Frank, and that was the reason that the Ustashe members were called ‘Frankists’. And Josip Frank, the Ustashe/Party of Rights founder, and grandson of the Jewish messiah Jakob Frank, was a friend of the mayor of Vienna Karl Lueger, a men which the Fiihrer Adolf Hitler (whose forbearers came from the ‘Waldviertel’ not far from Brno and Prossnitz, where Jakob Frank had refuge for years, and who Rabbi Marvin Antelman saw as a Frankist creation) came held in high regards. Therefore it didn’t matter much that the Ustashe was Jewish, anyway the most leading Nasi/Nazi’s were Jewish-Frankist too. And so is the Polish Angela Merkel, well …and most likely Donald Trumps grandmother, Elisabeth Christ, from Kallstadt near Mannheim, which is called here a center of the Shabbateanism:

‘Meir Eisenstadt who, like a number of other outstanding rabbis, had been in sympathy with the movement and was then officiating at Prossnitz left him and turned against him; but Prossnitz remained the seat of a sizable Shabbatean group throughout the 18th century. A little later, 1708–25, another center of Shabbateanism crystallized in Mannheim, where some members of Judah Hasid’s society, including his son-in-law Isaiah Hasid from Zbarazh, found refuge in the newly established bet ha-midrash.’ https://sites.google.com/site/comuneiro/home/shabtai-zvi-jacob-frank-and-the-frankists

So what do you have. You have the fascist Ustashe members, who were called ‘Frankist’, and you have a ‘German Fiihrer’ with Jewish DNA, whose homestead village, Dollersheim, he made into an artillery testing ground. A Frankist movement which is linked to the Hasidic Zionist millenaristic movement, whose results is the Zionist state of Israel, and you have descendants of that movement as leaders in many states. Why should Montenegro be different?

Jens Holm

Facts are so many Christian names are related to the times of Jesus.

Markus, Lucas, Johannes and also Thomas was the ones, which wrote about Jesus. So ´many boys and girls are names after them in local versions.

You can find Markus and Mark here too.

So Markovic is a matter of translation from the bible which is translated from the translations from Greek or Latin into a local context.

Here its also correct Franks by Frederik The Great for a short while dominated western Europe with his Christianity. His sons made that Country fall apart by stupidisme.

So peple name themselves after famous persons. You also can see mussolini taking fascist symbols and a strange integrated mixed version of the fascist once upon a time ago.

Most of Your lines in time and who is who is very hard censured with ignorisme to fit into Your versions of things. I cannot see many are true unless You add others as well as You bias them less.

Albert Pike

Come on Jens, I know you are an educated man, you know that the Frankists are not the ‘Franks’ and that Fredrick II and Jakob Frank never met. However not all the descendants of Jakob Frank were fascist, the Jakobi line had doctors and mathematicians: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Gustav_Jacob_Jacobi And also you know that the founder of fascism, Mussolini was on the MI5 payroll, so don’t call me biased…

Nikola S

Educated man? That little imbecile Jens? Lol. He is not educated. And he is not a man either. He is just a pathetic little imbecile who knows shit about anything and instead he just spams some random incomprehensive garbage.

btw Markovic is a relatively common surname in both Serbia and Croatia (it is derived from Marko which is more common in Serba than in Coratia) and most Markovics are Serbs converted to catholicism during Austrian and/or Venetian rule, or during WW2. Other surnames from Montenegro are exclusively serbian including that of montenegrin president Djukanovic. As a matter of fact there are more Djukanovics living in Serbia than in Montenegro!

Jens Holm

Your carrot reach the floor, because You have very short legs.

Albert Pike

To fight your enemy, you have to understand him first. That he writes something back was an opportunity. But in the end he was blocking it off. Maybe next time…

Jens Holm

Sorry it was only my intension to relate to where the names come from.

I dont know any Frank fascists or not. Im not in that part of Your dispute of Yours about it.

I hust told Mark is all over the Cristian world because some Markus was one of the 3-4 famous writers about Jesus.

My own name Jens is a dericavate from Johannes, where we see John, Jeff, Jones, James, Johan and many more.

Nikola S

Same as white people in America screaming BLM! and destroying statues of white historical figures…

Montenegro and Ukraine are sick globalist experiment – how to make national majority – a minority in its own country.

Jens Holm

As Outsider I see the churches try to take over their old confiscated parts and let the countries go back into the well known and well kept stupidity.

So I see the problems or many of them well.

We see how the Churches are used too. Suddenly the communist named Putin goes smiling in Church. We even see Trump escorted by military forces grapping a bible for more voters. He dont about care bibles and would burn them if that was a good idea replacing oil with them.

The religion has to be kept in line. Maybee the method is not the best. I dont know what happend before that apart from the many killings of socalled strangers orchestred by Serbs there. The whole coastline bacame empty and that was the cosmopolitan contact to the rest of the word.

Today we only have the inhabitants from the small Mountain MonteNegro.

Is Negro allowed. Monte black, monte dirty “`

cechas vodobenikov

because you are stupid demonstrates that you cannot distinguish stupidity from intelligence


Montenegro is a US gangster micro state,what the hell is the matter with the people allowing this to happen?

Jim Allen

I discussed this above.

Jens Holm

Try a hint like “London belongs to Poland”.

Hatred Incarnate

We’ll see how it turns out. Are the people of Montenegro willing to fight for their freedom? Or will they allow the traitors to deliver their nation onto ZOG? Time will tell.

Jens Holm

Thats not what they write about. The wast majority has accepted needed changes apart from this one, so You are far our about it.

Much like they will be open to the rest of the world again as they used to and here religion seemes to be the last big stopper.

The rest is voted + +.

Jens Holm

The article says the old russiand are new western inventions. They are not. They have been there all the time more or less hidden. Those Byzantines are much older then the Russian Orthodox. And there are catholics as in Poland as well.


I can only say it was a good thing the Bolsjevics brokë all the religios power and confiscated most of it even killing priests and bishops.

But fighting against each other and some other christians try to start from scaratch all over is too much.

That goes for anywhere. The orthodox churches are very known for keeping people down and a tax hardly with no repay.


Orthodox don’t tax eu-epp does(period) Orthodoxy don’t breed incest,nor lgbtq,inferior cia being:

Jens Holm

The EU tax mainly are given back to the poorest countries in EU. The tax mainly are taken from the rich EU countries as well.

Its an equilizer tax of 1% and the main contributors are Poland and Hungary.

Its news to me Orthodox dont breed more incest a.s.o. then others. It must have started yesterday or tomorrow.

cechas vodobenikov

Jenny lives in a nation where all citizens pay taxes to the official church

Jens Holm

Thats completly irrevant and says nothing.

We have reduced the church influense here for many years, because rhey stopped and delayed a lot of sensible sekularisme and devellopments.

The EU tax money mainly are taken from the rich countries and given back to the poor ones.


Independent Montenegro, the Serbian land inhabited by the orthodox Serbian people (most of them actually feel to be Serbian, I’m from there), represents the last and the most painful, almost sadistic anti-Serbian move by “brotherly’ Russia and its current president. It was a stab to the heart, unexpected and it came from the back. It was typically Russian, sneaky and low. It came 7 years after the Yugoslav war ended. In the meantime, Russia supported and armed (including S300), Croatian catholic Ustasha head choppers i.e. Nazis (who bestially slaughtered about 1 million orthodox neighbours and relatives during WW2). Russia expediently recognized all Yugoslav republics as independent states regardless the fact that Yugoslavia was created by the Serbs after WW1, after loosing half of its population in the war as an ally to Russia and the Entente so that all Serbian people can live in one country. Unfortunately, the Serbs have always been beholden to the big Slavic Russia, just to be discarded like a dung and betrayed by the fake “brother” in the darkest moment of their need, the one historical moment when we fought literally for our survival against the rest of the world. Where was the orthodox and Slavic morality if one gangs up with the bully against one’s brother? I therefore contend that the Russians (or maybe only their elites, not really sure, as the elites stem from the people), are utterly immoral as opposed to other European nations that unequivocally came to support their ilk. By aligning against the Serbs, Russia was the only exception! In 2006, after 15 years of supporting Serbian enemies, when the Serbs still had a relatively viable and survivable state of Serbia and Montenegro, the Russian president Putin financed a fake referendum for independence of Montenegro therefore landlocking the Serbian nation and splitting it in to yet another part. So, we rightfully ask: who is our real enemy if not Russia? Montenegro as well as all other, expressly recognized and militarily helped (by Russia and NATO) former Yugoslav republics are or will soon be in NATO. The only nation, BETRAYED by Russia, the Serbs, are, of all Europe, still supporting Russia. So, as a Serb nationalist I say: shame on you Serbs! The question is: does Russia feel any shame? Why does it not come clean with Serbian people? Why does it not apologize? Why does it not send a Serbian astronaut in the space, at least, to make a goodwill move. Well, if any Serb hopes for something like that, drown your hopes, because it will never happen. Actually, the recent history will inevitably repeat itself at the very next opportunity. Why? the Russian sense of inferiority towards the West will never cease. It will always sell itself like a whore just for a few people (they call them “elites”) to be recognized in the west as equal. They have no intrinsic goodness of themselves. History clearly shows these tendencies and propensities (from the sale of Alaska to the dismantling of the Russian empire i.e. USSR). We the Serbs, as well as others, can not rely on Russia as it is. We should not be fooled again. I have to admit that, although a Serb, neither do I love Russia as I used to, nor do I trust Russia. The whole historical myth of the Serbian nation revolves around betrayal and defeat (the battle of Kosovo). The traitors for us are way down in hell, much lower than the enemy. So, my Serbian people try hard to turn around. Our past experiences with the “untrue brothers of Russia” show that there is no future with them unless they shed their own mental and moral shortcomings.


Firstly that 1 million is another conquer and divide facist myth (period) Did they count them,fk no! Now if you havn’t got the will to defend the kands of the peoples not satans,how russians fault? Maybe you should stand up for whats right instead of fearing for your own selfs,compromise? They whom give their life for otrhers sakes shall inherit,they who don’t shakk perish in entrusting

burnt offering,question remains,how many yugoslavians kile russians sold their souls to cia/usa?

Jens Holm

Thos says 850.000 to 1250000 died. And it was not CIA in this at all. Britts was there and continued to be there as long they could.


I believe Putin once said he can’t be more Serbian than a Serb,i know just what he meant by that.

Albert Pike

I tried to answer on top of you – but “jo” is closed. Now I wrote it – now somebody has to read it – even if you aren’t ‘jo’:

“Croatian catholic Ustasha head choppers”

The Ustasha members were called ‘Frankists’. That’s Zoharism and Zionism – and Catholic by fake of the Jewish/Frankist undermining of all the western Christian confessions (If you dont believe it read their proud website): https://zohariststories.blogspot.com/2019/09/the-seven-daughters-of-jacob-frank.html

If you want to meet the author of the ‘zohariststories’ – then you must scroll down here, till you see the picture of rabbi ‘Aharon Yosef’: https://callmejorgebergoglio.blogspot.com/search?q=catholic+hebrews (Needless to say Cardinal Raymond Burke is a descendant of one daughters of Jakob Frank).

Yes the Ustasha was catholic – in that sence that Jakob Frank converted twice to Catholism, but he was still a Hasidic rabbi. Also Josip Frank, the founder of the ‘Party of Rights’ = the Ustasha converted to Catholism, and back and forward. So rather call them ‘Frankists’ because that’s how they where called at the time…

Jens Holm

You seemes to know only the Serbian version. This link is more like it was: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yugoslavia

Its easy to find a lot more from Your region as well as the whole world. Hardly any agree in Your infected version.

Jens Holm

Here is Your “Uniting Serbs again:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_in_Yugoslavia look for Prince Paul and before and after that. Croates demanded more local selrule, got some and told it was not enough.

Your story telling is not true.


One things certainly clear,had usa backed proper christians,instead of hato bomb the fk outta them in setup all the mass genocide pshyc ‘ops via fake narrative,chances are they wouldn’t be in eternal 25.5 trillion debt pitted quagmires,whoms infested by a heap of transformers and other satanic culted sht,

Infact china would not have been huge as they are todays period, Thus failed usa =100% cia/bilderbergs/eu-epp=100% to blame,no if’s,no but’s (period) So nows( ‘eat sht incestive congress)? How about the republican sulkys whom now worse than liberals? Utterly downright deplorable and pathedic,if anything,they should have been more the adults,but fk no!!

Why don’t any republican blame clinton,bush,soros,But fall too easy to bildferbergs/lamestream news? Hammer and justice now quests them all,won’t happen over night,but it will happen,this I swear!!!!!!!!!!


“up to 42% of people believe that the country is moving in a wrong direction and 41% others do not think that there is fair elections”

Worth mentioning that the original source doesn’t say “41% others”.


Supposedly we can express our thoughts freely here??


Independent Montenegro, the Serbian land inhabited by the orthodox Serbian people (most of them actually feel to be Serbian, I’m from there), represents the last and the most painful, almost sadistic anti-Serbian move by “brotherly’ Russia and its current president. It was a stab to the heart, unexpected and it came from the back. It was typically Russian, sneaky and low. It came 7 years after the Yugoslav war ended. In the meantime, Russia supported and armed (including S300), Croatian catholic Ustasha head choppers i.e. Nazis (who bestially slaughtered about 1 million orthodox neighbours and relatives during WW2). Russia expediently recognized all Yugoslav republics as independent states regardless the fact that Yugoslavia was created by the Serbs after WW1, after loosing half of its population in the war as an ally to Russia and the Entente so that all Serbian people can live in one country. Unfortunately, the Serbs have always been beholden to the big Slavic Russia, just to be discarded like a dung and betrayed by the fake “brother” in the darkest moment of their need, the one historical moment when we fought literally for our survival against the rest of the world. Where was the orthodox and Slavic morality if one gangs up with the bully against one’s brother? I therefore contend that the Russians (or maybe only their elites, not really sure, as the elites stem from the people), are utterly immoral as opposed to other European nations that unequivocally came to support their ilk. By aligning against the Serbs, Russia was the only exception! In 2006, after 15 years of supporting Serbian enemies, when the Serbs still had a relatively viable and survivable state of Serbia and Montenegro, the Russian president Putin financed a fake referendum for independence of Montenegro therefore landlocking the Serbian nation and splitting it in to yet another part. So, we rightfully ask: who is our real enemy if not Russia? Montenegro as well as all other, expressly recognized and militarily helped (by Russia and NATO) former Yugoslav republics are or will soon be in NATO. The only nation, BETRAYED by Russia, the Serbs, are, of all Europe, still supporting Russia. So, as a Serb nationalist I say: shame on you Serbs! The question is: does Russia feel any shame? Why does it not come clean with Serbian people? Why does it not apologize? Why does it not send a Serbian astronaut in the space, at least, to make a goodwill move. Well, if any Serb hopes for something like that, drown your hopes, because it will never happen. Actually, the recent history will inevitably repeat itself at the very next opportunity. Why? the Russian sense of inferiority towards the West will never cease. It will always sell itself like a whore just for a few people (they call them “elites”) to be recognized in the west as equal. They have no intrinsic goodness of themselves. History clearly shows these tendencies and propensities (from the sale of Alaska to the dismantling of the Russian empire i.e. USSR). We the Serbs, as well as others, can not rely on Russia as it is. We should not be fooled again. I have to admit that, although a Serb, neither do I love Russia as I used to, nor do I trust Russia. The whole historical myth of the Serbian nation revolves around betrayal and defeat (the battle of Kosovo). The traitors for us are way down in hell, much lower than the enemy. So, my Serbian people try hard to turn around. Our past experiences with the “untrue brothers of Russia” show that there is no future with them unless they shed their own mental and moral shortcomings.

Nikola S

Total nonsense and so many lies. Russia never sold S-300 to Croatia (Ukraine sold them some empty tubes tho), Russia was weak under Yeltsin, but even so many Russians fought and died for Serbia in Kosovo, saying they supported serbian enemies is just retarded. Putin never financed Djukanovic’s referendum, it was Boris Tadic’s traitorous regime in Serbia who was friendly with Djukanovic’s criminal regime. Russia is basically the only country defending serbian rights in Kosovo (China is just following Russia there). Djukanovic hates Russia as much as he hates Serbia, perhaps even more: he expelled russian citizens, confiscated much of their property, he is totally and 100% pro-nato, he accused Russia many times of trying to overthrow him, totally in accordance with western propaganda, yet you are claiming that Russia supports him which is just laughable. I somehow doubt you are Serbian at all, but I’m sure you are not a nationalist; perhaps one of those self-haters (‘autosovinisti’). Or some other deluded individual. Or just an albanian troll, with just 4 comments?


Altought i dont know much about your country, that Jo dude sounds like your typical run of the mil zionist bot. I could smell the stench from here even if I have no idea about the history of montenegro. I just know its bs.

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