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MARCH 2025

Montenegro’s Opposition Turns Out To Also Be Pro-West, But What About The Church?

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Montenegro's Opposition Turns Out To Also Be Pro-West, But What About The Church?

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In Montenegro, the opposition claimed victory against the 30-year-long “rule” by the country’s dominant Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS).

Opposition leader Zdravko Krivokapic who is to likely fill the role of the country’s next Prime Minister turned to quoting the Old Testament and King Solomon in his vows of the future.

As Jerusalem burned, Krivokapic says, its citizens passed buckets of water along a line to extinguish the flames. Solomon even saw an ant carrying a tiny drop of water on its back.

“This is my vision for Montenegro,” said Krivokapic. “We will all contribute to create the new Montenegro that we all wish for.”

And despite initial promises to turn to a more pro-Serbian and pro-Russian direction, Krivokapic actually said that pro-EU path is unquestionable.

President Milo Djukanovic and his DPS have positioned themselves as pro-West and pro-EU and have dubbed the opposition as pro-Belgrade and pro-Moscow. That appears not to be the case.

And Krivokapic appears to not have entered politics due to Serbia or Russia, but rather because in 2019, a law was passed that forced the Serbian Orthodox Church to prove ownership of its vast landholdings in Montenegro.

The law has been interpreted by the church and its believers as an attack on religious freedom and led to mass street protests throughout 2020.

Far more than Europe or NATO, the legislation was the most significant issue during the election on August 30th 2020 and is widely considered to have been responsible for the DPS parliamentary defeat.

“This was a discriminatory law […]. More than 120,000 people peacefully protested week after week against [it]. We are going to work on changing the law to make it fair,” said Krivokapic.

He described himself as “a religious man”, Krivokapic said that he understood the need for the church to be governed by law and regulation, but criticised the previous government for not consulting the Serbian Orthodox Church prior to tabling and passing it in 2019.

Krivokapic said that with him as prime minister all stakeholders would be taken into account.

But the pro-EU and pro-NATO direction were unquestionable.

Not only will the government continue to pursue Montenegro’s joining the European Union, says Krivokapic, but they will pursue it faster and harder than the DPS have so far.

The new government will reportedly focus even harder on countering corruption and organized crime, in order to join the EU even quicker.

On September 9th, the three main opposition blocs also committed to “strengthen[ing] and enhanc[ing]” Montenegro’s relationship with NATO.

“This information that we are pro-Serbian or pro-Russian or that we will stop negotiations. That we are anti-NATO. It is not true, and we will prove that very soon. We are committed to all our obligations and everything that we have signed in the agreement with NATO,” he said.

“The pro-West, pro-EU orientation of the new government will be very clearly defined. There will be no doubt about it. Our pro-Western orientation is unquestionable.”

Krivokapic said that the government will engage with the thousands of Montenegrins who do not want the country to join Europe, with the most recent polling putting support for EU membership at 55%, down from 67% just two years ago.

“This share of people who do not believe in EU integration reflects [the failure] of the party that was in power […] to show the benefits [of] accession to the EU. […] Our people here […] did not get enough information, true information, about the benefits of EU integration,” he said.

“I can tell you as an engineer, the technical regulations, the harmonisation of standards: If there was nothing else but that we would still benefit strongly.”

When it comes to Russia’s influence in Montenegro, Krivokapic said that he thought it was given too much attention and was “overemphasized.”

“And it was Milo Djukanovic who did that. Ask yourself who actually ushered in Russian investors and businesses and tycoons to Montenegro, it was MIlo Djukanovich. But now it suits him to talk about Russian influence in Montenegro,” he said.

“I haven’t been in contact with any Russian officials so far – I cannot say about any members of my coalition – but I can say that it is a big power, a great power, and as every great power it has its interests. But what I can say is that our main interest is the country of Montenegro, which is very clear in our orientation is western. We will not give this up.”

So it would appear that either the opposition presented itself as less pro-West initially, and then turned back, or it was misrepresented in a propaganda row by the Montenegrin government.

Either way, it appears that little is to change in the direction of development of Montenegro, however it appears that there might be good news for the Orthodox Church in the country.


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“Montenegro’s Opposition Turns Out To Also Be Pro-West” only because they want to survive in power and try to bring gradual changes of 30 years of dictatorship policies !

If they have declared that they renounce NATO membership and turning towards Serbia-Russia or even denouncing systematic Western interference in Montenegro internal politics they would not last 2 days!!


Since MN lives on tourism from EU that would be an act of treason and they would be hanged. Serbia-Russia aliance is history. Serbia has the chance to integrate in EU and NATO and even unite with MN.

Jens Holm

Many serbs still think they are the born leaders to dominans. Some serbian makeover dont do it.


Maybe because unlike the Chatolics and Muslims they didn’t commit genocide in WW2 and fought against Hitler to the end? Main reason Germany and Paul II called for war in Yugoslavia.

Jens Holm

Yes, Nato is important too.

AG Korvin

Look, millions emigrating to the West from the East, but never the other way around. Anyone having a life knows that Russia and China, Iran and whatnot have nothing to offer when it comes to life quality.

cechas vodobenikov

u ignorant racist–only the most incompetent classes immigrate to USA….r u stupid? obvious…4 million Ukrainians have relocated to Russia since the US coup—numerous Uzbeks, Tajiks, Armenians etc have relocated to Russia in the past 2 decades…nobody wants your cultural desert except poor central amerikans u peasants r culture less –u measure quality of life according to your burgers, world class obesity—greatest violent/non violent crime, rapes per capita, greatest wealth/income disparities, excepting a few 4th world nations, world leading extreme poverty–Russia/china none, 30+% mental illness–no civilized nation exceeds 6%…your stupidity is only rivaled by the CIA

AG Korvin

Nice starting of a sentence there – of course idiots like you can’t stand a chance to be accepted, but I was talking about non-ape Easterners- you’ll have to die in the Orwellian soviet zoo paradise ???


He already was in the US with some school program and they tested him and found out his IQ is too high and they got scared. Yep, real story from his comments. Telling you that to avoid the frustrated retard.

AG Korvin

Wow ?


Two East European CUNTS – Western Ukrainian and Hungarian

The nations whose ass was not obviously kicked hard enough in the last war. Next time your kind of people should be exterminated for good !


Lel. Just try :)

Jens Holm

Most of that is russians moving back to Russia after being moved arióund random by Stalin and the Tzars. To me its internal migration.

And Russians died more happy 8 years before Ours:) https://www.worldometers.info/demographics/life-expectancy/

And all is biased for propaganda.

14 days ago I was told the danish unimplyment rate was highr then the Russian one. It was 6 and for Russia 5%.

BUT 80% of the danish men and women work AND only about 60% of the Russians in the age, where people can work, do it.

You dont know, what extreme poverty is at all. Several billion people in the wholeworld has lees or the same as the very poor in USA.

In Your propagandaversion You never mention those 162 miiloins or more, which are doing påretty well.

Ypu also never mention reasosns for people are poor and unimployed. How much can rich people steal from people, which hardly has any aoncome and their few moey are given by the rich and the ,middleclass.

I could understand if You critiseized their education system but also remeber the attitudes about it. But that not allowed, where You come from, because the probælems and the solutions are the same.

Rhodium 10

Thats because Russia dont feed beggars!..and even less admits that criminal gangs&Mafia of east Europe that operates in EU countries can do it in Russia!

AG Korvin

Completely understood. Now what about the mafia that rules Russia then? 4 million Russians already voted with their feet – they will never return.


I shit on United Snakes of Assfucked states ….of LGBTQ 60 gender queers !

AG Korvin

Wow, lots of issues in there ? Don’t hold back, just come out of the closet ???

And never forget to use bold letters when you’re tough on the keyboard.


AmeriCunt stupid fuck, just keep being amused till the riots come next door to you! Bankrupted LGBTQ 60 gender wimps, child rapists and shitheads !

AG Korvin

I am neither a cunt, nor hailing from North America. Guess, this ends your argument ? Just joking, you never had any ?????


You Anglo-Saxons “5 eyes” pile of shit are all cunts, an AngloSaxonCunt’s !You party has finished and you well be soon wiped away from world scene you parasites !

AG Korvin

Nope, I am not even ANZAC (also not Japanese, whom constitute the 6th eye of the 5-eyes). So what? My party has nothing to do with them, it’s just fun to see you trying your best, with your little-to-none vocalbulary and blind hatred instead of a rationale. So, just stick to your instincts and let it flow, the American cunts are much better than the Mumbai ones (that you have no money for, sadly ??????)


If they were sent to live 1 week in Iran or China they would leave running within 1 day. They do not know what an authoritarian regime is yet . As a Greek, I could not spend even 1 hour there … I like to breathe free air.


I have lived under communists and I don’t see much difference in US today from communist regimes. One can be arrested without warrant and kept indefinitely without trail….cops can kill you by accident if in wrong place in the wrong time etc. etc….where the fuck is the difference in methods only maybe?! US have even kidnapped and tortured foreign citizens and killed their own under presumption of being “terrorists” : What fucking “democracy” are you talking about?!


The difference is ..that I could not live in America, Russia, China or Iran. I prefer another quality of life.


I am OK with your comment as long as US is mentioned. I would not live in either of those countries except Russia. Russia is the country with most promising future and Europe is turning in old pile of manure saturated with emigrants every day more


I am Greek … that is, I was born and raised in the Mediterranean area …. I can not live anywhere else.


I am OK with that and I can understand that.


I have traveled to many countries … but I always return to my place. The Greek way of life is completely different … and this is the place is magical. It has another aura … the light of the sun is different … the energy of this place fills the “battery” of my soul


OK enough! This is turning into the soap opera : )


What ;; did you not like about my opera? xa xa xa

Jens Holm

A country wherenothing can decline:)


Eat shit Anglo Saxon cunt !


He is not Anglo-Saxon


Why would he have Anglo Saxon name… moniker…because on “secret” mission?


Many times we choose a name, just to provoke a reaction. He is much smarter (one can understand from the way he answers) than the average Anglo-Saxon who can not control his nerves. He is familiar with military and defense matters, and has dominance over himself.


Loool anglosaxons can’t control their nerves. That’s why they lead the economy.

AG Korvin

Since I am not anglo-saxon (are there any left btw?) You are free to feed the shit into your sorry ass mouth. Which you do for a living, as it flows outside already off of your lil pink slips ???


He is not a bad boy … just impulsive. I know that you are not an Anglo-Saxon … nor a Zionist.

AG Korvin

Impulsive as in responding with ‘eat cunt’ instead of an argument. He’s not a bad girl … just have to pass her 18th birthday, I guess.


Not everyone can restrain themselves and their words … that takes practice. You and I can do it … but others can’t.

AG Korvin

I tend to agree. It takes practice and consequently takes time.


Exactly, and time management is a big deal, because time does not have the same metricity everywhere.


Usually different people and countries are tied to a common purpose … when something catastrophic approaches. Then the great leaders are born … to lead humanity.



Fuck your syphilitic saw of mother to get even more Hungarian retarded

children !

AG Korvin

You have quite an issue with children and pussies. We understand it, you never had any. ???


Yes HUNGARIAN PEDOPHILE PIG you are right ! We do not do the sex with children like you do !!! FUCK YOU FILTHY ANIMALS !!!

AG Korvin

We know that, you were a sufferer of all these.

AG Korvin

Ah, so you fuck animals. That corresponds with your personality. Keep up the low life, good on yer! ???

Jens Holm

If You put in pigs, I can do it too. I dont.

I can recommend this: https://www.avira.com/en/free-antivirus-windows


He is HUNGARIAN PEACE OF SHIT !!! And never talk about me as if I am not present if you don’t want me to take you for an enemy .


From which country are you from;;

Fog of War

He’s from the land of small penises. Which explains his out of control childish anger. The little boy feels inadequate.


From most terrible Hungarian destroyers ; )

which makes quite few countries. Actually everybody around Hungary has kicked Hungarian ass, that’s why he is so acid with posture of well poised person, while in the same time shits bricks with the smile and has ulcer bigger than his stupid head.

I am an Orthodox and pro Russian to the bone ! That is my only ID here.


You HUNGARIAN SON OF WHORE !!!! Your filthy Hungarians will eat all the shit just like you did eat Russian shit you filthy cowardly bastards ! The most defeated nation on the planet reduced to patch of land full of hatred and envy against majority of the nations! Only Polish sons of bitches like you and nobody else because they are US ass lickers just like you!!!

You can only KISS RUSSIAN ASS when you disinfect your filthy mouths and ask them very politely !!! EAT SHIT HUNGARIAN BASTARD !!!

AG Korvin

??? Anytime, Baby Girl


That’s all you have to say you pathetic motherfucker with this little childrens emoticons?! You mother is filthy cow who shit you in this world and your children are aborted retards just like you !


Fuck your mother syphilitic saw in her filthy mouth you fucking Hungarian faggot!! FUCK YOU HUNGARIAN PIG !!!!

AG Korvin

Vocalbulary is king ???

Jens Holm

Putting in cunt as important shows You level well.

Maybee he dont have Your family tradtiions. Cultures are not the same all over.

In USA they have Golden Gate.

Jens Holm

You must eat a lot thot to do that. Hopefully some of it is transmitted to fertilizer as wel.:)

Jens Holm

And once again. Most of them are fine people. They are good taxpayers and dont make children.

People only makes children because they have fun and so múch, they forget the next 18 years and 8 monts. .

Rhodium 10

Mafia was active during pro western Yeltsin…now criminals are jailed.

AG Korvin

True that. Excluding the United Russia mafia. But all other crews went down, even the Vori.


You are full of shit ! At least million Ukrainians have emigrated to Russia and not on the West ! Soon even the westerners will start emigrating to Russia…some already did ! The tide will soon go in different direction and many Russian emigrants will go back to Russia from ruined, riots ridden US !

Jens Holm

East for him an me mainly is the middle east – and mainly muslims. That partly only half of it. Múslims also try to arrive from Sudan, Eritrea, Niger, Nigeria and Mali.

Some might say it was a mistake helping them with food and healtcare, becaue they only has used it for bing sevral times more and they only has created few jobs. The main jobmaker seemes to be us too.

A good one is reducing the pirats in Somalia. They are almost not there. Instead a Danish NGO has learned them fishing as well as giving them ice for cooling and transporation.

The succesrate for Russia and parts of Eatern Europe is low even someprigress is made.

And people do migrate from Eastern Europe even it might not be forever. We have jobs for them as well as we inovate jobs for others in the new countries which we by EU support.

Well it might be fine for the Tatars. The Majority of them are still forbiddden to go home. Compared to that Palestine might be some vacation as well as the Tjetjeniens.



Quality of life in the west is going down fast, good life on borrowed money can be held for so long. Soon it will crash big time, why do you think they prepare for and introducing covid lockdown, to blame bad economy on it.

AG Korvin

Well, perhaps.


Not for super rich Hungarian FAGGOTS like you ! They are so fucking rich sucking of US tourists that they have no clue what crisis is everybody talking about ! Dollars and US pedo sperm is in running abundance among Hungarian children also!

AG Korvin

Yea, you are quite knowledgeable of all these pedo stuff, we all are very sorry for you. ???


The most defeated COWARDLY country that exist on the planet is Hungary!! The biggest COWARDS and FAGGOTS in Europe ! Women are all whores and every child is bastard! You filthy perverted pigs!

AG Korvin

Much obliged, I’m not fixated to history. For I don’t have to, I have a life ???

Also, it was fun to see your vent, keep up the toughness and hit that keyboard hard. Veeeery manly. I am already defeated by it.


“manly”?! I would kick your ass so hard that you would even forget your own name you peace of shit !! Go fuck your mother in the ass the way you do all the time to procreate new Hungarian pigs like yourself in Hungary !

AG Korvin

I doubt that. Send me a picture in your bikini and then I will believe you. XoXoXo bitch

Jens Holm

This might be him. He seemes to be a kind of book keeper. I used profiling on him. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/39fa4dd5b50f2b9fab873c4f960726d3bd0a29a2adbefed8c2a2fb46e927744d.jpg

James Adams

Quality of life is only declining in western countries were leftists are elected.


Quality of life lol. you clueless retards know shit about Russia, China, Iran and whatnot, I doubt you can even find them on the map. I rather live in Cuba than in fucking Murica: free healthcare, free education, social security. The Americans are dying en masse because they can’t afford medical care , over half of Americans delay or don’t get health care because they can’t afford it, that’s why they die from coronovirus in such numbers. Debt, mortgage, if lose your job you’ll end up homeless soon. and be careful not to be killed by the police or some other armed degenerate while paying tremendous taxes for military-industrial complex. More prisoners per capita than any other country in the world (25% of all prisoners in the world are in american jails!). Because dUmocracy and freedom! Mickey Mouse bullshit, not even Americans believe that reaganist crap any more, only you east-europeans morons and slaves think you all be living like Bezos or Bill Gates. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b6a1ee8761cf49aafa7fb7dd1e78c8dfeda5e41b038a2da364d2f373c1f0d7f6.jpg

AG Korvin

Ah, then how come that millions of Russians, Chinese Persians (and whatnot as you have said) live in the terrible US of A?

Must be that you are much, much more in the know than they are.

USA is bad. Ok, got it, repeating this is your only forte.


America was created to lure poor fools from all over the world who watched too many Hollywood movies and think they’ll be millionaires. “Huddles masses” of rejects, losers, adventurers, criminals… sheeple to pay taxes for their masters. They cannot exploit indigenous people (almost entirely destroyed), so they import slaves from all over the world to work for them. Like chinese coolies for example: tricked into fake stories and false promises, then brutally exploited. American dream… more like a nightmare.

AG Korvin

Pretty much so.


Hungary is “great” of course that’s why EVERYBODY KICKED YOUR ASS !!!

AG Korvin

Hiand = andrea, your style and grandeur made my day. I cannot recall a day when I laughed this much. I made bets whether your incel or your pedo side will be manifested in each of your replies, but the highest bet was that you will not be able to argue. And for this, with what I call a day, I’ve made almost enough change for a bottle of soda. Not bad, thank you for being such a predictable basic teenie whinie. Cheers for now.


Awwww. Someone feels betrayed…


I wonder who


Exaggerated expectation are bound to result in disappointment and frustration. So my answer is: the ones who were dreaming too deep

Jens Holm

This is not pro west. They just want open connection to us and the rest of the world. That has been normal along the sea there for 1000s of Years and with many nationalities living among each other.

It even was like that until Tiro died.


Who is “Tiro”? Roman general or something?? You mean “Tito”? Not just your english sucks but you somehow manage to misspell almost every word in almost every language ?

Jens Holm

I am sorry


Are they supposed to be pro-Russian instead? Reacting to the Maria Zakharova Twitter post with picture of the Serbian President A. Vucic in the White House, D. Shormaz, a member of the Serbian ruling party said: “As far as I’m concerned, this is the best thing that could have happened to us! The poor people in Moscow, the helpless dwarfs on the world political scene, the losers without allies, have openly shown that they are not interested in Serbs, but only in using us! Let their house be far from ours”

Vucic himself said: “That speaks most about Maria Zakharova, but also about the primitivism and vulgarity of those who have given her the current position of the speaker for the Russian ministry of foreign affairs” and “Russians are unable to appreciate that Serbia has not imposed any sanctions on them and that it is militarily neutral, but what can you do. I am not able to explain someone’s vulgarity and primitivism”. Not long ago the Metropolitan of Montenegro Amfilohije (of the Serbian Orthodox Church), an almost extreme Russophile, squarely accused Putin and his government of splitting Montenegro from Serbia in the fake, Russia-financed “referendum” in 2006: “If it weren’t for Russia, Djukanovic wouldn’t be the president, if it weren’t for (Russian) money, he wouldn’t have won the referendum in Montenegro”. Who would ever need an enemy if one has Russians for the friends? M. Zakharova, S. Lavrov and V. Putin apologized to Vucic. Vucic is a loser and a nobody! I AM NOT supporter of him, his party or his policies. However, all the quotes are spot on. Instead of being friendly and supportive to reciprocate for what we suffer for them, they think that, since we are so friendly, we don’t see them for what they really are so they just keep using and abusing us. Hopefully they now know exactly what we make of them. They, “the political dwarfs” are trying to compensate for their complexes of inferiority by bringing down those that they consider to be weaker even if those are the only true friends that they might have, but when they deal with those that they consider better than themselves, like UK, US, Germany etc., they behave without self-respect and honor. Their inherent lack of courage and principles their propaganda ties to pass as a necessary sacrifice that they have to make in order to supposedly save the world from a possible WW3 (are we all idiots). But we know better. From the beginning of 1990’s when the war in Yugoslavia started until today our phoney brothers supported the West’s anti-Serbian policies in the Balkans in all their forms and armed our enemies. They sold us.They will do it again.

The quotes above perfectly describe not only the Russian propensity for backstabbing the Serbs (and others too, mainly their former friends and allies like Cuba) for so many years in cooperation with the“partners” and in the interest of our enemies, but also it clearly shows how we feel about them. Russia is undoubtedly one of the most hated and the most friend-less countries in the world today. Next to Russia are the Serbs. Our only sin is that we as a nation are the sole sincere Russian friend and supporter around. We won’t be much longer; we are sick of them. We don’t even need their gratitude because their gratitude is like their friendship – it’s worthless and misleading. So, let’s remove our house from their house as far as possible. When it comes to Russia our train has already left the station.

https://srbin.info/politika/poruka-iz-sns-rusi-su-jadnici-pacenici-i-nemocni-kepeci-na-politickoj-sceni/ https://stanjestvari.com/2020/03/06/ruski-mediji-uplaseni-politickom-nekorektnoscu-vladike-amfilohija/?unapproved=85209&moderation-hash=1f7d8645162e38d35b35249d666a309c#comment-85209 https://www.euronews.com/2020/09/11/putin-apologises-to-serbian-leader-over-post-by-russian-ministry-spokeswoman

James Adams

No South Front, stop lying

“For the Future of Montenegro” is not entirely pro Western. Its their coalition allies that are pro-western. It was a deal between them to get to power to oust the corrupt DPS.

Their leader Zdravko Krivokapić is scared that he would be replaced like what recently happend in Kosovo where a known war criminal was put into power with loose US approval.

The new government aim is to get rid of the corrupt elite during the next 4 years and when new elections come around ZBCG will aim for 40% of the vote. Along with the closeted Serbs then they’ll push for a new flag, anthem and renouncing Kosovan independence recognition.

It will hopefully all culminate in the decade to come with a referendum on unifying with Serbia. However Vucic the Serbian dictator must go like Milo before it is possible.

South Front democracy is the way forward, if you actually followed members of ZBCG you would know that they are very Pro-Serbian.


Unfortunately, they will be outmaneuvered. The west is already preparing Abazovic or whatever his name is (he is an albanian and muslim) to be the new Milo. Eventually he’ll make a coalition with ‘reformed’ remains of DPS, plus national minorities. Not immediately, but in year or two. The west will never allow pro-serbian or/and pro-russian party to take control. In Montenegro, or in Serbia.

Jens Holm

Thats filthy lies of the worst kind. When people do a bad job here, we do elect someone, which hopefully is better.

You version of excuse is for the hospital. None need more tribe thinking and fx killing Montenegrinians again because someone says so. Its about running the country better for all.

Its not about pro, its about reamaing old collapsed systems, whichcollpased so many years ago and before Joseph died.

And some toothbrush, soao and parfume dont do it.

But You are right “the west sing too”. We dont want that kind of crap anymore and fight our own as wel as for countries we connect with. And we do prefare affiliates and members as a minimum are able to clean their own house.


What Joseph, what excuse, what toothbrush wtf are you babbling you drooling imbecile? You don’t know shit about Montenegro, or anything else, your incomprehensive garbage are not filthy lies, they are filthy cow’s manure – a mixture of cheap nato propaganda and totally worthless moronic gibberish. Not just toothbrush, a TOILET BRUSH and a bar of soap are needed for that filthy mouth of yours full of feces. you are not even for hospital, or veterinary, your monkey brain already died long time ago. so go die someplace else instead of polluting this site with your idiocy.

Jens Holm

I anytime knows more about it then You.

And for sure You dont accept people in their own country decide themself and try to get rid of bad old days as well.

You ar excused if You are bporn yesterday, a senile or totally infected by Serbs aleays are the Leaders above all Southern Slaves inclusive taking Makedonia in 1912 having not a single serb.


You don’t even know to write two words properly you dumb fucking monkey infested with brain parasites…. First, Macedonia is in Greece. Greek name, greek province, greek history. Second, Skopje was serbian capital in XIV century, Serbs were of course a majority there until Turks committed genocide in 1690. and the north of so-called “macedonia”, cities like Kumanovo had an overwhelming serbian majority even in 1912.something that your turko-albanian boyfriend failed to tell you while he throat fucked you. No albanians ever lived there, but keep swallowing their crap (and everything else). Yet, Bulgarians in both world wars committed mass scale crimes against serbian population, and then Tito’s communists created some fake ‘macedonian’ nation. But then “Macedonia” has nothing to do with Montenegro whatsoever, you talk about ‘Makedonia” because you obviously are totally clueless about Montenegro. I’m not sure why I even trying to explain you anything, you dumb idiot without brain.

Jens Holm

Only half of that is babling nonsense. The rest is highly inaccurate.

And of course the serbs was killed and killed and killed – and of course didnt killed or was agressive to any in the whole region. Its so funny….

What You write here is new constructed nationalisme of the worst kind.

On the whole internet only serbs support their own creation. The rest of the world are – according to You – wrong and the versions can be compared and more or less are semilar.

And well actually there was Bakkan war 1 in 1912, there was Balkan war 2 in 1913 and actually WW1 was started in Sarajevo in 1914.




Everything you say is babbling nonsense and moronic gibberish, literally every stupid word you said in your entire moronic existence. What is “inaccurate” in my comment you braindead pile of shit? Of course there were two Balkan wars, is that suppose to prove that you know anything about Balkan? You don’t even know how to spell it you dumb danish shiteater and yankee asslicker.

Raptar Driver

Serbs just don’t get it yet, Western democracy is a 1 party system with different flavors.


Western democracy is a euphemism for unabashed oligarchy.


John McCain and a Russian Billionaire stomped around together on the latter’s yacht. McCain along with others overthrew Ukraine. Ukraine Ex-Communicated Patriarch of Ukraine rolled in when the protests were going on. Ukraine’s former President has businesses in Montenegro. Candy man. Exports mainly goes to Serbia and Eastern Europe. See what happens.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x