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MARCH 2025

Monument Of Soviet General Taken Down In Prague, Prompts Attack On Czech Embassy In Moscow

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Monument Of Soviet General Taken Down In Prague, Prompts Attack On Czech Embassy In Moscow

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On April 3rd, the bronze statue of General Ivan Konev, a marshall of the Soviet Union during World War II, was dismantled and taken down in Prague, Czech Republic.

This was a result of a vote by a local assembly.

Konev is regarded as a hero in Russia for retaking much of Eastern Europe from Nazi German forces during World War II. He led the Soviet troops that entered Prague after it had been liberated from the Nazis by resistance forces.

Erected in 1980, the statue honoured Konev for leading the Soviet forces credited with liberating Prague from the Nazis in 1945.

However, his later involvement in suppressing the Hungarian revolution in 1956, as well as suggestions he took part in planning the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact forces, meant it attracted both zealous gatherings and vandalism.

The Russian Embassy in Prague protested the removal of the monument on April 3 in a note sent to the Czech Foreign Ministry.

“The dismantlement of a monument to Marshal Ivan Konev will not be left without the Russian side’s appropriate response,” the Russian Embassy said.

Czech President Milos Zeman said local authorities “abused” a public-health lockdown aimed at slowing the spread of the coronavirus.

Prague’s local officials said a new monument will be erected at the site to honor the Prague uprising resistance fighters who liberated the city from the Nazis at the end of World War II, days before Konev’s Soviet troops arrived.

Konev’s statue would be moved to a planned history museum.

In its letter, the Russian embassy accused the Czech authorities of “seeking to worsen the entire complex of Russian-Czech relations”. This “vandalism” would “not remain without an appropriate response”, it said.

“What happened causes deep indignation. Of particular note is the cynicism of the massacre of the monument on the eve of the 75th anniversary of the Victory over Nazism. There is no doubt about the provocative actions of the fighter with the monument, the headman of Prague-6 O. Kolarzha. This is confirmed by his comment on social networks, in which he mocks the memory of the liberator, including Prague, Auschwitz and Terezin. At the same time, the Russian Embassy in the Czech Republic receives numerous appeals from caring Czech citizens condemning the act of “municipal vandalism”.

We express our strong protest against the vandal actions of the untied municipal leaders. We regard the incident as an unfriendly step that directly contradicts the 1993 Agreement on Friendly Relations and Cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Czech Republic. This is, in particular, a violation by the Czech side of obligations arising from the provisions of Articles 18 and 21 of this agreement, according to which the Czech Republic must ensure the protection of historical and cultural monuments on its territory, as well as the preservation of Russian military monuments and their care.”

Ondrej Kolar, the mayor of Prague 6 questioned what response could follow.

“I’m not sure what they mean by an ‘appropriate response,’ but I don’t think that it should include attacking our embassy.”

In September 2019, Kolar and the municipal council voted to move the sculpture. The mayor said Marshall Konev should be on view again in a new Museum of Memory of the 20th Century being established by the city by January 2021.

The decision triggered violent protest from local activists in 2019.

There was also a condemnation from Moscow, which in recent years often accuses other states of seeking to “rewrite history” and with good reason.

“World War II and the defeat of fascism is a sacred cow for the Russian authorities,” said Jiri Pehe, a political analyst who was an adviser to the first Czech president, Vaclav Havel, and is now director of the New York University in Prague.

“They know very well that the removal of the statue is a local issue, not an attempt to reinterpret history or an outbreak of fascism, but it plays well for the purposes of their propaganda.”

On April 6th, the embassy of the Czech Republic in Moscow sent an official note to Russian diplomacy today in protest against an “extremist attack” on the embassy over the removal of Soviet Marshal Ivan Konev’s statue from a Prague square.

A masked group put a Stop Fascism sign on the embassy’s fence and threw several smoke bombs over the fence on April 5th. No one was arrested during the incident.

“The Czech Republic is protesting against the attack on its diplomatic mission’s compound that the host country is obliged to protect,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zuzana Stichova said.

“We expect the Russian authorities to take steps to prevent similar incidents from repeating,” she added.

The non-registered far-right and nationalistic party The Other Russia claimed responsibility for the sign. “Our tanks will be in Prague,” the party writes on its website.

The Other Russia calls on the Russian Foreign Ministry to take diplomatic and, if necessary, other steps that will show the European colleagues that Russophobia (anti-Russian sentiment) will not stay unpunished.


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Zionism = EVIL

The Czech have always been ungrateful Jew infested cunts. Prague is the biggest whorehouse in the world where you can buy any Czech for a few Euros. Russians sacrificed their lives to free these whores from their Nazi pals.


You do have a way with words!! Enjoy your Easter.

Zionism = EVIL

Thanks, you too. Stay safe and well.


Hello, rate my nude photos (russian 18 y.o.) please absolutely free – http://tiny.cc/b0nsmz


Oh piss off you Israeli troll……………..


Love to but I have a harem to to look after.

Martin Petrovski

Why do you hate jews so mutch?

Zionism = EVIL

I lived next to the evil motherfuckers in Brooklyn and they were the worst of any people I have ever come across, greedy, arrogant and devious swine. Then I saw what they were doing to the Palestinians and now understand why Russians and the world had pograms just to get rid of the evil bastards. Why do you think even Shakespeare warned against Shylock and the gentile child’s pound of flesh? Experience is the best judge of a people.

El Mashi

Take your meds.

Zionism = EVIL

Jew meds ;) BTW, new hasbara log in after being humiliated in the past dozen ROFLMAO.


There are jews and then there are nazi/khazar/kweer/liar/jewhadi/ pharisees! As long as don’t mix both there is more answers aka yes zio/nazis run palestine + hamas.Your experience is not surprising.fact but the fewer jews are not as evil as that!

Zionism = EVIL

The ones in the US are the worst, they are arrogant pricks who think they own the Americunts. Just look at AIPAC and Kushner.

Martin Petrovski

Bruh……Russia from what i can read online has one of the largest jewish comunitys in the world…and growing again you littearly judge ppl for their religion…that is pointless…

Zionism = EVIL

Fake Jews and criminals and have backstabbed Russians for centuries. Most are now in Occupied Palestine anyway, scamming the world.

Martin Petrovski

what exactly did they do to backstab Russia? Also no while their is a large imout of Russians in Israel form online sources i can see that still over half are still in Russia.


The Bolshevik Revolution would be a good start for your future reading list.

Martin Petrovski

…….communists are atheists how the fuck are they jews?


Do some fucking research.

Martin Petrovski

i have and again what relevance do jews have with an atheistic political sect?


Everything is black in white in your world. Stop reading Haaretz

Martin Petrovski

no evrything is logical in the real world in your world communists whom are atheists are jews…i cant even start on how retarded that sounds.


The Soviet chapter of history is not closed yet.


And it never will until Russia acknowledges it. Just like East Asian countries will continue to distrust Japan until it owns up to what it has done.


cccp did not invade to ruin nations,unlike your soros lgbtq protesters n false flags n sht Japan kuntz were ousted by china in ww2,too bad like yourself kweer and non realist lgbtq tawain prefer neo-nazism,updeass,pro soros fake freedom concepts=assfloggeds Eith way you dascist trolls of a packa nocandos are finished,useless economys(period)

Martin Petrovski

its still a fact that the USSR killed alot of ppl and is guilty of it like it or not.


English motherfuckah! Do you speak it?

I guess not.

Zionism = EVIL

Socialism will be back with a much more humane face. What you think the Euro trash and even Americunt morons are doing with TRILLION dollar bailouts and benefits? Capitalism is a Jew crime against humanity and unsustainable in a finite resources world. How can health care be privately owned? look at the Americunts dying in the streets like rabid pigs and the Socialist nations like China, Russia, Cuba and Vietnam had to help the thankless bastards. How is helping Italy and Spain? only Cuba, China and Russia, while the greedy Americunts steal even face masks from airports.

Alberto Garza

socialism failed before and will fail again because it is a fantasy it an utopia i used to like socialism until i traveled to cuba and i clearly saw what the meaning of “slave of the state ” really mean ..its 1984 .

David Herzog

Go to Colombia or Mexico or Guatemala or Italia and you understand what a real hell Cuba avoided to be .

Rhodium 10

Its not about Soviets..its about to spread hate vs Russia like Baltic countries,Poland,Ukraine use to do.. as all of them are just prostitutes of the US/ Brit masonry.

Zionism = EVIL

Factual comment. These arselickers are used to fan Russophobia just as they did during the USSR, perhaps more now as they think they can grab Russia’s immense wealth.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the Red Army did not come as liberators to the nations of Eastern Europe. As long as Russia continues to ignore this and actively tries to pretend that it did all those nations will continue to distrust Russia. Just like South Korea and Taiwan continue to distrust Japan. This is not belittling the immense sacrifices of Russia and the other former Soviet republics, for it was they who defeated the Wehrmacht in battle and bore the brunt of the war. But where the Red Army came the NKVD followed and one brutal dictator replaced another. And its so easy for Russia to disarm this trust, as they have the perfect scapegoat in Stalin. Russia was his first victim after all and he got a LOT of Russians and other Soviet peoples needlessly killed in brutal stupid useless attacks and blunders. Man with mustache from Georgia bad, we feel your pain, we hope you can feel ours too, lets be friends forever!

Something like that.

El Mashi

Seems like the Czechs like the grandchildren of Hitler than that of Stalin.

Zionism = EVIL

Czechs collaborated with Nazis, read the bastards history. Russians liberated them.


That which gets presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. And the Nazi’s weren’t catholic, if anything they got the least votes in the catholic parts of Germany. Source: Historical Atlas of the Third Reich. Did you also know that like the Poles the Czechs liberated their own capital? But that unlike the Poles the Wehrmacht was unable to smash the Czech capital while the Red Army watched from a distance? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prague_uprising I dare speculate that if the Czechs hadn’t done that and waited for Koniev to arrive they wouldn’t have had at least a couple of years of relative freedom until the Communist coup on 1948 but suffered the same fate as Poland from the start.

El Mashi

Nazism was a secular Catholic movement from Bavaria. The Third Reich was the sequal to the Holy Roman Empire and the Thirty Years War 1618 to 1648. The alliances were almost identical. The early top officials were all Catholic. The Prussian Aristocrats hated the Nazis. They were viewed a boorish Catholic Papists.


Nazism was a racist socialist movement, one that may have started in Bavaria, but which never got much traction there and which in the 1920’s shifted to protestant Northern Germany as they discovered that they enjoyed the best electoral support in the rural parts there. Not only was Bavaria one of the last German lander where the Christian Democrats enjoyed majority electoral support, not the NSDAP, in neighboring Baden Wurtenberg we again see that the NSDAP did better in the protestant areas as compared to the catholic areas.

The NSDAP may have started in Bavaria, it was never its heartland. There is nothing catholic about the NSDAP, which was a socialist movement through and through. And catholics don’t like socialists. The moniker Third Reich was chosen because Hitler knew his history and symbolism, calling the Holy Roman Empire the First Reich, and Imperial Germany the Second Reich, placing his Germany as a logical and organic successor. Of course Imperial Germany wasn’t catholic at all. In fact Bismarck hated catholicism and even launched a kulturkampf with it. And yes, the Prussian aristocrats didn’t like the Nazis. But they hated the communists even more, dispised the Versailles treaty and were perfectly willing to work with Hitler if it meant finishing off both. Many of Germany’s best generals were Prussian aristocrats and they fought unwaveringly for Hitler.

The majority of Nazis and its most staunch supporters were not catholics but northern middle class, mostly protestant. And if you look at resistance against the Nazi’s German catholics are over represented. The German catholic church resisted Nazi rule (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Resistance#Catholic_resistance), the White Rose student resistance group originated from Bavaria (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Rose) and of course the man who almost killed Hitler, Von Stauffenberg was also a catholic.

But hey, continue to brush all with the sins of a few.

El Mashi

The Prussian Protestant aristocrats were riddled with corruption. Hindenburg’s son received massive agricultural subsidies for the war effort (WWI), and took that money and spent is in the French Riviera drinking champagne and carousing with women. Hitler found out about this and blackmailed Hindenburg. The three fascist states were Germany, Italy, and Spain and Portugal. No protestant states here. Moreover, Nazi vassals were Lithuania, Croatia, the Catholic part of the Ukraine, Hungary, Belgium (sent many volunteers to fight in the Eastern Front, all Catholics. After the end of the war, many Nazis and collaborators went to Catholic South America escaping judgement.

Zionism = EVIL

Get real kiddo, Taiwan and South Korea are not countries but occupied by Americunts. I suggest buy a history book to start with.


I will if you will too? Although I suspect that history books written by historians with actual degrees and with proper sources and annotation are probably new to you.


Are you kweer,dumb or both,soros troll,either way cccp paved the way to freedom like it or not assflogged n ye fake mates! You kind of millenial uneducated trolls understand no pain,you lie have no emphathy nor care about anything other than your european fascist tyranny,well it will fail gomp,nothing you can do about as for stats according to recently released top secter documents based on factuall evidence cccp lost over a million less than your incest nazios!

Zionism = EVIL

This troll also has no understanding of Asian history and the damage the Froggies and Americunts did to Indo-China and thinks that Taiwan is an independent country rather than a little Island of Formosa created by the Americunts to undermine China, but backfired bigtime. The silly uneducated fool also thinks that South Korea is a country ROFLMAO, where is FACT is that it is occupied since 1950 by thousands of lice ridden Americunt child killers. South Korea would last a day without Americunt occupation forces.

Martin Petrovski

Are you saying mainland China is better then Taiwan? Also what exactly did the US do to Asians? Also is north korea better then south?

Zionism = EVIL

Americunts killed 10 million Vietnamese, Koreans, Cambodians, Laotians and Chinese to being with, which planet are you from? ever heard of Vietnam and Korean wars?

Martin Petrovski

Sooooo what you are saying is that war kill ppl? wow no shit. i am talking about how has that effected them badly? The fact of the matter is Taiwan and south korea are rich nations with a very good GDP per capita and life standard the DPRK, Vietnam,Laos…alll communist shitholes with a GDP per capita of less then 3000$ and rampit corruption…are you going to ignore the fact that the civilian casualtys in both wars are a collectiv of both sides not just the US right? Why are you shit talking the US while ignoreing the same things done by the USSR (modern Russia is the succsesor of the USSR) China and other western nations you praise the same things Russia and China do while condem them when the US dose them you speak against them.

Alberto Garza

paved the way for freedom ?? it had to build a wall in east germany to keep germans from escaping what kind of freedom is that ?

Peter Jennings

This is Czechoslovakia, it’s not Russia, so let the Czechs decide for themselves whether to keep the soviet leftovers. The Russia admin should not be too bothered as they all know that the soviet system was bound to fail sooner or later. IMHO, the Russian admin should not get involved as it will hamper future relations with the country. Repeating the mistakes of past and present USadmins isn’t likely to win them any friends.


To build a decent nation required communism that’s a fact,but if such nation falls back to covert nwo/tyranny,like we seen this century,it will self implode,hence china is still trying to work towards it’s own democracy,are atleast aware of the failures of the wests/nwo this century

The more advaced democracy,do not need the interventions of the nwo/soros/neo-liberal tyranny,whilst the czechs may prosper in factual democracy,just like they were allowed to rebuild during communism rule,good on them,also suits modern russias fine,but they must embrace freedom,not give it up for soros/eu-epp/failed experimental tyranny,whom are far worse than any real communist state serve the peoples democracy are,believe it or not?


………… Czechoslovakia ? Its been the Czech Republic for many years now………. Slovakia is a sovereign nation also……………. jus’ sayin’.

Peter Jennings

Thanks for that. It got stuck in my head after reading the article. Apologies to any Czechs out there.

Lone Ranger

Unthankful bastards. Without Russia there wouldnt be a single Czech or Pole alive today. Im Hungarian myself, we had our issues with Russia. Like with many other countries. Im thankful to Russia. Thank you guys. God Bless Russia and the Free World. King of the North. Protector of Mankind. Amen.


We as humans may not even existed infact! Nazis are incest,guarranteed to fail any nation,state or town,unlike the sovereign union. The cia trolls will cry in rage,hey I’m getting pretty good at this!

Lone Ranger


Lone Ranger

I guess a new statue of Bandera or McCocaine will replace it…

Zionism = EVIL

Nutter Yahoo :)


Elemetary,but when you think about it,i mean consider whom pays irans deep state,then consider who pays hamas and palestine human shields,then consider the demonisation of ther very few jews,if that other nazi muppet was leading,ww3 for sure! The way I see it,nowadays you gotta vy for the lesser of both evils? Just saying;


Explain what you mean or are trying to say ;- “i mean consider whom pays irans deep state,then consider who pays hamas and palestine human shields,”.


As long as the freedom fighters fought against nazis,thats not a bad thing,compared to fascists


I am afraid Russia is under estemating the facts that more and more people in the former Eastern Block is realising their history is been distorted, and I dont take any side, but warns the present Russian Gov and people to place them in the EB people shoos, and this is for some justifyable because of the history of the Sovjet occupation, you may like it or not, that is de facto totaly irrelevant, but take note and meet them half way in this nations anger instead of drooling this down with just more inacturate interpitations of what have been this nations resent history.

And even I can say the same, they kicked my people

-( an genuine Lapp/Sami, the only people/tribe the Vikings? feared, and we are not like the fake “indiginous” North Sami, aka the so called Raindeer people, witch is an flat out lie, when the lagest uh….. owner is an Samojed, etc, the list of lies and historical forgerys are an mile long, equally to the democraphic lie like the fake Jews and the NS have stolen our history and also the other smal Sami tribes not just mine since I am a Skolt/Suenjel/Petsamo and my grandmother was born in Boris Glebb while the rest further inland aka Suenjel and I am even geneticaly closer to the Basque/Berbers than the so called Norwegians, we are genuine Europeans since the dawn of man)-

only those that had land, forced relocation and replaced with Russians, etc, like my family, and threw them out after been there for eons, and yet when I write this some of the readers will attack me for just implying that Sovjet did horrible things and the contant denile will backfire and it is backfiring and the denile is an path nobody deserves, Russia, dont make this to be about the present, but the western backed scums will never the less do that, and the responce confirms the agenda of rewriting history wile you ingore the nations whom is doing this their rightfull anger.


Hurmf, Russia, I in this I will NOT help you, because Russia is cencuring their history, like a lot of other nations to hide the forgerys of the past instead of going into it with an open mind, and in this you have no sympathy, what so ever. And on top of it, the lies are much larger than just about the Sovjet regime, its more or less, all encompasing, incl the last 1000 years.


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